如何使用PayPal购买比特币 PayPal购买比特币的详细图文介绍

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how do you use PayPal to purchase bitcoins? how do you use PayPal to buy bitcoins on other platforms?




In short, PayPal users in the United States can purchase encrypted currency, including bitcoin, directly through the platform.


In the first half of 2021, this function will be extended to &ldquao; selected international markets & & rdquao;


Bitcoin purchased on PayPal could not be transferred from PayPal's digital wallet.

2020年11月,PayPal宣布美国的所有帐户持有人都可以通过其平台买卖包括比特币在内的加密货币。此前,该公司于2020年10月宣布,将通过与Paxos Crypto Brokerage的合作,推出加密货币买卖期权。

In November 2020, PayPal announced that all account holders in the United States could buy and sell encrypted currency, including bitcoin, through their platforms. Prior to that, in October 2020, the company announced that it would introduce an encrypted currency option through cooperation with Paxos Crypto Brokerage.

今天,我们宣布推出一项新服务,使客户可以直接从其PayPal帐户购买,持有和出售#Cryptocurrency。https://t.co/QS6JRmG9hs pic.twitter.com/uHBatfZkbF

Today, we announce the launch of a new service that allows clients to purchase and hold and sell #Cryptocurrecy directly from their PayPal account. https://t.co/QS6JRG9hs  pic.twitter.com/uHBatfZkbF

— PayPal(@PayPal)2020年10月21日

& mdash; PayPal (@PayPal) 21 October 2020


PayPal allows for the purchase of bitcoin in the PayPal digital wallet, in Taiping, in Bitcoin cash and in Litecoin.


In a brief statement, the company said: “ we were pleased to announce that all eligible holders of the PayPal account in the United States can now purchase, hold and sell encrypted currency directly from BayPal. & ” the statement also said that American users would soon be able to purchase products from their 26 million businesses around the world using encrypted currency. Payments would be converted to statutory currency at the point of sale.


Although encryption purchases are currently limited to United States PayPal clients, in the first half of 2021 these features will be introduced to “ selected international markets & & & rdquo; and will be rolled out. PayPal also plans to launch an encryption service to its social payment service, Venmo, in 2021.


It turns out that buying encrypted money has become a popular choice for PayPal users, so how do you start?


How to use PayPal to buy bitcoin


First: you obviously need a PayPal account. If you do not, you need a credit card or a bank account and an e-mail address to set up on PayPal.com.


Now it's time to buy some BTCs. The PayPal website and PayPal applications have similar experiences; in this exercise we use websites. On the main screen (in application & ldquao; payment & rdquao; screen), choose the & ldquao displayed at the top of the page; buy bitcoins and more & rdquao; banners.


Next, select the encrypt currency you want to buy. At present, the option for buying and selling on PayPal is Bitcoin, in Taiping, in Bitcoin, in cash, or in Lightcoin. In addition, PayPal provides resources for learning encrypt currency; it also lists the risks involved.


You can choose the number of bitcoins that you want to buy, or click on “ buy ” select the quantity that you want. The minimum value of bitcoins that you can buy is only $1. Under the purchase option, PayPal contains a brief description of the assets purchased.


Before continuing, you need to confirm some information and agree to the encrypted currency terms and conditions of PayPal.


The next interesting part is the purchase of bitcoin. Enter the amount you want to purchase (US$ 10 in this case). A useful note explains that the price of bitcoin depends on the time you press the trigger: &ldquao; the exchange rate includes price differentials, which are frequently updated before you buy or sell. & rdquao; choose the next step to the next screen.


This page shows the bank account or credit card/loan card associated with your PayPal account.


Select “ the next & rdquo; then check your purchases. For a consumer-oriented exchange, the transaction costs on PayPal are quite reasonable; the transaction costs below US$ 25 are 50 cents and transactions above US$ 1,000 are 1.5% of the transaction costs.


Upon completion of the purchase, the account will be updated to reflect the quantity and current value of the encrypted currency purchased.

返回首页,查看您在“ crypto”下购买的比特币,并可选择购买和出售。

returns the first page to see the bitcoin you purchased in &ldquao; crypto&rdquao, and you can choose to buy and sell.


The encrypted currency sold through PayPal or the website will be converted to the legal currency and will be shown in the user account & ldquao; cash account balance & rdquao; part. PayPal has already provided users with a fee schedule and conversion price difference to determine the costs they may incur.


buys bitcoin using PayPal on other websites


Note that PayPal limits users from holding encrypted currency on their platforms. It cannot (to date) transfer from PayPal’s digital wallet except for purchases (which are now converted to statutory currency at the point of sale).


While this was still valid at the time of publication, it is not clear whether this function will be added at a later date or what impact this will have on other services that will be encrypted through PayPal.


For many supporters of Bitcoin, PayPal’s encrypt currency product runs counter to the ideal of supporting bitcoin. In other words, the Bitcoin holder is their own bank.


If you want to use PayPal to purchase bitcoin from other sources (e.g. an exchange), your choice will be limited in order to retain full ownership of bitcoin.


The main reason is that, like other credit companies, PayPal allows the buyer to demand a refund in the event of a fraudulent transaction. This opens up the possibility that buyers wrongly object to the transaction, recover their money and still receive the bitcoin they purchased. Credit companies like PayPal tend to be on the buyer’s side in resolving the dispute, and since BitPal is anonymous, PayPal is unable to verify whether the dispute is fraudulent.


Bitcoin transactions are also irreversible, meaning that, in the event of a fraudulent dispute, the seller is likely to pay for it, while the buyer places both bitcoin and recovery money in its pocket.


For those who want to buy bitcoin (PayPal), but still retain the freedom to move their encrypted currency, there are a number of solutions available.


What platform can you use to convert PayPal funds to Bitcoin?


First of all, you need a Babel account. Besides, you need to set up a wallet.


When you use PayPal to purchase an encrypted currency, you can select several options.


Although some encrypted currency exchanges, such as Coinbase, can allow you to link to PayPal accounts, in most cases it is limited to withdrawals rather than purchases. There are exceptions. There are also some exceptions. eToro allows the payment of bitcoins using PayPal and allows the transfer of encrypted money to eToro wallets. PayPal buys bitcoins on eToro, just logs in your accounts and clicks on “ deposit funds & & rdquo; & & & ldquao; PayPayPal” as your preferred method of payment, then selects the amount. Once the money is deposited, you will be free to purchase bitcoins.


xCoins is another transaction site; it was originally a point-to-point lending platform linking the Bitcoin lender to the borrower. It uses PayPal to allow people to convert money into bitcoin “ guarantee loans ” any registered user can borrow or lend bitcoin; xCoins.io matches the loan request with the lender. Then the borrower uses PayPal to pay a sum of money and interest to the lender. Once confirmed, Bitcoin will move between the lender and the borrower's wallet.


In addition to the exchange, you can use the point-to-point market to purchase bitcoins via PayPal.


Why don't more exchanges support PayPal?


In addition to the issue of refunds outlined above, there are other shortcomings in the use of PayPal for the purchase of Bitcoin.


PayPal fees would significantly increase transaction costs, with many platforms charging up to 10 per cent of the transaction amount.


Another issue that needs to be considered is that, if you purchase it through a platform that does not accept your own currency, the exchange fee may also be charged. For example, if you convert to the United States dollar/Canadian dollar, PayPal will charge more than 3.5 per cent of the exchange rate. For other currencies, the cost is 4 per cent of the exchange rate.


Source: Search for coins.


That's the way PayPal bought bitcoin, shared with you at the Script House. Let's have a look at it with our friends.

Tag:PayPal   比特币  



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