
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:34 评论:0
北京商报讯(记者 刘四红)继前一阵的强势上涨后,不到7日,比特币再迎来跳水惊魂。The Beijing Business News (journalist Liu Xianghong) followed the previous surge...



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北京商报讯(记者 刘四红)继前一阵的强势上涨后,不到7日,比特币再迎来跳水惊魂。

The Beijing Business News (journalist Liu Xianghong) followed the previous surge and, less than seven days, Bitcoin came back to jump.


Beginning at 5 a.m. on 11 December Beijing time, the price of Bitcoin began to fall sharply. At 1526 a.m. on that day, prices fell successively by $44,000, $43,000 and $42,000; after a brief return, at 4 a.m. on 12 December, the price of Bitcoin fell again, falling by $42,000, $41,000, down to $40302, down by 8 per cent. As at 1241 a.m., the latest price of Bitcoin was $41635, down by 1.09 per cent in 24 hours.


With the sharp fall in Bitcoin prices, a large number of speculators have lost their lives. As at the afternoon of 11 December, the number of Internet-wide blasts had reached nearly 120,000. As at 1242 hours on 12 December, the blast had continued, with over 50,000 in the last 24 hours and a total of $141 million.


Looking back at the year’s trend since 2023, it is clear that bitcoin has been on the rise for almost the past year, falling in May, July, and August, close to 150% in comparison to the price of a tremor of $16,000 at the end of 2022. Just a week ago, on 4 December, Bitcoin continued its upward trend, rising by $41,000 to $42,000 after breaking the $40,000 intell. In the industry’s view, in addition to the driving effect of the Fed’s end of the interest-added cycle, the movement of Bitcoin’s spot trading fund (ETF) was noticed.


And this time, in the industry, it seems that a new downward trend may be a step back from the previous upturn. As a senior analyst said, “The market moods of the previous period have been up, almost at a new high, and now they are expected to return.”


“It is true that Bitcoin is in theory the opposite of the dollar cycle and synchronized with the gold price cycle, and that the dollar is now shifting from strong to weak and theoretically profitable to bitcoin, but it is also to be seen that Bitcoin is itself a proxy of faith and is in a state of control because of the number of speculators, so that Bitcoin's rise and fall are dominated by capital, that is, Bitcoin is not a fully competitive market and prices do not necessarily follow market patterns.” The Co-Director, Researcher and Forestry of the Centre for Research on Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the United Business College of Zhejiang University further analysed it.


According to a reporter from the Beijing Business Journal, the trend towards unification with Bitcoin has been marked by a recent sharp fall in other currencies, with a bloodbath of a group of encrypted token currencies, which fell by 8 per cent in the early morning hours of 12 December Beijing time, by more than 4 per cent in Leyco and by more than 6 per cent in Riboco. As of 12 December, at 1300 hours, it had dropped by 0.86 per cent on a 24-hour basis, and at $72.84 in Leitco’s latest report, by 1.14 per cent on a 24-hour basis.

“受宏观紧缩环境以及大型机构爆雷等因素影响,加密市场自2022年以来已历近两年的低谷期。但随着宏观政策稳定,有关比特币ETF批准的利好消息不断传出,叠加比特币减半周期临近,市场对加密资产的兴趣和看涨情绪正普遍上涨。但震荡行情下,币圈投资风险极大,普通消费者应避免参与。” 谈及近期市场表现,前述一资深分析人士进一步补充道。

But, with macro-policy stability, good news on the benefits of the Bitcoin ETF’s approvals continues to spread, with the cycle of halving the stacking of bitcoins approaching, and the market’s interest in and interest in encryption assets is generally rising. But, in the case of tremors, currency circles are highly risky, and ordinary consumers should avoid involvement.”


In industry, it is more likely than ever that speculators with contracts will crash. Where legal risks are involved in virtual currency transactions, attention needs to be paid to the fact that virtual currency transactions are not protected by the law, and participation is highly risky.


According to Chai-Lin, the market chassis of encrypted tokens is a trader, that is, speculation, and the movement of bitcoins is not so predictable, so there is a random and unpredictable pattern, and most traders are destined to play in the game of bitcoin, and others lose, and you earn. So, ordinary investors need to have an assessment of their risk tolerance and then decide whether to invest.




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