刘李冰反传销团队获悉 :5月7日,武汉洪山警方宣布打掉一专为网络诈骗团伙开发APP的科技公司,10名嫌疑人因涉嫌帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪被依法刑事拘留。
The 网络传销牵出背后“递刀者” 4月27日,洪山警方根据线索,打掉一个网络传销团伙。团伙首脑刘某搭建虚拟币平台“timega”,以微信群宣传,采取拉人头返利方式吸引客户炒币。 On 27 April, the Hongshan police broke down a network distribution group based on clues. Liu, the leader of the group, set up a virtual currency platform, “timega”, to promote micro-strategy and to attract customers for money. “timega”并不是真正的虚拟币交易平台,而是一个虚假交易平台。客户被销售人员引诱入金后,刘某便在后台修改数据,并伺机跑路“收割韭菜”。上线短短一个多月时间,平台已发展2289个下线,累计转账交易13万余次。 “timega” is not a real virtual currency trading platform, but a false trading platform. When a customer is lured into gold by a salesman, Liu Xiao will modify the data at the back of the table and take the opportunity to “get the pickle”. For more than a month, the platform has developed 2,289 downlines, with a cumulative transfer of more than 130,000 transactions. 刘某学历只有初中,此前还被强制戒毒,他怎么玩得转区块链和虚拟币?警方调查得知,“timega”平台系武汉“晟昌科技”开发,开发费用8万元。4月28日,武汉市公安局网安支队联合洪山警方迅速出击,在光谷创业街一举捣毁该科技公司,现场抓获25人,扣押电脑132台、笔记本电脑13部、涉案手机97部,查扣服务器20多个。 The police investigation found out that the “timega” platform was developed by Wuhan “Shangchang Technology” at a cost of $80,000. On April 28, the Wuhan City Public Security Bureau's Network Unit, in conjunction with the Hongshan police, launched a quick strike to destroy the company in Guangya, capturing 25 people at the scene, seizing 132 computers, 13 laptops, 97 mobile phones and seizing more than 20 servers. 抓捕现场。通讯员供图 Catch the scene. Correspondents provide maps. 科技公司开发定制“杀猪盘” Technology has developed custom-made “pigs” 2017年,韩某成立“晟昌科技”,打着提供IT技术服务及行业解决方案的旗号,承接起网络诈骗团伙的APP、小程序定制开发。 In 2017, one of Korea's “Technology and Technology” was set up, under the banner of providing IT technical services and industry solutions, to host a network fraud syndicate's APP, a small program custom-made development. 去年11月,“晟昌科技”接受委托定制开发一款名为联合众鑫的虚拟币平台。平台使用USDT(主流虚拟币)进行充值,宣称兑换联合众鑫独有币种ZBCT后,可在平台内购买矿机挖矿产生收益。 In November last year, “Shonchang Tech” was commissioned to develop a virtual currency platform called the United People’s Club. The platform uses USDT (mainstream virtual currency) to replenish it, claiming that the Union’s sole currency of ZBCT will yield gains from buying a miner from the platform. “获取虚拟币的方式是解方程,挖矿必须要有实体矿机进行运算”,洪山分局办案人员表示,虽然联合众鑫老板会定期发布所谓矿机运行的照片,但这些照片全是网络图片。不仅如此,联合众鑫还留有后台修改权限,实控人可随意修改ZBCT价格及具体收益比率,“玩家可谓挖了个寂寞”。 “The way to get a virtual currency is an equation, and mining must be done by a real miner.” According to the Hong Kong branch staff, although photos of so-called miner operations are regularly published by the co-owners, they are all web photos. Moreover, the co-ops have backstage modification privileges, so that the realist can change the price of ZBCT as well as the specific rate of return, “the player can be considered to be alone”. 通过在微信群、币圈不断发展下线,联合众鑫忽悠众多玩家“云挖矿”,而玩家充值的USDT(主流虚拟币)则源源不断落入实控人口袋。 Through the growth of micro-letters and currency circles, a large number of players are “cloud mining”, while the player-filled USDT (mainstream virtual coin) continues to fall into the hands-on population bag. 联合众鑫运营不久后宣布关闭,在实控人要求下,“晟昌科技”将其改头换面成为“星亿科技”,里面的虚拟币由ZBCT变成了LHT。 Soon after the combined crowd operation was declared closed and, at the request of the realist, “Technology” changed its face to “Star Billion Technologies”, with the virtual currency in it being changed from ZBCT to LHT. 技术总监余某和同学的聊天记录。通讯员供图 A conversation with a fellow technical director. A communicator's drawings. “我们公司的项目就是杀猪盘。”“晟昌科技”技术总监和同学的聊天中透露,“一般这种盘子就是老板赚钱,然后带着几个领导人赚钱……底下的韭菜受伤。” "Our company's project is to kill piglets." The technical director of “Technology” and his classmates had a conversation in which he said, "Well, it's usually the boss who earns money, then takes a few leaders to make money...the groceries below are hurt." 150余个APP“割韭菜” More than 150 APP "Crossing Vegetables" “晟昌科技”成立以来生意不断,先后开发了150余个涉及区块链、虚拟币、虚拟商城的APP、小程序,在警方查抄到的电脑上,还发现30余个项目待开发。韩某交代,每接到一次委托,公司就会建立一个微信群,给客户提供管理员权限,量身定制数据修改、价格调整、交易规则等功能。 Since its inception, Chang-Technology has been engaged in business, and has developed over 150 APPs and sub-procedures involving block chains, virtual coins, virtual malls, and over 30 projects on computers seized by the police, which have yet to be developed. In each case, a company has been commissioned to set up a micro-conveyorship that will provide customers with the authority to customize data changes, price adjustments, transaction rules, etc. “晟昌科技”为客户量身定制诈骗APP。通讯员供图 The "Shangchang Technology" is a custom-made fraud of the APP for clients. 洪山分局网安大队大队长胡维林表示,这些APP和小程序在开发设计之初,就在为了诈骗和跑路做准备,每一个环节、每一个步骤都是把更多人哄进来。 According to Huvelin, the leader of the Red forward division of the Hong Kong branch, the APPs and sub-programs were prepared for fraud and run-off from the very beginning of their development, and each link and step was to bring more people in. 为规避风险,韩某在接单时通常会拒绝棋牌、贷款、p2p、赌博游戏等开发要求。项目完成后,他会帮助客户租赁境外云服务器,“因为使用国内云服务器需要进行备案,有些客户一般都没有备案需要的手续或者不愿意备案”。 In order to avoid the risk, one of Korea’s clients usually rejects development requirements such as board cards, loans, p2p, gambling games, etc., when the project is completed. He will help the client to lease an offshore cloud server “because the use of a domestic cloud server requires filing, and some customers generally do not have the required paperwork or are unwilling to do so”. 洪山警方介绍,此案下游犯罪人员基本都在国内,目前案件正在进一步深挖办理中。 According to the Hong Kong police, the downstream perpetrators of the crime were mostly in the country and the case was being further dug up. 文章来源:荆楚网 Source: WikiLeaks Network
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