2018 年,可以说的上是虚拟货币、区块链技术以及虚拟货币交易平台繁荣发展的一年。尽管才过去四个多月,虚拟货币的热潮依然未减。可以看见的是,虚拟货币正在以十分迅猛的速度改变全球的金融格局,并不断得到越来越多的国家和投资人的重视与追捧。不难预料,不久的将来,曾经的实体经济将会被数字经济所取代,同时随着数字技术产业、金融服务产业以及却快乐技术的飞速发展,更是不断激发着广大群众对虚拟货币交易投资的巨大热情。
As you can see, virtual currencies are changing the global financial landscape at a very rapid pace, and are receiving increasing attention and recognition from countries and investors. It is not hard to predict that, in the near future, the former real economy will be replaced by the digital economy, and that, with the rapid development of the digital technology industry, the financial services industry, and the happy technology, there will be a growing enthusiasm for investment in virtual currency transactions.
Because virtual currencies are different from traditional currencies, their transactions also require an independent platform, where many trading platforms are now available, such as the OKCoin Bank, the Currency Network, the Polygon Network, and so on, and where they are diverse and of varying quality. Emerging trading platforms in many of these trading platforms have attracted attention. People’s currency trading platforms, born in early 2018, are a Singapore-based trading platform dedicated to building international first-class digital asset trading platforms, where only carefully vetted virtual money can be traded online.
在人气币交易所这个平台上就不会产生关闭注册来保证系统安全性的问题。毕竟,人气币交易所花重金买进了高防系统,不管是在防范黑客和网络漏洞方面,还是系统的稳定性方面,都较一般的虚拟货币交易平台有了很大的进步。据了解,在虚拟货币交易平台出现的短短几年之间,已经出现了很多起大额的黑客侵袭事件,比如:2014年3月,曾经轰动一时的,美国虚拟货币交易所Poloniex被盗,损失12.3%的比特币;今年年初一月份,日本最大的比特币交易所之一Coincheck遭黑客攻击,5.3亿美金被盗。但这些都不能阻止,数字经济时代成为一种趋势。 趋势,就像一匹马,如果在马后面追,你永远都追不上,你只有骑在马上面,才能和马一样的快,才能马上成功!数字经济时代即将到来,虚拟货币数字资产毋庸置疑是当今时代的新宠,越来越多有价值的虚拟货币已经上线人气币交易平台,如果有虚拟货币交易需求,人气币交易所是不错的选择。
In the short years since the virtual money exchange became a platform, there have been many significant hacking attacks, such as: in March 2014, when the US virtual currency exchange Poloniex was stolen at a cost of 12.3% of bitcoins; in January of this year, Coincheck, one of Japan’s largest bitcoin exchange, was hit by hackers and $530 million was stolen. None of this has stopped the digital economy from becoming a trend.
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