
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:27 评论:0
差价合约(Contract for Difference,CFD),是一种衍生型的金融工具,涉及使用杠杆,并为市场参与者提供通过特定金融工具头寸的开盘价与收盘价之间的差额赚取利润的机会。大多数情况下,加密货币差价...



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差价合约(Contract for Difference,CFD),是一种衍生型的金融工具,涉及使用杠杆,并为市场参与者提供通过特定金融工具头寸的开盘价与收盘价之间的差额赚取利润的机会。大多数情况下,加密货币差价合约的使用是基于加密货币市场的非常不稳定性,即使资产价格发生最轻微的波动,仍然可以获得可观的利润。

price differentials (contract for Diversity, CFC) is a derivative financial instrument involving the use of leverage and providing market participants with an opportunity to earn a profit from the difference between the opening price of a given financial instrument position and the collection price. In most cases, crypto-currency differentials contracts are used on the basis of the highly volatile nature of the encrypted currency market, and even with the smallest fluctuations in asset prices, significant profits are made.


One of the most obvious advantages of differential contracts, which can be applied to a variety of financial products: equities, equity indices, bonds, currencies, commodities, interest rates and encrypted currencies, is that investors can open multiple positions and empty positions.


As a result, these products can be used both for speculation and for risk hedging.


In order to open up and maintain positions, users must provide collateral, i.e. security, as in futures markets. The margin contract usually requires lower security, which is why CFP transactions are so popular with retail customers.

关于加密货币的差价合约,它们涉及签订主要加密货币(如 BTC、ETH、DOGE、ADA、XRP 等)的价格差异合同,最重要的加密货币交易的差价合约示例是BTC / USD CFD(比特币差价合约)。

With respect to price differential contracts for encrypted currencies, they involve price differential contracts for major encrypted currencies (e.g. BTC, ETH, DOGE, ADA, XRP, etc.), the most important example of price differential contracts for encrypted currency transactions is BTC/USD CFP (bit currency difference contract).




Professional traders and investors who have tried to work in financial markets are aware of the differential price contracts for traditional assets — oil, gold and currency — and their main advantage is leverage.


Trading in encrypted currency differential contracts, particularly the DMA model, would reinforce these advantages, as price movements in encrypted currencies are more pronounced.


It is price movements that generate profits in differential contracts, with greater volatility offering greater earning opportunities for traders willing to take greater risks. Encrypted currency differentials contracts are also closely related to spot markets.


In the future, the future price will be determined by the supply and demand relationship between the “expected” price of the asset. Encrypted currency differential contracts are designed to meet the needs of each trader and provide more opportunities for trading different contracts.


The four main components of an encrypted currency differential contract transaction form its basis:



The difference contract is traded in terms of numbers or standard contracts.


For example, in any encrypted currency exchange, bitcoins are traded in whole or in decimal parts. For example, the equivalent price difference contract in an exchange exchange simulates the same whole or small value.

简而言之,交易者需要购买 10 个比特币差价合约,来开立模拟购买 10 个比特币的头寸,或者购买 0.25 个比特币差价合约,来开立模拟购买买0.25 个比特币的头寸。

In short, traders need to purchase 10 bitcoin differential contracts to set up a mock purchase of 10 bitcoin positions, or 0.25 bitcoin differential contracts to set up a mock purchase purchase of 0.25 bitcoins.



The maturity period refers to the period between the purchase of the difference contract and the moment before the sale.


In most cases, there is no fixed maturity date for an encrypted currency differential contract. In the case of transactions for an encrypted currency differential contract, there is a need to use a strong trading strategy to back up your unsettled position and track your trading plans, bearing in mind the key expiry date for a non-encrypted currency asset difference contract, because brokers do not extend their positions after maturity.


As a result, all unaltered positions will automatically be levelled after maturity.



Two different types of prices are used when using price differential contracts for encrypted currency transactions: the purchase price (Bid) allows traders or investors to open multiple transactions for price differentials, and the sale price (Ask) is the price for which traders can open price differential contracts for empty transactions.


When this tool is used, the sale price is slightly lower than the current market price of the particular asset and the purchase price is slightly higher than the current market price of the particular asset. The difference in these prices is referred to as the point difference, which usually covers the cost of setting up a price differential contract in an encrypted currency.


In other words, the purchase/sale price will be adjusted accordingly to reflect transaction costs.




Like any other financial instrument, such as options, futures or conventional spot transactions, an encrypted currency differential contract has its advantages and disadvantages.


The following are the main advantages that traders gain in dealing with encrypted currency differential contracts.


假设交易者拥有 1 个比特币和几个以太币,并希望长期持有它们。然而,在短期内,他预计这些数字资产的价格将下跌。在这种情况下,差价合约允许他开立空头头寸,以弥补潜在的损失。

Assuming that the dealer owns one bitcoin and several bitcoins, and wishes to hold them for a long time. However, in the short term, he anticipates that the price of these numbers of assets will fall. In this case, the price differential contract allows him to open up positions to compensate for potential losses.


If his prediction is correct, he will profit and the difference contract will make up for his loss. If he is wrong in his prediction, his loss will be compensated in the future, and he can level it out immediately.



Many who want to benefit from the growth of digital assets do not want to miss the opportunity to profit from the fall in prices. Encrypted currency differential contracts provide an excellent opportunity to test the chosen trading strategy by opening up empty positions.


This may be a useful function when traders know that the price of a particular encrypted monetary asset may collapse in the near future for reasons such as negative news. It allows for additional profits, sometimes equivalent to a thousand per cent for experienced traders.



As in the case of trade-encrypted currency futures contracts, an encrypted currency differential contract enables you to leverage the trading of encrypted currency assets to increase potential profits. This function allows traders to develop the best trading system and achieve the best balance between risk and profit increases, which traders may not be able to obtain by using standard spot trading models in the encrypted currency market.


It should be remembered that encrypted currency differential contracts are a high-risk tool that requires careful analysis of market conditions before being applied in practice.


The following are some of the shortcomings inherent in an encrypted currency differential contract.



While encrypted money-leveraging transactions allow market participants to achieve incredible results, there is also a risk.


In order to reduce this risk, retail traders can use the standard principles of money management or create their own principles.


Typically, a minimum level of leverage can reduce potential losses, as the lower the leverage, the lower the level of money borrowed from brokers, and the lower the likelihood of liquidating transactions.



The high volatility of the crypto-currency market has always caused anxiety among some traders, but has also opened up new opportunities for others.


Nevertheless, one cannot deny the fact that the high volatility of digital tools is a dangerous phenomenon that must be taken into account by all traders without exception, especially the starters who have just begun to become familiar with the world of cryptographic currencies.


In addition, in order to avoid unforeseen situations related to the use of funds borrowed from brokers, it is of paramount importance to adhere to the chosen strategy and adjust it to the needs.



The nature of futures contracts and of encrypted currency differentials indicates the speculative nature, as traders do not own assets that are being traded. It is also important to remember that, because of their speculative nature, all price differentials are unstable financial products.


Sometimes the prices of one or another of the encrypted monetary assets change rapidly over a relatively short period of time, which may have a negative impact on the leveraging of transactions and thus deter newcomers.


The derivatives of encrypted currencies, including options, futures, and price differentials, have become one of the most popular methods of leveraging today. The main consumers of encrypted derivatives are speculators, who are also used by radical investors to increase profitability.


Encrypted currency futures and encrypted currency price differential contracts emerge from a large number of other derivatives, which is why they are usually equivalent to the same type of derivative. But there are also many significant differences between them.


The Chamber of Brokers guarantees the quality of orders executed in price differential contracts, while in encrypted currency futures transactions all guarantees are provided by an encrypted currency exchange in which the transaction takes place.


The price of the difference contract is defined by the broker, while the price of the encrypted currency futures is defined by the encrypted currency exchange.


In futures transactions, the commission of the broker is paid in addition to the margin fee. In this case, it is logical that the price differential contract deal is cheaper. However, this advantage may be offset by the fact that the margin of the price difference contract is usually much higher than that of the encrypted currency futures traded by the exchange.


For differential contracts, the swap fee is charged on a daily basis, while encrypted currency futures need to be extended on a daily basis during the contract period. In differential contract transactions, there may be a conflict of interest between the broker and the customer. For example, if the broker does not enter the inter-bank market, the loss to the customer may increase the agent’s profits.


In futures transactions, the situation is different: these contracts will acquiesce in trading on the exchange market. If there is a dispute between futures trading participants, arbitration will be conducted by world-renowned regulators (e.g., CFC, FSA, and NFA).


When you cooperate with a futures broker, the customer’s funds are deposited into a bank account.


In the case of differential contract transactions, the customer’s funds are deposited into the broker’s account. Therefore, if the broker fails, the customer may lose all the funds.


In fact, the most important difference is that when an encrypted currency futures are used, the dealer becomes the owner of the asset, while in a differential contract transaction the dealer can only profit from changes in the price of the asset but does not own the asset itself.


Encrypted currency differential contracts involve a high risk that must be controlled through the use of different tools and strategies that ultimately prevent adverse situations arising from the hasty choice of a transaction strategy.


A hedge is a risk management technique to reduce losses. It is used to protect your profits, especially in times of uncertainty. In the abstract, the idea is that if you lose an investment, you have an alternative hedge position to make up for it.


By leveraging leverage, traders can use encrypted currency assets in the relevant market to offset losses incurred in the surge. Therefore, when the market falls, regardless of how much he loses in the main portfolio, it can be compensated by his hedge position.


On the contrary, if the market continues to rise, the dealer will lose the hedge position of the encrypted currency assets, but will still benefit from the other assets in his possession.


The stoppage and stoppage is the type of protective order that can be set to automatically close the transaction. The stoppage limits the losses that traders may suffer, while the stopover helps to lock in profits when the expected level is reached.


These price limits have been a reliable method of preventing accidental losses in the course of transactions, particularly when dealing with high-risk and complex trading instruments such as options, forwards and price differential contracts.


Leveraging amounts play an important role in balancing expected profits and risk levels.


In order to reduce the potential risk of losing initial capital, even professional traders suggest the use of minimal leverage, let alone beginners. Properly adjusted leverage avoids large losses, which is particularly important in high liquidity markets such as crypto-currency.




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