In order to better understand the changes in these paradigm shifts, let us first look at the stage of the development of the Internet.
Web 1.0 -> Web 2.0 -> Web 3.0: 不断进化

The trend that we are about to witness is that the Internet will evolve according to the needs and use of users and ultimately belong to them.
Web 1.0——网站投喂信息给用户

根据 BlockGeek 网站内容显示,早在上世纪 90 年代互联网刚刚开始普及的时候,用户与网络的互动处于非常早期的阶段,即用户只能被动地浏览文本、图片以及简单的视频内容,网站提供什么,用户查看什么。几乎没有互动可言。
According to BlockGeek's content, as early as the 1990s, when the Internet began to spread, users interacted with the network at a very early stage, i.e. users only passively view text, pictures and simple video content, what the website provides, and what users view. There is little interaction.
对于 90 后、00 后来说,在社交媒体和视频流媒体盛行之前,曾经有过一个互联网(早期)版本!上世纪 90 年代中后期,在谷歌、百度发展之前的一段时间,互联网曾经由 AltaVista 和 Netscape 主宰。当时,互联网的存在只是为了宣传他们的实体公司。这些网站是「只读网站」,意味着你只能搜索和阅读信息。
For the post-90, late 00, there was an Internet (early) version before social media and video streaming became popular. In the mid-1990s and late 1990s, the Internet was dominated by AltaVista and Netscape for some time before Google and Pepsi. At the time, the Internet existed only to promote their real companies.
(# 区块律动 Blockbeats 注:AltaVista,全球最知名的搜索引擎公司之一,于 1995 年创立。2003 年被雅虎收购,2013 年雅虎宣布关闭搜索引擎 AltaVista 服务。Netscape,网景通信公司,曾经是一家美国的计算机服务公司,以其生产的同名网页浏览器 Netscape Navigator 而闻名。1998 年 11 月,网景被美国在线 AOL 收购。)
(# Block Blockbeats Note: AltaVista, one of the world's best-known search engines, was founded in 1995. Purchased by Yahoo in 2003 and closed the search engine AltaVista service in 2013. Netscape, a former computer service company in the United States, was famous for producing the same name web browser Netscape Navigator. In November 1998, the Webscape was acquired by AOL online in the United States.)
And the e-commerce website of that time is actually like the marketing manual that is now being distributed by supermarkets, just to show you the content that you can't place on the website.
这就是 Web1.0,缓慢的 Web 1.0,完全受控制的 Web 1.0。
This is Web1.0, Slow Web 1.0, fully controlled Web 1.0.
Web 2.0——互联网开始与人互动
下一代互联网被称为「Web2.0」或「读写」网络。现在,用户不仅仅是单纯的访问者,他们还可以创建自己的内容,并将其上传到网站上。以著名的视频博主「办公室小野」为例,她仅用了 2 年的时间就从一个默默无闻的视频作者变成了月收入数千万的视频大 V。
The next generation of the Internet is called "Web 2.0" or "Lite and Write" networks. Now, users are not just mere visitors, they can also create their own content and upload it to the site. In the case of the famous video blogger "Office Nobano," she took only two years to move from a silent video author to a multimillion-dollar video video videos per month.
大概从 03 年开始,O’Reilly Media 的副总裁戴尔·杜赫蒂(Dale Dougherty)首先提出「Web2.0」这个词,随后「Web2.0」的浪潮席卷全球。在短短十年的时间里,「Web2.0」完全重新定义了市场营销和业务运营。
The word "Web 2.0" was first introduced by O'Reilly Media’s vice-president, Dale Dougherty, starting around 03, followed by a wave of "Web 2.0" ravaging the globe. In just 10 years, "Web 2.0" completely redefined marketing and business operations.

Influential reds only need to send a video to keep a restaurant in line or, in one sentence, to make an Internet shop look bad. Internet users’ influence on the Internet is growing, and the age of past websites feeding information to users has passed.
Web2.0 的主要目标是,使互联网更加民主,并尽可能地方便用户访问。
The main objective of Web 2.0 is to make the Internet more democratic and as user-friendly as possible.
Web 3.0——更通人性的互联网
Web3.0, like Web 2.0, is still not a technological innovation, but an intellectual innovation that will guide the development and application of technology. Web3.0 will give rise to a new kingdom, which will no longer be divided by geography and boundaries, but rather by interests, languages, themes, occupations, professions, and management. It will be called “The Emperor turns around, comes to my house next year.” You will have the opportunity to create a new Internet kingdom and become a king, or you will be president in a democratic campaign for an Internet kingdom, and then you will have Internet citizens from all corners of the planet.

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