
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:25 评论:0
(原标题:比特币涨破51000美元 币圈乱象蠢蠢欲动)Original title: 51,000 dollars in bitcoin. 北京商报记者 刘四红Reporter, Beijing Business Journal, Liu...



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(原标题:比特币涨破51000美元 币圈乱象蠢蠢欲动)

Original title: 51,000 dollars in bitcoin.

北京商报记者 刘四红

Reporter, Beijing Business Journal, Liu Xiaohong


Since September 5, when the bitcoin broke down by $51,000, the bitcoin rose again by $51,000, and the rise in the price of the currency triggered the market sentiment, and now some of the money-builders are taking their heads off and calling it “the Great God”; there are also mines that are too stupid to move and publish marketing advertisements for “the mine site.” In the industry’s view, under the multiple risks of policy, price, law, etc., it is imperative that people take a calm look at the monetization, mining, etc.



The price of bitcoin rose again. On 6 September, a Beijing newspaper reporter noted that since the previous day, when the price of bitcoin had exceeded $51,000, the price of bitcoin had risen again from $50264 to $51848 at 6.30 a.m. on 6 September at 2.20 a.m. and had fluctuated from $51,700 to around 20 a.m. As of 6 September, the latest price of bitcoin was $51219, an increase of 2.14 per cent.


The trend was consistent with that of Bitcoin, where there had been increases in other currencies in the past two days, including an XRP price of $1.33, which had increased by 6 per cent per day; and a BCH offer of $767, which had increased by 8 per cent per day.


On the one hand, there are reports that the rise in currency prices is related to the release of virtual currency by giant companies.


In the near future, Coinbase, the United States’ head virtual currency trading platform, has received board approval to buy more than $500 million in virtual currency, further increasing its current holdings. At the same time, Coinbase plans to invest one-tenth of its profits in virtual currency, and this share will continue to rise as the virtual currency market matures.


As noted by the Executive Director, Professor, and Lin of the Digital Economy Institute of the US University of Finance and Economic Law in the south of the country, inflation and unemployment in the United States are now pointing to austerity, but the Fed’s unwillingness to tighten has made it difficult for the US to issue its national debt. As the Fed is now freeing up the liquidity of US debt in the form of debt purchases, this could lead to even greater problems for US dollar debt at this time.


Market impulsive


The market is also moving behind price increases.


According to the Beijing Business Journal, social platforms such as the 100-degree bar, the microbots, and so on, have recently begun to see a number of popular exchange scenes, some of them under the rubric of “free access to bitcoin” and others known as the Great Gods, which attract new users to troupe coins.


In addition to currency-firing, mining operations continue to be marketed, claiming that they can engage in “bitcoin, Ether, IPFS knowledge-mining exchanges”, and even the mining sites have openly launched “mine site” marketing advertisements.


In addition to the increase in the marketing of social forums, there are now a number of new moves on vertical platforms in the currency circles. For example, on September 6, a Beijing newspaper reporter opened a non-nominal App and received a screen-opening advertisement from the platform, and a currency ring project called “Ulian” was highlighted, stating that “partners are being recruited and can apply for one of the islands of the Americas, with immediate registration and a 100% + back-to-work reward for delivery...”.


A trader told a reporter in Beijing that “the price of bitcoin had risen in recent times and many small currencies had increased several times, or even more than ten times, from 30 to 40 per cent of market transactions in the first half of the month, as measured by the turnover of some exchanges and industry statistics, and that this week's increase in currency prices could be higher, especially in terms of contract transactions”.


Also with regard to the mining industry, the above-mentioned practitioners say that “in fact, some small mining industries have been working, including projects such as Chia, to study new ways of playing, market heat is rising again, and many people are studying how to circumvent regulation, and it is certain that there are still a lot of people working on new projects”.


It is important to note that, in addition to currency-grabbing and mining, the currency circles of recent times have been dominated by discussions about NFTs (Non-FungibleToken, non-homogenous tokens), many of which have risen sharply under the passion of NFT. Liu Feng, Director of the Centre for Block Chain Technology and Applied Research at the University of Foreign Economics and Trade in Shanghai, in an interview with a journalist from the Beijing Business Journal, noted that the recent warming of the virtual currency price of 51,000 dollars, headed by Bitcoin, could be seen to see a portion of the hot money flowing back into the currency’s NFT enthusiasm, leading to a strong rise in prices under the concept of meta-cosm, NFT.


He cautioned, however, that there were a number of NFT trade scams, frauds and so on in the market and that everyone should be wary of being deceived.


Beware of Risk > /strong


Domestic regulation is now clear, both with regard to virtual currency transactions and mining.


Since the beginning of this year, our regulation has continued to build on virtual currency transactions and their related activities, including Bitcoin, and has created a multiplicity of synergies. In addition to banks that prohibit accounts from being used for virtual currency transactions, there have been multiple stubbles, searches of virtual money mining institutions, the concealment of exchange information, and some exchanges have closed contractual transactions to new domestic users.


It is noted that Bitcoin has advanced regulation in the country, including mining and C2C transactions, and that, while there are still some high-profile violations, our policy is now generally clear, that is, to prevent the link between bitcoins and the financial system from transmitting the risks of future bitcoins to financial institutions. He reminds the people of the risks of volatility of virtual currencies, while also mindful of the compliance risks of virtual currencies in China, and that there is little guarantee that transactions are going to take place, and that C2C relies entirely on mutual trust.


Liu Feng also said, “Considering that transactions in virtual currency are not protected by law in our country, traders need to be aware of fraud in any form of virtual currency transactions, and given the professional nature of virtual money, traders should upgrade their legal awareness and knowledge reserves to protect their property.


With regard to follow-up supervision, Chai-Lin said that “the country will continue to combat transactions and adhere to the precautionary principle. Therefore, preventing virtual currency from transmitting risks to the financial system and strictly prohibiting financial institutions from participating in virtual currency transactions and providing payment services remain key to follow-up regulation”.




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