The Bitcoin exchange is out of order, the ZB platform in September is out of order, the OKEX in October is out of currency, and are you still putting digital money on the exchange platform?
2014年2月,曾是世界最大的比特币交易所Mt. Gox宣告破产,因其技术漏洞被黑客盗走价值约75万枚比特币,约占市场总量的7%。该事件引发市场恐慌,比特币价格应声下跌36%,诸多早期投资者从此逃离区块链行业。 In February 2014, Mt. Gox, the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, was declared bankrupt because of its technology gap, which was stolen by hackers with a value of about 750,000 bitcoins, or about 7% of the total market. The event triggered market panic, with Bitcoin prices falling by 36%, from which many early investors fled the sector’s chain industry. 2017年2月,国内三大交易所比特币中国、火币网、OKCoin共同发出公告,为了全力配合监管部门,防范非法洗钱、换汇、传销活动的可能性,暂停数字资产的提币服务,直至同年6月,恢复提币服务。 In February 2017, the three main domestic exchanges, Bitcoin China, the Currency Network and OKCoin, jointly issued an announcement to cooperate fully with the regulatory authorities in order to prevent the possibility of illegal money-laundering, exchange and transfer of funds, and to suspend the deposit service for digital assets until June of the same year. 2018年3月,头部交易所币安遭到黑客入侵。黑客通过卖出用户持仓的比特币,买入VIA币,导致VIA逆市大涨。虽然币安将异常交易进行了回滚处理,但此事件依然引起市场恐慌,随后几天比特币跌幅超过15%。 In March 2018, the head exchange’s currency was hacked by hackers. The hackers bought VIA by selling the warehoused bitcoins and buying them into VIA, causing VIA’s counter-market upswing. 2018年6月,韩国最大交易所Bithumb遭到黑客攻击,价值3000万美元的数字资产被盗,而这已经是Bithumb第三次被黑客攻击。 In June 2018, Bithumb, the largest Korean exchange, was hacked and $30 million worth of digital assets was stolen, which was the third time that Bithumb had been hacked. 2020年9月,中币ZB平台上出现BTH、BSV、NEO、ETC等在内的多个币种均显示暴跌80%-99%的价格异常。随后,ZB不得不关闭提币及用户登录功能,直到两周后才重新开放相关功能。 In September 2020, several currencies, including BTH, BSV, NEO, ETC, and others, appeared on the Chinese currency ZB platform, showing a sharp drop of 80-99% in price abnormalities. ZB then had to shut down the withdrawal and user login, until two weeks later. 2020年10月,业界最大的数字资产衍生品交易所BitMEX及其创始人被指控敲诈,洗钱和操纵市场,目前正面临诉讼。 In October 2020, the largest digital asset derivatives exchange in industry, BitMEX, and its founders, were charged with extortion, money-laundering and market manipulation and are currently facing litigation. 交易所黑天鹅事件频发,让人不禁感叹:下一个OK又会是谁? The black swans on the exchange have a high incidence, which makes one wonder: who's next? 黑天鹅事件也许无法避免,但对于如何理性的投资、确保数字资产的安全,用户应该做更加深入的思考,以下是我们的几点建议: The Black Swan event may be inevitable, but users should think in greater depth about how to invest rationally and ensure the security of digital assets. The following are some of our recommendations: 1. 不要盲目跟风,将全部资产用于短线操作或参与高倍杠杆投资。独立思考,冷静分析才是王道。 Do not lose sight of the wind, spend all its assets on short-line operations or participate in high-leveraging investments. 2. 分散投资,分散风险。对于普通用户来说,保险的方案是定投,或者组合投资。当然,普通用户可以直接买入并长期持有比特币,且资产不要放在一个篮子里。 2. Diversification of investments and diversification of risks. For ordinary users, insurance schemes are scheduled or portfolio investments. Of course, ordinary users can buy and hold bitcoins for a long time, and assets are not placed in a basket. & nbsp; 3. 目标长期持有的用户,建议选择一款安全可靠的冷钱包存储数字资产。 3. Users with a long-term target are advised to choose a secure and reliable cold wallet to store digital assets. & nbsp; 4. 将私钥掌控在自己手中,只有这样才能真正掌控自己的数字资产。 4. Holding private keys in their own hands is the only way to truly control their digital assets. ETHTT钱包是数字资产领域最简单且安全的冷钱包解决方案,也是目前唯一一款同时兼具低技术门槛、高安全性、易操作冷钱包。最重要的是,ETHTT钱包做到了真正让用户自己掌控私钥。 The ETHTT wallet is the simplest and safest cold wallet solution in the field of digital assets, and the only one that currently has a low-tech, high-security, and easy to handle. Most importantly, the ETHTT wallet does really give the user control of the private key. 热钱包是指互联网能够访问你私钥的钱包,热钱包往往是通过服务器架设的钱包形式比如交易所,用户在交易所拥有的币种其实钱包文件与私钥都存放在交易所服务器里,交易所服务器一但泄露,入侵,监守自盗你是无法阻止的,而平台关闭后你的币就没有了,使用热钱包时,最好在不同平交易所台设置不同密码以确保自己的资产安全。因为交易所热钱包不是去中心化新手小白容易操作,但是交易所存在高风险被黑过的交易所百度一下比比皆是。 Hot wallets are wallets in which the Internet can access your private keys. Hot wallets are often in the form of wallets set up through servers, such as exchanges where users store actual wallet files and private keys in exchange servers, where the exchange servers are leaked, invasions, self-inflicted thefts are unstoppable, and your currency is lost when the platform closes down. It is best to install different passwords at different counters to ensure the safety of your assets when using hot wallets. The hot wallets are not easy to operate because they are not centralized, but there are high-risk black exchanges everywhere. 冷钱包是将你的加密货币不联网储存的钱包,比如在ETHTT钱包网站生成出来的钱包文件加密码,私钥,助记词,脱离网络存储,你可以存储U盘里,手机里,冷钱包最大的优点就是数字货币安全性最高。 Cold wallets are wallets that store your encrypted currency unconnected, e.g. wallet files generated on the ETHTT wallet website with passwords, private keys, helpwords, off-line storage, you can store the flash drive, cell phones, and the biggest advantage of cold wallets is the highest digital money security. & nbsp; 强烈推荐您使用去中心化冷钱包,推荐使用ETHTT钱包: https://www.ethtt.com/ It is strongly recommended that you use decentralised cold wallets and that you use ETHTT wallets: & nbsp; https://www.ethtt.com/ 功能强大安全可靠的以太坊ETHTT冷钱包,支持以太坊框架内所有ERC-20代币发送存储,在手机或台式机上都可以使用,可以让你发送、创建和接收以太坊,而不会影响你的钱包文件与私钥,正是这种双重认证机制让我们的币子得到最安全的存储方式。 It is this dual authentication mechanism that allows our currency to be stored in the safest way possible. 此外,ETHKK还支持多种语言与功能:Keystore文件、私钥、助记符短语访问账户、比特币以太坊进行兑换、离线发送、部署合约、查看交易等等。 In addition, ETHKKK supports several languages and functions: Keystore files, private keys, account access notes, Bitcoin exchange in the Taiku, offline dispatch, deployment contracts, viewing transactions, etc. 图一:生成属于你自己的钱包输入密码 Figure I: Generate your own wallet to enter the password 图二:记住你的钱包地址,下载keystore钱包备份文件,点我明白,继续记住你的秘钥 Figure II: Remember your wallet address, download the keystore wallet backup file, I understand. Keep your keys. 图三:继续记住你的秘钥,它是你的登入钱包凭证 Figure III: Keep remembering your key. It's your wallet. 图四:钱包UTC文件登入方式 Figure IV: Wallet UTC file login 图五:私钥登入方式 Figure V: Private Key Login Method 图六:助记词登入方式 Figure VI: Accompaniment login 图七:进入钱包 Figure VII: Access to Wallet 以上就是以太坊(ETH)冷钱包 ETH冷钱包创建与使用教程的详细内容,更多关于以太坊冷钱包知识分享的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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