根据链上分析公司 Glassnode 的一份报告,比特币 ( BTC )当前的熊市是最糟糕的熊市之一。这是历史上第一次 Mayer Multiple 跌破前一个周期的低点。比特币在 6 月 18 日跌破 20,000 美元也标志着投资者单日最大亏损 42.3 亿美元。考虑到上述因素和其他一些事件,Glassnode 认为比特币的投降可能已经开始。
According to a report by Glasnode, a chain-based analysis company, Bitcoin (BTC) currently has one of the worst bears. This is the first time in history that Mayer Multiple has fallen at the lower end of the previous cycle. Bitcoin fell at $20,000 on June 18.
比特币鲸鱼似乎已经开始购买,这表明底部可能已经接近,6 月 25 日,分析资源“交易游戏”强调,持有 1,000 至 10,000 比特币的鲸鱼的需求出现了急剧飙升。
Bitcoin whales seem to have started buying, indicating that the bottom may be close, and on June 25, the analytical resource “trade game” emphasized that the demand for whales holding between 1,000 and 10,000 bitcoins had surged sharply.
交易员正在购买的另一个迹象来自 Glassnode 的评论,该评论表明, 6 月 26 日,交易所保持的 30 天平均供应量变化暴跌了 153,849 比特币,这是历史上最大的一次。
Another indication that traders are buying is from Glasnode's comment that, on 26 June, the exchange's 30-day average supply has fallen sharply by 153,849 bitcoins, the largest in history.
Can multiple heads continue to buy lows and create higher lows?
比特币从 6 月 26 日的 22,000 美元回落,表明市场情绪仍然消极,交易员在小幅反弹中抛售。空头将试图将价格拉至 20,000 美元的心理水平。
Bitcoin's fall from $22,000 on June 26 shows that the market mood is still negative, and the traders are selling it in a small rebound. The empty head will try to raise the price to $20,000's psychological level.
如果买家将价格推高至 20 日均线上方,则 BNB/USDT 货币对可能反弹至 50 日均线(277 美元)。该水平可能再次成为一个硬障碍,但如果突破,该货币对可能会尝试反弹至 350 美元。
If the buyer pushes the price up to the 20-day average, the BNB/USDT currency may rebound to the 50-day average ($277). This level may once again become a hard barrier, but if it breaks, the currency may try to rebound to 350 dollars.
相反,如果价格从当前水平下跌,该货币对可能跌至 211 美元。这是一个值得关注的重要水平,因为反弹将表明多头正试图形成更高的低点。但如果该水平破裂,该货币对可能会重新测试 183 美元的重要支撑位。
On the contrary, if prices fall from the current level, the currency could fall to $211. This is an important level of concern, because a rebound would indicate that many are trying to form a higher low.
> strong/USDT
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瑞波币(XRP)在 6 月 24 日突破并收于上方阻力位 0.35 美元,但多头无法清除 50 日均线(0.38 美元)的关口。这表明空头正在积极捍卫该水平。
XRP broke through on June 24 and received the upper resistance of $ 0.35, but many were unable to clear the 50-day mean line ($0.38). This suggests that the empty head is actively defending that level.
XRP/USDT sunline
一个小的积极因素是多头不允许价格回落至 20 天均线(0.35 美元)下方。这表明逢低买入。如果价格从当前水平反弹,多头将再次试图将价格推高至 50 日均线上方。
A small positive factor is that many do not allow prices to fall below the 20-day mean line ($0.35). This suggests low purchases. If prices rebound from the current level, many will try again to push prices up to the 50-day average.
如果他们能够成功,则表明下跌趋势可能正在减弱。XRP/USDT 对可能升至 0.45 美元。
If they succeed, the downward trend may be decreasing. XRP/USDT may rise to 0.45 dollars.
另一种可能性是空头将价格拉回 0.35 美元以下。如果发生这种情况,该货币对可能会跌至 0.32 美元,然后跌至 0.28 美元。
Another possibility is to pull the price back to below US$0.35. If this happens, the currency could fall to US$0.32 and then to US$0.28.
买家在 6 月 26 日将卡尔达诺 ( ADA ) 推高至 20 日均线 (0.50 美元) 上方,但烛台上的长灯芯表明空头在较高水平上积极卖出。
The buyer pushed Caldano (ADA) up to the 20-day mean line ($0.50) on June 26, but the long-light core on the candlestick showed that the empty head was being sold at a higher level.
{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}DOGE/USDT Sunline Diagram
买家再次试图将价格推高至 50 日均线上方。如果他们设法做到这一点,DOT/USDT 对可能反弹至 0.09 美元,然后升至 0.10 美元的心理水平。该水平可能再次成为阻力,但如果多头克服这一障碍,势头可能会回升。
Buyers try again to push prices up to the 50-day average. If they try to do so, DOT/USDT will bounce back to $0.09 and then rise to the 0.10-dollar psychological level. This level may once again become a drag, but if this barrier is overcome many times, the momentum may pick up.
或者,如果价格未能维持在 50 日均线上方,则表明空头继续逢高抛售。然后,空头将试图将价格拉回 20 天均线下方。
Alternatively, if the price does not remain above the 50-day average, it indicates that the empty will continue to be sold at high prices. The empty will then try to pull the price back below the 20-day average.
自 6 月 24 日以来,空头一直在积极捍卫 Polkadot ( DOT ) 的 20 天均线(8.11 美元),但一个积极的迹象是多头并未放弃太多阵地。阻力附近的紧密盘整通常会解决上行问题。
Since June 24, there has been an active defence of the Polkadot (DOT) 20-megaline ($8.11), but a positive sign is that many have not given up too many positions. Close overhauls close to resistance usually solve problems of upscaling.
如果买家将价格推高至 20 日均线上方,则 DOT/USDT 对可能升至 50 日均线(9.13 美元)。该水平可能再次成为障碍,但突破该水平的可能性很高。如果发生这种情况,该货币对可能反弹至 10.75 美元。
If the buyer pushes the price up to the 20-day average, the DOT/USDT may rise to the 50-day average ($9.13). This level may again be an obstacle, but the likelihood of a breakthrough is high. If this happens, the currency will rebound to $10.75.
与此假设相反,如果价格从 20 天均线下跌,则表明空头活跃在较高水平。然后,卖家将试图将该货币对拉低至 7.30 美元以下,并挑战关键支撑位 6.36 美元。
Contrary to this assumption, if prices fall from the 20-day mean line, this indicates that the empty is active at a higher level. Then the seller will try to lower the currency to below $7.30 and challenge the key support position of $6.36.
Shiba Inu ( SHIB ) 于 6 月 25 日突破 50 日均线 (0.000011 美元),但多头无法继续复苏。空头于 6 月 26 日在 0.000012 美元附近卖出,并试图将价格拉回 50 日均线下方。
The Shiba Inu (SHIB) broke the 50-day average line on June 25 (US$ 0.0000011), but many were unable to recover. The empty head was sold near US$0.000112 on June 26 and tried to pull the price back below the 50-day average.