Follow Web3.0 社交头号玩家

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:29 评论:0
?   9 月 22 日,全球首款专为 Web3.0 定制开发的去中心化社交协议 Follow 上线 ,首款基于 Follow 协议且专注于 NFT 领域的去中心社交平台 同步开放测试,就引起了行业的高度关注,并获...



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  9 月 22 日,全球首款专为 Web3.0 定制开发的去中心化社交协议 Follow 上线 ,首款基于 Follow 协议且专注于 NFT 领域的去中心社交平台 同步开放测试,就引起了行业的高度关注,并获得财联社、链闻等媒体的报道,Follow 协议的主要功能和特点是什么?Follow 和其他社交平台的主要区别在哪里?Follow 能给 NFT 和元宇宙带来什么功能?

On September 22, the global premiere, a decentralised social protocol developed specifically for Web3.0 customizations, went online. The first was based on the Follow protocol and focused on the NFT domain, the Synchronized Open Test, which generated a high degree of industry interest and was reported in the financial society, chain news, etc., and what were the main functions and features of the Flash protocol? What were the main differences between the Follow and other social platforms?


The full text of

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:在 AMA 正式开始之前,我们首先欢迎今天的嘉宾 Follow 协议发起人 Carl Huang 来到我们 CryptoDAO 的 AMA 现场,在正式 AMA 之前,先请黄何先生简单介绍一下自己

The host of

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:大家好,我是 Carl,很高兴来到这里和大家探讨关于 Web3.0 社交的话题,也感谢大家对于 Follow 的关注,本人是一个技术背景的互联网创业老兵,之前做过互联网,也从事过区块链行业,目前全部的精力都在 Follow 协议。我们希望不仅能给行业带来符合 Web3.0 精神诉求社交协议,也带来对用户利益有充分的保障,且更适合创作者经济的社交平台。

Guest Carl@Follow: Hello, I'm Carl. I'm glad to be here to discuss the topic of Web3.0 socialization, and I thank you for your attention to the fact that I am a technocrat, an Internet entrepreneur who has been on the Internet and has been working in the block chain industry. We hope to bring not only the industry into line with the Web3.0 social protocol, but also a social platform that fully safeguards user interests and is better suited to the creator’s economy.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:那正式开始今天的 AMA,我们知道 Follow 刚刚上线并发布,但是很多人还是不熟悉,请嘉宾给社区朋友们介绍一下 Follow 协议和项目的背景和团队情况以及目前的开发进度。

The host of , Wendy@CryptoDAO: , who officially started today's AMA, we know that Follow has just been online and released, but many are still unfamiliar, and invite guests to share with community friends the background and team of the Follow agreements and projects, as well as current developments.

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:Follow 是一个基于区块链的 Web 3.0 社交协议,通过提供一整套的基础开发工具以及通用的智能合约接口,任何个人或组织可以基于 Follow 协议构建应用,所有基于 Follow 构建的应用用户可完全拥有自己的社交身份和社交数据,并可以像构建 DeFi 乐高那样将每个应用进行互通和组合,形成一个去中心化的、分层的、功能丰富的 SocialFi 网络。

Guest Carl@Follow: Follow is a block-based Web 3.0 social protocol that, by providing a set of basic development tools and common smart contract interfaces, any individual or organization can build applications based on the Follow protocol, all user of the Follow-based applications can have their own social identity and social data, and each application can be interoperable and combined to form a decentralized, stratification-rich SocialFi network like the DeFi Lego.

  简单举例就是基于 Follow 协议可以构建很多社交应用。例如,你想构建一款网络收藏夹,收藏自己喜欢的网页或者 DApp,使用 Like 和 unLike 方法就能轻松完成。例如,你想构建一款网络音乐播放器,能收藏音乐,创造自己的歌单,使用 Like 和 AddPlaylist 方法就能实现。如果多花一点时间研究,你会发现使用 Follow 协议甚至可以构建一个去中心化的 instagram。

A simple example is the fact that there are many social applications that can be built based on the Follow protocol. For example, you want to build a web collector, a web page that you like, or a Dapp, that can be done easily by using the Like and unLike methods. For example, you want to build a network music player that can collect music, create its own songlists, and use Like and AddPlaylist methods that can be done. If you spend a little more time studying, you can find that you can even build a decentralized instagram using the Follow protocol.

  另外,使用 Follow 协议的应用,你在 A 平台的粉丝和好友,在 B 平台也能看到,反之亦然。用户完全拥有自己的社交身份和社交数据。不像从微博到微信到抖音,你需要重新发展自己的粉丝和社交关系。

In addition, you can see fans and friends on platform A, and vice versa. Users have their own social identity and data. Unlike microblogging to microblogging to tremors, you need to re-develop your fans and social relationships.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:在结合题目,谈谈 Follow 协议的项目定位?目前项目所在赛道的格局是什么?

The host of , Wendy@CryptoDAO: , is discussing the project location of the Storm protocol in conjunction with the theme. What is the current pattern of the track where the project is located?

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:当前的互联网是寡头垄断的市场,已有的社交媒体巨头不仅通过垄断用户社交身份和社交数据获得巨额利润,而且任意更改游戏规则,失去了互联网最初秉承的开放精神。开放和共享是互联网的核心诉求,不管是构建 web3.0,还是在元宇宙中发展更大规模的创作者经济,都需要新的、体现互联网精神诉求的社交基础设施,Follow 协议的出现正是基于这种诉求的一种尝试。

Guest Carl@Follow: The current Internet is an oligopolistic market, and the existing social media giant not only earns huge profits by monopolizing user social identity and social data, but also arbitrarily alters the rules of the game and loses the original spirit of openness in the Internet. Openness and sharing are the core demands of the Internet, whether to build web3.0 or to develop a larger creative economy in the meta-cosmos, requiring a new social infrastructure that reflects the spiritual demands of the Internet.

  当前的社交网络发展主要在社交效率和内容承载上进行整合创新,并没有突破性进展。社交网络永远是改变世界传播和分享信息的最佳方式,使用 Follow 协议,再加上加密经济系统和所有权经济,你或许能创造出全新的社交网络。

Social networking is always the best way to change the way the world communicates and shares information, using the Flash protocol, coupled with encrypted economic systems and ownership economies, and you may be able to create new social networks.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:谢谢嘉宾的回答,我们知道 Follow 是一个专注于 NFT 的去中心化社交平台,也是第一个基于 Follow 协议构建的社交产品。那么 Follow 协议相比较其他的社交平台主要有哪些区别?

The host of , Wendy@CryptoDAO: , thanked the guest for his response, and we know that Follow is a decentralised social platform focused on NFT, and the first social product built on the Follow protocol. So what are the main differences between the Follow protocol and other social platforms?

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:归纳一下的话,主要的区别应该体现在如下几条:

The main difference, if summarized by guest Carl@Follow: , should be as follows:

  开源的去中心化社交协议,更多的开发者可以基于 Follow 协议进一步开发适应于各种场景的社交工具,比如聚焦 NFT 的社交工具,比如服务于 DAO 组织的社交平台等;

Open-source decentralised social protocols, whereby more developers can further develop social tools adapted to a variety of scenarios, such as social tools focusing on NFTs, such as social platforms serving DAO organizations, and so on;

  自由接入,统一的身份认证,Follow 协议的底层是去中心化的架构,因此基于 Follow 协议的各种应用具有无需准入的特点,服务用户的门槛降到最低,此外,以账户为基础,用户在 Follow 协议各个平台的行为可以统一归纳为特定的用户身份,行为即身份;

(a) Free access, uniform identification, and decentralized structures at the bottom of the Flash protocol, so that the various applications based on the Flash protocol have non-accessible features and service user thresholds are kept to a minimum, and, on the basis of accounts, user behaviour at the Flash platform can be grouped together into specific user identities, i.e., identities;

  用户完全拥有数据所有权,完善的经济系统,对于数据来说,存储即所有,Follow 会打通分布式存储功能,使用户数据既真正掌握在自己手中,也可通过授权各种协议的使用从中获利,用户只有真正掌握了自己的数据,才能像私有财产保护制度的建立一样对商业活动和商业利益提供保障,在元宇宙世界就是创作者经济的建立;

Users have full ownership of the data, well-developed economic systems, and for data, storage is all that is stored in the form of distributed storage, so that user data can be truly held in their own hands or profit from the use of authorized agreements, and only if users have real ownership of their own data can they safeguard commercial activities and commercial interests, as is the creation of a private property protection system, which is the creation of the creator's economy in the meta-cosmos world;

  由用户共同构建并通过 DAO 治理,Follow 的治理也是去中心化的。

The governance of Hollow is also decentralised when it is constructed by users and managed through DAO.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:在 2021 年 NFT+迅猛爆发,OpenSea 在 8 月份交易额更是达到了 34 亿美金。当前带有社交属性的应用隐隐起势,NFT 与社交结合已成主流。那么在您心目中聚焦 NFT 的社交平台应该是什么样的?

host, Wendy@CryptoDAO: in 2021, NFT+, with OpenSea trading at $3.4 billion in August. There is a hidden rise in applications with social attributes, and NFT is in the mainstream. What kind of social platform would you like to focus on NFT in your mind?

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:NFT 技术标准开启了数字艺术繁荣的大门,但艺术品的价值需要基于共同的审美认知和深度的社交互动才能得以实现。创作者需要专属的场景维护社区关系,并需要对收益拥有更大的掌握权。基于目前已有的私人的、垄断的社交平台,大量的、天才的创作者根本无法建立起真正拥有自己的社交数据、适合艺术作品分享,并能够实现作品价值的创作者经济体系。

Guest Carl@Follow: NFT technical standards open the door to digital art prosperity, but the value of art needs to be realized through social interaction based on a common aesthetic perception and depth. Creators need exclusive scenes to maintain community relations and have greater control over the benefits. Based on existing private, monopolistic social platforms, a large number of talented creators simply cannot build an economic system of creators who truly own their own social data, are fit to share their works and are able to realize the value of their works.


Our definition of a future social platform will include the following characteristics:


Open-source decentralised social protocols.


Free of charge for use


Harmonization of identification


The platform is built, operated and owned directly by users


Users have full ownership of the data


A well-developed economic system


Gains determined on the basis of personal values


The creator does not belong to any platform.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:我们知道,今年社交板块很火,也有很多投资布局在社交领域,那么 Follow 协议和目前加密领域其他的 SocialFi 有哪些不同和以及具备哪些优势?

Wendy@CryptoDAO: We know that social panels are hot this year and that there are a lot of investment layouts in the social field, so what are the differences and advantages of the Flash protocol and other SocialFis in the current encryption field?

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:我们不仅布局了协议端 Follow 协议,也布局了自己的社交产品。 是专注于 NFT 的 Web 3.0 社交产品,也是基于 Follow 协议的首款社交应用。 已经上线,前面提到的各种功能大家可以在上面体验。

Guest Carl@Follow: We have laid out not only the protocol end, but also our social products. is a web 3.0 social product focused on NFT, and is a first social application based on the Flash protocol.

  Follow 协议和目前加密领域其他的 SocialFi 有哪些不同和以及具备的优势可以总结如下:

What are the differences and advantages of the Folow protocol and other current SocialFis in the field of encryption that can be summarized as follows:

  1) Follow 团队不仅参加过互联网的社交项目,也参加过 2018 年区块链+社交创业,大批项目涌现,由于当时市场和生态不成熟,大部分项目如今销声匿迹,团队从失败中吸取了足够的教训。

(1) The Storm team participated not only in social projects on the Internet, but also in the 2018 block chain + social entrepreneurship, and a large number of projects emerged, most of which are now out of business because of the market and ecological immaturity at the time, and the team has learned enough from its failures.

  2) Follow 率先提出未来的社交平台的特性定义、Web 3.0 社交协议 Follow,也上线了社交平台,体现了执行力和专业性。

(2) Follow pioneered the definition of the characteristics of future social platforms, Web 3.0 social protocols, and went online to social platforms, demonstrating enforcement and professionalism.

  3) SocialFi 赛道当前还没有绝对领先的项目,未来社交融合 NFT、个人代币、社交代币,展现着巨大的潜力。当前的团队都在一个新的起跑线,未来 Follow 是第一梯队的项目。

3) The SocialFi track currently has no top-notch project, and the future social integration of NFT, personal tokens, and social tokens has great potential. The current team is on a new start-up line, and the future of Flash is a first-tier project.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:项目的发展离不开好的技术团队,想知道 Follow 的团队是怎样的?Follow 协议目前的开发进度到了什么程度?有哪些内容可以展示一下呢?

The host of , Wendy@CryptoDAO: The development of the project is dependent on a good technical team, who wants to know what the team is? What is the extent of the development of the Flash agreement? What can be shown?

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:Follow 团队由曾就职于腾讯、华为和火币的资深人员组成,在去中心化产品和社交类产品开发有丰富的经验。团队成员有参与过腾讯 QQ、陌陌、火币钱包、谷歌眼镜等项目、

Guest Carl@Follow: Follow team, composed of senior personnel who have been employed in Tseng, Hwa, and Gunn, has extensive experience in the development of products from the centre and social groups. Members of the team have been involved in projects such as QQ, Stranger, Gunn Wallet, Google Glasses, etc.

  Follow 协议 V1.0 当前已经上线,基于以太坊网络部署。

Thelow protocol V1.0 is currently online and is based on Etheria Network deployment.

  为开发人员及项目方提供 Follow Protocol 开发工具包,需要懂得 javascript 和 golang 语言。详

The development of a tool kit for the developers and project participants needs to understand the javascript and golang languages.

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:最后一个问题,也是大家想要知道的。Follow 协议下一步的规划是什么?有没有相关的计划呢?这关乎于 Follow 的未来

This is the last question you want to know about. What's the next plan for the Flash agreement? What's the plan? It's about the future.

  嘉宾 Carl@Follow:Follow 协议下一步的规划就是 Follow 2.0,这是一个长期的开发过程。

Guest Carl@Follow: Follow's next plan is Collow 2.0, which is a long-term development process.

  具体的规划包括 :

Specific planning for includes:

  1) Follow 协议 2.0 新的设计

1. Collow protocol 2.0 New design

  2) 新的社交应用开发

2) New Social Applications Development

  3) 迁移至 Layer-2 提升产品体验;

3) Migration to Layer-2 to upgrade the product experience;

  4) 发展艺术家联盟

4. Union of Development Artists

  5) 公布 Follow 协议的治理计划

5) Publication of the governance plan for the Flash Agreement

  主持人 Wendy@CryptoDAO:今天我们深度了解了 Follow 协议和,实际上也是对社交和 NFT 两个话题进行了深度探讨,Follow 团队作为互联网的创业老兵实际上为了我们提供了一种关于 NFT 和社交的全新的思考,这种思考既反应了互联网的发展脉络,反应了已有社交平台面临的一系列问题,又代表了对于互联网未来发展方向的一种思考,对于构建元宇宙创作者经济的一种铺垫。

The host of , Wendy@CryptoDAO: , today we have an in-depth understanding of the Fox Protocol and the, and indeed of the topics of socialization and NFT, and the fact that the Bloom Team, as an Internet entrepreneur, has actually provided us with a fresh thought about NFT and socialization that reflects both the development of the Internet and the range of issues that social platforms already face, as well as a reflection on the future direction of the Internet, and on how to build the economy of the creators of the meta-cosm.

  我们相信,Follow,为 Web3.0 而生的去中心化社交协议的上线,无疑将为建设更具活力和更具稳健性的数字艺术经济生态铺下最为坚实的一块基石。

We believe that the footline of the de-centralized social agreement that was born for Web3.0 will undoubtedly pave the way for the strongest building of a more dynamic and robust digital arts economy.

  同时 CryptoDAO 也会不断深入挖掘更多更好的项目给我们社区。再次感谢 Carl Huang 做客。

At the same time, CryptoDAO will continue to dig deeper into more and better projects for our community. Again, thanks to Carl Huang for being a guest.







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