比特币减半后市场行情不及预期 矿机跌到100元仍无人问津

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:27 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 见习记者 戴贤超 上海报道Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)...



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比特币减半后市场行情不及预期 矿机跌到100元仍无人问津

华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 胡金华 见习记者 戴贤超 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)

5月12日凌晨3点23分,比特币在区块高度630000完成第三次减半,区块奖励从12.5 BTC减半至6.25 BTC。然而,此次比特币减半后,比特币价格未能迎来新一轮暴涨。《华夏时报》记者注意到,在比特币第三次减半后,比特币价格一直在10000美元附近徘徊不前,5月14日,比特币价格最高达到9945美元,始终未能冲破万元大关。

On May 12, at 3.23 a.m., Bitcoin completed its third cut in half at a block height of 630,000, with a block incentive from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. However, after halving Bitcoin this time, Bitcoin prices did not rise to a new surge. The Washington Times journalist noted that after halving Bitcoins for the third time, Bitcoin prices remained in the vicinity of $10,000. On May 14, Bitcoin prices reached a maximum of $9945 and failed to break the 10,000 mark.


At the same time, the ring has come to a dark moment. The Washington Times journalists are concerned that, after halving the third time, the prices of various types of mine machines have been cut off, and the price of once-a-year-old ant S9 has fallen to a hundred dollars, even if it is unattainable.


“This reduction in the number of energy-intensive miners resulted in the sale of some 300 dollars at a price of S9 two months ago, and now 100 dollars. Many of the machines, like scrap iron, are of the type that miners want to turn around, but no one wants to pick up the plate.” The miner, Xueyang, said in an interview with a Washington Times journalist.


$10,000 to break through


On the eve of the third halving of the price of Bitcoin, which had already gone through a roller coaster at 8 a.m. on 10 May, the price of Bitcoin fell by an instant of 1,000 dollars from the price of $9,500 in half an hour, with a minimum price of $8,200 and a maximum price difference of over $1,400. Bitcoin prices fell sharply, not only for its holders, but also for a number of clients involved in virtual currency contracts.

没有人会预料到,比特币第三次减半会以如此惨烈的方式拉开帷幕。5月12日凌晨3点23分,比特币在区块高度630000完成第三次减半,区块奖励从12.5 BTC减半至6.25 BTC。

No one would have expected that the third halving of Bitcoin would open in such a tragic way. At 3:23 a.m. on May 12th, Bitcoin would have halved the third at a block height of 630,000, with block incentives ranging from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC.


“As bitcoin is reduced by half, the price will rise in a few months. Despite the recent sharp currency fluctuations, with dozens of miners arriving at the cut-off rate, the decline in net capacity has been slower, indicating that most miners have not stopped or even paid for the mine, because they believe that the price of bitcoin will rise in the future.


“After the first two halves, bitcoin prices surged dozens of times, but three days have passed since the new round was halved, the price of bitcoin has remained stable at $10,000, and the windfalls of currency circles have failed to meet expectations, and many have even exploded into million negatives.” Says Xueyang.


The Washington Times is concerned that the price of bitcoin has been hovering around $9,500 for the last three days, peaking at $9945, one step away from $10,000, but it has not made a breakthrough. Even so, the investor Su – aliases – continues to believe that after this halving, bitcoin prices will rise in a new surge, just waiting for the moment.


“It happened twice before the bitcoin mine incentive was halved, and bitcoin prices rose sharply. In 2012, the mining incentive went from 50 bitcoins to 25 bitcoins, with prices rising by almost 8,200% in one year. In the 18 months following the second half in 2016, Bitcoins increased by more than 2,200 percent. This time, even without a few dozen times more surges, the question of doubling is only a matter of timing.” Sioux said.


Deterioration of Mining Ecology


The third halving of Bitcoin will have a significant impact on the Bitcoin-related industry, particularly in the “mining” industry, and further deterioration of the ecosystem of the mine cycle. The reporters in the summers are concerned that, after the third halving of Bitcoin, a number of energy-intensive miners will have to face a phase-out. On the eve of halving, a large number of mine machines on the market are already facing a “open-and-lost” situation.


According to F2Pool data, as at 14 May, 45 types of mine had reached a cut-off price of 0.35 yuan/degree, representing 49% of the total number of miners. There were no fewer star machines that had been on the market in the last two years, such as the first-generation 7nm miner T15 on the continent of Bit, and the KARA 2019 mainframe A1066.


“This reduction in the number of energy-intensive miners resulted in the sale of some 300 dollars at a price of S9 two months ago, and now 100 dollars. Many of the machines, like scrap iron, are of the type that miners want to turn around, but no one wants to pick up the plate.” The miner, Xueyang, said in an interview with a Washington Times journalist.


Industry predicts a 30 per cent drop in Bitcoin, which is in fact the same as industry forecast. They believe that it would be good for Bitcoin, and that miners with high costs of running old equipment or electricity may be forced to shut down their machines at least temporarily.


Reporters of the summer newspaper are concerned that, on the eve of the halving of the half, the founder of the Lebitt pit, Jiang Treir, revealed that it had booked the latest S19 miner, valued at about tens of millions, to the mainland, and that it was expected to deliver the shipment in late May.


“The bitcoin mining industry can raise the level of chip production, the more difficult it is to dig, and the more efficient a mine machine is needed, which is a mechanism to increase productivity. The elimination of high-energy mining machines is an inevitable trend.” Liu Woo, a miner, said in an interview with a Washington Times journalist.


In fact, the ecological deterioration of the mining industry goes far beyond that, even the producers of mining machines have not been spared.

国内矿机生产巨头嘉楠科技也陷入麻烦之中,《华夏时报》记者关注到,5月14日,美股研究机构White Diamond发布了一份针对嘉楠科技的做空报告。White Diamond在报告中称:近几年来,比特币开采一直是个赔钱买卖,更不用说嘉楠科技使用的“二流矿机”了。相比于其竞争对手比特大陆(Bitmain)的老一代矿机,嘉楠的新一代矿机盈利能力较差。White Diamond指出嘉楠科技的业务是出售比特币采矿机硬件,除此之外,没有其他重要的业务、也没有经常性的软性收入。他们认为,基于目前比特币的价格和运行机器的电价,现如今嘉楠科技的矿机对于矿商来说是无利可图的。

According to White Diamond, in recent years, Bitcoin mining has been a paid-off business, not to mention the “second-rate miner” used by Kana’s technology. The new generation of Kana’s miner is less profitable than its rival, Bitmain’s old-generation miner. White Diamond points out that Caraan’s business is the sale of Bitco’s mining machine hardware, and that there is no other important business or regular soft income.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:秦岭


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