Starting on the night of May 12, the Bitcoin blackmail virus began to spread in many parts of the world, and as a result many higher schools and businesses in the country have been subjected to constant attacks. Important documents, such as college graduate papers, have been locked in the virus, computers in many businesses have been paralysed, and, according to hackers who launched cyberattacks, only ransom payments can restore encrypted documents.
How do you crack the Bitcoin blackmail virus?
On 13th, the European Cybercrime Centre of EUROPOL stated that the unprecedented scale of the extortion virus attack required a sophisticated international investigation to find a suspect, and that EUROPOL had cooperated with many countries to investigate the attack. However, there was no effective means of deciphering the Bitcoin virus.
The British media reported on 13 that a British cyber engineer had succeeded in stopping the further spread of the Bitcoin extortion virus around the globe, but that this method was only temporary at present and could not completely decipher the Bitcoin extortion virus or help those who were already using it.
According to the experts, according to the current posture, we can only defend against new loopholes discovered by hackers, especially when the blackmail virus uses a “high-intensity encryption algorithm”, and the existing personal terminal computing capability is difficult to crack for key generated by such algorithms.
So the computer has been out of use? Do we have to unwieldy this blackmail virus in the future?
In fact, in the era of Internet information diffusion, it is necessary to purchase a piece network security insurance will compensate customers for financial losses suffered as a result of cyber attacks when this massive outbreak of the Bitcoin virus has occurred in recent days.
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