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Whatever digital currency is, it is certain that, as international firms such as Morgan Chase, Facebook, and others begin to issue digital money, the country issues digital currency, and the emerging issue of "digital currency" is gaining market attention and social recognition. When traditional market economies collide with the raw economy of the currency ring, there will surely be huge sparks of how to take off in such an opportunity to come to the eyes of society as a whole.


In the last two weeks, a large number of industry operators have come to Shenzhen to participate in conferences and meetings, and while there are no headlines like Shanghai or Silicon Valley's Block Week, it is strange that practitioners from all over the country have been present in Shenzhen, because it has been rare since the beginning of the industry in 17 years. Most people have come to Shenzhen to have a meeting, to leave without any memory. This time, many people have started to build the Shenzhen team just a week later, asking why they have come to Shenzhen, and asking them why they have come to Shenzhen: "Come to learn the model, to find community cooperation." If two cities in Beijing have a unique currency culture because of the confluence of the project side and the investment agency, the city in Shenzhen has not made an impression in the currency ring, or have a bad impression. Most people have come to Shenzhen, but for the purpose of moving to Hong Kong, or to go to China, North, and this time has been different, because of its deep ZJP resources, they have attracted a large group."


The short history of the currency circle model — the pre-life src=, at the beginning of the year, two new ways of playing the low currency circle: the resonance currency and the IEO. Unlike the resonance of the currency, which everyone can participate in because of its enrichment effects, IEO is a front exchange and a wool party/platinum bank account.


According to the May figures for Grayscale investments, 73 per cent of institutional investors were in ratio to their 94 per cent Bitcoin warehouse, and it can be deduced that the Bitcoin cow market, which began in March, grew as a result of the presence of institutional investors, and that most of the scattered households had emptied the cycle and urgently needed to find a new "investment mark" to regain their own gains.


A brief history of currency circles model -


The high-risk, high-yield "moderate" is now visible in the eyes of the homeless. The mountain coins lack continuous blood-producing functions, the money is losing, even if bitcoin rises, it is hard to turn over a 100-fold fall, and it seems that the only way to go is to walk the mode.


Model Currency >


The short history of currency circles -


3M and ETHtrade


Although the term model currency was a new term that was born this year, the model itself has a long history in the currency circles, and its early representatives are "3M" using bitcoin to participate and "Etheria Trade" using Etheria to participate.

"MMM"全称是马夫罗季全球储蓄罐(Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox),1994年首度出现在大众视野中,以承诺高收益吸纳群众资金,于1997年宣布破产(跑路)。2011年,出狱的马夫罗重操旧业,开始了新一轮的"金融互助"非法集资。2015年,3M进入中国,借助其"金字塔"模式在中国迅速蔓延,并支持以比特币支付。 "使用比特币而不是传统货币,会更有利、更快、更安全"。其巨大的影响力让比特币的购买力大增,在那个"暗无天日"的熊市,居然推动了比特币从2015年9月份的不到200美元,飙升到11月份上旬超过500美元。

"MMM" – known as Mavrodi Mondial Monneybox – first appeared in public view in 1994 to commit high revenues to absorb mass funds and declared bankruptcy in 1997 (run). In 2011, the ex-prisoner Mavro resumed his old business and started a new round of "financial mutual assistance" illegal fund-raising. In 2015, 3M entered China, rapidly spreading in China, using its pyramid model, and supported payment in Bitcoin. "The use of bitcoin, rather than traditional currency, would be more advantageous, faster and safer.


The short history of currency circles -


In 2017, this was also the case for the Etherton trade, which, although it is not a Pow currency in itself and has no pattern, was facilitated by the use of Ether gold for entry and exit.


ZJP, however, does not create productivity by itself, and the high returns promised are precisely because it uses the funds of those behind it to fill the financial voids of the previous participants. Ultimately, when the entire plate is growing, it is inevitable that the funds cannot be held up, that the team runs, that the investor's blood is lost is a very clear route. The collapse of 3M and ETHtrade is inevitable, and many people know it, but wish to bet that they will not take the last bullet.


splits (ANS and GXS) and buybacks (BNB)


"Mode" was a neutral term until recently, when the "Mode" and "ZJP Model" were equated. If there was no "mode" in the block chain itself, but when the "TokenEconomics" were added to the currency economy, it was inevitable that the model would emerge. In order for the second-tier market traders to have a "Hold" to continue, some incentive to retain investors would certainly be needed. The BTC/ETH original encrypted currency had not had much to do with it, and there was only one simple logic of appreciation — the value of the network, the more people to use it, the more valuable it was.


Licent history of currency circles

2016年,小蚁股(ANS)带领了一阵"分红模式"的热潮。在那个草莽年代,数字货币还没有今天的影响力,也就并没有Security Token和Utility Token的分别,ANS带领的诸如(公信宝)GXS等一票数字货币都借鉴了股票的模式,将公司的利润给持币者分红。合规?不存在的,所有的玩法都处于灰色地带,而这些分红币们也因此获得了第一桶金。

In 2016, the ANS led a wave of "segregation patterns." In that rash age, digital currencies were not as influential as they were today, nor were there any differences between Security Token and Utility Token. The ANS led a number of digital currencies, such as the GXS, that drew on the stock model, and rededicated the company’s profits to its currency holders. Compliance: where they did not exist, all the games were in the grey zone, and the red coins received the first barrel of gold.


But with the advent of digital money markets in 2017 and the influx of money, regulators began to gradually review these up-to-date digital currencies. A number of regulators, such as the SEC, imposed clear regulatory requirements on securities-type tokens, which forced these digital currencies with red-dimension properties to change their red-dimension patterns. So, ANS changed its name to NEO, and GXS changed its name to GXC, removing the name Share from its name, redesigning the intergenerational economic model and changing it to a more subtle "buy-back model."

另一个横空出世的是币安交易所的平台币BNB。不知道币安是不是首创了交易平台发行平台币融资的模式,但毋庸置疑的是,这一模式随后被众多交易所纷纷效仿,而两年后他们已经通过平台币做到了世界第一。币圈模式币简史——万字长文梳理币圈“模式”的前世今生2017年6月24日,币安开始在官网进行爱西欧,价格约为为0.1 USD/BNB。BNB作为一个功能性代币,却有较强的基本面支撑。

Another example is BNB, the currency exchange's platform currency. It is not clear whether currency security is the first model for the distribution of platform money financing, but it has been followed by many exchanges, and two years later they have been world leaders through the platform currency. The short history of the currency ring model - the pre-history June 24, 2017, the currency began to love Western Europe on the Official Net at a price of about 0.1 USD/BNB.


A brief history of currency circles model -


Every quarter, BNB will be repurchased and destroyed with 20% of its profits, which makes BNB strongly linked to the profit profile of the trading platform itself. While repurchases are conveniently used to avoid regulation, they are no different in nature from red, and the deflationary economic model has a stronger effect on the price of the currency.


OK出走的CTO 赵长鹏带领币安从零做到第一,屁股还没坐热,就有火币前前CTO张健建立Fcoin来挑战这个位置了。

OK, CTO Chang Peng leads the way from zero to the top, the ass is still hot, and there's the Fcoin set up by the former CTO Chang Ken to challenge the position.


In June 2018, Fcoin introduced the word "trading or mining" that triggered the market. The so-called transactional mining fee, i.e. the user's transaction consumption fee, would return the equivalent of the platform currency, FT, and the transaction fee would be paid back. The user would be able to draw up a large volume of transactions to obtain a lower price of FT at the expense of the process, hoping to obtain a larger share of the exchange. The transaction, although not started by Fcoin, led the market to four times, and the market exchange, which used the "trading or digging" mechanism, which was once the world's number one.


We wrote an article, Fcoin: Three days of a 50-fold increase in the exchange, and the amount of the day's trade went beyond the gun.


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We predict that the FT will spiral up to a certain threshold and enter a downward spiral. No, on June 18, the FT crashed, and it started to fall forever, until the lowest point, where prices fell by 99 per cent.


The problem with Fcoin is that there are no real trading users, all of whom come for the FT, not for the transaction itself. If all casino gamblers come for sexy cashiers, it's no better than those who actually keep gamblers.


7月20日,一款名为Fomo3D的游戏一夜之间在币圈炸开,凌晨4点的微信群因为这个游戏的火爆变得热闹非凡。FOMO是Fear of Missing Out的意思,指一种害怕错过的情绪。正是因为大多数人有这样的情绪,追涨杀跌才成为散户们交易的常态,而这个名字就叫FOMO的游戏也正式利用了人们这样的心理。

On July 20, a game called Fomo3D blew up overnight in a currency ring, and the micro-message at 4:00 a.m. became rife by the fire of the game. FOMO is the word of Missing Out, which means a feeling of fear of missed. It is because of the emotions of most people that chases and falls into the middle of the deal that the game is officially using people's minds.


A brief history of currency circles model --


The core game of the game is that there is a 24-hour countdown between the web pages, where the system sells a Key that continues to increase prices, and each person buys a Key, which adds 20 seconds to the countdown (24h caps) until the last person closes the countdown, and the person gets a bonus from the entire pool. Within a day, the game has 10,000 ETHs worth 30 million People's Dollar, and there are two reasons why players are so crazy:

1. 1.持有Key的数量在所有Key的占比,将获得新增资金的分红,如果在早期购买大量的Key,该游戏后续的增量资金都将给你大量分红。

1. Holding the number of Keys as a proportion of all Keys will receive a fraction of the additional funds, and if a large number of Keys are purchased at an early stage, the subsequent incremental amount of the game will give you a substantial share.

2. 2.新用户通过邀请链接注册,将给10%的佣金给到邀请者。

2. New users register through an invitation link, giving 10 per cent of the commission to the invitee.

3. 3.所有的规则放在了以太坊的智能合约上并且开源,也就是说该游戏没有开发商跑路风险。

3. All the rules are placed on the Etherm's intellectual contract and open-source, that is, the game does not involve the risk of a developer running the road.


The third point is that the block chain gives this game its most important character, with a decentralized ZJP that fascinates a large number of players — finally without a dealer, it's time to make a fortune.


In the end, however, the hopes of those who want to make a lot of money are dashed. According to Dappreview, the Fomo3D you play is not the same as me. Only about 20% of the players in the game get a profit, and the rest of the players lose a lot, perfecting the 28th rule.


The short history of currency circles -


However, the biggest difference between the decentralized ZJP and the traditional ZJP is also the reason for the short-time explosion and the rapid cooling of the game. The traditional ZJP only knows about your lower-level relationship, you don't know the size of the pool and the rate of entry, and you can only see brainwashing information that the dealer wants you to see. Unlike FOMO3D, all the information is publicly available on the chain, and all the players can find out how much more money is needed to secure their exit, and when everyone gets in, the pool will need to increase several times as much as it does.


The end of FOMO3D came from the hacker's dust attack on the Etheria network, which prevented players from raising any more stakes and eventually took 10,000 ETH prizes.


Plustoken Wallet >/strong

12万BTC,800万ETH,还有不计其数的XRP, EOS, LTC, BCH,总共300亿的金额,直到今年6月Plustoken崩盘,人们才对这个数字货币历史上最大的ZJP有了清晰的认识,而每一次Plutoken的钱包发生异动,都会引发市场的恐慌式暴跌。

One hundred and twenty thousand BTCs, eight million ETHs, and countless XRPs, EOS, LTC, BCHs, amounting to 30 billion dollars, until the Plustoken crash in June this year, it was not clear that the largest ZJP in the history of this number was known, and every time Plutoken's wallets changed, it triggered a panic crash in the market.


Plustoken began in 2017, claiming that he was a wallet and, as long as the money was deposited, would give you 10-30% interest per month. Interest was derived from the fact that the wallet had built "smart dogs" to move bricks, allowing for automatic arbitrage between different trading platforms using your assets. However, friends familiar with quantifiable transactions until the simple arbitrage did not make it possible to earn such a high return on the market, especially since, after the market had poured into a large number of quantitative agencies, it was impossible to achieve an annualized gain of 10% by simply moving bricks, even if combined with strategies such as currents, inter-periods, triangulations, and so on, 50% of annualized gains were already well above market levels, with systemic risks and possible withdrawals from the Black Swan event.

可能Plustoken的创始团队自己都没想到,最终这个盘子做到了这么大。以至于你去三四线城市走一圈,可能他们并不知道imtoken、Jaxx、tokenpocket这些币圈的钱包产品,但却知道Plustoken普拉斯,或者其他仿盘"xxxxtoken"钱包。在这些人的思维中,钱包就应该是放钱进去获得利息的,至于我们常说的"私钥的管理工具",Who Care?

Maybe Plustoken's founding team didn't even think that the plate was this big. So you go around the three-to-four-line city, maybe they don't know the wallet products of these coin rings, but they know Plustoken Plass, or other counterfeit "xxtoken" wallets. In these people's minds, the wallets are supposed to be put in the money to get interest, as we used to call "the management tool of the private key," who Care?


Bell chain/Egretia

2018年,数字货币市场在到达了顶峰以后开始急速下跌,虽有些许反弹,但一整年的大势就是"跌跌不休",让无数人从期望到失望,失望到绝望。BTC从年初近2万美金到年底一度跌至3000美金,而其他山寨币更是相对于BTC还跌去了90%。在这样的环境下,贝尔链横空出世,发行价$0.15 的BRC在2018年年底已经达到了$1.5,涨了10倍不止,踏过熊市的沟壑之后,2019年BRC最高达到$17,流通市值达到18亿美元,一度成为市值TOP10的数字货币,成为名副其实的"百倍币"。

In 2018, the digital money market began to fall sharply after reaching its peak, and although there was some rebound, the overall trend of the year was to "fall and fall" from hope to disappointment and despair to despair for countless people. The BTC fell from almost $20,000 at the beginning of the year to $3,000 at the end of the year, while other bounties fell by 90% compared to BTC. In this environment, the Bell chain came out, and the BRC, with its issuance price of 0.15, rose by 1.5 times, by more than 10 times at the end of the year, after stepping through the ravaging of the bear market, in 2019 BRC reached $17, with a market value in circulation of $1.8 billion, which was once the market value of ToP10 digital currency, which became the 100 times greater.


The short history of currency circles -

根据贝尔链官网简介,Baer Chain是基于区块链技术构架打造的分布式游戏生态平台。它以去中心化的结构,直接将整个游戏生态链上的组成分子有机地链接起来,实现个体价值的直接对接、无损流通和安全存储。你以为贝尔链是一个纯粹的区块链项目?非也,能让它逆势而起,纵横币圈的,正是他的盘圈基因。

According to the Bell Chain Network, Baer Chain is a distributed game ecological platform based on the technical architecture of the block chain. It is a decentralized structure that organically links the constituent elements of the entire ecological chain of the game to achieve direct matching, uninterrupted circulation and safe storage of individual values. Do you think the Bell chain is a pure block chain project?


Reference is made to an article by DOGI: Half-yearly, $5.2 billion in cash, history of the Bell chain, two games developed by the Bell chain, Super Rich and Global City, with an official commitment that a full-value user can return it within 90 to 120 days and start making a profit. Three to four times and even more returns every year.


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This is achieved through the input of users into the Taiku and official payments in its own digital currency, the BRC.


. "As the mooring is locked at the time of the return of the Tai Po's value, the following can happen: .


When BRC prices rise, the number of BRCs acquired by players will decrease;


On the other hand, when BRC prices fall, the player will get more BRC.


This interesting set-up gave the official perfect propaganda:


If the BRC rises, you can sell your money at a higher price and make more money;


If the BRC falls, it doesn't matter, you can get more BRC, and you can earn more when it rises.


This clever setup makes many shopkeepers very happy when the price falls."


The core of this operation lies in the fact that the BRC is officially issued by the government, and the prices of the BRC are highly controlled by the bankers because of the high-level controls. When the prices rise, the new circulation of the BRC in the market will decrease. Then the Bell chain issues the game of Super Warriors, which can be used by players to buy props to consume in the game, and the supernode scheme, which reduces the pressure on the official to buy back the BRC in the secondary market.


Now that the price of the Bell chain has fallen by 80 per cent relative to the peak, let's go back to the slogan "Bell 100,000 didn't start" when the Bell chain was pushed everywhere. From Bell to 100,000, we should not have seen it, but hundreds of thousands of people lost it.

同时,也有一些区块链项目在看到贝尔链异常火热的时候,选择了学习模仿,其中最为成功的莫Egretia莫属。这个做游戏引擎的区块链项目在市场寒冬中开发了几款游戏,都不温不火,直至今年3月份推出《巨商》,引入了仿贝尔的出入金模式,一炮而火。其代币EGT的价格从0.00026 USDT一直涨到0.1 USDT,翻了300多倍,造就一段传奇。

At the same time, there are block-chain projects that choose to learn to imitate when they see Bell's chain of abnormal heat, the most successful of which is the Mogretia. This block-chain project, which is an engine of games, developed a few games in the cold winter of the market, unheated until March of this year, when it introduced a model of Bell's entry and exit gold, with one shot at the fire. The price of its token EGT rose from 0.00026 USDT to 0.1 USDT, which was more than 300 times higher, creating a legend.


It is the price effect of the EGT that gives a clear path to many of the market's depressed digital currencies — and since the road cannot be straight, try something else.


block chain game and Dapp


Unlike the bell-based games, another hot tide that started in 2018 was the block-chain game. In 2018, also known as the year of the public-chain, the main networks of the public-chains went online, EOS, Tron, the home network, IIST, but there was no bottom-of-the-wall structure. What if people started to focus on the hot spots that were most acceptable to the public?


The first block-chain game to be detonated in the market is The Encrypted Cat/System Cat, which you can think of as a block-chained ZJP game. Encrypted cat is a game that hits flowers, and players can buy their own encryption cat on the market with ETH. This encryption cat is a non-homogenous token, with unique codes for each cat, unique in the world. In addition to a collection, such cats can reproduce, produce cats with more rare attributes, and sell them to others at a higher price.


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The encrypt cats have a lot of games that imitate them, encryption celebrities, encryption countries, all of which are like this, and the instruments of these games, without exception, end up in the hands of the players. But at least they can be remembered, and the NFT is always in their wallets.

DApp在2018年底重新爆发,是由于去中心化菠菜平台。根据DAppReview的数据,2018年Dapp上的资金流水为336亿人民币,大部分都是因为年底Dapp爆发后在EOS和Tron上产生的。80天80亿,寒冬下的暗流涌动——你所不了解的EOS DApp生态大爆发

Dapp re-emerged at the end of 2018 because of a central spinach platform. According to DappReview, the flow of money on Dapp in 2018 was 33.6 billion yuan, mostly due to the explosion of Dapp at the end of the year on EOS and Tron.


The short history of currency circles -

"赌博即挖矿"。这是对前面提到的Fcoin玩法的一种延展:菠菜平台凭借其庄家优势,玩家通过大量的刷单,亏损的价格菠菜平台会予以平台币补偿玩家。这是一种变相用EOS购买平台币的方法, 购买平台币以后,投资人可以获得平台的分红,到代币上线Newdex等去中心化交易所后,投资人可以选择持有继续等待分红,或者在交易所抛售。

In addition to the advantages of the block chain, such as financial security, transparency of rules, EOS and Tron's main web line, which brings thousands of TPSs to make the high-frequency games playable. But the fact that the spinach game really breaks out is because its biggest bright spot
is gambling is mining. This is an extension of the previous Fcoin game: the spinach platform, based on its owner's advantage, will be compensated by a large number of brushers, and the lost spinach platform will be sold at a price. This is a way to use the EOS to buy the platform's currency. After purchasing the platform's currency, the investor will receive the platform's bonus, and after going to the central exchange, like Newdex, the investor can choose to hold it and wait for the bonus, or sell it at the exchange

DApp的高光时刻是今年6月币安LaunchPad上线WINK,其前身就是Tron上最大的菠菜游戏Tronbet。我们写的文章:WINk:我从山中来,欲成修罗身 对这件事进行了解读。

The high-lighting moment for Dapp is June of this year, when LaunchPad was on the line of Wink, the predecessor of the biggest spinach game on Tron Trombet. We wrote: Wink: I came from the mountains and wanted to be a man to read about it.


It is worth mentioning that most Dapps have a life cycle of about two weeks, because they cannot keep a real gambler, and most of the players enter only to make a wave of platform coins, and when the heat is gone, it collapses quickly. The biggest reason why Wink has been operating so far is that there are a lot of real gamblers that continue to feed the platform.



VDS is a new star born in 2019, and it is also a product that was born in a circle of circles, but that sensationalizes the entire currency circle. Unlike most other projects where the founding team is exposed to credit endorsements, VDS’s network of officials is placed on the dark web, and most people can understand it only through white papers and resonance rules transmitted through the mouths of the micro-messets.


VDS rules, the most widely publicized, are "resonance" and "trust steel print." What is a resonance? It's a process of continuing to buy token Vollar in first-level markets single-way with bitcoin. What is a trust stamp? That's the pyramid that recommends fission models.

币圈模式币简史——万字长文梳理币圈“模式”的前世今生用大白话解读一下,这是一个充钱买币,发展下线的玩法。项目方的宣发资料充满着神秘感,各种高大上的名词,带着"V字仇杀队" 面具的神秘人,流利的英语,让很多小白为之着迷。

A brief history of currency in the currency circle model -


A brief history of currency circles model -


Even VDS has set fire to the MXC tea exchange, making the former three- or four-line exchange the leader of the two-line exchange.


When I asked a friend of a currency circle why he was playing with a clearly ZJP project, he told me, "This project has a logical white paper, a sophisticated announcement, a powerful and extremely fluid wallet (Vollar is a main net dollar), a new way to go online, and a price that is much better than most zero-to-zero block chain projects, and you tell me how to play those air coins?" When I was quiet, I had to ask for more of these block chain projects.


With the heat of VDS, a lot of "XDS" were created, using LTC, EOS, BNB, HT, but it does not seem to be using ETH, probably because it's called a CO.


Staking Mode


If we don't think about governance mechanisms and chain voting, PoS brings in coins that don't differ much from the ZJP model, even though such a statement is bound to cause a great deal of displeasure on the part of PoSists, as is the case. Investors swap BTC for the equivalent ATOM/TEZOS/DASH, lock these coins, and expect dozens of points of money to redecoup each year. Gold coins, gold coins, all "prints" from the system, direct additions without value collateral. What's the difference with ZJP


It's true that there's a certain difference between the strong and the governance mechanism. It's because the decentralised governance mechanism that has been able to develop so far has ensured the uniqueness of the decentralised account book, whether PoS or PoW, at its core, in order to preserve it. We talk about many models, but if we forget the original purpose of decentralisation, simply to pursue the so-called benefits or the currency, it's the cerebral order.

从2012年sunny king创造点点币,至今PoS已经走过了7个年头。各个项目提出了各种PoS机制的变种,EOS的DPOS-BFT,DASH的双层网络机制,以太坊探索的Casper,都是为了保证系统的可拓展性、安全性和去中心化所做出的努力。同样,我们也赞成,一定程度的通货膨胀更有利于货币的流通。

Seven years have passed since the year 2012 when Sunny King created the dots, and PoS has done so. Projects have proposed variations in various PoS mechanisms, GEOS-BFT, DASH's two-tier network mechanism, and Casper, which was explored in Taiku, are all efforts to ensure that the system is accessible, secure, and decentralised.


Today, a growing number of digital currencies are joining the Staking camp, and many projects are beginning to come up with their own Staking or Super-Node plans to explore the way PoS is developing. Good growth models can help better digital money, but poor models can push the tokens to the bottom of the abyss.


Dutch auction >

币圈的人对区块链技术逐渐失去信心很有可能是技术大咖们集合了大量的资金和资源,最后却没有拿出能让大家满意的东西来。其中首当其冲的,就是图灵奖获得者Silvio Micali希尔维奥·米卡利创办的Algorand项目。区块链中现在应用广泛的零知识证明,就是由他在1985年提出。

The loss of confidence in block chain technology on the part of currency circles is likely to be the result of technologists pooling huge amounts of money and resources, and failing to come up with something that would satisfy everyone. The first of these was the Algorand project, founded by Turing Prize winner Silvio Micali Hilvio Mikali.


The short history of currency circles -


Algorand, by definition, ended up with the "sighing of the listener, tears of the listener"? The difference between his public and private collections and the Dutch-style auction plus the mechanism for back-purchases. Algorand's collection is based on a Dutch-style auction mechanism of 25 million yen AlGOs, which is auctioned 24 times a year, starting with 10 dollars, and is sold to everyone at the lowest price when 25 million yen is sold. If the price is greater than 1.0 dollars, the investor will receive a buy-back option, which can be applied for at 90% of the auction price in one year.

谁会参加公募呢?大家认为是已经参与了私募的机构。通过参与公募,获得退币权,在公募上线后卖出代币,一年后私募代币解锁,即可锁定代币的价格。而私募的价格,是0.1美元,也就是说,这些参加了私募的机构,会一直参加公募并托高价格。PrimitiveVentures创始合伙人对此评价到:"这个盘子崩塌的很慢,而且只要没有回购完,应该都不会崩塌。"赚钱,还真的和智商有关 - 图灵奖级别资金盘Algorand,因此,也被民间成为"图灵级别"的ZJP。

Who's going to take part in public fund-raising? By participating in public fund-raising, gaining the right to repossess, selling the tokens after the fund-raising, and unlocking the tokens after a year of private money collection, the price of private money is $0.1, that is to say, those participating in private fund-raising will always participate in the fund-raising and higher prices. The founding partner of PrimitiveVentures said, "The plate collapsed slowly, and should not collapse as long as it was bought back.


What is unexpected is that, since private agencies unsold the tokens every day, and if you do not sell them, others sell them at a lower price. In the case of prisoners, private agencies have to unsell the coins in their hands every day, locking in the proceeds, and the market does not have such a large increase in money, and AlGO prices have not stopped falling after they broke the 2.4 distribution price, but have gone all the way down to $ 0.05.


Hyperlinks: Algo taught us about those years, Algo told us that even ZJP of the Turing Award is ZJP. As long as it is ZJP, it will collapse as long as there is no incremental funding and the distribution is uneven.


"mix" means north


Starting in the first half of this year, under the influence of the vDS/EGT denominated project, if a block chain project sends out the message of a "go mode", the price of the currency will start to rise, using Mr. Lee's famous words, and it can be said that most block chain projects are in a difficult position, "You can solve this problem."


The mode of walking really solves the problem, "What's the core of?" and listens to Captain Xu Xu Xu Dao. The pattern is to add the ZJP to the project. There are many models, all of which are divided into "static gains" and "dynamic gains", and static gains mean that they are rededicated through investment or pledge funds; dynamic gains, "downline" and bottom-loading, the system will share.



The value of the entry and exit money is different from that of the settlement. We divide the exit and exit money into currency and gold. The value of the currency is measured and settled on the basis of the number of currencies. The participation model is denominated in the amount of the currency, the exit is denominated in the amount of the currency, the exit is denominated in the amount of the corresponding currency, and all gains are not linked to the French currency, and a standard stating pattern is similar. The gold base is denominated in French, in the form of entry and exit money for stable currencies such as USDT, or in the form of mainstream currency such as BTC/ETH, the equivalent USDT.


The short history of currency circles -


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In the CX area, all benefits are derived from multiple distributions, which is a big difference between CX and ZJP. In "Anly," for example, the real cost of selling hundreds of dollars of health care products is only tens of dollars. In traditional trade, the so-called "direct sale" is profited from it, and the so-called "direct sale" is promoted according to the recommended upper tiers. Much of the profits are split between the higher tiers, which is the prototype of "dynamic gain."


The short history of currency circles -


Here in ZJP, there is no real product, but the same way in which the invitation is recommended, which is recommended for investment, the upper house can get a direct profit. The percentage of the share, known as the "beep spot" in the industry, the amount of the share, directly determines the speed of the project's fission. If the split is high enough to be as high as 50%, the recommendr will not be able to induce domestic investment at any cost, but it also means that huge bubbles are created — most of the profits are given to the channel, the benefits are small for the project party, and when the funds fail to fill the "static return" promised to the investor; if the share of proceeds is low, the bubbles are small, but this would result in insufficient incentives for recommendation and hard to fissure.


How to set the static income-gap model, the dynamic income-sharing recommended model, is the key to a block-chain project, "Modification". We use the example of two block-chain projects, "Modification," to illustrate the potential effects of different models.


Project Case


ARPA是一个纯粹的区块链项目,根据官方介绍,ARPA 致力于用为企业与个人提供隐私计算能力和数据的安全流转解决方案。基于前沿的安全多方计算(MPC)密码算法,ARPA 安全计算网络可以作为协议层(Layer 2)为任何公链提供隐私计算能力,并赋能开发人员在 ARPA 计算网络上构建高效、安全、能保护数据隐私的的商业应用。

ARPA is a purely block chain project, and, according to the official presentation, ARPA is committed to a safe flow solution that provides businesses and individuals with privacy computing capabilities and data. Based on a front-line security multipolar (MPC) password algorithm, the ARPA secure computing network can provide privacy computing capability for any public chain as a protocol layer (Layer 2) and enable developers to build efficient, secure, and commercial applications that protect data privacy on the ARPA computing network.

前些日,ARPA发布了阿波罗二级火箭计划,计划在月底推行。二级登月火箭 | 8000万ARPA质押奖励计划震撼公布,通过对其进行解析,我们发现这是一个"币本位出入金,币本位计价结算"的模式,这也是一个典型的区块链项目所使用的模型。

The ARPA second-stage rocket program was released a few days ago, and it is planned to be launched by the end of the month. The second-stage moon-riding rocket, the 80 million ARPA pledge incentive program, was released as a shock, and by dissecting it, we found that it was a model of "money-in-place, currency-in-value settlement" and a model used in a typical block chain project.


The short history of currency in the currency circle model - the prehistoric


A brief history of currency circles model -


ARPA has an annualized benefit of 24-30% of its supernode, which is far more than the ordinary PoS project. It is also because node node gains are not related to consensus mechanisms, and it is possible to add a dynamic node to the game.


The short history of currency circles -


The short history of currency circles -

与其他项目不同的是,ARPA还创新地提出了奖池机制,让每个成为节点的人需要付一部分费用。所有的费用进入奖池,给质押排行榜前列的节点和幸运儿更多奖励,这将更大程度地激发散户的参与感。最低质押5000ARPA(约150 USDT)即可成为参与抽奖,一旦中奖每个人将获得奖池1%的奖励,是一个以小博大的机会。

In contrast to other projects, ARPA has innovatively proposed a pool mechanism, whereby every person who becomes a node will have to pay a portion of the cost. All the costs go into the pool, giving the pledge the top nodes and the lucky ones more incentives, which will give the diaspora a greater sense of participation.


The ARPA model, which is centred on the "locking of circulation" and a reduction in circulation, does not increase in the short term in currencies, which is equivalent to a reduction in supply and increases in demand, will facilitate the project's appreciation of the value of the currency. "Face mode, the pullout" is the ultimate purpose of currency entry and exit and settlement in currencies. There are, of course, a number of potential risks that when the currencies locked during the same period are unlocked at the same time in the future, they will be subject to a significant drop in pressure. This will require the project to go to more large exchanges in this period, to do more activities, and to increase the liquidity of the currency.


Moreover, as a block chain project, the credit of the project party is particularly important in the market. Since every transaction of a token is transparent on the block chain, the project party must unlock the tokens in accordance with the prescribed plan, even using smart contracts to lock them.



CITEX, a digital currency exchange that went on line in January 2019, has for most of the past six months been very low, but since July it has been high and has risen about 20 times. This is because the CTT has decided to destroy 90% of the money directly. In July 2019, CITEX announced that the majority of the money was held up by investment agencies and the platform's own currency reserves, while the money in the hands of the scattered households has not changed. This break-up has cost large households but won the market marker, and the CTT has subsequently entered the ramp.


In recent days, the Syndicate CTT introduced fission mining, and the Model was simple and rough, but attracted a large number of participants.


A brief history of currency circles model -


According to the previous classification, static returns are a typical model of "gold-in-kind, currency-in-kind, gold-in-kind settlement". Users use a stable currency USDT participation model, releasing around 1 per cent of CTTs per day over the next 300 days, releasing CTTs with gold-in-kind equivalents and selling CTTs through the secondary market.


In terms of dynamic benefits, inviting friends, 20% of their principals will go directly to the invitees. At the same time, CITEX has launched the classic "Pyramid Model" to share the total proceeds with the partnership platform. Three partners can be promoted, the higher the grade, and the higher the total share of the platform, similar to the "Five Step 3" CX model that prevailed in the Northern Bay in the year.


The short history of currency circles -


For most users, the return on the currency is, after all, only a quantitative increase; if the price falls in the future, the increase in the amount will not improve life, while the return on the French currency is a real gain. But for the platform, when large quantities of CTTs are released, if only supply-side increases and demand-based increases (the use of the participation mode is sufficient), will lead to a significant drop and currency prices will continue to fall.


CITEX’s solution is to re-engineer the platform’s currency with the income of the trading platform, which will continue to buy back and reduce the flow of money, and which, when the platform has a sufficient number of users, will generate a fee revenue that will keep the model running. In other words, this is what CITEX will buy for the current user with future earnings. The transaction platform’s fee revenue is not subject to currency influence. The same amount of money may increase significantly when the price falls sufficiently.




"Mode" is not wrong in itself, as is the case with weapons, and depends entirely on the people who use it. In a chaotic market, sustained market attention may be able to survive, until the chain of blocks really changes the world, and it stands in the industry. The quote from a memoir by BlockVC’s founder, Xu Young-Kei, says, “Our common consensus is that the monetization of a currency = the death of a currency project.... Because most block-chain projects do not have landing capacity and a profit model in the next 2-3 years, secondary markets may become the only indicators of evaluation and a source of profit. Only broad global liquidity can allow the intergenerational currency to move from speculative to investment and from right-of-occupancy to asset property.”


The introduction of "modules" may be the "back-to-back" of many of the near-death block chain projects, but they take back market concerns and lose, and they are shattered. How to choose a profit model and how to match the appropriate foam to market demand while keeping the bubble out of the bubble is a technical exercise. All projects should be tailored to their own circumstances, with models tailored to their needs based on the flow of money, the image of investors' users, and the value of market incremental capital, etc.


For investors, the "model" must be a negative and game market for nine dead lifetimes, in which the risk must be taken into account if they choose to get high returns -- a game in which they lose their principals at an approximate rate. No wonder you lose, because if you earn money, you must lose money. And there is a lot of chance in this market that the casinos will close when you switch the money to chips. Only by clarifying their investment faiths and upholding their own principles will they not be tempted by the hundreds of thousands of times on the road. Keeping their principals will be able to take this rocket to outer space when the chain really changes the world.




At the time of writing, the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council issued an opinion on supporting Shenzhen’s construction of a Chinese model socialism model, and supported innovative applications such as digital monetary research and mobile payments in Shenzhen. This was a huge advantage for Shenzhen’s block chain operators, and everyone was very excited.


Whatever digital currency is, it is certain that, as international firms such as Morgan Chase, Facebook, and others begin to issue digital money, the country issues digital currency, and the emerging issue of "digital currency" is gaining market attention and social recognition. When traditional market economies collide with the raw economy of the currency ring, there will surely be huge sparks of how to take off in such an opportunity to come to the eyes of society as a whole.


Source: .

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Statement: The chain world has published this text solely for the purpose of sharing block chain knowledge, which does not mean endorsing its views or confirming its description. The article is for information purposes only. It does not constitute an investment proposal.




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