
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:26 评论:0



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Bitcoin’s sharp ups and downs continued. Yesterday, after a 74% hike on 18, Bitcoins fell sharply, from a high of $5888 to $4,358 in a straight line on 19th, a drop of up to 25.9%, with 60 “diggers” from Chengdu’s senior player, Longjungjie, told reporters that yesterday’s collapse was due to the accumulation of large amounts of bitcoins in the previous period.


Bitcoin's madness is still on. Yesterday, Chengdu, a white-collar Jang Lang, found something like a computer host, worth $580,000, and she just bought a 70-m2 house on the tri-ring side, which is $600,000.


Zhang Lang saw a bitcoin miner. Yesterday, a journalist from the Washington City newspaper found this treasure-seller, another known as the Sichuan Phil Air CEO Long Yong Gang, who had passed the First Project Review of the Playfield 2012 Fair at Heavenly Software Park, mainly engaged in virtual simulation flights.


In July 2009, a bitcoin-digging company was opened, the first bitcoin gold-digger in China. He told reporters yesterday that he owns 60 mining machines, hosted in an engine room that consumes up to $9,000 a day, and that his output is quite impressive. The bitcoin that he digs in one month can be exchanged for several million yuan, according to the latest behavior.

  比特币 诞生于2008年,是一种由开源的P2P软件产生的虚拟货币。基于一套密码编码、通过复杂算法产生,任何人都可以下载并运行比特币客户端而参与制造比特币,利用电子签名的方式来实现流通。它的主要特点包括:去中心化、全球流通、具有专属所有权。

Bitcoin was born in 2008 as a virtual currency generated by open-source P2P software. On the basis of a code code code, generated through complex algorithms, anyone can download and run a bitcoin client and participate in the production of bitcoin, using electronic signatures as a means of circulation. Its main features include decentralization, global circulation, and exclusive ownership.


There are only 21 million bitcoins. Bitcoin is in digital space, hidden in certain algorithms, and it takes a lot of effort to excavate, the so-called bitcoin "mining." The most basic unit of miner capacity is MB, operating at 1 MHz/s, meaning 1 MHz per second. 1T = 1024G, 1G = 1024M.


The strong mine sold bitcoin high and fell 20% yesterday.


“It was 24, 50, 100 bits of bitcoin thrown yesterday (19) and must have fallen in the next two days.” In the wake of the rumours of the Yangtze River, the trade price of China's largest Bitcoin trading platform, BTC China, rose from an average price of $5888 on 19 days to $4358 yesterday afternoon, a drop of 25.9 per cent.


"A lot of 7,000 plus buys, all of it is blood," "lost, unbearable heart," "too easy to manipulate, rich people play"... yesterday, a bitcoin player in the QQ herd was crying.


“There are now 160 bitcoins per hour worldwide.” According to the Long Kong River, 21 million bitcoins have been excavated to date, and 1,196 million bitcoins have accumulated in the previous period. A large number of bitcoins have been accumulated, and the fall is inevitable, taking advantage of these days’ frenzys.


owns 60 miners who sell miners


The Rong Jing told journalists that he owns 60 mine excavators with a total capacity of 300 TH/S, that the average daily mine quantity over the years is 69,2175 bitcoins, that he can dig 55 bitcoins a day, and that he earns 239,000 yuan a day at a price of 4358 yuan.


However, the input is very large. He reveals that these machines work 24 hours, consume up to $9,000 a day, a 620 GH/S computing machine, need to install 43 pieces of dedicated mining chips, 384 pieces of which cost more than 16,000, and that these saturated machines have a significant chip loss rate.


Even worse, bitcoin is becoming more difficult to dig. The Dragon River predicts that only 25 bitcoins per day will be mined in three years and one in 30 years.


“There are still three or four years of mining, so I'm digging and selling machines.” The Yangtze River told reporters that he sold the mine machine for the first time yesterday, 580,000 of which were the highest, with the ability to calculate 2TH/S, “to be delivered in the second half of the list, 50 bitcoins in one month, to be returned in a few months.” He revealed that a number of people had asked questions, mainly from traditional investors who smelled business opportunities.


"The Four Kings" by Chinese Bitcoin.


From the mouth of the Yangtze River, the reporter of the Washington Metropolitan newspaper learned that there are four big bitcoin top players in China, one more mysterious than the other.


“The first, Li Xing, is the richest Chinese bitcoin and holds 600 million yuan,” he told journalists that Li was a former East teacher, mainly an investment in and organization for the development of a “mining machine” that had been deactivated for mining.


In May of this year, Li Xiao Xing was reported to be on the road to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, etc. to raise the country’s first Bitcoin fund. The fund-raising scheme shows that the total amount of the fund is 20 million yuan, using a limited partnership.


The second is Yang Xiaojie, the founder of the All Network, who formed the ASICME team, which focused on the sale of mine machines, a minimum equipped miner with a sale price of $3,000 according to the parameters of the mine machine published by the ASICME team, which can be recovered for more than 30 days at the current speed of mining in Bitcoin. From 2 June 2013 to the end of June 2013, the total cost of the miner sold was millions of yuan.


The third is mysterious, and so far no one knows his real name, but only the nickname “Pumpkin” but his work is essential in the Chinese industry chain of Bitcoin, because he provides the exclusive chip “Avalon” for the miner, which is “Avalon” for the equipment of the Yang Qui-Wing miner.


The Yangtze River has told journalists that there are currently four major mine chip producers around the world, all three of them abroad, who do not sell to the outside world, but provide their own equipment, so that “pumpkin Chang” is uniquely placed in China.


The fourth top player is called “Boiling Cat,” which is not a nickname for someone, but for a mining group, which is the world’s largest mining community, with a rate of excavations that is once close to 30% of the world. Today, “Breaking Cat” is a joint-stock company, with its largest shareholders and founding team called “Beep Evidence Springs.”

  据了解,“烤猫”于2012年8月在 Bitcoin Forum(比特币官方 论 坛 ) 上 IPO, 成 立ASICMINER,总 共 发 行 40 万股,其中公众持有163962股,深证比特泉公司持有236038股,原始股0.01BTC 一股,如今市值已经超过一亿美元。

It is known that in August 2012, the “cooked cat” on the Bitcoin Forum (the official forum of Bitcoin), became ASICMINER, with a total of 400,000 shares distributed, of which 163962 were held by the public, 236,038 were held by Deep Evidence Springs, and 0.01 BTC a share of the original stock, which now has a market value of over $100 million.


However, in their statements, the Rong Jing was somewhat disconcerting with the four above-mentioned individuals, who claimed that he was mainly active abroad in the Bitcoin River Lake, and that he was known as “Mr. Long”.

  尽管只是一种在虚拟空间中用特定算法挖出来的虚拟货币,但比特币为这些玩家们带来了巨额的收益,而围绕着这一货币几乎已经形成了一个完整的产业链。它到底如何赚钱?到底是一个虚假繁荣还是具有真实价值的资源?本报明日将继续追踪。(华西都市报记者 罗提)

Although it's just a virtual currency that's been dug up in virtual space with specific algorithms, bitcoin brings huge dividends to these players, and it's almost a complete chain of industry around it. How does it make money? Is it a false boom or a real resource?




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