随着全球加密货币市场的持续发展和影响力的不断扩大,政治与监管层面对于这一领域的态度与决策变得愈发关键。6月17日,从特朗普的“加密货币战争”终结宣言,到欧洲议会对加密监管政策的持续支持,再到SEC对Ripple Labs的处罚争议,一系列政治和监管动态引发了广泛关注。这些事件不仅反映了加密货币在全球政治和经济格局中的重要地位,也揭示了各方在平衡创新与安全、保护与监管之间的复杂考量。接下来让我们一同看看币圈6月17日政策新闻一览。
On June 17, a series of political and regulatory developments, ranging from Trump’s declaration of the end of the “encrypted currency war” to the European Parliament’s continued support for encryption regulatory policies, and the SEC’s punitive dispute over Ripple Labs, have generated widespread attention. These events not only reflect the importance of crypto-currency in the global political and economic landscape, but also reveal the complexity of the balance between innovation and security, protection, and regulation.
On June 17, at a special address on West Palm Beach, Florida, on 14th of this month, former US President Trump made a firm commitment to the public. If re-elected, he would put an end to the so-called “policing” of encoded currency by current President Biden. Trump stressed that he would ensure that encrypted currency and bitcoin flourished in the United States and work to make Florida a leader in this new industry.
The speech, which coincided with Trump’s 78th birthday celebration, took the opportunity to reiterate his strong support for the crypto-currency industry and to criticize Biden’s government’s policies. Trump said that he would actively promote the crypto-currency business in Florida in order to ensure that America’s leadership in this front line remained stable.
“We want to ensure that the future of encrypt currency and bitcoin shines brightly in the United States, and we will leave that future in the United States, and that Florida will be an important base for this great cause.” Trump has amply demonstrated his strong faith in Florida's key role in the development of crypto-currency.
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SEC policy or Bhaiden campaign tripping, encrypt currency or influence election results 6月17日消息,近日,在Coinbase主办的加密货币峰会上,亿万富翁投资者及加密货币积极推动者马克·库班语出惊人。他直截了当地指出,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席加里·根斯勒的执政风格,可能会对现任总统拜登的连任之路造成不小的阻碍。 According to news on June 17, at a recent secure currency summit hosted by Coinbase, billionaire investors and encoded money activists spoke in an amazing way. He pointed out, quite frankly, that the style of US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler in power could create a significant obstacle to the re-election of current President Biden. 福克斯商业频道的埃莉诺·特雷特现场捕捉到了库班的这一观点。库班认为,根斯勒的某些决策可能“真的会让拜登在大选中失利”。这并非库班首次公开表达对根斯勒及其领导的SEC的担忧。他一直致力于推动监管的透明度,并曾提议由美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)来接管加密货币的监管工作。 This is not the first time that Kuban has publicly expressed his concern about Günsler and his leader, SEC. He has been working to promote transparency in regulation, and has proposed that the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take over the regulation of encrypted money. 在今年5月的一篇报道中,库班便发出过类似的警示。他指出,加密货币的选民“将在此次大选中发出自己的声音”,并暗示如果拜登在2024年的美国总统大选中落败,“那么加里·根斯勒和SEC很可能是导致这一结果的关键因素”。 In a report in May this year, Kuban sent a similar warning. He pointed out that the voters of the encoded currency “will make their voices heard in this election” and suggested that if Biden lost the presidential election in 2024, “Gary Gensler and SEC are likely to be the key factors behind this outcome.” [点击阅读新闻详细内容] [点击阅读新闻详细内容] [点击阅读新闻详细内容] [点击阅读新闻详细内容] [点击阅读新闻详细内容]