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Two weeks ago, the block chain became the hot word. Last week, the block chain concept unit was blown up again, triggering the recent rare & & & & & & & & ; then Tuesday, when the concept unit began to split, and the end of the day even appeared & & & ; the blast wave & & rdquo; and many species of wind that were suspected of damping.


After 2008, the birth of Bitcoin marked the birth of the first application of the block chain, after several years of silt under the currency ring, the ICO (the first issue of the token), and the long period of technical ambush in the chain, it is undeniable that the application of the various blocks’ chain has emerged in practice in recent years. Meanwhile, the emergence of Libra has accelerated global discussions and research and development on the central bank’s digital currency (CBDC).


Nevertheless, block chain technology is still in the early stages of development, and practice is still in the testing phase. What does block chain mean in areas like finance?


how to understand the block chain simply


The block chain is essentially a decentralised distributed book database, which itself is a series of data blocks generated by cryptography, each containing information validly confirmed by multiple transactions.


For example, in order to buy a mobile phone with a payment treasure, the transaction process is to call the money to pay the money - to notify the seller of the money - to send the goods - to confirm the receipt - to pay the money to the seller. In the process, although you are dealing with the seller, the transaction is also connected to a third party, that is, to pay the money.


The centralization process is that you simply exchange money and cell phones with the seller, and both parties claim to have completed the transaction, and the process is complete. But, after the centralization, there is no centralization of authority in the system, and the credibility and accuracy of the information is a problem. At that point, based on block chain technology, it is visualized that the account book is on everyone's computer, i.e., that I declare 100 dollars to all users, and that the payment is received without the involvement of a third party. All users in the entire network know that I gave him 100 dollars, so that everyone else's electronic books subtracted 100 dollars and added 100 dollars to the seller. Decentralization, encryption, is an important sign of the block chain, so that, in principle, the block chain technology can be technically secure.


While the desired block chain is beautiful, the technology of block chain interface with entity commerce needs to be further developed both technically and by regulation, with so-called “ mistrust & & rdquo addressed by block chains; the problem being limited to data on the block chain. So if block chains are to interface with entity operations, & & ldquao; rules of the game & & rdquo; and establishment, the application of current practice is also limited to the test water phase.


Application in supply chain finance


There is no denying that 2018 is a watershed compared to the previous two years, and in 2019 we saw more applications of block-chain technology to solve problems in a particular industry or field. For example, food traceability, judicial documentation, copyright for music, etc., also includes data authenticity in supply chain finance to meet the application of financial products.


At present, the advantages of block chains are becoming apparent in the area of whole-car logistics supply chains, and a number of landing applications have emerged.


The industry suffers from the fact that many of the carriers of car-to-car logistics are self-employed, and that the cost of transit, oil, maintenance, driver’s wages, etc. is a great expense combined. And freight costs tend to be long-term, making the flow of funds difficult to sustain. Previously, it was difficult for banks to reach these carriers, either because the loan amount was too small (from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands); and second, it was difficult to carry out an ad hoc investigation of these loan applications, and it was also difficult for carriers to provide bank certificates of receivables, audit reports for loans, etc.


In order to address this problem, “ Linkage & mdash; Auto Supply Chain Logistics Services platform & & rdquo; for example, through the uplink management of business-related aspects of whole-of-car logistics operations, the owner of the vehicle and the master contractor of logistics can issue orders and manifests online, and the carrier at all levels can record operational data such as operational handover vouchers, settlement vouchers, invoices, etc., and perform online reconciliations between upstream and downstream enterprises. Financial institutions can provide financing services to carriers on the basis of the business data recorded on the chain.


Simply put, this is an increase in the carrier’s confidence that banks are willing to provide financial services to carriers. For carriers, the bank loan interest rate has thus dropped from 15-18% to around 7%, apparently on a very favourable basis; for banks, loans to high-quality car manufacturers can only charge preferential interest rates (about 5%), which are now secured on behalf of carriers, proving that they do pay a certain amount of freight (receivables) per month, and banks are more likely to lend to carriers, which is more profitable than ever.


Overseas Exploration Block Chains to accelerate Inter-bank Transactions Settlement


Another ideal scenario of the block chain is inter-bank transactions settlement, an area that was previously explored by J. J. Morgan Chase.


The Morgan Chase Interbank Information Network (IIN) has expanded rapidly since its launch in 2017 and its launch in 2018. As of September of this year, more than 400 banks, including Deutsche Bank, had joined, of which more than 65 have been officially online.


IIN aims to make use of emerging technologies, such as block chains, to provide better services to complex cross-border payment industries, allowing faster and easier access to payee accounts, and participating banks to become part of the application of ecosystem development and to develop individually solutions tailored to their needs.


Specifically, if you use a distributed book, the shared book will be reconciled for one second, save a lot of back-office manpower and save money on the way.


Cross-border remittances are also relevant to the coalition chain. The benefits are, first, short in time, because transactions and liquidations on the block chain are real-time, unlike traditional payment systems. Second, they can reduce the cost of remittances.


However, as far as block chain exchanges are concerned, they are still at the research stage, and their practicality has yet to be tested. In addition, there have been reports that global stock exchanges are also studying the application of block chain technology to the securities trading process as a whole, with a view to increasing the speed at which securities are traded, settled and settled.


The problem is that the technology of traditional exchanges is powerful, and the above information suggests that more global exchanges are studying the potential impact of distributed books on liquidation and settlement, which may remain only at the experimental stage in the short term. The traditional exchanges are only responsible for brokering and confirming transactions, after which stocks are settled in the firm, and the transfer of funds is a matter for banks. & ldquo; separation of powers & rdquo; the model is developed after the storm. In terms of efficiency, more than 200,000 transactions per second are processed, and T+0 can be fully absorbed, with a chain of blocks being & & ldquao; three steps together & & rdquao; not only inefficient but also with unknown risks.


Libra's uncertain future, DC/EP need not be based on block chains


Before talking about the central bank’s digital currency, it is Libra. Last June, when Facebook’s Libra Project White Paper was released, it shocked the world, and Libra will build an integrated platform for decentralizing block chains, low-volatility encrypted currency, and smart contracts, known as a subversive experiment in block chains.


On July 16 and 17, the United States Congress held two hearings in which it questioned Libra. The main issues focused on three areas: privacy, how to ensure anti-money-laundering, and national security, or how to prevent shocks to the financial system. & ldquo; Libra’s father & rdquo; and Marcus did not resolve those questions, despite his best efforts to answer them.


Unlike most encrypted currencies, Libra is a stable currency, supported entirely by real asset reserves. Every newly created Libra encrypted currency, with a basket of money and short-term government bonds of comparable value, builds confidence in its intrinsic value.

再说到中国央行目前在酝酿的央行数字货币DC/EP(Digital Currency/Electronic Payment),其没有像Libra那样用到真正的区块链,根据万向区块链邹传伟的研究,DC/EP可能使用基于UTXO(Unspent Transaction Output,未花费的交易支出)模式的中心化账本,但仍属于Token范式。这个中心化账本体现为中央银行维护的数字货币发行登记系统,不需要跑共识算法,不会受制于区块链的性能瓶颈。区块链可能用于数字货币的确权登记,居于辅助地位。

Moreover, the central bank’s currently engineered central bank digital currency DC/EP (Digital Policy/Electrical Payment), which does not use a genuine block chain as Libra does, may use a centralized account book based on the UTXO model (Unspent Trade Operations Output, Unspent Transaction Expenditure), but it is still a Token paradigm. This central account book is embodied in the digital currency registry system maintained by the central bank, which does not need to run consensus algorithms and is not subject to block chain performance bottlenecks.


There is no need to decentralize because the system is maintained by the Central Bank, whose credit is significantly higher than that of commercial banks and other private institutions, and there is no need to introduce distributed trust mechanisms represented by block chains in DC/EP, so DC/EP uses a centralized account book. Of course, a centralized account book based on the UTXO model can also be seen as a & ldquo; degradation & rdquo; and a block chain (or a block chain with only one node).


Users need to use DC/EP wallets, whose core is a pair of public and private keys. Public keys are also addresses, in which digital vouchers in the renminbi are stored. The vouchers are issued on the basis of 100% RMB reserve. Users can see the addresses of other users, but do not necessarily know the identity of the address owner.


In the case of DC/EP transactions, users can initiate inter-address transfer transactions through their wallets. DC/EP transfer transactions are not broadcast to the point-to-point network, then packaged by miners into blocks and run consensus algorithms, as in the case of Token transactions in the public chain, but are recorded directly by the Central Bank in the central ledger.


Although DC/EP is still in the gestation phase, there is also a perception that it will have some impact on “ breaking & rdquo; and subsequent third-party payments (paying treasures, micro-letters). But, if there is no significant improvement in the public-private key applications on which DC/EP wallets are based in terms of coverage, user experience, and private key security management, there will be a dedicated digital money hosting and payment agency, which is the main opportunity for private sector agencies to participate in DC/EP, and the discovery of the scene is also crucial.





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