This technology, however, has not played any other role since then, until 2009, when a man called Bintwe created a digital encrypted currency, Bitcoin, using block chain technology.

And then let's turn to the Hashi value, which is like a fingerprint of a block, to identify the block and the data it contains.

Block three points to block two, block two points to block one, and block one is a little special here, and it does not point to a block, because it is the first block in the chain, also called the Genesis block. Assuming that you have now tampered with the data in block two, this will change the Hashi value of block two. That would also make the direction of block three illegal, making all of its subsequent blocks illegal. So changing a block would make all of its subsequent blocks illegal.

This process, we call it a consensus among all the people on the Internet. They agree on which blocks of the network are legal, which are illegal, and those that have been tampered with are rejected by the network. So, in order to tamper with the blocks, you need to tamper with all the blocks and control more than 50% of the users of the network. This is essentially impossible.
The blocks chain itself is constantly evolving, and intelligent contract techniques are behind it. Smart contracts are programs that are stored on the blocks chain, which can be executed automatically under certain conditions. So block chain technology can also be used to store medical records, create digital notaries, commodity files, etc.
Original title: Koeppu, what the hell is the chain of blocks?
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