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The currency exchange ranked the top ten as follows:

1 数字货币第一龙头 BTC比特币据。

1 BTC bitcoin, the first line of digital currency.

2 以太坊ETH。

2 Etheria ETH.

3 瑞波币XRP。

Three Ribbons XRP.

4 泰达币USDT。

4 Titanic USDT.

5 比特现金BCH。

Five bits of cash in BCH.

6 BSV。

7 ADA艾达币。

7 ADA Adaco.

8 莱特币LTC。

8 Lightcoin LTC.

9 币安币BNB。

9 Renaissance BNB.

10 LINK。


Outreach materials:


CoinMarketCap (CMC) data show that, as of 30 June, after CMC’s renewed exchange rankings, China’s global station derivatives were ranked first, reaching about $2.42 billion in 24-hour transactions. At the same time, it was ranked first in the Bitcoin derivatives exchange, with transactions reaching about $1.838 billion.


The CMC was ill at the beginning of June because the updated exchange ranking algorithm was unreasonable, and then the CMC officially indicated that the distinction between spot and derivatives would be discontinued and that a separate page for derivatives exchanges would be launched in the future. According to the EWN article, it was assumed that taking derivatives in this case alone would be a harsh change in the scope of encrypted data.

衍生品交易正在赶超现货交易,火币继续抢先 依据CMC数据显现,比特币24小时的交易量约为159亿美元,排名前五的比特币衍生品交易所的交易量约55亿美元,其中火币全球站交易量最高,到达了约18.38亿美元。

Derivatives trading is catching up with spot trading, and the price of the gun continues to pre-empt it. According to CMC data, Bitcoins traded around $15.9 billion in 24 hours, and the top five Bitcoin derivatives exchange traded about $5.5 billion, with the highest volume of money traded globally, reaching about $1,838 billion.

另外依据CoinDesk文章数据,2020年5月加密资产衍生品交易量环比4月增加了32%,到达6,020亿美元,跨越3月份的6,000亿美元,创出历史新高,其中火币合约以1,760亿美元的总交易量领跑衍生品交易市场。 这标明衍生品交易的数量正在赶超现货市场的交易量,有更多的投资者选择比特币衍生品中止交易。也正是基于这个缘由,衍生品行业在2020年末尾了全新的迭代升级,一方面是衍生品的多样化和专业化,另外衍生品交易量出现出了马太效应,头部交易所交易量激增。

Also, according to CoinDesk, the volume of encrypted derivatives trading in May 2020 increased by 32% from April to $602 billion, spanning $600 billion in March, creating a record high, with a currency contract running the derivatives market at $176 billion in total volume transactions. This indicates that the volume of derivatives trading is catching up with the volume of transactions in the spot market, and that more investors have chosen to suspend Bitcoins derivatives.


In derivatives transactions, leverage is a double-edged sword that can be used to hedge or profit while also increasing investment risk. So when investors stop dealing with derivatives, they must choose high-activity exchanges and imaginary derivatives to reduce risk.


Networks 1, B, 2, P, 3. Bitfinex, 4, Bitimb. 5, Coinone. 6, bitFlyer. 7, OKCoin. 8, Korbit. 9, K, 10, Currency Pool.


The content of the above-mentioned article is in the form of a ten-track virtual money exchange platform, in which virtual currency continues to fall in heat due to the contraction of the currency market, assuming that a more fair and equitable virtual money exchange platform can be found, which is a good thing for investors.



digital currency exchange rankings range from low to high Bithumb, OKXE, Binancen, BitMEX, and Currency Winners.



Bithumb is the largest digital currency exchange in Korea and the top 10 trading places in the world, trading more than 13,000 bits per day, or about 10% of the world’s bitcoins. It promises to provide the lowest global fees, 75.7% of the North Korean bitcoin market and 10% of the global bitcoin market, as well as 50% of the South Korean Etherbank market.


app官网下载是全球知名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易效力,隶属于 app官网下载TechnologyCompanyLimited。

Appnet downloads are one of the world's well-known digital asset trading platforms, which provides global users with the effect of spot and derivative transactions of digital assets such as Bitcoin, Latcoin, and Temasco, and is part of the appNet download of TechnologyCompanyLimited.


Three, Binance.


The currency exchange platform was created by a group of digital asset lovers who distinguished between the pioneers of Zhao Chang Peng (CZ). In Japan, the company supports the Chinese language. The currency is larger, the volume of transactions is larger, and the BNB is granted a 50% discount on transaction fees.



This is a platform from the Republic of Seychelles that supports leveraging transactions up to a maximum of 1-100 times leverage for encrypted money derivatives, while also providing high leverage for other digital money products.


5. Country stations where the currency is won


This is a global digital asset trading platform run by China’s state company in Hong Kong, using multi-intelligent and radical technology to ensure firmness in transactions. The value of transactions in digital assets, such as Temas and HSR, is provided to users worldwide.




1. Secure assets are critical, and you can pass through the exchange, online wallets, hardware wallets, and paper wallets and distribute your bitcoins in about other currencies so that you do not acquire any assets in case of hacking or loss.


Whether it is EOS, ETC, BTC, LTC, etc., or any other platform currency, in addition to the properties that Bitcoin itself was once assigned to gold in digital currency, the currencies are more related to the use and landing of the block chain industry, the interest in and analysis of trends and ecological formations in the block chain industry, so that the return of talent to the original purpose of investment in the value of the block chain can also be a way of avoiding risk.

第一名:币安 (目前已不支持中国IP访问,精细访问方法请参考:400亿美元一天,秒杀沪深200家上市公司总和;仅用了6个月,币安是谁?) 简介:币安交易平台是由赵长鹏(CZ)指点的一群数字资产喜好者创立而成的一个专注区块链资产的交易平台。为用户提供愈加平安、便利的区块链资产兑换效力,聚合全球优质区块链资产,勤劳于打造世界级的区块链资产交易平台。

Number one: Yuan An (for China IP visits not currently supported, fine access methods can be consulted: $40 billion a day to kill 200 listed companies in seconds; only six months to whom?) Brief description: The currency trading platform was created by a group of digital assets like Zhao Chang Peng (CZ) pointers, and a dedicated block chain asset trading platform. Users are provided with a more secure and convenient chain asset conversion effect, bringing together global high-quality block chain assets and working hard to build a world-class block chain asset trading platform.

第二名:B网(Bittrex) 简介:Bittrex树立于2015年,是美国的比特币交易所,支持200多个交易对,Bitterex团队成员来自微软、亚马逊、Qualys和黑莓等各大公司,在交易方面具有逾越50年上述文章内容的专业安全和开拓阅历。每天的成交量达数百亿群众币,有不少中国玩家在B网。

Second: B Net (Bittrex) Profile: Bittrex was established in 2015 as the United States Bitcoin Exchange, supporting more than 200 transactions, and Bitterex team members came from companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Qualys and BlackBerry, with more than 50 years of professional security and access to the content of the above-mentioned articles.

第三名:P网(poloniex) 简介:Poloniex成立于2014年,俗称P网,是世界抢先的加密货币交易所之一。Poloniex平台可交易多种山寨币。Poloniex是美国的数字货币交易所,是一个交易量大币种多且比拟正轨的交易平台,目前支持100多交易对,网站全英文,但操作比较冗杂。

Third: PNet Profile: Poloniex was established in 2014 as one of the world's leading crypto-currency exchanges. Poloniex platforms trade in a variety of bounties. Poloniex is a digital currency exchange in the United States, a trading platform with more than 100 large currencies and more regular transactions, currently supports more than 100 transactions, and the website is full of English, but it is more cumbersome to operate.

第四名:Bitfinex 简介:总部位于中国香港,Bitfinex是全世界最大、最后级的比特币交易平台之一,支持以太坊、比特币、莱特币、以太模范等虚拟币的交易,每天的成交量达30多亿群众币。提供币币交易,美元与币的交易,目前支持60多交易对。注册十分冗杂。2016年,Bitfinex大约有12万枚比特币经过社交媒体被盗。受此事情影响,事前比特币价钱跌了20%。

Number four: Bitfinex: based in Hong Kong, China, Bitfinex is one of the world's largest and last-class Bitfinex trading platforms, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Leitcoin, and Ether Model, with a volume of more than 3 billion yuan per day. Offering currency transactions, and transactions between the United States dollar and currency, currently supporting more than 60 transactions. Registration is cumbersome. In 2016, about 120,000 bitfinex pieces were stolen through social media.

第五名:Kraken(K网) 简介:总部位于旧金山的Kraken成立于2011年,是欧元交易量最大的比特币交易所,也可用加拿大元、美元、英镑和日元交易。目前支持40多主流代币交易对。Kraken一直被独立旧事媒体评为最佳和最安全的比特币交易所。Kraken是第一个在彭博终端上显现交易价钱和交易量的比特币交易所,第一个经过了加密考证的外汇贮藏审计,是第一家加密货币银行的散伙人。

Number five: Kraken (Knet) Profile: Kraken, based in San Francisco, was established in 2011 as the largest currency trading exchange in the euro, with Canadian dollars, United States dollars, pounds sterling and Japanese yen. More than 40 mainstream currency transactions are currently supported. Kraken has been rated by independent old media as the best and safest bitcoin exchange. Kraken was the first Bitcoin exchange to show the value and volume of transactions at the Bloomberg terminal, the first to be audited by an encrypted examination of foreign exchange deposits, and the first to be a disentangled member of the first encrypted currency bank.

第六名:Bithumb 简介:总部位于韩国,目前支持10个主流货币交易对,Bithumb具有韩国比特币市场份额75.7%,是世界五大比特币交易所之一,每天交易量逾越13,000比特币,约占全球比特币交易量的10%。该交易所也是世界上最大的以太坊市场。固然韩元目前是比特币的第四大货币市场,落伍于美元、群众币和日圆,但韩元市场是以太坊最大的市场。Bithumb在韩国的以太坊交易中占比44%左右。

Sixth: Bitimb, based in South Korea, currently supports 10 mainstream currency transactions, with Bitumb having a 75.7% share of the Korean Bitcoin market, one of the five largest bitcoin exchanges in the world, trading more than 13,000 bitcoins a day, or about 10% of the world’s Bitcoin trade. The Exchange is also the world’s largest Ether.

第七名:bitFlyer 简介:总部位于日本;Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,希图填补MtGox倒下后日本比特币交易市场的空缺,目前已获两轮融资,投资方包括三菱UFJ金融团体旗下的三菱UFJ资本有限公司( Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.),日本电通团体旗下的风投公司电通数码控股公司(Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.)等。

Seventh: BitFlyer: Head office in Japan; Bitflyer was created by a former employee in Goldman Sachs, and Hito filled the gap in the Japanese Bitcoin trading market following MtGox's fall and has now received two rounds of financing from Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Ltd. (Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.) under the auspices of the Mitsubishi UfJ Financial Group, and from the Japanese company Windway Digital Holdings (Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.).

第八名:火币Pro 简介:火币网由北京火币天下网络技术有限公司运营,作为中国最早成立也是目前中国最大的比特币交易平台,毫无疑问是国际排名第一的比特币交易平台。

Eighth place: Fire money Pro Profile: The Currency Network is operated by China's first and current largest Bitcoin trading platform, China's first-ranked Bitcoin trading platform. There is no doubt that it is the first international Bitcoin trading platform.

第九名:OKCoin 简介:OKCoin是一个面向全球的虚拟货币交易平台,为北京乐酷达网络科技无限公司一切。OKCoin创立于2013年,该交易平台最具亮点是比特币交易量,OKCoin比特币交易量最高日(2013.3.5)到达29.3万个,LTC更是高达1290万个,这是截止目前世界虚拟货币日交易单最高纪录。

Number nine: OKCoin Profile: OKCoin is a global-oriented virtual currency trading platform for Lecuda Internet Infinite Technology in Beijing. The most prominent trading platform was created in 2013, with the highest number of transactions in Bitcoin, which reached 293,000 on the top day (2013.3.5), and LTC as high as 12.9 million, the highest ever recorded in the world's virtual currency days.

第十名:Allcoin 简介:Allcoin是Cascadia Fintech Corp.旗下的全球数字货币交易平台,总部位于加拿大温哥华。于2013年9月12日在加拿大证券交易所上市(股票代码“CK”)。

10th: Allcoin Profile: Allcoin is a global digital currency trading platform under Cascadia Fintech Corp., headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange on 12 September 2013 (stock code CK).





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