: 在过去的两天里,许多币圈投资者再次回忆起那个令人刻骨铭心的日子——2019年5月19日,也就是币圈519惨案二周年纪念日。这一天,许多投资者在短期内失去了他们辛勤努力赚取的大量财富,仿佛一夜之间回到了起点。对于没有亲身经历的人来说,或许无法感受到那时的绝望氛围。然而,正是这样的历史教训,让我们更加珍惜现在的市场环境,同时也提醒我们要时刻保持警惕。
: Over the past two days, many currency-circumstance investors have reminiscently recalled that day — 19 May 2019, the second anniversary of the currency’s 519th tragedy. On that day, many investors have lost their hard-earned wealth in a short period of time, as if one night had gone back to their beginnings.
In the past year, one investor has worked so hard that it has finally succeeded in accumulating about 130 million yuan in assets. But, on the night of May 19, all of this was lost, and all of his investments quickly came to nothing. That is the charm of the currency circle, which is full of infinite possibilities and endless challenges.
Today, two years have passed since the tragedy of 519. Yet the horrors and pains of the past are still deeply marked in the memories of many investors. At that time, the height of Bitcoin had reached $64,000, but on May 19, the price of Bitcoin fell suddenly to $28,000, which was incredible to many. This sudden change in the market reminded people of the 94th and 312th crises of that year, which were engraving moments in the history of the currency.
In these extreme cases, even if you are the market’s best man, it is impossible to avoid market volatility. So, in the face of these market winds, we can only be cautious and well prepared to respond to possible scenarios.
For some time to come, there has been widespread concern about possible interest-added actions by the Fed, as well as changes in encryption monetary policy in other countries and regions. While these problems do have an impact on markets, we cannot rely solely on these factors to judge market trends.
Overall, although two years have passed since the tragedy of 519, the message that it left us remains important. In this process, we need to learn and grow constantly in order to better respond to future market challenges.
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