
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:23 评论:0
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) 是专为以太坊网络设计的域名服务,专注于 Web 3.0 项目,ENS 帮助将域名分配给个人用户或项目的加密货币钱包。 ˂spa...



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Ethereum Name Service (ENS) 是专为以太坊网络设计的域名服务,专注于 Web 3.0 项目,ENS 帮助将域名分配给个人用户或项目的加密货币钱包。


what's in the Tai Fu name?

ENS 遵循与DNS类似的概念,仅进行必要的调整以适应以太坊网络用户的需求。它的目标是让以太坊的网络更容易、更高效地供任何人访问,就像 DNS 简化了对互联网的访问一样。

ENS follows a concept similar to DNS, adapting only to the needs of the user of the Etherno network. Its goal is to make the Etherno network easier and more efficient for anyone, just as DNS has simplified access to the Internet.

ENS 推出时最基本的目标是将复杂的区块链标识符(如钱包地址、哈希和元数据)翻译/转换为简单、可读的名称或域。请记住,加密地址通常很长且难以记忆。ENS 通过将整个地址更改为一个简短、非常好记的名称,带来了急需的解决方案。

ENS was launched with the basic objective of translating/translating complex block chain identifiers (e.g. wallet address, Hashi and metadata) into simple, readable names or domains. Remember that encryption addresses are often long and difficult to remember. ENS brings much-needed solutions by changing the entire address to a short, very well-recorded name.

例如,ENS 可以映射名称“John”。eth' 转换为机器可读的语言,例如“8g978dl39ji9xl”。这种转换的整个想法是确保在处理钱包地址时轻松。基本上,用户不用给出复杂的钱包地址,他们可以使用他们的域名来完成交易。

e.g. ENS can map the name "John."eth's conversion to machine readable language, e.g. "8g978dl39ji9xl." The whole idea of this conversion is to ensure that it is easy to handle wallet addresses. Basically, users do not have to give complex wallet addresses, and they can use their domain names to complete the transaction.

ENS 的想法由 Nick Johnson 于 2016 年提出,但于 2017 年 5 月实现。有人说 ENS 是最早的基于以太坊的 NFT 之一,因为它比 Cryptokitties 早得多。

ENS idea was proposed by Nick Johnson in 2016, but achieved in May 2017. Some say ENS was one of the first NFT based on Ethio because it was much earlier than Cryptokitties.

ENS 早期主要是以太坊基金会的一个项目。然而,后来 ENS 分拆成为一个独立的网络并更有效地提供服务。

ENS early on was mainly a project of the Ethio Foundation. However, ENS later split into an independent network and delivered services more effectively.

ENS 于 2021 年 11 月通过空投方式推出了其原生代币,推出仅一年后,就在加密社区获得了广泛的欢迎。尽管采用范围扩大,但该平台在 2022 年初受到了广泛批评,声称其制造商发送了许多恐同推文。

ENS launched its original ingenuity by air drop in November 2021, and, just one year after it was introduced, it was widely welcomed in the encryption community. Despite its expanded use, the platform was widely criticized in early 2022, claiming that its manufacturer sent many homogenous tweets.

该网络目前拥有Binance_X、Ethereum Classic Labs、Ethereum Foundation、Chainlink和Protocol Labs的支持。ENS 背后的创始团队包括来自大多数公司的高管支持他们。

The network currently has the support of Binance_X, Etheeum Classic Labs, Etheum Foundation, Chainlink and Protocol Labs. The founding team behind ENS includes executives from most companies.

为什么要使用 ENS?

为什么我们需要区块链空间中的 DNS 服务提供商?即使没有完全采用,它也将在简化对Web 3.0环境的访问方面发挥并将发挥巨大作用。

Why do we need a DNS service provider in block chain space? If not fully adopted, it will play a significant role in simplifying access to the Web 3.0 environment.

ENS 帮助将域名分配给您的加密资产钱包。通过此类域分配,任何加密货币交易者都可以更轻松地交易或使用钱包中的资金。

ENS helps allocate domain names to your encrypted asset wallets. Through this domain allocation, any encrypted currency dealer can trade or use the funds in his wallets more easily.

目前,复制和粘贴是投资者在记下加密地址以发送资金时使用的主要系统。然而,ENS 在区块链中引入了一种新方法,您无需冒着手动编写或复制粘贴错误的风险。相反,短名称具有地址记录。

Currently, copying and pasting are the main systems used by investors when encrypting addresses to send money. However, ENS has introduced a new method in the block chain, and you do not have to run the risk of starting to write or copy paste errors. On the contrary, short names have address records.

一个 ENS 可以支持多个加密钱包地址。您的域名可以让您拥有不同的地址来存储资产。

A national ENS can support multiple encrypted wallet addresses. Your domain name allows you to store assets at a different address.

通常,在区块链领域,您通常需要多个钱包才能拥有容纳各种资产的能力。名称服务可让您在一个域下获取所有相关的区块链地址。简单地说,那些在浏览器上使用 ENS 域的人有一个直接的网站。应用程序在发送加密时可以直接从 ENS 站点检测加密地址。

Usually, in block chain areas, you need multiple wallets to be able to accommodate a variety of assets. Name service allows you to access all relevant block chain addresses in one domain. Simply put, those who use the ENS domain on the browser have a direct website. Applications can detect encryption addresses directly from the ENS site when sending encryption.

使用 ENS,您还可以注册您的 DNS 名称。例如,如果您拥有托管学术证书的网站的 DNS 域,则可以连接 DNS 注册网站。您可以将 ENS 与 DNS 网站、Linkedin、Github 和加密地址链接起来。为您所有基于网络的帐户使用一个化名 ENS。

, you can also register your DNS name using ENS. For example, if you have a DNS field for hosting an academic certificate website, you can connect to DNS. You can link ENS to DNS sites, Linkedin, Github, and encrypted addresses. Use an alias ENS for all web-based accounts.

以太坊名称服务 (ENS) 如何运作?

strong's service under the name of Taiyo (ENS) how does it work?

ENS 的功能与 DNS 的功能非常相似。然而,就前者而言,它促进了去中心化,为 web 3.0 景观带来了解决方案。Web 和 Web 2.0 使用 DNS 来映射名称和数字。DNS 服务器可以将对名称的请求/查询转换为 IP 地址。ENS 以类似的方式将地址转换为名称。

ENS functions very similar to those of DNS. In the former case, however, it promotes decentralisation and brings solutions to the web 3.0 landscape. Web and Web 2.0 use DNS to map names and numbers. DNS servers can convert requests/ queries from names to IP addresses. ENS converts addresses to names in a similar way.

为了正常运行,ENS 吸取了两个智能合约、注册表和名称合约的效率。以下是这两个合同各自的功能;

In order to function properly, ENS draws on the efficiency of two smart contracts, registration forms, and name contracts.


注册表是控制 ENS 网络在 web 3 中提供命名服务的一半运作方式的智能合约。该注册表合约是执行 ENS 解析的最重要工具。

The registration form is a smart contract that controls half of the way the ENS network provides naming services in web 3. The registration form contract is the most important tool for executing the ENS resolution.

根据他们的文档,任何 ENS 查找总是从查询注册表开始。一开始,个人必须购买域名。购买域名的人称为注册人。

According to their documents, any ENS search always starts with a query registration form. At the outset, a person must purchase a domain name. The person who purchased the domain name is called the registrant.

注册局保留域的注册人列表。在列表中,此注册表记录了必要的详细信息,例如每个甚至解析器的所有者和 TTL。列表中的这些详细信息只能从注册表中更改。

Register of Registered Local Reserves Lists. In the list, this register records the necessary details, such as the owner and TTL of each solver. The details in the list can only be changed from the register.


the owner can transfer/sell it to another owner. The registration form has other tasks, such as recording, tracking and monitoring persons registered in the domain. The registrant is a kind of smart contract that assigns sub-domain names.

解析器:名称和 Namehash

解析器只是将域名转换为地址的工具。该名称是域的数字标识符,例如“john.eth”。它始终是一个名称,后跟一个点,然后是第二个标签。为了创建这样的名字,这个网络利用了 Namehash。

Solver is only a tool to convert a domain name to an address. The name is a digital identifier of a domain, such as "john.eth." It is always a name, followed by a point, and then a second label. To create such a name, the network uses a name .

Namehash 只是从名称中导出散列,同时保留必要的分层属性。由于资源限制,普通 ENS 通常会使用 256 位加密哈希来工作。加密哈希是代表特定 ENS 名称的加密地址。例如,Danny .eth 可以被翻译成 0x787192fc5378cc32aa956ddfdedbf26b24e8d78e40109add0eea2c1a012c3dec。

Namehash simply exports the hash from the name while retaining the necessary stratification properties. Due to resource constraints, normal ENS usually uses 256-bit encryption for Hashi. Encryption is an encrypted address representing a particular ENS name. For example, Danny.eth can be translated into 0x78192fc5378c32a 956dddddedbf26b24e8d78e40109add0eea2c1a012c3dec.

namehash 过程允许 ENS 生成长加密地址。Namehash在这个过程中有一个子过程叫做UTS-46 normalization,就是指名字的规范化。

namehash process allows ENS to encrypt. Namehash has a sub-process called UTS-46 normification in this process, which means regularizing the name.

namehash 的过程也始终遵循名称的规范化,使用称为 UTS-46 规范化的技术。UTS-46 规范化平等对待名称中的每个字符。此规范化过程涉及删除无效字符和标准化大小写。规范化确保每个人都能对 ENS 有一个相似的看法。

namehash has always followed the standardization of names, using a technique called UTS-46. UTS-46 regularizes equal treatment of each character in a name. This regularization process involves deleting invalid characters and standardized case. Normative ensures that everyone has a similar view of ENS.


A combination of two contracts, i.e. registration forms and name/namehash, helps to issue domain names to applicants and generate addresses from domain names.


是的,区块链领域需要像 ENS 这样的 DNS 服务提供商。区块链生态本身带来的效率非常好。然而,ENS 服务有助于提供服务的交付以及区块链的应用。目前在区块链领域有几个与 ENS 相关的顶级用例。这些用例包括;

转移加密货币和 NFT

ENS 的第一个也是最重要的角色就是简单地发送和接收基于区块链的资产。正如之前强调的那样,ENS 简化了较长的以太坊地址。

ENS's first and most important role is simply to send and receive block-based assets. As previously emphasized, ENS simplifies the longer ether address.

非常长的字母数字地址被整合到一个短名称中,例如 John 或 Dan,并使用 .eth 或其他后缀。因此,您可以将您的 NFT 和加密资产(如 BTC、ETH、LTC 和 DOGE)添加到您的 .eth 域。您不再需要输入很长的代码。

very long alphanumeric addresses are integrated into a short name, such as John or Dan, and use.eth or other suffixes. Therefore, you can add your NFT and encrypted assets (e. g. BTC, ETH, LTC and DOGE) to your.eth domain. You no longer need to enter a long code.

想一想通过这种独特的服务为加密货币投资者提供的效率。假设您想搜索钱包“0x71C67EC9”。您可以输入“Paul .eth”并获得钱包的直接链接。

Think about the efficiency of encryption money investors through this unique service. Assuming you want to search the wallet "0x71C67EC9. You can enter "Paul.eth" and get a direct link to the wallet.

像 NFT 一样使用 ENS

like NFT

另一个经过测试和批准的 ENS 用例涉及 NFT。ENS 持有者可以将这些数字系统作为 NFT 来使用,并将它们存储在 NFT 市场上。因此,由于 ENS 可以是 NFT,你可以像其他数字资产一样进行交易和转让。

Another tested and approved ENS example involves NFT. The ENS holder can use these numerical systems as NFT and store them on the NFT market. Therefore, since ENS can be NFT, you can trade and transfer like any other digital asset.

根据他们的文档,NFT 支持始于 2019 年,当时 ENS .eth 注册商迁移,采用了ERC-721标准。因此,可以将 .eth 作为 NFT 进行转移。

According to their documents, NFT support began in 2019, when the ENS.eth Registrar moved and adopted the ERC-721 standard. Therefore,.eth can be transferred as NFT.

本质上,只有一些“无.eth”子域是NFT。NFT 子域仅来自支持 NFT 的域注册商。因此,参与者需要创建符合 ERC-721 标准的子域。

In essence, only some of the "none.eth" sub-domains are NFTs. NFT sub-domains are only from domain registries that support NFT. Therefore, participants need to create sub-domains that meet the ERC-721 criteria.

创建 ENS 子域

如上所述,ENS 网络的用户可以访问他们的域。有趣的是,域名所有者可以创建和支持专注于其品牌或业务的子域。ENS 用户可以为其员工创建子域。

as mentioned above, users of the ENS network can access their domain. Interestingly, domain name owners can create and support sub-areas focused on their brand or business. ENS users can create sub-domains for their employees.


在身份管理方面,ENS 也是一个出色的工具。请记住,您正在将您的姓名链接到您的钱包地址。因此,与您有业务往来的任何人都可以轻松发现您的服务并将代币发送到您的钱包。在加密领域与这些数字资产相关的其他用例包括稳定汽油费和验证可密封资产的所有权。

ENS is also an excellent tool in identity management. Remember, you are linking your name to your wallet address. Therefore, any person who has business with you can easily discover your services and send your tokens to your wallet. Other examples relevant to these numbers of assets in the encryption field include stabilizing petrol costs and verifying the ownership of sealed assets.


ENS 有其治理系统,有助于加强该网络的创新。这种治理结合了以下内容:

ENS has its governance system that helps to strengthen innovation in the network. This governance combines the following:

ENS 代币

strong>ENS token

2021 年 11 月,以太坊名称服务通过空投引入了其原生 ENS 代币。这是一种基于以太坊的代币,采用 ERC-20 智能合约的形式。该 ERC-20 代币有助于治理。使用代币,社区参与者可以提交提案并通过投票参与决策。

2021, in November 2021, the Taiyo name service introduced its original ENS in the form of an ERC-20 smart contract based on a Taipan token. The ERC-20 token helps governance. With a token, community participants can submit proposals and participate in decision-making by voting.


ENS 网络设置了一个 DAO,这有助于治理。该 DAO 由 ENS 代币持有者管理,通过对任何提案进行投票来做出有关网络的决策。

ENS network set up a DAO, which helps to govern. The DAO is managed by ENS token holders and takes decisions about the network by voting on any proposal.


ENS 基金会有几个目的,包括:



made a deal with the company

DAO 参与者的有限责任服务。

DAO participant limited liability service.


ANS 具有多项优势,可以支持大多数用例,甚至可以提高采用率。如前所述,以太坊名称服务的好处包括:

ANS has a number of advantages that support most of the cases, or even increase the rate of adoption.


与 ENS 相关的核心优势之一是减少错误。加密空间容易出错。例如,在写收件人的地址时,投资者可能会漏掉一个字符。地址包含许多字符,包括大小写字母和数字。

one of the core advantages associated with ENS is to reduce errors. Encryption space is prone to error. For example, an investor may miss a character when writing the addressee's address. The address contains many characters, including case letters and numbers.

ENS 允许交易双方在没有错误的情况下完成他们的业务。无需复制和粘贴地址。您只需单击 ENS 即可将加密货币发送到您的钱包。

ENS allows both parties to perform their business without error. You do not need to copy and paste an address. You can simply click ENS to send an encrypted currency to your wallet.

此外,ENS 允许人们添加多个地址。你可以将你的以太坊地址、稳定币和 NFT 地址链接在一个域名下。此链接减轻了与复制粘贴加密货币地址相关的任何风险。

In addition, ENS allows people to add multiple addresses. You can link your encrypted currency address to a domain name with a Taiwan address, a stable currency and a NFT address. This link mitigates any risk associated with copying an encrypted currency address.



与 ENS 相关的第二个好处就是不变性,区块链是不可变的,任何人都不能更改链上的交易细节。

The second benefit associated with ENS is non-variability, the block chain is immutable, and no one can change the transaction details on the chain.

在将 DNS 服务引入 Web 3.0 时,ENS 利用区块链的不变性来提供不可更改的交易。不可变的 ENS 交易可以自动抵抗任何形式的审查。因此,不能删除甚至限制详细信息。'

In introducing DNS services into Web 3.0, ENS uses the non-variability of block chains to provide non-alterable transactions. Unchangeable ENS transactions can automatically resist any form of censorship. Therefore, details cannot be deleted or even restricted.

此外,该 DNS 服务提供商与 IPFS 合作,帮助促进对您域中内容的全面保护。由于合作伙伴关系,没有人可以干涉您域中的详细信息。

, in addition, the DNS service provider works with IPFS to help promote comprehensive protection of content in your domain. As a result of the partnership, no one can interfere with details in your domain.


由于这些平台培养的透明度,区块链上的任何细节总是很容易扫描。例如,Etherescan 可以轻松查找以太坊网络的内容。Etherscan 显示与交易相关的地址。但是,如果您拥有一个 ENS 域名,您可以更改 Etherscan 上的一些设置,以便它显示您的 ENS 名称。

Due to the transparency of these platforms, any details on the block chain are always easily scanned. For example, Etheescan can easily find the contents of the Etherescan network. Etherscan shows the addresses associated with the transaction. However, if you have an ENS domain name, you can change some of the settings on Etherscan so that it displays your ENS name.

通过 ENS 域名获利

strong by means of ENS domain name

如上所述,这些资产可以采用 NFT 的形式。因此,ENS 名称具有货币价值,可以通过 Opensea 和 Rarible 等 NFT 市场买卖。此外,在 NFTfi 等 NFT 借贷平台中,您可以使用一些 ENS 地址,例如抵押品。

The assets can take the form of NFT, as mentioned above. Therefore, the ENS name has monetary value and can be bought and sold in NFT markets such as Opensea and Rarible. In addition, in NFTfi and other NFT lending platforms, you can use some ENS addresses, such as collateral.


与 DNS 一样,ENS 不只是坚持使用 .eth 后缀。它支持其他几个后缀选项,如 .com、.org、.io、.app、art 和 .xyz。

, like DNS, ENS does not just insist on using.eth suffixes. It supports several other suffix options, such as.com,.org,.io,.app, art and.xyz. .


该网络与钱包、应用程序和浏览器等男性合作伙伴合作,以实现正确的服务交付。合作伙伴包括 Rainbow、Trust wallet、Coinbase、Etherescan、Uniswap、Opensea、Opera、Metamask Extension、Brave 和 Status。

The network works with male partners such as wallets, applications, and browsers to achieve the right service delivery. Partners include Rainbow, Trust walklet, Coinbase, Etheescan, Uniswap, Opensea, Opera, Metamask Extension, Brave and Status.


以太坊名称服务于 2017 年推出,为 Web 3.0 用户提供名称。该平台将短域名转换为加密地址,从而可以使用简单名称发送交易。ENS 也可以充当 NFT。

was launched in 2017 under the Taiwan name to provide names for web 3.0 users. The platform converts short domain names to encrypted addresses so that transactions can be sent using simple names. ENS can also act as NFT.

因此,所有者可以在 NFT 市场上出售它。随着 Web 3.0 版图的不断扩展,对命名服务的需求在所有区块链网络中都将变得至关重要。ENS 正在为 web 3.0 DNS 的未来奠定良好的基础。但是,还有其他选项可以作为 ENS 的替代品。

so the owner can sell it on the NFT market. As Web 3.0 expands, the need for naming services will become critical in all block chain networks. ENS is laying a good foundation for the future of web 3.0 DNS. But there are other options that can be used as an alternative to ENS.




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    Griffin Gaming Partners计划为其第三支基金筹集5亿美元
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  • 比过山车还狠!比特币价格再次暴跌

      上周日,比特币的价格创造了3000美元的历史新高,随后就开始各种高台跳水了。Last Sunday, the price of Bitcoin created a record high of $3,000, and then began to dive on all the high platforms.   据外媒报道,本周一,比特币价格一度下跌到2526.4美元,最高跌幅高达14.5%,这创造了2015年1月以来最大跌幅。According to external...
  • 加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?

    加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?
    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?https://www.cnblogs.com/behindman/p/8873191.html

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...