Web3.0时代——多层次的用户体验设计?为 Web3.0创建一个更大的框架!

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The Web3.0 concept is moving towards people’s lives, and when it is applied to product design and affects actual user experiences, how do designers design their user experience? What problems do designers encounter on their interactions? In this article, the authors summarize the design framework of the Web3.0 era’s user experience.

有很多新元素将web3与web2区分开来,例如:汽油费、代币、钱包和智能合约,我们需要考虑的不仅仅是 UI设计,还有更多内容。我们需要提高所有内容,以创造良好的用户体验。

There are many new elements that separate web3 from web2: gasoline, tokens, wallets and smart contracts , and we need to consider more than just UI design. we need to improve all content to create good user experience.

Web3.0时代——多层次的用户体验设计?为 Web3.0创建一个更大的框架!

Web3.0 -- multi-level user experience design? Create a larger framework for Web3.0!

如何可视化 Web3中UX的不同层

思考一个标准的应用程序,没有 Web3,只是在您经常使用的智能手机上的一个热门应用程序:这个应用程序的实际用户界面只是从现实世界开始的一长串体验中的最后一个元素穿过无数物理空间,进入数字交互,穿过一大堆不同的硬件和软件,直到你最终发现自己悬停在你的拇指上在某人设计的按钮上。

Think of a standard application, no Web3, but a popular application on your often-used smartphone: the actual user interface for this application is just the last element in a long series of experiences from the real world , through countless physical spaces, into digital interactions, through a vast array of different hardware and software < strong > until you finally find yourself stuck on a button designed by someone on your thumb.


You may have an idea, such as "play music" or "see route" or "buy clothes", which is caused by something in your physical environment.


The "user experience" of this kind started long before you took your cell phone out of your pocket.

Nielsen-Norman 模型具有三个层次:

The Nielsen-Norman model has three layers:

  1. 交互级别;
  2. 旅程级别;
  3. 关系级别。

Web3.0时代——多层次的用户体验设计?为 Web3.0创建一个更大的框架!

Web3.0 -- multi-level user experience design? Create a larger framework for Web3.0!


The framework is often used for CX design (customer experience) and service design. In most cases, a person has made a lot of decisions even before accessing your application or website.


"If I ask people what they want, they'll say faster horses."


What people really want is to get to the destination faster. This can be done by car. But this solution can only take off if it raises awareness, creates better road ecosystems, overhauls the entire manufacturing industry and adopts appropriate laws.


The ultimate design of automobiles is obviously also important, but for this new mode of transport to succeed as it ultimately does, everyone needs to benefit, and a great deal of infrastructure, processes, regulations and related technology needs to be improved.


If we look at something more modern like Netflix, we can see the multiple levels of experience again: .

核心用户故事类似于“人们想要高质量的娱乐”。该问题的解决方案最初是 DVD,但现在解决方案是数字流媒体平台


这需要专家的委托和策划。用户还希望看到高清视频,这需要Netflix端的良好压缩和用户端的良好互联网连接。他们想找到自己喜欢的东西,这需要良好的 UI、出色的信息架构和巧妙的推荐算法。

This requires expert commissioning and planning. Users also want to see high-quality videos, which require good compression on Netflix and good Internet connectivity on the user side. They want to find what they like, which requires good UIs, excellent information structures and smart recommended algorithms.


In both cases, the "user experience" contains much more than you think.

对于 web3,用户体验设计有四个不同的层次。

For web3, there are four different levels of user experience design.

Web3.0时代——多层次的用户体验设计?为 Web3.0创建一个更大的框架!

Web3.0 -- multi-level user experience design? Create a larger framework for Web3.0!



We see these layers stacked together, and the bottom is the most important, but also the hardest, because it is most relevant to the technical limitations of any block chain used. The top layer of the is a visual layer that can be easily modified -- of course, what you put there depends entirely on the floor below it.


The following are some of the specific challenges in each layer, from the bottom to the top:


1) Technical layer

  • 速度
  • 费用
  • 稳定
  • 匿名


2) Access level

  • 钱包
  • 连接
  • 种子短语和安全性
  • 菲亚特(FLAT)坡道
  • 互操作性
  • 网络扩展
  • 移动体验


3) Function Layer

  • 进行交易
  • 流动性
  • 单产农业
  • 智能合约交互和权限
  • 用户身份
  • 治理
  • 令牌类型
  • Web3 登录
  • 显示 NFT
  • 游戏内资产的所有权
  • 跨层或跨链发送东西


4) Visual layer

  • 视觉设计
  • 信息层次结构
  • 导航
  • 内容
  • 帮助和说明


The actual technological layer of is now doing well in the design of the user experience.


The user experience challenge at this level is:

  • 提高速度以竞争或超过 VISA 网络 (tps);
  • 提高区块链的稳定性和安全性;
  • 将费用降低到低于西联汇款或;
  • 使交易可验证(或秘密)。


These are some of the biggest challenges that need to be addressed. However, they have nothing to do with interfaces. With this in mind, the second-tier block chain is a direct attempt to improve the overall user experience.


This is all the more important when you think about non-defined things like identity on the chain. If one day we use our own wallet login service and protect our data from Web2, we really need a fast and secure network.


imagines 1995 when you are hearing about this wonderful new thing called the Internet. first, you need a PC with a modem, and you need to connect it to the telephone line. Once you dial it to surf online, you will not be able to answer the phone. To do it really, you must set up an “e-mail address”, possibly a “pop3” or “imap”, using a “browser” if you want to become a professional, know “telnet” and “ftp”. In any case, you will manage it, and things will never be the same again.


The user experience challenge at this level is:

  • 制作一个像银行应用程序和/或浏览器一样易于使用的钱包;
  • 创建 web3 单点登录;
  • 统一链或创建“层 x”,因此不需要手动桥接;
  • 人类可读的地址(ENS 是朝这个方向迈出的一步);
  • 教育人们自我监管和隐私;
  • 将加密货币交到许多人手中;
  • 超越当前的互联网浏览器范式。

当我们谈论 web3 UX 时我们在谈论什么。要考虑的一件事是,其中一些东西一定很奇怪,因为它也是全新的。新功能似乎总是很难开始。几年前,没有人听说过 NFT 或 AMM。现在我们有了它们,我们需要弄清楚如何最好地使用它们。

What we're talking about when we talk about web3 UX. One thing that's going to be considered by


The user experience challenge at this level is:

  • 使交易直观;
  • 抽象出复杂的策略;
  • 简化动作(例如使用 zappers,自动包装令牌);
  • 在系统中创造灵活性;
  • 让参与治理变得容易和有益;
  • 使 NFT 变得有意义和有用;
  • 在金融之外创造更多“杀手级应用”;
  • 将游戏内资产的所有权转移给用户,而不是制造商;
  • 增加 NFT 的共享和展示方式;
  • 提高跨链和多层兼容性(大多数用户可能不想要十种不同形式的 USDC)。


An important note at this level is that many of these problems have been partially resolved by hosting encryption applications. On the negative side, in most cases, you are using some decentralisation for better user experience.


What you see and try to understand: do we use consistent design models based on user research? Are the terms


The user experience challenge at this level is:

  • 遵循可访问性最佳实践;
  • 减少使用技术术语;
  • 让重要的东西突出;
  • 隐藏无关的东西;
  • 创建易于遵循的说明;
  • 推动包容性;
  • 表示“友好”和“欢迎”,而不是“可怕”和“排他性”;
  • 审美;
  • 保留个性,同时为许多人建设。


“All models are wrong, but some are useful”.

这是设计师乔恩·克拉布尝试为 Web3 UX 创建一个更大的框架,随着时间的推移设计师还会继续构建。设计师希望它能鼓励交互设计的行业,并引起大家对Web3.0 UX的讨论。

This is designer Jon Krabb trying to create a larger framework for Web3UX, which the designer will continue to build over time. Designers want it to encourage interactive design industries and generate discussion about Web3.0 UX.


It may not be perfect, but we can test and refine it together:


Author: Interactive Design Assistant; Public Number: United States Interactive Design Information


Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jgide_Vjh16iIydHxEMQ

本文由 @美国交互设计资讯 授权发布于人人都是产品经理,未经作者许可,禁止转载

This post is published by @U.S. Interactive Design Information and is authorized by everyone who is a product manager and is prohibited from reproducing it without the author's permission.

题图来自 Unsplash,基于 CC0 协议

The title is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol.




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