Do you know what a block chain browser is? Quickly understand a block chain browser.
This paper was originally written by Iris, IPFS Force Area.
What do you think about the block chain browser? Is that the block chain technology used in the browser?
No No no strong. It's like this.
Block links browser: like 100 degrees, is a search tool and a website.
Block links browser: built on a common centralised network that provides browsing and querying information on block chains for users.
Because of the open and transparent nature of the block chain, it requires a medium that allows users such as miners, regulators, developers, traders, etc. to see the situation on the chain, such as a transaction, a block, the current high chain.
The block chain browser is this medium, where we can see all the information on the chain (other than having to, for example, a real identity), and we simply need to enter a wallet address or an ID for a transaction to search for their details.
Browser Terminology
块哈希(Hash):是指此区块的哈希值,根据父哈希(parent hash)计算而来。想要查看某区块时,可以通过块哈希进行查询。
Hash: means the Hashi value of this block, calculated on the basis of Father Hash. If you want to see a block, you can search through a Hashi block.
块高度(Block Height):从创世区块诞生,快高度记为1,以后每产生一次区块(不同公链,一次产生区块的数量并不一定为1,比如Filecoin),往上+1。
交易(Transactions):指该区块中包含的交易总数,包含普通交易数和自动执行智能合约的交易数。 币(Block Reward):即这个区块中包含的币数量。 大小(Size):就是区块大小,并非定值,与交易数量有关,但每一个区块的最大值为2M。 size (Size): is the size of a block, not a fixed value, which is related to the number of transactions, but the maximum value of each block is 2M. 交易费(Fee):交易的手续费,以太坊中交易费=消耗的Gas(Gas Used)*Gas的价格。交易费与交易占用的字节数相关,与转账金额大小无关。 transaction fee (Fee): transaction fee, at the price of takamiya transaction fee = consumption of Gas Used* Gas. The transaction fee is related to the number of bytes taken by the transaction and is not related to the amount transferred. Gas限制(Gas Limit):是这个区块最多能够使用的Gas,当消耗的Gas(Gas Used)<Gas限制(Gas Limit),才能打包成功,反之失败,从头开始。 Gas limit: 难度(Difficulty):衡量挖出一个区块平均所需要的运算次数,反映了在一定难度下用多长时间才能挖到一定数量的区块。另外有一个总难度(Total Difficulty),这是公链上所有区块的挖矿难度总和。 除了专业术语以外,这里还有一些常用的区块链浏览器,大家有兴趣可以试用: In addition to professional terminology, there are also common block-chain browsers, which are of interest and can be tested: Bitcoin.com 界面简洁,支持扫描二维码查看钱包地址,钱包底部还有可以切换新旧BCH地址的按键。 The interface is simple and supports a two-dimensional view of the wallet address and a key at the bottom of the wallet to switch the old and new BCH address. Blockchain.org 比较有名的比特币浏览器,除普通使用功能外,还可以查看过去1天中与比特币活动相关的数据。 A better-known bitcoin browser, in addition to normal functionality, can also view data related to Bitcoin activities over the past one day. Blockchair.com 可搜索BTC、BCH和ETH区块链上的各种信息,“你可以搜索到区块链世界的一切内容”是它的口号。 All kinds of information on the BTC, BCH and ETH blocks chain can be searched. "You can search everything in the block chain world" is its slogan. Etherscan.io 最受欢迎的以太坊区块链浏览器。 The most popular Etherkom block chain browser. filscan.io 第一款Filecoin网络区块浏览器。https://filscan.io First paragraph Filecoin Web Block Browser. https://filcan.io /End. 【IPFS原力区】 IPFS Force Zone 价值观:价值 共建 共享 荣耀 Values: Values, co-building, sharing, glory. 总部位于上海,聚集基于分布式网络&存储的众多技术大咖和爱好者,深耕基于 IPFS 的商业生态建设和社区发展。 The headquarters is located in Shanghai and brings together a large number of technology curryes and fans based on distributed network & storage, deep-deeping on IPFS-based commercial ecology and community development. 【原力开放日】 ♪ The Force Opens Day ♪ 每周二举办,聚集了众多技术大咖和 IPFS 爱好者,通过持续输出全面、精细、优质的IPFS咨询和技术支持,将生态中的爱好者转化为IPFS支持者和参与者,共建IPFS生态的健康发展。 It is held on Tuesdays and brings together a large number of technocrats and IPFS fans to build the healthy development of IPFS by continuously exporting comprehensive, sophisticated and high-quality IPFS counselling and technical support to transform ecological lovers into IPFS supporters and participants.
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