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The ETH interface refers to the interface & #xff0c; it is the most widely used local area network (LAN) mode of communication & #xff0c; and it is also an agreement. The ETH interface is the port of the network data connection. Each version of the THN has a maximum length limit on cable (i.e., a length that does not need to be magnified) & #xff0c; the signal in this range can normally be transmitted xff0c; the signal beyond this range will not be transmitted.
eth 代表ethernet 以太网的意思eth0,eth1,eth2,代表网卡一,网卡二,网卡三。
Eth represents Ethernet for eth0xff0c; eth1xff0c; eth2xff0c; #xff0c for netcard I; #xff0c; #2ff0c; net card III.
ifconfig配置网卡配置网卡的IP地址ifconfig eth0 netmask在eth0上配置上192.168.0.1 的IP地址及24位掩码。
Ifconfig config config net card config ifconfig eth0192.168.0.1 netmask is configured on eth0 with an IP address of and a 24-bit mask.
要在eth0上在配置一个192.168.1.1/24 的IP地址,用下面的命令ifconfig eth0:0 netmask这时再用ifconifg命令查看,就可以看到两个网卡的信息了,
Configure an IP address for on eth0 & #xff0c; use the following commands ifconfig eth0 & #xff1a; 0092.168.1.1 netmask 255.255.255/0; then use the fconifg command to view xff0c; see the information on the two webcards xff0c;
Extended informationxff1a;
Several common Ethernet interface types xff1a;
1. The SC fibre-optic interface SC fibre-optic interface was used xff0c in the 100Base-TX Ethernet era; thus it was known at that time as 100Base-FX (F is the acronym of the fibre-optic word fiber) xff0c; however, the performance was not more prominent than the two-string line but was more expensive xff0c; thus it was not widely available xff0c; the Giganet xff0c is now strongly promoted in industry; and the SC fibre interface received renewed attention.
The RJ-45 interface is the most common network device interface we have now xff0c; commonly known as Crystalhead xff0c; the professional term RJ-45 connector xff0c; is the type of double-string & #xff0c interface. RJ-45 plugs can only insert xff0c in a fixed direction; there is a plastic chip stuck with RJ-45 slots to prevent escape.
3 The FDDI interface FDDDI is one of the highest transmission rates in the currently mature LAN technology xff0c; has the characteristics of a time-fixing protocol xff0c; supports a variety of capping structures xff0c; the transmission medium is fibre optic. The fibre-optic distributed data interface (FDDI) is a set of protocols developed by the United States National Organization for Standardization (ANSI) to send digital signals on fibre cables.
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