
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:23 评论:0
什么是比特币?比特币(英语:Bitcoin,简写:BTC,货币符号:?),是一种用开源的 P2P 技术的软件而产生的电子货币。虚拟货币“比特币”的概念最初由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto,可能化名)在 2009 年提出。现在比特...



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比特币(英语:Bitcoin,简写:BTC,货币符号:?),是一种用开源的 P2P 技术的软件而产生的电子货币。虚拟货币“比特币”的概念最初由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto,可能化名)在 2009 年提出。现在比特币也指根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的整个 P2P 网络。截止到 2013 年 5 月 31 日,全部发行比特币按市价换算为美元后,总值突破为 15亿美元。
与大多数现行货币不同的是,比特币货币系统是独立存在的,其运行不依赖于中央银行、政府、大型企业的支持或者信用担保。比特币使用遍布整个 P2P 网络节点的分布式数据库来管理货币的发行、交易和账户余额信息。中本聪采用密码学的原理,确保各个比特币节点按照既定的协议达成共识,从而确保货币流通各个环节的安全性。例如,比特币只能被它的真实拥有者使用,而且仅仅能使用一次,支付完成之后原主人即失去对该份额比特币的所有权。比特币货币总量按照设计预定的速率逐步增加,增加速度逐步放缓,并最终在 2140 年达到2100 万个的极限。P2P 的分布式特性与去中心化的设计结构,确保了理论上任何机构都不可能操控比特币的货币总量,或者制造通货膨胀。在全球范围内,比特币可以通过多个线上的交易所和服务商进行兑换交易,也可以在线下找到兑换点,兑换为现钞或金币。

The concept of the virtual currency “bitcoin” was originally proposed in 2009. Bitcoin is now also the source software that is designed along the same lines as the entire P2P network on which it is based. By May 2013, 31, when the entire distribution of the currency was converted to United States dollars at market prices, the value went beyond $1.5 billion. Unlike most of the current currency, the Bitcoin monetary system is independent and operates without the support of the central bank, the government, large businesses, or credit guarantees. Bitcoin is also designed to create the entire P2P network on the basis of the middle-class thinking.

新比特币在每个网络节点在解决了一定的数学计算(比如,创建新的 block)后生成。这个生成过程被认为是难以重现和 proof of work 的。解决问题后得到的回报是 automatically adjusted,因此在比特币网络的头 4 年,将会产生总额为 10,500,000 BTC 的比特币。这个数量每隔 4 年就自动减半,也就是说在第 4 至第 8 年会产生 5,250,000 BTC,第 8 至 12 年则只有 2,625,000 BTC,如此类推。到最后,总共产生的比特币数量为接近21,000,000 BTC。
另外,伴随着网络一同建立的还有一个系统。平均每隔 10 分钟,该系统就尝试去收集网络上产生的 block 里面的新比特币。创建新比特币的难度系数是随着参与尝试产生新比特币的人数而变化的。整个网络一致认可基于产生最前面的 2016 个 block 所花的时间实现这些行为。因此,难度系数与产生这些最早的 block 所花的时间内投入到产生这些新的比特币的平均计算资源有关。某个人“发现”一个 block 的可能性是他所用的计算资源和所有同时在网络上生成 block 的计算资源的比值。

How did simply says it's going to be issued about every 10 minutes in the first four years of the Bitcoin network. will produce a total of 10,500,000 bitcoins in the first four years of the Bitcoin network. On average, this number is reduced by half every 4 years, that is, in the fourth to eighth years, it will produce 5,250,000 BTC, 8 to 12 years, only 2,625,000 BTC, such as this. By the end, the number of bits produced by the number of bits generated is the number of time that the new BTCs were created.

技术上,1 个比特币基于目前的数据结构被分割到 8 个小数位。也就是说目前最小的比特币单位是 0.00000001 BTC。如果在未来出现对比特币分割为更小单位的需求,届时社区需要就如何实现更小的分割量进行讨论。

Technically, one bitcoin is divided into eight decimal places based on the current data structure. This means that the smallest bitcoin unit is currently 0.000001 BTC. If there is a need to split bitcoin into smaller units in the future, the community will have to discuss how to achieve smaller splits.


In a sense, you can say that bitcoin is supported by a price label for merchants, because price labels are also a commitment to exchange goods in a certain amount of money. A common misconception is that bitcoins are valued by generating the electricity they consume. But the cost is not equal to the value. Hiring 1,000 people to dig a pit on the ground requires a high cost, but it is worthless. On the other hand, while “deficit” is a key demand for useful money, “deficit” does not in itself add value to anything. For example, your fingerprints are unique, but that does not mean that there is any trade in your fingerprints.


What happens if someone buys all the world's gold? As you can imagine, buyers/sellers keep the price up to the sky, and eventually the buyer consumes all the money. And not all bitcoins are available for sale, and no one buys bitcoins, just like gold reserves. And the most crucial thing is that money is in circulation, and if all bitcoins are bought, then the use of bitcoins disappears, meaning that bitcoins are worthless.

根本不会。基于供求原理,如果比特币的总量减少,则剩下的比特币的需求将会上升,因而这些比特币就会具有较高的价值。于是,当比特币丢失后,剩下的比特币的价值就会增加来补偿。随着比特币的价值上升,用于购买一件事物的比特币的数量便会相应地减少。这也就是我们常说的通货紧缩现象,简单说,就是钱更值钱了。到最后,如果事情发展到网络上最大的交易量都小于 1 个 BTC,则只需要简单地把小数位向右移动一下,系统就可以继续运行下去。

If there are no new bitcoins created, what will happen when bitcoins are lost?
won't at all. Based on the principle of supply and demand, if bitcoins are reduced, the remaining bitcoins will increase in demand, so they will have higher value. So, when bitcoins are lost, the remaining bitcoins will increase in value. As bitcoins rise in value, the number of bitcoins used to buy things will decline.

为何我必须要等上 10 分钟才能花我收到的比特币?
要等上 10 分钟的理由是,10 分钟是系统找到一个有效的交易链块所需要的平均时间。值得注意的是基于运气这个时间实际上会稍长或稍短,10 分钟只是一个简单的平均情况。在软件的界面中显示为“证实的”或“确认的”(confirmations,取决于软件的汉化)的交易链块记录的内容是比特币如何被网络一致认可由谁拥有。一旦发现所有人都同意你对一个block 里面的记录的比特币具有所有权,你就可以把这些比特币花掉。如果某个人尝试通过撤销一项交易来欺骗整个系统,在最终被认定无效之前也有可能网络上的某些节点会对此进行认可。所以,一项交易获得的确认越多,则该交易被证伪、被撤销的风险就会越低。只需要 6 个 blocks 或者 1 小时,就可以使得撤销交易所需要的运算量达到完全不切实际的程度。这与信用卡可以在交易后的三个月内拒付的特点相比明显要好得多。
如果你要追问“10 分钟”的更详细的由来,答案是:这是 Satoshi 对新 block 在大型网络中传递所需的时间和由于交易链分拆而被浪费的工作量之间的折衷选择。

The reason why I have to wait 10 minutes to wait for the bitcoin?
is that 10 minutes is the average time the system takes to find an effective chain of transactions. It is worth noting that this time is actually a little longer or a little shorter, 10 minutes is a simple average. Some of the points on the web that appear in the interface of the software are recognized as “verified” or “confirmed” depending on the Haning of the software. The greater the recognition of a transaction, the lower the risk that the transaction will be endorsed by the network.

为了能用比特币买或者卖东西是否必须要等上 10 分钟?
不。如果交易的价值不高,不去等待认可也是合乎情理的。问这类问题的人们通常想的都是诸如超级市场或者自动售卖机一类的场景,零确认的交易同样会在软件界面中显示,但你无法把比特币花出去。当然,你能在未来花掉这些钱。通常上,在 0 确认的情况下销售相当便宜的商品(如零食、数字下载等等)时不算是什么大问题,只要你在运行一个和比特币网络连接得很好的节点就行。

has to wait 10 minutes to be able to buy or sell in bitcoin?
No. It is reasonable not to wait for approval if the value of the transaction is low. People who ask such questions often think of such things as supermarkets or vending machines. Zero confirmed transactions are also shown in software interfaces, but you cannot spend bitcoins. Of course, you can spend that money in the future. Usually, selling reasonably cheap goods (e.g. snacks, digital downloads, etc.) with zero confirmation is not a big problem, as long as you run a point that is well connected to the Bitcoin network.


Bitcoin is a virtual currency


Since banknotes and bitcoin are both virtual, the real question to be asked is not “Who is more real?” but “Who is more reliable?”


That Bitcoin is the game currency?
all the playing currency that is available is actually issued by the “Central Bank” (a virtual central bank), which is similar to the traditional currency. Bitcoin is issued by the whole network p2p, without the central bank. The number of money distributions was set by the first agreement. It is not controlled by any of the participants in the p2p network.


Bitcoin does not have gold support, so
bitcoin does not have gold support. But all banknotes claim to be supported by gold. At the time the central bank issued the currency, it did claim that the amount of their money issued was equal to the amount of their gold.

信任。历史上所有的货币,都是靠信任支撑的——比如,你和大多数人一样,倾向于相信中央银行拥有同等价值(而不是更少)的黄金。Bitcoin是它的用户用自己的电脑运行客户端,成为p2p网络的一分子支持的(相当于真金白银投票——因为硬件是有成本的,电不是免费的)——这也是一种信任。关键在于,自发的信任比被迫的信任更有价值。(voluntary trust vs. compulsory trust)

Bitcoin has no gold support, and what's the support? Trust. Historically, all currencies have been underpinned by trust – for example, you, like most people, tend to believe that central banks have gold of equal value (not less). Bitcoin is a client whose user runs the client with his own computer and is a member of the p2p network (equivalent to a real silver vote — because hardware is expensive and electricity is not free of charge) — and that's a trust. The key is that spontaneous trust is more valuable than forced trust. (voluntary trust v. compulsory trust)


There is no value in Bitcoin!
this time you're absolutely right! The money itself should not be worth anything, it's just a medium of exchange. A fair deal presupposes not whether the money is worth, but whether the medium of such an exchange (Bitcoin) is accepted by both sides and can then result in a mutually agreed “equivalent exchange”.


Bitcoin is not safe and vulnerable to theft...
is not safe as long as it's a currency. Anyone who lives for a while has a history of losing money, either stealing it or leaving it on the road. Security is always a problem, it solves security problems and it is not the responsibility of money at all.


Bitcoin will sooner or later be hit by enough computing power...
is one of the power of the p2p network. Because no matter how powerful it is to join the p2p network, it will become part of the p2p network and its own computing capacity cannot exceed that of the entire p2p network.


Also, many people forget another thing: if Bitcoin’s p2p network can be broken even more, then it is the existing financial system that is more vulnerable – the computing power that they have long gone beyond. So, relatively, Bitcoin is safer.


It's natural. This kind of injustice is not only present in the bitcoin financial world. Once again, equity is difficult to achieve, but equity, like security, has never been the responsibility of money.


Bitcoin will be used for many unlawful purposes and should therefore be banned!
has good reason to believe that, if that is the case, all currencies should be prohibited — because every moment there is a large amount of money (non-Bitcoin) circulating through all kinds of illegal channels to accomplish all kinds of hidden purposes.


However, people tend to demonize new things that they cannot understand.


Actually, it's not as easy to imagine buying drugs with Bitcoin. Think, buying drugs (or other prohibited items) on the Internet, you can pay anonymously, but if you don't name it, it's hard for you to get the goods.


Money laundering? How much money do you launder? There's no need to wash it. Usually, it's only to a certain extent that Bitcoin has to be “washed”. But the current exchange rate changes are too much (10 per cent today and 20 per cent tomorrow) and the cost of money laundering is unpredictable.


"Strong" Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme!
Please clarify the definition of "Ponzi scheme" first. No one has a clear way of explaining anything to a person whose concept is not clear.


The most important feature of the “Ponzi scheme” is that first-comers have to rely on the participation of latercomers in order to earn money, while, at the same time, the latter have to pay for no later. Bitcoin does not. First-comes are likely to earn more (it is only possible; many first-comes are more likely to sell BTC at very low prices); they do not really have to rely on the latter to earn money; and later, they do not have to pay for it, because Bitcoin is a protected currency (in other words, a deflationary currency rather than an inflation currency).


The mining of Bitcoin is a waste of social resources...


Oh, by the way, all the bank buildings on Earth are the most luxurious -- often more luxurious than the most famous church. Whose money and resources are wasted?


Bitcoin is more often used to hoard or exchange other currencies than to buy and sell goods, so it is not a meaningful currency... The problem cannot be explained if you cannot understand that “any currency is a commodity in itself and is the most essential commodity”.


Bitcoin will replace all currencies!
is not possible. “unification” has always been ideal but unattainable. The same is true in any field. Some have envisaged the unification of all languages in the “Worm language” to end up failing. Europe’s “unified currency” solution is not ideal either. Even now, there are many kinds of p2p currencies similar to Bitcoin – because Bitcoin is open-sourced, so anyone can issue new p2p currencies — and, of course, it is something else to say that there will be enough people using trust to support other p2p currencies.

任何精妙的思想都是令人着迷的。Bitcoin就是这样一个东西。它太精妙了,也太简单了,正如一位黑客所评价的那样,”It’s too simple to crack”(它太简单了,乃至于无法攻破)。

I don't know why anyone's fascinated with this kind of thing? Any brilliant idea is fascinating. Bitcoin is such a thing. It's too smart and too simple to crack, as a hacker says. "It's too simple."


This is the first time in human history that “the sanctity of private property” has been technically completely and purely guaranteed. Not only is it inviolable, it cannot be frozen, it cannot be traced.




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