
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:24 评论:0
当年一个卖牛肉的郭宏才,无意中买了一点比特币,现在拥有三架劳斯莱斯,一套在美国硅谷几万平米的别墅。In that year, a beef-seller, Guo Hong, accidentall...



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In that year, a beef-seller, Guo Hong, accidentally bought a bit of bitcoin, now owns three Rollslass, a villa of tens of thousands of square metres in Silicon Valley in the United States.


A new Eastern English teacher, Li, laughed and spent $100,000 in bitcoin, and now lives in Japan at $6 billion.


In that year, a code-written Zhao Chang Peng sold millions of houses in Shanghai to buy bitcoin and made 12.5 billion yuan. Then he opened an exchange called Yuan An, making another 130 billion yuan in four months.


The wealth accumulated over a decade by the god Buffett is not as short as a 180-day profit after 80 days in a block chain.


Li Jiachen fought for the wealth accumulated in 68 years, but was overtaken by a 90-year-old founder of Ethio.


During that time, did your circle of friends be brushed with terms such as digital money, block chains, and so on? Many people say that digital money is almost a curse, and then watch the currency rise, say no, act honestly, and go around looking for information.


Whether you believe it or not, what you don't know about digital money may be your chance to turn around.


This spring, when the country responded to the outbreak of the epidemic and worried about the collapse of the stock market, Bitcoin rose in reverse and now stands at 60,000 yuan.


In recent days, at the ninth meeting of the National Development Commission on the theme of innovative infrastructure in the digital economy, more than 10 experts studied the epidemic as a catalyst for the digital economy, and the country could step up its investment and procurement efforts in the aftermath of the epidemic and speed up the roll-out of the central bank digital currency DE/CP as a special "earmarked fund" that could be monitored throughout the process.


There is no doubt that the spread of digital currencies is already on the rise. In 2019, some 56 million people worldwide used digital currencies, almost doubling their numbers compared to 2018, and will expand even faster in the future.


On the other hand, as the total amount of digital currency such as Bitcoin and Etheria is distributed is limited, access is very difficult, and as more and more people enter the currency ring to “mining” gold, the price of digital currency will rise as demand increases and prices rise. It is therefore now time to find ways to acquire and hold digital money, or it will be more difficult to make digital money when output is smaller.


What's the way to get a digital currency?


The news of the recent surge in digital money has caused a lot of people to lose their money, but many people who have ideas but don’t know how to do it, are easily tricked by distribution organizations, selling various tokens of various items, and losing money for nothing. Friends, there are many ways to earn digital money.


1 < >.


Although the digital currency and block chain have been in existence for more than a decade, it has only been on fire in the last two years, so the relevant information is scarce, especially in the knowledge section, where 90 per cent of the population in our country is not fully aware of what the digital currency and block chain is, and the market potential is enormous.


If you can write some words, you can go to websites such as Money, Steemit (the block chain headline today), and you can get a digital money reward from the platform if you produce the content and if you have a user who praises you and forwards it, and then you can exchange the digital currency for cash on the relevant exchange.


2 to help project participants promote it on a reimbursable basis


There are now more multi-block chain projects, which, in order to attract more users as quickly as possible and open the market, offer a large amount of incentives and subsidies to users in a manner similar to that of the initial drops and the multiplicity of pieces.


Digital money is the most common form of reward. Incentives are usually easy, and basically a single account sends a certain amount of digital money. More incentives are available if you can invite friends to register and help bring more users to official contributions.


This is a good way to earn money for friends with a lot of relatives or a lot of people who know how to register. Note that many of the projects now have money delivery tips, but users have to fill them up when they do. If there is to be such a trick, then we have to get out of here before it gets deeper.


3 to play block chain games for digital currency


If it's still a bit difficult for everyone, then the way you play games is more appropriate for most friends who want to make digital money easier.


The biggest difference between block-link games and cross-networking is that traditional web-based games emphasize the cost to players, while block-link games focus on the "profit" to players.


Because in block-chain games, the player’s virtual property (equipment props, etc.) is stored on block-chains, which cannot be freely modulated or destroyed as traditional web sites. And block-chain games allow players to convert freely into digital money, such as equipment props, and to remove people at any time if they do not want to play, unlike traditional games, which can only become air.


Image source - block chain game Second TreasureSGEM


For example, a card-strategy block chain game in the country, " Second Gems ", in which players register a game account, can get a free gold medal in the game and convert it into a digital currency, ORE. The ORE can sell it directly at the game exchange and now an ETH is worth about 1600 yuan. A friend with a lot of free time can make a little easy money.


Image source - block chain game Second TreasureSGEM


The first wave of people digging for digital money, like the first wave of stocks in 1990, was all like a windstorm.


According to statistics, at least 40 billion dollars a day are now flowing into the digital money market. In other words, the next two to three years will create a digital money market worth billions of dollars, comparable to the stock market.


There's still time for us to build up the digital currency slowly, and this could be a chance for us to turn our roots in the future!




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