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the founder of OKCoin and CEO Xu Star received a financial interview recently.



{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} Whether it's bitcoin or bitcoin, it doesn't get rich overnight. Some of the “currencys” made in the form of distributions are illegal, and they may be rich and have no business, but it's illegal.


♪ Block chains are capable of making global payment treasures, and we're trying to build a “global payment treasure”, but only small ones. We're more like a combination of payment treasures and drops.


♪ Block chains need to be applied in the area of private finance and non-governmental credit to build the credibility of P2P platforms and crowd-sourcing platforms, but it depends on industry's acceptance of block chain technologies.



The founder of OKCoin and CEO Xu, one of the first people in the country to come into contact with Bitcoin and block chain technology, had created the Bitcoin trading platform earlier, using block chain technology to create a global small payment system, but had a cool view of the current red and purple block chain technology, considering that block chain technology was an application of computer technology, and that the idea of traditional cloud computing was one-sided when the block chain came out. He said that the core of the block chain was to build credit, that it was to be applied where there were credit problems, and that credit was not to be applied.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin or like bitcoin won't get rich overnight.



"Strong" Xu Star: /strang" Bitcoin is about making a "digital gold", a dream that has been accepted by many. And then there are a lot of bitcoin, we're called altcoin, and there are hundreds of them all over the world. There is nothing wrong with bitcoins, and each has a different effect. You say that currency returns are quick to see, whether they be bitcoin or bitcoin, and they don't get rich overnight.


Some of the “currencys” made in the form of distributions are illegal, the Ponzi scheme has a standard definition, and there are advocates for this thing to go up fast, and those behind it come in to subsidize the fronters, and they may be rich and unprofitable, but it is illegal to do this, and many of China's money dealers have already been caught.

OKCoin是数字资产交易平台,通过技术搭建平台让数字资产流通起来,我们不制造比特币,只作为平台提供服务,收取一定比例的服务费。在OKLink上,我们提供一种和美元1:1对应的代币“OK Dollars”,其实质跟一些商业系统内的代币是非常相似的,是为了便于流通和计算。

OKCoin is a digital asset trading platform that allows digital assets to move through a technology-based platform, and we do not manufacture bitcoin, serve as a platform and charge a certain percentage of the service fee. On OKLink, we provide a coin “OK Dollars” equivalent to 1:1, which is very similar in substance to those in some commercial systems, and is designed to facilitate circulation and calculation.

一条财经:你刚才说OK Dollars跟美元1:1对应,这算“商品”还是算“币”?监管层允许吗?

: Did you say that OK Dollars corresponds to $1:1, which is a “good” or a “currency”? Is it allowed at the regulatory level?


: is a token that is legal all over the world, like Queen's. I spent a hundred dollars on a shopping network, spent 98 dollars, left two pieces, and no one would say it was illegal, but in some countries it was necessary to take a license plate. The block chain brings with it the possibility that multiple end-point data in the node network can be transparent and accurately recorded, which means that the “balances” can be interoperable.


a finance: What are your companies doing with the application of block chain technology?


: is now pushing copyrights like tokens on the OKCoin bitcoin platform. For example, if you have a book to sign to me, copyrights will correspond to our royalties, or kyats, guaranteeing in contract and legal form that the sale of copyrights will be easy. Linq of NASDAQ is also a token in the chain of shares, making the sale of shares easy.


a financial term: does the block chain identify IP as an idea, or is there a specific example? Do you have a client now?


We're still observing that the market for copyright deals does not exist itself. Confirming IPs with block chains is the way it is, to be honest, how fast it is. China has not been able to move too fast in this area, with a number of regulatory issues involved.


We're trying to build a small “global payment treasure” .


: What other applications besides exploring copyright applications?


We are now also using block chains as international small remittances, with a team in Hong Kong.


A finance: the same type as Circle?


Small money transfers are still not the same: there are several types of small money transfers, travel abroad, money transfers or direct credit cards, and foreign workers, domestic workers, many Chinese workers abroad, and remittances from foreign workers, amounting to $600 billion in 2015, but they are small and expensive. Because the international banking system is complex, it is a multi-storey tree network with high operating costs, the largest banks in the world, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, the United States of America, and the United States of America.



We believe that the chain has the capacity to make global payments, that the chain is transparent, that the money cannot be diverted. So we try to build a “global payment bond”, but only a small one. Future payments may be competitive, but we are more like a combination of payment treasures and droplets. The OKLink platform is a combination of dozens of small financial companies, small banks, and we give these small financial institutions access to low-cost small remittances through sector-chain technology, and we are now in China’s market, as we are actively preparing to take a license.


: What is foreign regulation of cross-border payments?

徐明星:国外监管跟中国不一样,内地汇款只有银行能干。香港那么小的地方有三千家MSB(money service business),都是合法的,我们现在有加拿大和中国香港的牌照,正在筹备在英国拿牌照。

There are 3,000 MSBs in Hong Kong that are legal, and we now have plates in Canada and Hong Kong, China, and are preparing to take them in the United Kingdom.


a finance: can you disclose the transaction volume of klink?


: has millions of dollars a day at its highest.


A book: How much do you charge?


: Now it's free, and on a certain scale, we charge a small fee. We split it with the merchants, and we pay a very small fee for our services.


"Strong" a book: Is there more like you?


> has many, and the international Ripple is a bit similar, and the main business is the global flow of money.


now the block chain is rarely applied, and most are talking about concepts


a financial term: you now have two block chain product lines.


: one is OKCoin, one is OKLink, and the bottom of both products is block chain technology.



block chains and cloud computing are not the same concept; traditional cloud computing is a computing capability that would have been required to buy computers and servers on its own, and I now buy them here and then create services, computing services, storage services, cache services, streaming media services, which are not for you to use, and which have nothing to do with block chains, which are book-keeping, not data-keeping, not storage, and which have nothing to do with them.


: There is also the argument that the cost of technology at the bottom of the domestic block chain is high.


: The block chain is a computer technology, and I've been an engineer for 10 years, thinking that block chain technology is an application of computer technology. There are many ideas like block chains, with distributed databases and distributed searches. In terms of technical difficulty alone, distributional searches require a full-network search of big data, 100 times a thousand times more than block chain technology. Now, block chains are rarely applied, most of them conceptually.


At the heart of the problem is that many so-called block chain applications now do not bring more benefits or even more harm than a centralized system. At present, block chain instrument trading, bond trading, centralization would be better than a non-centralized system.


blocks and a combination of the private financial sector can build credibility


a finance: where do you think it will be used first and in what areas?


: I think that the core of the block chain is to build credit and is well applied where there are credit problems.


In the P2P industry, the block chain is the best technology for establishing credit standards, and it can be seen to be consistent with national regulations. The block chain can be applied in the area of private finance and non-governmental credit. The P2P platform, the public fund-raising platform, can be credible, but at this stage it is a combination of technology and commerce that needs to be explored.


We summarize that the use of block chain technology is most likely to be successful in areas that meet the following three characteristics.


First, there is no effective centralization system and no centralized solution. For example, there is no centralized authoritative organization or centralized system that can harmonize small and medium-sized financial institutions, enterprises and financial actors around the world.


Secondly, the locations of the centres are generally reciprocal.


Thirdly, there is no or weak relationship of trust between the various nodes.


On 21 August 2016, the China Block Chain Industry Congress was convened at the Beijing National Convention Centre at .




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