
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:20 评论:0
熟练的区块链开发人员是一种稀缺的商品,就像驻留在他们维护的分布式账本上的比特币一样珍贵。自学一门主要的区块链编程语言,你的人生就会一帆风......Skilled block chain developers are a scarce co...



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Skilled block chain developers are a scarce commodity, as precious as bitcoins on the distribution books they maintain. Learn yourself a major block chain programming language, and your life will be a windfall.


If you are thinking of becoming a block chain developer, the following is an introduction, and I hope it will help you.


Learn the language, understand the code


The encrypt currency community consists of a series of tribes, each of which is very loyal to its oscillated currency. However, as a block chain developer, you will be able to move beyond the boundaries of these people, because good codes do not need much to be introduced, and if you can create smart contracts to protect against bugs, you will never lose your job.


Satoshi writes bitcoin with c++, which until today remains one of the popular and commonly used block chain programming languages. Java, Python, Ruby, Rust, solid, Go and c# can be found in the password layer, but they anchor encryption networks at the bottom.



If you want to be a block chain developer without knowing the difference between a compiler and a smart contract, it is a good start to be a hacker marathon.


The Cryptocurrence project regularly organizes these events to encourage developers to build their ecosystems and stimulate new usages and applications.

正如Aeternity Crypto基金会董事会成员Emin Mahrt所说,“我们绝对欢迎大家参加……我们非常高兴能见到尽可能多的志同道合的技术建造者和好奇的梦想家。”你永远不知道你所遇到的人中谁会成为某一突破性产品的创始人。“

As Emin Mahrt, member of the Board of Directors of the Aeternity Crypto Foundation, “ we absolutely welcome you to & Hellip; & Hellip; we are very pleased to see as many like-minded technology builders and curious dreamers as possible. & rdquao; you never know who among those you meet will be the founder of a breakthrough product. & & ldquao;


The hacker marathon is a venue where emerging developers, aspiring developers and potential developers discuss becoming full-time block chain engineers.




Do you have a degree? If you go back, will you replace it with something more useful, such as computer science? Or will you give it up completely, free from student loans, and spend time on something more productive? Today, many people who want to be students are questioning the wisdom of formal education, because in this age you can get the same knowledge free of charge from the Internet. While academic learning is the best way of career development in some fields, such as social sciences, it is not necessarily in science. If you're programmed, no one cares where you learn your skills.


While pursuing the wisdom of higher education is an issue that deserves your thought, it is worth noting that there is now a college course based on a block chain. These include a block chain in Berkeley (a student-run organization offering in-school and out-of-school courses) and an online course in Princeton on bitcoin and crypto-currency technology, which has so far attracted hundreds of thousands of registered users.

大学可能不是成为区块链开发人员最快的方法,但它不应该完全被忽视。此外,利用教育机构作为进入密码学领域工作的方法不止一种。Yannis Stamelakos是Tokencard的区块链工程师。他在接受news.Bitcoin.com采访时表示:“我的学术生涯始于对嵌入式系统的研究,这让我获得了计算机架构博士学位,主要研究低功耗多核系统的近阈值计算。”“我一直对区块链技术着迷,所以我认为硬件钱包是完美的切入点。”

University may not be the fastest way to become a block chain developer, but it should not be completely ignored. Moreover, there is more than one way to use educational institutions as a way to get into the cryptography field. Yannis Stamelakos is Tokencard’s block chain engineer. In an interview with newss.bitcoin.com, he said: “ my academic career began with research on embedded systems, which enabled me to obtain a Ph.D. degree in computer architecture, mainly in the near threshold calculation of low-capacity multinuclear systems. & & & ldquo; I've always been obsessed with block chain technology, so I think the hardware wallet is the perfect cut-off point. & & rdquao;

从那时起,Stamelakos开始与Provable合作,为 Ledger的Nano S编写应用程序,生成可以在链上验证的真实性证明。“我们实际上是在致力于创建一个理想的基础设施,用于构建能够以不可靠的方式将数据获取到区块链上。这是我在TokenCard担任区块链工程师的完美跳板。”

Since then, Stamelakos has worked with Proviable to develop applications for Nano S in Ledger to generate proof of authenticity that can be verified on the chain. & & ldquo; we are actually working to create an ideal infrastructure for building data access to block chains in unreliable ways. This is my perfect springboard as a block chain engineer in TokenCard. & rdquao;



How to become a self-learning block chain developer

对于自学成才的人来说,刻苦专研是学习并掌握这些技巧的最好方法。如果你有足够的自制力去学习,并且有足够的意志力来避免每次的注意力不集中,你就会发现网络上充斥着成为一名成功的加密货币开发人员所需要的所有工具和教程。比特币开发者Jameson Lopp的资源页面上有很多关于BTC技术的门户网站链接。

For self-educated people, hard research is the best way to learn and master these techniques. If you have enough self-control to learn, and enough will to avoid focusing on each time, you will find that the Internet is full of all the tools and lessons needed to become a successful cryptographic money developer. Bitcoin developer Jameson Lopp has many web portal links to BTC technology on his resource page.

虽然Bitcoin Core 和 Bitcoin Cash在意识形态上存在差异,但从架构上看,这两种加密货币非常相似。因此,你从面向比特币的网站学到的技能同样适用于BCH。对于BCH的支持者来说,这方面的知识可以通过访问Bitcoin.com的开发人员部分得到补充。在这里,你会发现如何从头开始构建BCH应用程序的步骤说明,并可以查看真实世界的示例,这些示例可以部署为您自己的工作副本,并从那里启动您的项目。

Although there are ideological differences between Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash, these two encrypted currencies are very similar in structure. So, the skills you learn from the Bitcoin site are equally applicable to the BCH. For BCH supporters, this knowledge can be supplemented by access to Bitcoin.com developers. Here, you will find how to start the BCH application from scratch and see examples of the real world that can be deployed as a copy of your own work and start your project from there.


In the future, we will all be replaced by robots and artificial intelligence, but now humans are needed to maintain the encrypted monetary network of the current generation and to create new applications and stratification solutions based on decentralized technology. If you are, stop dreaming and start learning.




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