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The block chain is a complex and new thing. The background knowledge of computer science, cryptology, economics, finance science, mathematics, and game theory is needed to understand the various block chain projects represented by bitcoin.


Traditional trading systems


Until third-party payments occur, payment clearance systems are customer-to-commercial bank linkages, commercial bank-to-central bank linkages, and the central bank is the counterpart to all commercial banks’ payments liquidations, which can be liquidated by run-off. Under the original payment liquidation model, since the customer cannot be directly connected with the central bank, the customer must be connected to each commercial bank separately, and payment liquidations are less efficient.


After third-party payments were born, customers were linked to third-party payment companies, and third-party payment companies were linked to commercial banks instead of customers. Third-party payment companies became counterparties to customer and commercial bank payments liquidations, third-party payment companies spread large amounts of transactional funds through intermediate accounts opened in different banks, and small cross-border payments were made through the Central Bank’s payment clearing system. For example, we trusted banks, so we made transfers to others through banks.


While third-party payments bring about efficiency gains, there is still a need for a system of trust based on trust in third-party confidence, and whether transactions can be safely completed without third-party involvement to avoid the cost of redundancy. The block chain was designed to address such problems at the outset.


Block Chain Overview

IDC 将区块链定义为记录信息和数据的分布式数字账本,该账本存储于对等网络的多个参与者之间,参与者可以使用加密签名将新的交易添加到现有交易链中,形成安全、连续、不变的链式数据结构;从数据的角度来看,区块链是一种不可能被更改的分布式数据。传统的分布式数据库仅由一个中心服务器节点对数据进行维护,其他节点存储的只是数据的备份。区块链的「分布式」不仅体现为数据备份存储的分布式,也体现在数据记录的分布式,即由所有节点共同参与数据维护,单一节点的数据被篡改或被破坏不会对区块链所存储的数据产生影响,以此实现对数据的安全存储。因此区块链特征包含:分布式、多节点共识、公开透明和不可篡改。

The IDC defines the block chain as a distributed digital account for recording information and data, which is stored among multiple participants in the peer network, who can use encrypted signatures to add new transactions to the existing transaction chain and form a secure, continuous and constant chain data structure; from a data point of view, the block chain is a distributed data that cannot be altered. The traditional distributed database is maintained only by one central server node, while the other node is stored only as a backup of data. The "distribution " of the block chain is reflected not only in the distribution of data back-up storage, but also in the distribution of data records, where all nodes are jointly involved in data maintenance, and where data from a single node are altered or destroyed without having an impact on data stored in the block chain, thus achieving secure storage of data.


Distribution: There are no centralized hardware equipment and management structures in the block chain system, there is near parity of rights and obligations between nodes, complete data copies are available for each node, and the system is maintained by multiple nodes.


Multi-node consensus: the role of centralized administrators to approve settlement transactions was eliminated, mutual trust was not required between nodes, chain-entry data validated through consensus mechanisms, data content and rules for system operations were transparent, and trust relationships between nodes were automatically achieved by technical means.


Openness and transparency: through consensus mechanisms, books and business planning can be reviewed by all and time stamp mechanisms can be used to trace user behaviour and ensure transparency in the system.


It cannot be tampered with: blocks on the block chain can only be added and cannot be replaced, and transactions can be modified by adding blocks, but the records of blocks will be kept permanently.


It's a big story about the development of the block chain.


Bitcoin profile


Bitcoin (BTC) is a digital currency based on block chain technology. The Bitcoin network is a decentralised network, a distributed network of point-to-points in which miners do transactions by mining. The block chain network provides a publicly visible book of accounts that anyone can view at any time. Note that the account book does not record the balance of each account, but is used to record historical information about transactions that have occurred.

比特币采用了非对称加密算法,用户自己保存私钥并公开公钥。公钥就是这个人对外的唯一身份标识,私钥则是使用者开启钱包使用比特币的钥匙。公钥是对外公开的,在比特币的规则里公钥即代表了网络里钱包使用者的地址。比特币钱包的地址其实就是用户公钥经过一系列Hash及编码运算后生成的 160 位(20字节)的字符串。

Bitcoin uses asymmetric encryption algorithms, whereby the user saves the private key itself and publishes the public key. The public key is the person's only external identifier, while the private key is the key that the user opens the wallet to use in bitcoin. The public key is public. In Bitcoin's rules, the public key represents the address of the user of the wallet in the network. The address of the Bitcoin wallet is actually a string of 160 bits (20 bytes) generated by the user's public key after a series of Hash and encoded calculations.

区块链技术的创造目的并不是为了产生比特币(BTC),更不是为了将这东西拿到市场上出售。比特币最初来源于一篇论文《Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》。很明显最初的目的是建立一个点对点的去中心化的交易系统。BTC是这个系统对于各个参与节点计算交易确认的奖励。正是因为这个去中心化的交易系统是建立在密码学技术上,所以交易的结果和奖励是可信的无法被篡改,才导致了大众媒体所过分渲染的稀缺性。比特币系统的目的很简单,就是建立一个总体成本耕地,不需要传统的信任基础,不需要信任的第三方机构(如:银行)就可以完成交易的系统。

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. The initial aim was clearly to create a point-to-point decentralised trading system. BTC is the system’s incentive for participating nodes to calculate the confirmation of transactions. It is precisely because the decentralised trading system is based on cryptology that the results and rewards of the transaction are credible and cannot be tampered with, leading to scarceness that is overstretched by the mass media. The purpose of the Bitcoin system is simply to create an overall cost cropland, without the need for a traditional trust base, and without the need for trusted third-party institutions (e.g. banks) to complete the trading system.

因为比特币的稀缺性,市场赋予了比特币价格,它的符号是 BTC。比特币诞生之初,2 万个比特币才能买一个比萨,目前比特币的价格为 $7,200,而在 2017 年末比特币价格甚至一度超过 $20,000 大关。由此可见,比特币价格波动剧烈,并且比特币价格上涨和下跌很快。

Because of the scarcity of bitcoins, the market gave Bitcoin prices, the symbol of which is BTC. At the birth of bitcoins, 20,000 bitcoins were able to buy a pizza, and the price of bitcoins is now $7,200, and by the end of 2017 the price of bitcoins was even more than $20,000. Thus, the price of bitcoins fluctuated and the price of bitcoins rose and fell rapidly.


Overview of the consensus mechanism

共识机制是实现区块链的重要手段,它贯穿于整个区块链设计的思路中。CAP 理论是由加州大学伯克利分校的计算机教授 Eric Brewer 在 2000 年提出的,其核心思想是任何基于网络的数据共享系统最多只能满足数据一致性(Consistency)、可用性(Availability)和网络分区容忍(Partition Tolerance)三个特性中的两个。在大规模的分布式环境下,网络分区是必须容忍的现实,于是只能在可用性和一致性两者间做出选择。也就是说,这两者基本上不可能同时满足。

The consensus mechanism is an important means of achieving a block chain, and it cuts across the whole block chain design. The CAP theory was developed in 2000 by Eric Brewer, a computer professor at the University of California at Berkeley, whose core idea is that any web-based data-sharing system can only satisfy at best two of the three characteristics: Consistency, Usability, and Partition Tolerance.


Byzantium algorithms are fast-paced and high-performance, and while ensuring that data are synchronized, their availability is good. Byzantium protocols can also be used on our distribution books, and many of the block chain project chains use an improved or variable version of Byzantium tolerance miscalculation algorithms.

在 2019 年 12 月 24 日深圳证券交易所上线深证区块链 50 指数,当日收盘报 3155.03,涨 1.15%,日成交量为 20.44 万。这表明了对区块链技术及行业的再次认可。虽然我国尚未出台数字资产相关政策及法规,但随着区块链技术的进一步发展,相关的法规政策以及相关应用也会随之而来。

In December 24, 2019, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange had an index of deep-associated block chains, which was collected on that day 3155.03, an increase of 1.15%, and a daily turnover of 20.44 million. This shows a renewed recognition of block chain technology and industry.


Risk hints:

警惕打着区块链和新技术的旗号进行非法金融活动。标准共识坚决抵制利用区块链进行非法集资、网络传销、ICO 及各种变种、传播不良信息等各类违法行为。

The standard consensus strongly rejects the use of the block chain for illegal fund-raising, Internet distribution, ICOs and various variants, and the dissemination of bad information.




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