
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:28 评论:0
? ETH开发资源篇ETH exploitation ˃ 一、开发语言 i. Development of languages · Solidity - 官方推荐以太坊智能合约开发语言&#...



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ETH exploitation >


i. Development of languages

· Solidity - 官方推荐以太坊智能合约开发语言,也是目前最为主流的智能合约语言

• Solidity - Officially recommended development language with Taiyo Smart Contract & #xff0c; is also the most dominant language of the current smart contract

· Bamboo - 是一种将智能合约描述为有限状态机的语言,把智能合约看成一个状态和交易的函数,同时生成一个新的状态

• Bamboo - a language that describes an intelligent contract as a limited state machine & #xff0c; views an intelligent contract as a function of a state and transaction & #xff0c; and generates a new state

· Vyper - 一种类 python 的面向合约编程语言,专注于以太坊虚拟机,着重于安全、简洁、和稳定性

• Vyper - a type of python pro-contractual programming language & #xff0c; focus on e-Team virtual machine & #xff0c; focus on security, simplicity, and stability

二、ERC 通证标准

II. ERC Pass Standard

· ERC-20 - 可替换资产的原始代币合约

- Original currency contract for a replacement asset

· ERC-223 - 向后兼容ERC-20,解决地址错误丢失代币的缺陷

● ERC-223 - Recompatible ERC-20, addressing defects in missing tokens at wrong addresses

· ERC-721 - 非同质性代币,可用来标记独特的个人资产

ERC-721 - Unhomogenous tokens that can be used to mark unique personal assets

· ERC-777 - 包含更大广度的交易处理,具有高度可定制性

ERC-777 - more extensive transaction processing & #xff0c; highly customized

· ERC-827 - 允许转让通证并允许持有人允许第三方使用通证

ERC-827 - Allowing the transfer of hyphens and allowing the holder to allow third parties to use hyphens

· ERC-918 - Mineable Token Standard

· ERC-998 - 可拆解非同质化代币,可包含多个ERC-721和ERC-20形式

ERC-998 - Dismantled non-homogenous tokens & #xff0c; may include multiple ERC-721 and ERC-20 forms

· ERC-1155 - 可在一个智能合约中定义多个物品(token)

ERC-1155 - Multiple items can be defined in a smart contract & #xff08; token)

· ERC-1400 - 证券通证标准,部分可互换代币,该EIP标准具有能力进行强制转移

• ERC-1400 - securities pass standards & #xff0c; partially interchangeable currency & #xff0c; EIP standards have the capacity to make mandatory transfers

· ERC-1404 - 为证券通证、通证化证券以及其它携带复杂要求的其它通证而准备

ERC-1404 - Preparation for securities pass, transacted securities and other circulars carrying complex requirements

· ERC-165 - 创建标准方法以发布和检测智能合约实现的接口

- Create standard methods for publishing and detecting interfaces realized by smart contracts

· ERC-725 - 密钥管理和执行的代理合同,建立区块链身份

ERC-725 - proxy contract for key management and execution xff0c; creating block chain identity

· ERC-173 - 合同所有权的标准接口

- Standard interface for ownership of contracts




III, development framework

· Truffle - 最为流行的智能合约开发、测试和部署框架,经常与 Ganache (也是由 Truffle 团队开发) 一起搭配使用

• Truffle - The most popular framework for the development, testing and deployment of smart contracts & #xff0c; often used in combination with Ganache (also developed by the Triffle team)

· Embark - 一个 DApp 开发框架

• Embark - A DApp development framework

· Populus - 用Python语言写的智能合约开发框架

• Populus - Smart Contract Development Framework in Python

· Etherlime - 基于 ethers.js 的 DApp 开发框架

Etherlime - Dapp development framework based on ethers.js

· Parasol - 敏捷智能合约开发环境

Parasol - Agile Smart Contract Development Environment


iv. Integrated development environmentxff08; IDE)

· Remix - 一个基于solidity语言的在线智能合约开发IDE,它提供从编译,调试到部署的全流程支持

Remix - Development of IDE, for an online smart contract based on the language of solidity; it provides full process support from compilation & #xff0c; debug to deployment

· Atom - Atom 编辑器可以结合 Atom Solidity Linter, Etheratom 等插件进行智能合约开发

• Atom - Atom Editor allows smart contract development with Atom Society Linter, Ethertom and other plugins

· Pragma - 一个非常简单的 solidity 合约在线 IDE。提供合约的编译、部署与调用支持

Pragma - A very simple contract contract online IDE. Provides contract compilation, deployment and call support

· Superblocks Studio - Superblocks Studio 可以帮助你在线编写、编译与部署智能合约

• Superblocks Studio - Superblocks Studio can help you develop, compile and deploy smart contracts online

· Vim solidity - 有了这个,使用 vim 也可以写愉快地写 solidity

..Vim sociality - with this #xff0c; with vim you can write happy sociality

· Visual Studio Code - VSCode 是***常用的最多的工具,好多支持 solidity 的插件

• Visual Studio Code - VSCode is *** the most frequently used tool xff0c; a lot of plugins supporting soliity

· Intellij Solidity Plugin - JetBrains IntelliJ Idea IDE 上用的 solidity 插件,支持语法高亮,格式化与代码自动补全

*Intellij Solidity Plug-IntelliJ Idea IDE; support syntax high & #xff0c; formatting and code completion

· Eth Fiddle - 由The Loom Network开发的IDE,允许编写、编译和调试智能合约,易于共享和查找代码段

- IDE, developed by The Loom Network; allows for the preparation, compilation and debugging of smart contracts xff0c; easy sharing and searching of code segments


V, commonly used as an interactive code library

· Web3.js - 以太坊官方的 Javascript API

..Web3.js -Ethio-official Javascript API

· Eth.js - 优化过的 Web3.js

Eth.js - optimized Web3.js

· Ethers.js - 更加完整的以太坊 Javascript 代码库,包括 Web3.js 没有的足记词与 HD 钱包支持等。

• Ethers.js - More complete Ether Javascript & #xff0c; including suffix notes and HD wallets not available in Web3.js, etc.

· - Python 版的 Web3

• version of Web3

· Web3.php - PHP 版的 Web3

• Web3.php-PHP version of Web3

· Web3j - Java 版的 Web3

• Web3j - Java version of Web3

· Nethereum - .Net 版的 Web3

• Netheeum -.Net version of Web3

· Ethereum.rb - Ruby 版的 Web3

• Etheeum.rb - Ruby's Web3

· Web3.hs - Haskell 版的 Web3

• Web3.hs - Haskell version of Web3

· KEthereum - Kotlin 版的 Web3

• Ketheeum - Kotlin version of Web3

· Pyethereum - Python 版的以太坊核心客户端

Pyetherum - Ethon core client

· Drizzle - 基于 Redux 的用于链接以太坊的前端代码库

• Drizzle - Redux-based front-end code library for linking to the Taiyo

· Eventeum - 以太坊智能合约事件和后端微服务之间的桥梁

• Eventeum - Bridge between the Taiyo Smart Contract event and back-end microservices

· Vortex - 可直接用于 DApp 的 Redux Store。通过 WebSockets 实现智能合约与后台数据的自动刷新。

• Vortex - Redux Store, which can be used directly for DApp. Smart contracts and back-office data are automatically refreshed through WebSockets.


six, open the box and use the tool

· Truffle boxes - 一些打包好的组件

..Truffle boxes-- some packaged components.

· Local Raiden - 在 docker 容器中运行本地雷电网络以进行演示和测试

• Local Raiden - Run this mine electrical network in docker containers for demonstration and testing

· Private networks deployment scripts - 私有 PoA 网络的开箱即用部署脚本

• Private networks deployment scripts - open boxes of privately owned PoA networks

· Local Ethereum Network - 私有 PoW 网络的开箱即用部署脚本

• Local Etheeum Network - Openbox of private PoW network with deployment scripts

· Kaleido - 使用 Kaleido 启动联盟区块链网络,非常适合 PoC 和测试

• Kaleido - Start the coalition block chain network with Kaleido & #xff0c; very suitable for PoC and testing

· Cheshire - CryptoKitties API 和智能合约的本地沙箱实现

Cheshire-CryptoKittys API and smart contract local sandbox realization

· Solc - Solidity 编译器

• Solc - Solidity compiler

· Solidity cli - 更快更好地编译 Solidity

..Solidity cli-- faster and better compile it.

· Ethereumjs - 以太坊实用的 javascript 代码库集合,比如 ethereumjs-util 和 ethereumjs-tx 等

• Etheeumjs - A collection of javascript coding libraries & #xff0c; etheeumjs-til and etheeumjs-tx, etc.

· Ethjs - 简单好用的 JS 模块

Ethjs - Simple and Useful JS Module

· Eth lightwallet - 在 Node 和浏览器里用的以太坊轻钱包

Eth lightwallet - Ether's light wallet used in Node and the browser

· RLP - RLP 编码的 JS 版实现

JS version of RLP - RLP Encoded

· Solium - 用于识别和修复 Solidity 中的代码格式和安全问题

• Solium - to identify and restore code formats and security issues in Solidity

· Ethereal - 一个命令行工具,用于管理以太坊中的常见任务

• Etheeal - a command line tool xff0c; used to manage common tasks in Etheria

· ABI decoder - 用于解码以太坊交易中数据参数和事件的库

• ABI decoder - Library for decoding data parameters and events in Taiyo transactions

· Ethereum ABI UI - 根据以太坊合约 ABI 自动生成 UI 表单字段和关联的验证器

· Etheeum ABI UI - ABI Auto Generates UI Form Fields and Associated Certifiers under Etheria Contract

· Eth crypto - 用于以太坊的加密javascript 函数以及将它们与 web3js 和 solidity 一起使用的教程

* Eth Crypto - Encrypted Javascript function for Etheria and lessons for use with web3js and soliity

· Solidity flattener - 一个可以将工程中相互引用的合约合并到一个合约文件的工具

• Solidity flottener - a tool to merge contracts cited in the project into a contract file

· JS IPFS API - JS 实现的与 IPFS API 交互的代码库

· JS IPFS API - a code library implemented by JS that interacts with IPFS API

· Ganache - 具有 UI 的本地以太坊简单实现


· SpankCard - 浏览器里用的以太坊钱包

..SpankCard - Ether's wallet used in the browser.

· Parity Signer - 允许签署交易的移动应用

• Parity Signer - a mobile application allowing the signing of a transaction

· py-eth - 以太坊 Python 语言工具集

. py-eth - Ethom Python Language Tool Set

· Decode - 用以解析提交给本地 testrpc 节点的交易,使其更易读,更易于理解

• Decode - to interpret transactions submitted to local testrpc nodes & #xff0c; to make them easier to read & #xff0c; to understand

· Neufund - Smart Contract Watch - 一种监控大量智能合约和交易的工具

· Supermax - 提供以太坊上智能合约活动和事件日志的实时数据反馈

Supermax - Provide real-time data feedback from the Panel's Smart Contract Activity and Event Log


7 client

· Geth - Go 语言实现版本

• Geth-Go language implementation version

· Parity - Rust 语言实现版本

• Parity - Rust Language Realization Version

· Cpp-ethereum - C++ 语言实现版本

Cpp-ethereum - C+ #43; Language realization version

· Pyethapp - 基于 pyethereum 的 Python 语言实现版本

• Pyethapp - Python language implementation version based on pyetheum

· Trinity - 基于 py-evm 的 Python 语言实现版本

• Trinity - Python language implementation version based on py-evm

· Ethereumjs - 基于 ethereumjs-vm 的 JS 实现版本

• Etheeumjs - a JS realization version based on etheeemjs-vm

· Ethereumj - Java 语言实现版本

• Etheeumj - Java language implementation version

· Harmony - 基于 Ethereumj 的以太坊节点实现,EtherCamp出品

• Harmony - Etherium node based on Etheeumj & #xff0c; EtherCamp

· Seth - 命令行版的 MetaMask

. Seth - Command Line MetaMask

· Mustekala - 以太坊轻客户端实现,MetaMask 团队出品

• Mustekala - Realising #xff0c; MetaMask Team

· Exthereum - Elixir 语言实现版本

• Extheum-Elixir language implementation version

· EWF Parity - 兼容以太坊的能源区块链客户端

• EWF Paraity - Compatible with Etheria's energy block chain client

· Quorum - 基于以太坊改造的关注数据隐私的授权访问区块链, JP Morgan 出品

Quorum - Allowed access to block chains based on data privacy adapted by Taihu & #xff0c; JP Morgan


VIII, storage related

· Swarm - 去中心化存储平台和内容分发服务,是以太坊 web3 技术栈的基础层服务

• Swarm - To centralize storage platforms and content distribution services

· IPFS - 去中心化存储网络,致力于使网络更快,更安全,更开放的点对点超媒体协议

IPFS - Decentralised storage network xff0c; dedicated to making the network faster xff0c; safer xff0c; more open point-to-point supermedia protocol

· IPFS-Store - 带检索功能的 IPFS 服务 API

IPFS-Store - an IPFS service with a search function API

· OrbitDB - 基于 IPFS 的去中心化数据库

• OrbitDB - decentralised database based on IPFS


IX, message agreement

· Whisper - DApps 相互通信的通信协议, 以太坊 web3 技术栈的基础层服务

• Whisper - Dapps Communication protocol, Ether-Technology Repository Base Level Service

· DEVp2p Wire Protocol - 以太坊节点间的点对点通信

• DEVp2p Wire Protocol - Point-to-point communication between tata nodes


10, wallet >/strang >

· Metamask - 广为实用的浏览器插件钱包

• Metamask - A widely practical browser plugin wallet

· Gnosis multisig wallet - 多重签名钱包

• Gnosis multisig wallet - multiple signature wallet

· Mist - 官方钱包

• Mist - Official wallet

· MyEtherWallet - 安全方便地与区块链交互的工具

• MyEtherWallet - A tool to interact safely and easily with block chains

· Ether Address Lookup - 以太坊地址检测 Chrome 浏览器插件

• Ether Address Lookup - Checked out Chrome Browser Plugin at the Tai shop address

· MyCrypto - 和 MyEtherWallet 类似的钱包工具

• MyCrypto - Like MyEther Wallet

· Portis - 方便用户使用 DApp 的 web 端钱包

Portis - user-friendly web-end wallet for DApp

· Toshi - 移动端 DApp 浏览器

Toshi - Mobile Dapp Browser

· Trust - 移动端以太坊钱包

Trust - Move End Ether's Wallet

· Status - 基于 react 实现的移动端以太坊操作系统

Status - Mobile End Ether Operating System based on React

· imToken - 广为使用的闭源钱包

• imToken - widely used closed-source wallet

· WallETH - 开源的 Android 以太坊钱包

WallETH - Open source Android Ether's wallet

· Trezor - 知名度很高的硬件钱包

• Trezor - high-profile hardware wallet

· Ledger - 支持多币种的硬件钱包

Ledger - Multi-currency hardware wallet

· KeepKey - 另一款硬件钱包

KeepKey - another hardware wallet


11, Browser

· Etherscan - 最为流行的以太坊浏览器,用于查看交易信息和合约代码

• Etherscan - the most popular Etheria Browser & #xff0c; for viewing transactional information and contract codes

· Etherchain Light - 用于以太坊私链的区块链浏览器

· Etherchain Light - a block chain browser for the Etherms private chain

· POA Explorer - 支持 POA 共识的以太坊浏览器

• POA Explorer - Etheria Browser for POA Consensus

· QuickBlocks - 访问以太坊区块链数据的工具集

QuickBlocks - A Toolset for Accessing Ethers Block Chain Data


12, GAS Calculating

· EthGasStation - 估计交易费用和时间的网站

• EthGasStation - Web site with estimated transaction costs and time

· Petrometer - 计算特定账户每天所花费的 gas

· Petrometer - calculates the daily cost of a particular account................................................................................................................

· CryptoProf - 智能合约 gas 消耗测量工具

CryptoProf - Smart Contract Gas Consumption Measurement Tool


, infrastructure-related services

· Oracalize - 预言机服务

:: Oracalize - Prophecy Service

· Infura - 以太坊节点服务

· Infoura - Ethernode service

· Regis - 基于以太坊的数字资产登记平台

Regis - Digital Asset Registration Platform based on Ethio

· uPort - 身份认证

• uPort - Identification

· Netstats - 以太坊网络统计

• Netstats - Etheraya Network Statistics

· ENS - 以太坊域名系统

ENS - Ether Field Name System

· Name Bazaar - 以太坊域名市场

· Name Bazaar - Ether Field Name Market

· Quantstamp - 安全审计

Quantstamp - Security Audit

· SmartCheck - solidity 源码静态分析

* SmartCheck - Source static analysis

· MD4 Online Hash Function - hash 算法在线工具

• MD4 Online Hash Foundation - Hash Algorithm Online

十四、Layer2 架构的开发者指南

XIV, Developmenter's Guide to the Layer2 Architecture

· Ethereum Payment Channel - 以太坊支付渠道

· μRaiden Documentation - RDN发送者/接收者用例的指南和样本

· - Guides and samples for example for RDN senders/recipients

· Learn Plasma - 涵盖所有的Plasma变种(MVP/Cash/Debit)

Learn Plasma - covers all Plasma variants (MVP/Cash/Debit)

· Plasma MVP - OmiseGO团队对Plasma最小可行性产品的研究实施

Plasma MVP - OmiseGO team to implement the study of Plasma's Minimum Feasibility Products

· Plasma MVP Golang - Golang实现并扩展Plasma MVP

Plasma MVP Golang - Golang achieves and expands

· Plasma Cash - Plasma Cash简单实施

· Plasma Cash - Simple implementation by Plasma Cash

· POA Network - 使用POA权威证明机制的以太侧链

- Ether-side chain using PAA authoritative certification mechanism

· Loom Network - 允许基于以太坊的Solidity应用程序在公共、被许可的和私有链上运行

LoomNetwork - Allowing the operation of the Solidity application based on Ethio on public, licensed and private chains


15, test network tap

· Rinkeby faucet

· Kovan faucet

· Ropsten faucet


16, Contract Code Library

· Zeppelin - 经过测试的可重用合约库比如 SafeMath、 ZeppelinOS 等

Zeppelin - tested reusable contract libraries like SafeMath, ZeppelinOS, etc.

· cryptofin-solidity- 一系列Solidity库,用于在以太坊上建立安全和高效的智能合约

Cryptofin-policy - a series of Solidity Library & #xff0c; used to create safe and efficient smart contracts in Ether

· Modular Libraries - 另一个合约库

• Modular Librarias - another contract library

· DateTime Library - 节约Gas 的solidity 时间处理库

• DateTime Library - Saves Gas' solidity time processing library

· Aragon - DAO 协议

• Aragon - DAO protocol

· 0x - DEX 协议

• 0x-DEX protocol


17, test

· Solidity code coverage - solidity 单元测试覆盖率

..Solidity code cover - solity module test coverage

· Solidity coverage - 另一个 solidity 代码覆盖率工具

.. Solidity cover - another code coverage tool

· Solidity function profiler - 列出合约函数

• Solidity operation profile - list contractual functions

· Espresso - solidity 测试框架

• Espresso-social testing framework

· Eth tester - 以太坊应用测试套件

Eth test - Eth Panel application test package

· Cliquebait - 简化验收测试的工具

• Clicebait - A tool to simplify acceptance testing

· Hevm - 专为合约测试的 EVM 实现

• Hevm - EVM for contract testing

· Ethereum graph debugger - solidity 调试图形化工具

*Etheeum drag debuger - socialization attempt to shape tools

· Solhint - 为智能合约验证提供安全性,样式指南和最佳实践规则

Solhint - Security for Smart Contract Validationxff0c; Style Guide and Best Practice Rules


18, security tool

· Mythril - 智能合约静态安全分析

Mythril - Smart Contract Static Security Analysis

· Oyente - 智能合约静态安全分析

• Oyente - Smart Contract Static Security Analysis

· Porosity - 智能合约反编译与静态安全分析

• Porosity - Smart Contract Countercompilation and Static Safety Analysis

· Ethersplay - EVM 反汇编

• Etherplay - EVM Countercompilation

· Evmdis - EVM 反汇编

• Evmdis - EVM Countercompilation

· Hydra - 去中心化的合约安全分析框架

• Hydra - Decentralised contractual security analysis framework

· Solgraph - 图形化智能合约处理流程

• Solgraph - Graphical Smart Contract Process

· Manticore - 合约分析工具

:: Manticale - Contract Analysis Tool

· Solidity security blog - 合约安全分析博客

..Solidity security blog - Contract Security Analysis Blog

· Awesome Buggy ERC20 Tokens - 问题合约汇集

• Awesome Buggy ERC20 Tokens - Issues Contract Collection

· 智能合约最佳实践 - by ConsenSys

• Best practices in smart contracts - by ConsenSys

· Safety wiki - 以太坊安全

..Safety wiki - Ether's safe.


19, privacy

ZoKrates - 适用于以太坊的零知识证明工具箱

ZoKrates - Zero Knowledge Certification Toolkit for Ether


20, Development of knowledge-related

· CryptoZombies - 以太坊僵尸教程

CryptoZombies - Zombie Academy in Ethio.

· Solidity idiosyncrasies - solidity 陷阱,局限性和特质

#xff0c; limitations and traits

· Ethereum development with Go - 用 go 语言进行以太坊开发

Etheeum development with Go - in Go language

· Chainshot building blocks - 免费课程

• Chainshot building blocks - free courses

· Delegate call - token 激励的问答社区

• Delegate call - token Incentive Questions and Answers Community

· Stackexchange - 问答社区

• Stackexchange - Questions and Answers Community

· r/EthDev - Subreddit

· Ethernaut - 游戏中掌握智能合约安全

Ethernaut - Smart Contract Security in Game


XXI, governance-related

· - 参与以太坊研究工作的论坛, 包括但不限于: Casper, Sharding, EVM improvements, Crytpeconomics, Plasma and State-channels

• - Forum for participation in Etheria research, including but not limited to: Casper, Shalding, EVM preparations, Crytpeconomics, Plasma and State-channels

· Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians - 以太坊社区论坛

• Fellowship of Etherum Magicians - Etheria Community Forum

· EIPs - 以太坊改进提案库

· EIPs - Etheria to improve the proposal library

· ERCs - The Ethereum Request for Comment repository


XXII, References

· Wiki - 以太坊知识库

Wiki - Etheraya knowledge base

· Yellow Paper - 以太坊黄皮书

..Yellow Paper - Ether's Yellow Book

· Beige Paper - 不带那些特殊符号的以太坊黄皮书

Beige Paper - a yellow book without special symbols.

· 精通以太坊 - by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood

By Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood

· EVM opcodes - 以太坊指令集

EVM opcodes - Etheraya Command Set

· EVM illustrated - 以太坊虚拟机的解释文档


· 4bytes - 合约 4 字节方法签名库

• 4bytes - Contract 4 byte sign library


Content source & #xff1a; GitHub


Original link xff1a;


EOS exploitation >



I, document

· EOSIO - EOS开发者门户

• EOSIO - EOS Developer Portal

· EOS Docs - EOS开发文档资源

• EOS Docs - EOS Development Document Resource

· EOSIO StackExchange - EOSIO堆栈交换

EOSIO StackExchange - EOSIO stack exchange

· EOS Bootstrap - EOS课程及教育资源

• EOS Bootstrap - EOS courses and educational resources

· Eostutorials - 适应不同技能水平的EOS教程网站

· Eotutorials - EOS teaching website adapted to different skill levels

二、基础设施/ DevOps

II, infrastructure/Devops

· EOS Node Tools - EOS节点工具

• EOS Node Tools - EOS node tool

· EOSIO Docker - 简单快速地设置EOS.IO

EOSIO Docker - A simple, quick setup of EOS.IO

· EOS Test Cave - EOS验证的自动化测试框架

• EOS Test Cave - Automation testing framework for EOS validation

· Block Matrix - EOS 出块节点切换脚本

Block Matrix - EOS toggle scripts

· eos-claimer - 获取奖励工具

· eos-claimer - Get the incentive tool

· EOSIO AWS Kinesis - 设置AWS Kinesis 插件 ,从而轻松收集,处理和分析实时流数据

• EOSIO AWS Kinesis - Set up AWS Kinesis plugin & #xff0c; thus easy to collect xff0c; process and analyse real-time flow data

· EOS Web Sockets - 为EOS创建Web套接字

• EOS Web Sockets - Create Web Sockets for EOS

· PatronEOS - 用于EOS节点的RPC检查点

• PatronEOS - RPC checkpoint for EOS nodes

· Pitreos - EOS的时间点恢复

• Pitreos-EOS time-point recovery

· Demux - 区块链应用程序的确定性事件源状态和副作用处理

• Demux - Identification of source status and side effects of block chain applications

· eosauthority 转账规则设定

· eosathority Transfer rule setting


· EOS 节点监控器 - 观察和过滤EOS节点事务/操作并推送到RabbitMQ,MongoDB,0MQ等

• EOS node monitor - observation and filtering of EOS node services/operation and delivery to RabbitMQ, MongoDB, 0MQ etc.

· EOSIO GraphQL - 为EOSIO区块链部署GraphQL API + MongoDB

:: EOSIO GraphQL - Deployment of GraphQL API & #43; MongoDB for the EOSIO block chain

· EOSpace - 同步 EOS 区块链数据到 MongoDB 数据库

EOSpace - Synchronize EOS block chain data to the MongoDB database

· EOSIO MongoDB 查询 - 快速为EOSIO区块链创建复杂的MongoDB查询

• EOSIO MongoDB Query - Quick Create a Complex MongoDB Query for EOSIO Block Chains


· EOSIO Kafka插件 - 利用Kaftka丰富的所有实时功能

• EOSIO Kafka plugin - all real-time features rich in Kaftka

EOS Mechanics - 用于基准合同和公用事业

EOS Mechanics - for reference contracts and utilities

· EOS RabitMQ 插件

• EOS RabitMQ plugin

· EOS ZeroMQ Plugin

· Benchmark工具

• Benchmark tool


III, development tool

· CLEOS-命令行界面工具

• CLEOS-command line interface tool

· NODEOS - 核心EOSIO节点守护程序,可以配置插件来运行节点

NODEOS - Core EOSIO node daemon

· KEOSD - 将EOSIO密钥安全存储在钱包中的组件

• KEOSD - Components for secure storage of EOSIO keys in wallets

· EOSC -跨平台命令行工具

EOSC - Cross Platform Command Line Tool

· Wasm Dec - 将WebAssembly二进制文件转换为C的程序

• Wasm Dec - conversion of WebAssembly binary files to C

· FC - 提供一组用于开发异步库的实用程序库

FC - Provides a set of practical applications for the development of an asymmetric bank

· Wabt开发套件 - WebAssembly的一套工具

• Wabt development package - WebAssembly set of tools

· EOSIO合同 - 智能合约开发套件

EOSIO Contract - Smart Contract Development Package

· EOSFactory-Python所写的EOS开发/测试套件

• EOS development/test package by EOSFactory-Python

· EOSJS - EOS区块链的通用库

• EOSJS - Common library of the EOS block chain

· EOSJS Browser - 一个建议版本的EOSJS

EOSJS Brownser - a suggested version of EOSJS

· EOSIO Boilerplate - EOSIO样板项目,包含UI和Smart Contract代码,以及初始化和启动必要的所有组件

• EOSIO Boilerlate - EOSIO Pilot Project & #xff0c; contains UI and Smart Contracting Code & #xff0c; and all components necessary for initialization and start-up

· EOS Helper - 一份有用的脚本列表

• EOS Helper - a list of useful scripts

· EOS Blox - 世界上第一套提供定制智能合约的Web组件

• EOS Blox - the first Web component in the world to offer customized smart contracts

· Ping EOS - 在EOS / React.js之间实现ping

..Ping EOS - Pating between EOS/React.js

· EOS通讯 - node.js模块,允许在EOS平台上进行链加密通信

EOS communications - nonee.js module & #xff0c; allowed chain encryption on EOS platforms

· EOS Encrypt - 允许加密和解密消息

EOS Encrypt - Allow encryption and declassification


4. Browser

· - 用于跟踪网络上的所有类型的操作 - to track all types of operations on the network

· eosflare - EOS区块浏览器

• eosflare - EOS block browser

· eospark - 专业易用的EOS区块浏览器

• eospark - a professional user-friendly EOS block browser

· MyEOSKit - EOS区块浏览器

• MyEOSKit - EOS block browser

五、Wrappers, APIs & SDKs

V, Wrappers, APIs & SDKs

· EOS Scala Wrapper - EOS RPC API的Scala包装器

• EOS Scala Wrapper - Scala Packaging for EOS RPC API

· EOS Java Wrapper - EOS RPC调用的Java实现

• EOS Java Wrapper-EOS RPC call Java realized

· EOS Go - EOS Go语言API库

• EOS Go - EOS Go Language API Library

· EOSpy - 进行中,能在不编译代码的情况下执行所有cleos get函数

• EOSpy - in progress & #xff0c; all Cleos get functions without code codification

· EOS Sharp - EOS区块链的C#客户端库

• EOS Sharp - EOS block chain C# client library

· EOS PHP - 适用于EOS API的PHP Wrapper

EOS PHP - PHP Wrapper for EOS API



· JVM库 - 用于JVM的EOS库,主要用于Android开发

JVM library - EOS library for JVM & #xff0c; mainly for Android development

· Swift库 - 一个用于与EOS交互的开源框架,用Swift编写

• Swift Library - an open source framework for interaction with EOS xff0c; prepared by Swift

· EOS API 平台 - EOS API服务平台

EOS API Platform - EOS API Service Platform


6; test network

· Jungle - 生态系统中最古老,最可靠的测试网之一,已成为EOS开发社区的支柱

Jungle - the oldest in the ecosystem xff0c; one of the most reliable testing networks xff0c; has become the backbone of EOS development communities

· CryptoKylin - 一个开发人员友好的测试网络

CryptoKylin - a developer-friendly testing network

· EOS Debug - 测试网络使用指南

• EOS Debug - Guide to testing the use of the network


♪ Seven strongs, security ♪ ♪/ strongs ♪


·, focus on eco-safety of block chains


· Debunking Claimed Vulnerability in EOSIO Smart Contract System

· Prevent DDoS with AWS Network Load Balancer

· EOS Node Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

· one hackerone


VIII, other tools


·, see short account number registration

·,EOS BP Profile 解析工具, EOS BP Profile parsing tool

·,RPC Checkpoint for EOS nodes

·,EOS 性能测试工具

· , EOS performance test tool

·,EOS 钱包 DEMO 版,美图贝客钱包技术支持, EOS wallet xff0c; Metube wallet technical support

·,Kubernetes Helm charts for the EOS smart contracts platform

·, Ansible playbook to dynamically deploy Dockerized nodeos

·, Adjusting supply of a token and connector balance of bancor during final phase of boot

· RAM 价格趋势

RAM price trends

· RAM 价格计算器

· RAM Price Calculator

· RAM、带宽、CPU 价格 / 成本计算

RAM, bandwidth, CPU prices / costing

· RAM 价格、投票数、未支付区块数统计

RAM prices, number of votes, number of unpaid blocks

· EOS 主网 24 小时 / 7 天内 Action 数据统计

EOS main network 24 hours / 7 days Action Data

· 超级节点(BP)的世界分布

· EOS 事件日历

· EOS Event Calendar

·,使用 CLion 的示例代码

· , use CLion's example code

·,EOS RAM 历史价格

· ,EOS RAM History Prices

· eosDataConditionSearch


Please see home page development for the smart contract development.




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