According to the Network, in its response to Proposal No. 02969 of the 14th meeting of the National Political Consultative Assembly, the Ministry of Information and Communications indicated that, as a next step, it would intensify its interaction with the relevant departments and promote technical innovation and industry development of 一是完善顶层设计。加强Web3.0调查研究,制定符合我国国情的Web3.0发展战略文件,明晰Web3.0发展路径、技术重点、应用模式,处理好继承与创新、发展与安全、政府与市场、供给与需求的关系。聚焦政务、工业等重点领域,鼓励开展NFT、分布式应用(DApp)等新商业模式,加速Web3.0的创新应用和数字化生态构建。 The first is to improve top-level design. Strengthening research and research on Web3.0, developing development strategy documents that are appropriate to our national context 二是加强技术研究和监管。支持企业、高校、研究机构开展Web3.0技术体系研究,在跨链、隐私计算、智能合约等方面实现关键核心技术突破。部署区块链安全监管与治理技术研究,开展联盟链技术收敛和跨链互认研究,探索兼顾公有链开放特性和联盟链易监管特性的区块链技术体系架构。加大数据安全产品研发支持力度,加强网络产品安全漏洞管理,提升Web3.0发展中的网络和数据安全保护能力。 The second is the strengthening of technical research and regulation. Supports enterprises, universities, research institutions in conducting research on Web3.0 technology systems and achieving key core technological breakthroughs across chains, privacy calculations, smart contracts, etc. Deployment of 三是开展国际交流合作。紧密跟踪国际政产学研各界关于Web3.0的前沿动态。鼓励科研院所、高校、企业等参与Web3.0相关全球标准化活动,推动参与和主导Web3.0相关国际标准、事实标准、国际联盟标准制定,提升国际话语权和规则制定权。加快复合型人才培养,培育富有创新能力的高端人才,建设高水平人才队伍。 Third is international exchange and cooperation. Follow closely the cutting-edge developments in international political science research on Web3.0. Encourage research institutes, universities, businesses, etc. to participate in the relevant Web3.0 global standardization activities, promote participation in and ownership of Web3.0-related international standards, factual standards, international coalition standard-setting, and raise international voice and rule-making power. 四是加大技术宣传和推广。建好用好已有科普平台资源,通过科普中国等官方新媒体平台的传播,持续提高公众对Web3.0技术的理解和认识。推动开展分布式数字身份(DID)等应用试点,探索机构和个人Web3.0数字身份认证和数字资产管理体系,建立数据治理和交易流通机制,形成可复制可推广的典型示范项目。推动Web3.0学术进步和技术成果应用,搭建技术和产业应用交流平台,促进Web3.0产业创新发展。 Building on the existing resources of the Science and Technology Platform, increasing public understanding and awareness of Web 3.0 technologies through the dissemination of official new media platforms, such as Coptic China. Promoting pilot applications such as Distributed Digital Identity (DIS), exploring digital identity certification and digital asset management systems for institutions and individuals, establishing mechanisms for data governance and the circulation of transactions, and developing model replicable replicable demonstration projects. Promoting the application of Web3.0 academic advances and technological results, building technology and industrial applications exchange platforms, and promoting innovation in the Web3.0 industry. 对全国政协十四届一次会议第02969号提案的答复 吴杰庄委员: Commissioner Oh Jiejun: 您提出的《关于推进Web3产业发展的提案》收悉,经商科技部、中国科学院、中国科协,现答复如下: In response to your proposal for the advancement of the Web3 industry, which was received from the Ministry of Commerce and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Science and Technology Association, the following replies are received: 我部高度重视Web3.0产业发展。您提出的加强Web3.0技术研究发展的资源支持、加强技术监管和管理、鼓励国际合作、加强宣传和推广等建议,具有前瞻性和战略性,与我部重点工作高度契合。 Your proposal to strengthen the resources for Web3.0 technological research and development, to strengthen technical supervision and management, to encourage international cooperation, and to strengthen public awareness and dissemination are forward-looking and strategic. 一、已开展工作情况 I. WORK RECEIVED 目前,我国发展Web3.0拥有良好产业基础和广阔发展空间,尤其是政策环境、技术储备和丰富应用场景为我国独特优势。 At present, the development of Web3.0 in our country has a good industrial base and a wide scope for development, in particular a policy environment, a technological reserve and a rich application landscape are unique advantages for our country. (一)政策环境不断优化 (i) Continuous optimization of the policy environment 我部联合中央网信办印发《关于加快区块链技术应用和产业发展的指导意见》《区块链信息服务管理规定》等一系列政策文件。会同国家标准化委员会成立全国区块链和分布式记账技术标准化技术委员会(TC590),为基于区块链技术的Web3.0提供良好发展环境。推动各地方发布《关于推动北京互联网3.0产业创新发展的工作方案(2023—2025年)》《上海市培育“元宇宙”新赛道行动方案(2022—2025年)》等专项政策,抢抓Web3.0发展新机遇。 My Ministry's Joint Central Networking Office issues Guidance on Accelerating Technological Applications and Industrial Development in (二)技术探索持续深化 (ii) Continued deepening of technology exploration 相关研究机构积极跟踪国际布局及发展情况,开展Web3.0、元宇宙、非同质化通证(NFT)等相关新兴概念研究,探索去中心化身份管理、虚拟数字人等技术实现路径和应用落地场景,研判预期风险和应对举措。形成一批以长安链、蚂蚁链、华为云区块链、百度超级链、趣链等为代表的自主可控联盟链底层平台。例如:长安链通过开源开放方式,推动技术迭代升级,汇聚超5万名开发者,累计发布15个版本,发展120余家行业生态合作伙伴。 Research institutions are actively following the international layout and developments by conducting research on emerging concepts such as Web3.0, the meta-cosm, the non-homogenization (NFT) and exploring decentralised identity management, , (三)应用培育加快推进 (iii) Application culture accelerates progress 我国Web3.0应用场景覆盖工业、医疗、教育、旅游等领域,互联网企业依托自身技术和产业优势,推出大量数字藏品、元宇宙空间等相关产品,努力在数字化进程中抢占先机。中央网信办会同中央宣传部、最高人民法院等部门组织开展国家区块链创新应用试点行动,在能源、法治、版权、贸易金融等16个特色领域形成可复制、可推广的典型案例和经验做法。此外,我部支持成立北京国际大数据交易所、上海数据交易所等多家数据交易机构,为探索Web3.0数据要素规则的改变提供了“试验场”。
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