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MetaApp目前是C轮的明星创业公司,估值近10亿美金,旗下产品233乐园是国内最大的安卓游戏平台,注册用户过2亿,日活过千万。目前在做虚拟世界 - 全年龄的Roblox,让中小个人开发者都可以基于我们的平台和编辑器创造有意思的游戏。

MetaApp, currently a C-wheel star start-up company, valued at nearly $1 billion, is the biggest Andre game platform in the country, with over 200 million registered users and millions living daily. Currently in virtual world -- Roblox of all ages, allowing small and medium-sized individual developers to create interesting games based on our platform and editor.


SIG, DST, Yun-Nix, among other excellent dollar capital investments. The founding teams Yale, Qinghua, China University Youth, Silicon Valley background. The CEO was elected 40 Chinese business elites under 40 years of age in Forbes in China, and 30u30 in China and Asia.

  • 注册用户过2亿,累计分发量过10亿;

    Over 200 million registered users and over 1 billion cumulative distributions;

  • 总时长超过行业第二名到第十名的总和;

  • 用户爆发式增长,长期留存率8倍于行业;

    User outbreak growth with a long-term retention rate eight times greater than industry;

  • 日时长10倍于行业;

    10 times longer than industry;




图形学先驱卡马克(John Carmack)有一句名言:“每个人都有无法实现的梦想。或许是那梦想需要太多时间和金钱,譬如开跑车驰骋,驾飞机翱翔;或许是那梦想太过于离谱,譬如与异形进行星球大战,与吸血鬼拼个刺刀见红。不管能否实现,它们总盘旋在你脑海里,每一天,让你浮想联翩。这就是为什么会有一个上亿美元的产业来帮助人们实现各种光怪陆离的白日梦”。

The graphics pioneer John Carmack has a famous saying: "Everybody has an unattainable dream. Maybe it takes too much time and money, like running a car and flying a plane; maybe it's too far off-the-shelf, like a planetary war with an alien, and a bayonet with a vampire. Regardless of whether it can be achieved, they're always in your mind, every day, to make you think about it. That's why there's a billion-dollar industry to help people realize all kinds of daydreams."


Metaverse is the ultimate form of entertainment and socialization, a new identity in the virtual world, where you can be anyone, for 100 lives, create/participate games, build dream homes, make friends... there will be more than one universe, multiple universes and games are interconnected, and even you can create interactive content/games in a few minutes, far beyond the experience of any game itself today.




It's supposed to be the first start-up company to officially declare a leap from the Internet world to the metaspace world. Today, when the word meta and metaverse have been used, we can name it: Metaapp is the name that the company has been using since at least a few years ago, and there is no heat in the metaspace.


At the beginning, the company was probably working on a "black technology" that should be associated with cloud-based technology, trying to bind the App app applications of the mobile Internet to a large App, or MetaApp, which now contains the micro-letters and payment treasures of food, clothing and accommodation. But, in the end, the company started and was based on a product hidden in the mainstream Internet world, called 233 Gardens, 233 minor games, which, in short, can be described as 4399 of the mobile Internet.

由于233乐园抓住了一些流量红利,用户获取成本极低,所以在千万级DAU的大规模用户量下,一点点的广告商业化,就足以做到break even。


When the SIG just invested $100 million in this company, the market swollen, after all, it's understandable that SIG has made too much money on byte beats, and occasionally even on a regular basis. But in the current market conditions, SIG's investment is too valuable, and the deal is very cost-effective, after all, the company has 10 million living users.



Max Zhou's shift from a CTO to a responsible company's growth and strategy, and the development of another consortium that joined from the perfect world also reflects the evolution of the company from an Internet company to an Internet integration game. Grace, the company's newly introduced partner, has a very strong gene for making 2C products, and as a very good female entrepreneur, managing the company's personnel administration system, it's really great.



"MinoVATE" was founded in 2015 and has nearly a thousand employees who build and continuously explore virtual interactive scenes on the future line through self-research engine technology and sandbox content creation platforms with the aim of `encouraging imagination, creating happiness'. The company’s business covers sandbox UGC platforms, IP graphics, child programming, etc., and the flagship product Mini World is the country's largest size sandbox platform , with more than 100 million active users per month.


"Span" is a sandbox creative platform for autonomous C++ engine development, with functional games as a development goal. It's an euphemistic sandbox creative game in which a dynamic mix of squares allows players to create freely, whether in the Motten Building or in traditional style buildings, or in giant monsters or micromodels, combining innovative intellectual functions such as circuits, biology, and so on, maximizing the creativity of children. It is a powerful inspiration to exercise three-dimensional space thinking and to stimulate the imagination and creativity of young people.


has now won a number of industry-renowned awards such as GooglePlay's Best Innovative Game, Blackstone's Best Independent Game. Mini-World's style of intelligence, health, openness, creativity is recognized by a wide range of young people as a group of loved and guardians. At the same time, games promote positive energy, a passion for public goods, and have a strong influence on youth.








In the official caliber of the mini-world, we don't see a meta-cosm idea of the company, which may not be necessary, after all, the company could sell the target Minecraft to Microsoft for $2.5 billion as early as 2014, and the company should be worth tens of billions of dollars now. And the Chinese Internet world, Minecraft, could be worth that price.


The mini-world needs to be “localized” better, with companies targeting young and young child users and successfully taking over their domestic markets by adapting their products to younger populations.




This is my actual picture,


I said, "Are you playing with the mini-world?"


replied, "Yes."


And I said, "Why don't you play the king's glory or eat chicken?"


said, "No fun."



In a way, the mini-world and Minecraft have become the meta-cosmos, especially the above picture, where kids can take themselves into the new digital world of the mini-world to recognize and enjoy the game and life of the world, and in this case the Moor Estate.



Vision /strang >


Yahaha is building a world-class UGC platform for 3D interactive content.


We're happy to be able to create digital social scenes to enhance the user's immersed virtual world experience.


Team > /span >

我们公司成立于2020 年,现已在芬兰、韩国和中国开设了办事处。我们拥有强大的工程文化,超过 80% 的团队成员都是工程师。凭借开放的文化,我们拥抱多样性、创新性和包容性。

Our company was founded in 2020 and now has offices in Finland, Korea and China. We have a strong engineering culture, with more than 80% of the team members being engineers. With an open culture, we embrace diversity, innovation and inclusiveness.


We create cross-platform experiences and achieve user autonomy through smooth platform conversion.

Yahaha 是一个平台,用户可以在这里参与 Yahaha Studio 制作的所有游戏、互动内容、创作和多元化社区。它是一个虚拟世界,倡导前卫科技的新生活方式。

Yaha is a platform where users can participate in all games, interactive content, creativity and diverse communities made by Yahaha Studio. It is a virtual world that advocates new ways of life in forward-guard technology.


without encoding can design games /strang

要成为Yahaha的创造者,有创意的头脑就足够了!借助 Yahaha Studio,创作者无需掌握任何技术技能,例如编码、服务器开发或具有任何先前的游戏设计经验,即可轻松构建多人在线游戏世界。

To be the creator of Yahaha, a creative mind is enough! With Yahaha Studio, creators can easily build a multiplayer online game world without having any technical skills, such as coding, server development, or any previous game design experience.


/span >

借助我们的尖端引擎,创作者可以快速方便地生成多人互动内容。使用 Yahaha Studio,通过我们平台中的 3D 资产,将各种创新想法实现并传达为高质量的作品。

With our cutting-edge engines, creators can quickly and easily generate interactive content. With Yahaha Studio, innovative ideas are realized and communicated to high-quality works through 3D assets on our platform.




Yahaha is a very young start-up company and one of the country's “most like” Roblox.


says it's like it's related to the background of its founding team, from a company known as unity as a game engine and educated (Roblex was the first programming educational product). So Yahaha's A-round melts three times because there's always money to come in. Looking back at Yahaha's angel is really cheap, though it's a relatively standard dollar angel price.


BUD App是国内最大的元宇宙UGC社交平台,注册用户近千万,最高苹果社交总榜前3,拥有数百万原创UGC沉浸式3D作品和高度活跃的创作者生态。

BUD App is the country's largest meta-cosm UGC social platform, with nearly 10 million registered users, top 3 of the top apple social chart, millions of original UGC 3D works and highly active creators' ecology.

愿景:connectpeople through 3D experiences

Vision: Conceptpeople through 3D extensions




BUD is the country's first dollar cosmopolitan UGC social platform, which allows all users to make their own 3D immersion experiences. High-quality low-threshold creative tools and young super-cool community styles trigger spontaneous user-to-peer transmission, reaching the top 3 of the Apple Social List at a cost of zero investment in just one month. Founded team from Snapchat, Facebook, Silicon Valley, with multiple rounds of multi-line dollar funds, currently close to 60 people, is expected to expand to 100 + this year.


The BUD should be one of the most successful products of the past generation of Internet social entertainment products in the era of the Won cosmos. When BUD was used at the end of last year, it was also a two-dimensional little game entertainment product with a North American cartoon style, and now it's a 3D user UGC creation platform for the United States.


Everyone says traffic is expensive, traffic is hard to find, which is what is traditionally known as "buying" -- for soul, for strangers, for exploration, for talking about these products. And when your product is bright enough or innovative, even if it meets specific needs, the Internet 2C network effect is still strong. Popi little notes, for example, sweet companions.


"Span" BUD's kind of like a ten-year-old window. It's a pretty stunned game. After a big move, BUD must have succeeded in capturing the flow dividend of the little red book's little friend users. It's rising rapidly. It's becoming the red fried chicken company on the Woncosmos track.



meets people's emotional needs through interactive technologies.


Construct (name of litmatch parent company) was founded in 2019, and we have been working to achieve our vision of starting a business. To date, we have provided online connectivity and interactive services to more than 10 million users worldwide. We want to bring emotional value to more users.


We're committed to connecting people. By combining online interactive scenes with smart matching engines, people can interact comfortably with other interested people to meet their emotional needs and make every user feel loved, trusted and understood.




The company doesn't comment, not because it doesn't know much, or because it doesn't look good, but because it's the other way around.


In my previous article, an article on online interactive entertainment, an article on the integration of the Internet with the game industry, was included.


6. Good point.


is a real-time social app, primarily for game-loving players and developers who like to communicate and communicate with players.


We'll set up a separate chat room for the game with the developers, where there's a different theme for the channel. You can find like-minded partners in the game room and discuss a topic in depth in the chat channel.





In a word, this is China's best image of discord. Of course, if China has a discord.


So if we're going to discuss it, it's not about how to talk about how to do it, it's about whether and how China can have discord. And it's too long, so let's change the subject, so let's say we don't think of a multi-user interactive game platform that's ready to quit?


Users can create different types of playrooms in which PVEs can be performed, other users can enter the rooms to become viewers, more directly click on the games in which they are involved, engage in PVE with their owners as teammates, or fight with their owners as PVPs. A good startup team, as the original team of former taptaps, believes that many game developers are willing to work with others to customize these social interaction games.




Mew 是一个分布式社交网络

Mew is a distributed social network


explores and restores the bottom meaning of the Internet in the form of a community


We believe that the essence of the Internet is human connection.




♪ When we return to this nature ♪ ♪/span ♪



北京时代传浮科技有限公司(Troph, Inc.)于2019年在北京成立

Trop, Inc. was founded in 2019 in Beijing.


is a young virtual social networking company


we gather here to produce virtual social products of innovative and social value.

希望将创意与热情倾注到已在发生的未来中 ——构建出独一无二的虚拟世界


Trop focuses on providing high-quality social services for the pandron and game players


is dedicated to providing each user with the best use experience


Use advanced real-time communication technologies to provide a rich and powerful function for products




At the same time, Troph is a technology-opening company.


will in the future provide more technical services to developers and create intelligent social platforms


It's a business company that smells like binary dollars on screens. On products, it's a little complicated, and it's hard to find a product or a concept to describe Mew.


smells of wiki products, feels like reeddit, and a long time ago Google voted in an American quadratic community, and it's kind of similar, and it's got discord in it.





Soul是基于兴趣图谱和游戏化玩法的产品设计,属于新一代年轻人的虚拟社交网络。成立于2016年,Soul 致力于打造一个“年轻人的社交元宇宙”,最终愿景是“让天下没有孤独的人”。在Soul,用户可以无顾虑地表达自己,认知他人,探索世界,交流兴趣和观点,获得精神共鸣和认同感, 在交流中获取信息,并获得有质量的新关系。

"Span" Soul is a virtual social network of new generations of young people, based on interest mapping and play-playing products. Founded in 2016, Soul works to build a “youth's social meta-cosm” with the ultimate vision of “making the world free of loneliness.” In Soul, users can express themselves, recognize others, explore the world, share interests and views, gain spiritual resonance and identity, gain access to information in communication, and acquire new relationships of quality.


In the light of the new social wave of the Z generation, Soul presents a real, interesting and warm social face, constantly fulfilling young people's spiritual pursuits.

Soul App用现实世界中不相识的用户在平台上的关系沉淀和留存为正样本,基于用户的社交画像和兴趣图谱,通过机器学习来推荐用户可能会产生的高质量的新关系。让每一个来到Soul的个体都可以被快速推荐到一些高维空间距离自己最近的人和内容,低成本地开启交流,获得高质量的关系。

Soul App uses the relationship of an unknown user in the real world to sink and retain as a positive sample, based on social drawings and interest profiles of a user to recommend, through machine learning, a new high-quality relationship that the user may generate. Each individual who comes to Soul can be quickly recommended to someone who is closest to himself in high-dimensional space and within to open communication at low cost and obtain a high-quality relationship.




In preparation for the U.S. IPO, Soul was in a hurry to define the concept of the meta-cosm. So Sooul was the most grotesque meta-cosm company in the world. Sooul, in particular, after calling out the meta-cosm story, did not explain to the market how Soul would explore ways to achieve a social meta-cosm, nor did he see any movement on the product. Of course, this is related to the size of the product user and the difficulty of changing the product tone, but it is always a reasonable explanation for the market.


The simplest thing about the main product, for example, is to create a vatar image on the personal home page, which is, after all, a "methodoscosm portal." Or, at the very least, a story about what new product you can do, and go to the metacosm.


"Span" is a stranger's birthright, and Soul is a stranger's heir. But we're getting the feeling that Im is no longer suitable for strangers to make friends, that it's very ineffective and inefficient, and that the form of strangers to friends needs to evolve and overlap, like a king's glory, like Swordnet III. Of course, this does not mean that the next generation's form of social encounters must be a game.


9. Oasis


♪ Start your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪ ♪ with your second life ♪


Shanghai Second Network Technology Ltd., the main product of which is "My Oasis".


My oasis is a social network based on the virtual world, covering mobile end, PC end, VR end, combining Unity, VR, AI, etc., to focus on building a free and open VR world.


The core of the


Even without a programming base, users can create their own roles and maps freely and even design a separate game world.




Oasis Oasis is a powerful company that has survived the VR era into the Woncosmos era and, if it goes back, the O2O era.


If Oasis were to be used as an online party instead of an offline KTV party, Oasis would have done the same.


The new oasis Oasis is a mobile market, focusing on overseas, like Brazil and North America. There are many other good companies along the way, hoping that the oasis will succeed in the revolution.


10, amazing party >/span >






There's a wonderful party in an article about the integration of the Internet and the game industry before



Breaks the sub-wall


connects the virtual world to the real world

波粒子PoliQ 是一家专注于二次元虚拟社交世界的互联网创业公司,已经获得顶级风投的千万级天使轮投资。


Our core technology is a two-dimensional virtual figure image custom system, and a virtual figure face and body motion drive. We are building a virtual social product based on these technologies, using lightweight mobile phone App single-points to grow into a multi-platform virtual world across Mobile/PC/VR/AR.


We believe that the virtual world has a positive social significance, as well as great business opportunities, and we want to be a bridge between the virtual world and the real world, making the virtual world a way of life for people.


Welcome to build this interesting virtual world with us.




our team >/strong /span >

我们团队来自小米、网易、完美世界、有妖气、360、HTC Vive、Virtuos等知名科技公司,在其中担任中高层管理岗位和资深研发岗位,平均10年的丰富从业经验。在教育经历上,我们团队来自北京大学、北京航空航天大学、GeorgeMason University、University of Calgary等国内外知名高校。此外,我们还有二次元社区以及二次元游戏的创业经验,没错,我们是由一群热爱二次元、动漫、游戏、VR的人所组成的团队。

Our team comes from millet, mesh, perfect world, demonic, 360, HTC Vive, Virtuos and other leading technology companies, with an average of 10 years of experience in middle and senior management and advanced research and development. In educational experience, our team comes from Beijing University, Beijing Aerospace University, George Mason University, University of Calgary, and other well-known high schools in the country and abroad.


If Vyou is a company where users can create personal avatar's image, there's nothing to say, and vatar/squeaking faces is almost a meta-cosm. But it's wonderful to see the graphics. If it's just a simulation of a character in a game, it's nothing, but these pictures, which ordinary users can produce themselves through Vyou's platform engine, are just beautiful.


Unlike the other big, comprehensive and American-based Woncosmos companies, Vyou first carved into the needed and so-called Woncosmos portal, whether working with other companies in the future or building platforms and ecology on its own, it's good, and the second-time man (though I'm not sure that Vyou's management team is that attribute) is the referee or online.



12. Anytime online


to build real-time interactive ecology into the whole Internet age at any time


on products /strang


Online is a product that allows users to initiate and participate in social events whenever they want, and we are committed to building the next-generation Internet infrastructure so that every user can meet and live with his or her family and friends at any time .


VR (virtual reality) will reach /strang

随着近年来实时音视频、3D内容生成、 VR/AR等领域的突破性进展,体验的线上化有了更多的可能性--办公、招聘、相亲、健身......大量原本线下才能进行的活动,都在线上得到了还原。随着物理和地理限制被打破,大量超现实的体验得以实现,云原生的虚拟生活将不再是幻想

As real-time audio video, 3D content generation, VR/AR, and so on in recent years, there are more possibilities for onlineization of the experience -- office, recruitment, dating, fitness -- a lot of activities that can only be done under the original line have been restored online. As physical and geographical limitations have been broken, a lot of super-real experiences have been realized, and cloud-born virtual life will no longer be a fantasy /span.


The real-time video is VR in 2D.


is based on technologically mature curves, and our product programme has a corresponding road map. The team is now focusing on creating more user-friendly real-time interactions through Maps, Real-time Audio Videos, and A Series of Interactive Tools, which provide a better sense of presence by providing a full view of the ray experience. In the future, we will build better products through efficient 3D content generation and real-time interaction based on the overall development of virtual reality.


We want to be a social network in the age of the Internet, > that digitalizes a large number of online life scenes, gradually creating scenes and experiences that go beyond reality. In this product, we can always find our friends and new friends and participate in each other's lives.


on team /span >


Founder of & Product Manager: former Senior Product Specialist of the Alibaba Group and Managing Director/Vice-President of BlueCity, formerly listed United States stock company

联合创始人&技术负责人:前VaultDragon CTO、前ModelKu创始人兼CEO,曾就职于Uber等多家硅谷知名互联网公司,在3D图形图像领域有丰富的技术创业经验

Co-founder of & technical director: former Vault Dragon CTO, former founder of Modelku and CEO, formerly employed in a number of well-known Internet companies in Silicon Valley, including Uber, with extensive technological entrepreneurship experience in the field of 3D graphics

我们的团队背景多元:有人来自于QQ、Facebook、华为鸿蒙、拼多多、TikTok等知名互联网公司和团队,也有人来自于最右、音遇等新锐创业公司;有人毕业于 Yale、UC Berkeley、北京大学等世界顶级学府,也有人双非毕业、本科肄业、连续创业;有人从算法工程师转型产品,也有金融专业毕业的工程师

Our team has a diverse background: some come from well-known Internet companies and teams such as QQ, Facebook, Hondo, TikTok and others from the right-wing, voice-to-mouth new start-up companies; some graduate from the world's top institutions such as Yale, UC Berkeley, Beijing University, and others from double non-graduation, undergraduate, continuous entrepreneurship; some move from arithmetic engineers to financial professionals


I've been thinking about a question recently. Where's the Chinese company Hopin? Is there a Hopin company in China?


has just searched 100 degrees using the terms “virtual platform” and “real-time online platform” as keywords, and not all of the companies captured are Hopin.




Hopin was founded in 2019 and emerged under the epidemic in 2020-2021.


The concept of


Hopin, although he did not approach the meta-cosmos himself, was one of the most so-called business models of the meta-cosm feeling, fundamentally changing people's work/life styles in the future and moving people further up the line.


14, hyperparametric technology



We believe that universal artificial intelligence (AGI) is born in the constant interaction between AI and the high-intelligent virtual world. Hyper-parametric technology is based on advanced learning, intensive learning, the leading skills and experience in the field of large-system engineering, working to build a highly intelligent virtual world, accelerating the process in which AI learns and evolves, and feeding results to the real world.


Founded in early 2019,



Ultra-parameter technology gets five-source capital, high capital ten million dollars in round A investment.

创始人 刘永升

Founder of /span >


former General Manager of AILab, T4 Technical Expert


Chess AI "Excellent" and the King honours the leader of the AI "Awareness" team


team member


The core members of the have accumulated a wealth of experience in the fields of in-depth learning, intensive learning, large-system engineering and have also continued to attract students from top institutions such as Beijing University, Central School, University of Gangdan, University of Hong Kong, University of Pennsylvania, Oregon State University, etc.




Technology-driven start-up companies are really cool, and, of course, there are many challenges to hyper-parameters. For example, whether the hyper-parameter is a pure technology company that provides services to other game companies, or whether it will become a technology-driven game company that develops and runs its own game and ecology in the future.


At the moment, the most successful area for AI to apply to games is in chess games, such as Playtika, which is actually a game company with the central advantage of AI's technical capabilities.


14, metaphysical


Repeated, Vientiane Update.


Let's start with a new story, and believe in the future, the Elephant is defined by you.



We believe that the next generation of digital worlds will be authentic, immersed, intelligent and open and will break the bonds of traditional content, such as text, pictures and videos. We need innovative ways and paths to reach the future.


The founder of the





这也是非常技术驱动的创业公司,创始人作为腾讯集团原副总裁、AI LAB院长,凭团队就获得了4000万美元天使投资,这在互联网投资领域是很少见的。

is also a very technology-driven start-up company, and the founder, as former Vice-President of RTG and President AI LAB, received $40 million in angel investment by team, which is rare in the area of Internet investment.





The next generation interacts, and this concept is rarely mentioned in the recently seen meta-cosm, so it would be surprising. Yesterday, however, a company that was developing a new generation of operating systems announced successive A and A+ rounds of financing for the Kinsha River and the code close to $1 billion.


We now, whether we interact with PC computers or mobile phones, are too primitive to evolve, and this should change. The TNT of Lo Young-ho is a joke, but it's just a step forward. It's said that hammer technology is going to make TNT, and it's a saying that it's too bad to interact with hardware products right now, if there's a product like TNT.


15, doing



元宇宙概念兴起之下,real time communication的概念开始得到广泛传播,就有一些照着微光抄的产品(借鉴)开始叫实时在线活动平台了,甚至有的还叫视频版ZOOM。真正视频版的ZOOM,在美国多家公司确实在做了,而且发展很快,但这些公司是真正的视频化ZOOM,而非套概念公司。

In the wake of the emergence of the “span” meta-cosmology concept, the concept of real time communication has begun to be widely disseminated, with some microlighted products (studies) starting to be called real-time online platforms, or even video version ZoOM. The real video version of ZoOM is actually being done by many companies in the United States and is growing rapidly, but these companies are real video-based ZoOM, not concept companies.


summary 1 >/span


The digital world has long been integrated with the real world, and the concept of the meta-cosm is not surprising.



20 years ago, we needed to "go online" (means Internet cafe), online = talk about Q and play games.


Now, PC especially mobile phones and 4G are available, and we're on-line at any time.


The future, "We are in that world."


From the user's side, the metacosystem is the "product application" of humans after 10/15/20.



And in the future, the Internetization or digitization of new humans will be stronger, such as a virtual meeting under a large-scale replacement line.


The totally immersed top player world, or the digital world in an avalanche, looking at a vision for the time being.


It's like the development of human aerospace technology, although far from interstellar migration, it's also developing.


Many media outlets recently used a short science fiction written by Liu Tsi-Hin in his early years to sarcasm Zuckerberg's Won-Cosmos project. The voyage and conquest of the real universe of the real world is the sea of stars, and it is the degradation of humanity to drill into the virtual spiritual world of the Won-Cosmos.


Why wake up? Of course, the explanation in movies or novels or games is that you're not a real person, that you have a relationship, friendship and love, but if all of these ties are completely transferred to the virtual world, and if it's not the NPC, it's the rest of the real human race that's behind them?


Liu Tzu-Hin is great, but Da Liu is just a novelist, not even a philosopher, a sociologist, and Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur. While capitalists are poisons and villains, we cannot wipe out the great technology companies that provide or facilitate or make a good life for humanity, even though they have taken huge excess benefits or some kind of bad behavior from them.


So it's a very interesting social phenomenon to use a novelist's point of view to sarcasm and to fight against something that an entrepreneur is ready to go to all-in.


summary 2 > /span >


I don't write about two important industries related to the concept of meta-cosm, one hardware-related and two block-chain industries that don't start because they don't know much. Not bad, but important, so explain here.


"Span" about the meta-cosmos, I split the Internet meta-cosmos with the game meta-cosmos.


Internet metacosystems, which can be divided into three further categories, virtual activity platforms, real-time online platforms, remote office/communication collaboration tools.


game met major features such as UGC/AIGC, low-code development.


Therefore, under the above categories, the companies mentioned in the article are classified as follows: .




Under the epidemic, a number of platforms have emerged overseas to define the future of human work and lifestyles, especially on teleworking/communication collaboration tools.




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