7天涨幅达11.68%,比特币创崩盘后新高 加密数字货币市场“热潮”背后

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:28 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 上海报道Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Hu Jinhua...



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7天涨幅达11.68%,比特币创崩盘后新高 加密数字货币市场“热潮”背后

华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 上海报道

Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Hu Jinhua, Shanghai


At a time of coincidence, the market for encrypted digital money is a cause for concern.


On October 28, while the global capital market saw a fall in the stock market of Europe and the United States, large commodities such as gold, oil and so forth, the market for encrypted digital currencies, represented by bitcoin, appeared as a “big sun.” According to the data from CoinMarketCap, the total value of encrypted digital currencies on that day was $400 billion. Among them, the price of bitcoins had reached a new high of $13,856 per unit since the collapse of 2018, with a market value of more than $250 billion, accounting for 62 per cent of the total market value of the market for encrypted digital money.

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“The most important benefit from the news is that the State Department of Financial Services in New York granted PayPal a bitcoin licence, which means that users can buy, hold, and sell encrypted digital currency directly using PayPal accounts. PayPal, a world-renowned payment channel, means that more people can be exposed to encrypted digital coins and buy and sell more easily, and that more people can focus on Bitcoin, thereby bringing more new users.” In this regard, one of the executives of China’s currency analysis of the Washington Times has pointed out.


Shanghai’s senior digital money market analyst, Wang Heung, told the newspaper’s reporters that, from a macroeconomic point of view, the continued depreciation of the dollar against the renminbi has led a large number of users of USDT-stabilized currencies in the country to buy bitcoins for asset preservation purposes. In addition, the strengthening of the United States stock during the previous period indirectly increased the risk preferences of capital markets, thus driving capital and institutional investment in bitcoin as an alternative asset, triggering an increase in bitcoins.


Bitcoin up for a week


By the time of the press release, the price of Bitcoin was $13,192.6 per person, a decline of 3.72 per cent from the previous day. However, journalists learned that Bitcoin had risen since its breakthrough of $12,000 on 21 October and had remained stable at over $13,000 to date on 24 October, rising by 11.68 per cent in seven days. The price of other mainstream digital currencies was also boosted by the increase in Bitcoin.

业内人士分析称,从表象看,本轮比特币价格的上涨是源自于美国支付平台Paypal在10月21日发布的公告,称其将推出新服务,使用户能够购买、持有和出售加密货币,并表示计划通过将其作为全球2600万商户处采购商品的资金源,显著提高加密货币的实用性。其数字钱包初期将允许比特币、以太坊、Bitcoin Cash和莱特币的交易。

Industry sources have analysed the increase in the prices of this round of bitcoin as a result of the announcement issued on 21 October by Paypal, the US payment platform, that it will launch a new service that will enable users to purchase, hold and sell encrypted currency, and that it is planned to significantly improve the practicality of encrypted currency by using it as a source of funding for the global 26 million merchants to purchase goods. Its digital wallet will initially allow transactions between Bitcoin, Teta, Bitcoin Cash, and Letcoin.


“More temptingly, Paypal’s new service is free for users around the world. As a result, participants in the digital currency exchange market are more willing to use it to allow the currency to move across the globe without charge.” Wang Heung noted.

而Paypal的总裁兼首席执行官Dan Schulman也表示,向数字形式的货币转变是不可避免的,其将在金融普惠以及政府迅速向公民支付资金的能力方面带来明显的优势,同时提升支付系统的效率、速度和弹性。

The President and Chief Executive Officer of Paypal, Dan Schulman, also said that a shift to a currency in digital form was inevitable and would bring significant advantages in terms of financial inclusion and the ability of the Government to quickly pay funds to citizens, while increasing the efficiency, speed and resilience of the payment system.


Journalists have also learned that just on 26 October, Morgan Chase, who has always been inflexible with cryptographic digital money, and analysts have published well-received research reports that the millennium generation is more inclined to configure bitcoin than gold as a “alternative” currency and that, over time, the millennium generation's share in the investment community will grow, and Bitcoin is expected to crush the gold market, which means a maximum of 10 times the scope for a rise.


It is a matter of concern that there has recently been a marked increase in the number of foreign and medium-sized investors who see an increase in the price of bitcoin.

“未来比特币价格将上涨更多,此前比特币价格涨得不够高的原因是投资者很难买到比特币,在PayPal带动下,将有更多机构支持比特币交易。不过比特币5年内数字货币不会成为交易货币。比特币一直被用作储值工具,虽然央行数字货币趋势不可阻挡,但如果发行量增加,也会贬值。比特币作为数字黄金,会被越来越多的投资者纳入资产配置,随着购买便利性增加,价格也将上涨。”美国亿万富翁、银河数字CEO Michael Novogratz称。

“The price of bitcoin will rise even more in the future, after the price of bitcoin had not risen enough because investors had difficulty buying bitcoin, and, under PayPal, there would be more institutions supporting bitcoin transactions. However, bitcoin will not become a trading currency in five years. Bitcoin has been used as a storage tool, although central banks’ digital currency trend is unstoppable, but it will depreciate if it is issued. Bitcoin, as digital gold, will be included in the asset allocation of an increasing number of investors, and prices will rise as purchasing convenience increases.” The billionaire in the United States, the Galaxy number CEO Michael Novogratz, says.


At the domestic level, there are also a number of investors in digital currencies who suggest that Bitt was likely to be hit by $20,000 by the end of the year.


The Game of Central American Currency > /strang >


“In the broader context of the global economy’s downturn, the investment in encrypted digital currencies has moved out of independence, attracting large amounts of black money into the purchase of encrypted digital currencies. Even in the case of mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethel, etc., encryption digital currencies remain highly price-risked, easily controlled or intervened by large institutions, estates, and speculators, trading all day long, without upward and downward restrictions, and subject prices to large fluctuations, even many of which run the risk of zero.”


However, anything that happens in an encrypted digital currency market, according to Wang Heng, ultimately reflects a game between countries with global French currency.


“The value of any encrypted digital monetary asset is based on the United States dollar, and every encrypted digital currency USDT is equal to one dollar, and the significance of the existence of an encrypted digital currency would be diminished if it was not supported by a dollar. This also suggests that the dollar remains a global currency in its properties, that investors in this market believe in the dollar, and that, in the course of the rise in the market for this round of encrypted digital money, there are many Chinese players, because, in the context of the depreciation of the dollar, the renminbi has a higher ratio of bitcoins to the United States dollar, which means that the renminbi is also higher in bitcoin, and that, in addition to the gains from the increase in bitcoin, the exchange rate is considerable.” On October 29, a senior Chinese snobbler, Huang Jia, in Shanghai, told the Washington Times journalist.


Huang Jia further analysed that, in the traditional currency exchange channels, the renminbi was able to flow abroad for up to $50,000 a year, and that inflows and outflows of renminbi assets were strictly monitored, but at least in the encrypted digital currency market, such surveillance had not yet seen that the marketers were buying and selling the money entirely.


“You sometimes find it hard to tell what this market means, and of course every participant comes for his own purpose. But, at the national regulatory level, the United States is undoubtedly a haven for encrypted digital money, almost all of which are traded in the United States, and the United States dollar is the market’s legal payment currency; the digitization of the Chinese renminbi is already at the forefront of the globe. No one can imagine that the renminbi will one day become a trading agent in the digital money market, but if that day comes, the renminbi’s international position would have been truly recognized by everyone.” On October 29, a senior financial marketer who is not wanted to be famous told the reporter of the Summer Times.


Journalists are also aware that some of the holders and traders involved in encryption digital currency in the country have committed criminal offences of money laundering and fraud. With the launching of the “net” and “card breaking” operations, criminal proceedings have been opened in some places for the sale of encrypted digital assets for the receipt of black money to assist in information cybercrime activities, concealment of the proceeds of crime and obstruction of credit card administration.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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