
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:19 评论:0
一直未获得政府正式认可的电子虚拟货币比特币(Bitcoin)或将迎来新生。The electronic virtual currency Bitcoin, which has not been officially recognized b...



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The electronic virtual currency Bitcoin, which has not been officially recognized by the government, is either about to re-emerge.


On 18 November, local time, at a hearing on Bitcoin convened by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, several participating United States government officials conveyed a message that Bitcoin was not an illegal currency and could benefit the financial system, despite cases of its misuse.


For the first time in history, the United States Congress hearing on virtual currency summarized the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin, the role of which was previously emphasized by officials in money-laundering and other illegal activities, but this time indicated that Bitcoin was a “legitimate” financial service, which boosted Bitcoin.


According to The New York Times, this was the first time that the United States Government had publicly recognized the legitimacy of Bitcoin and meant that the virtual currency was a major step forward in the mainstream.

美国官员的积极表态助推比特币价格再创历史新高。11月19日比特币价格在Mt.Gox交易平台最高攀升至900美元、在比特币中国交易平台(BTC China)最高攀升至6989元人民币。而去年年底比特币的价格还处于13美元左右,今年上半年曾出现过266美元的高位,但之后又再次震荡,上周一(11月11日),比特币的交易价格在320美元左右。

The price of Bitcoin rose up to $900 on November 19 at the Mt.Gox trading platform, and to $6,989 at the BTC China trading platform. At the end of last year, the price of Bitcoin was about $13, and it was about $266 in the first half of the year, but then reshuffled again, and last Monday, 11 November, Bitcoin traded around $320.


As at 2100 hours Beijing time on 19 November, the Mt. Gox trading platform showed that the latest price of Bitcoin was $665 (approximately RMB 4050) and the Bitcoin China trading platform showed that the price of Bitcoin was RMB 5,200, both of the most active Bitcoin trading platforms in the world today.



By running a specific software, users can obtain a certain amount of bitcoin after several calculations have completed certain mathematical problems. Although Bitcoin does not exist as an entity, it can be converted into multiple real currencies, including the United States dollar and the renminbi, on multiple online trading platforms, and can be traded anonymously and difficult to trace, but transaction prices are also volatile.


The legitimacy of Bitcoin has not been accurately stated by Governments, but there have been successive cases in which Bitcoin online trading sites have been officially closed for suspected money-laundering and drug trafficking, raising concerns about regulatory issues among investors holding bitcoin.

在上述名为“虚拟货币潜在的威胁、风险和前景”的美参院听证会上,出席人员不仅包括美国司法部刑事部门的代理助理部长拉曼(Mythili Raman)、美国财政部金融犯罪执法局局长珍妮弗·沙斯基·卡尔韦里(Jennifer Shasky Calvery)、美国特勤局特工爱德华·洛厄里(Edward Lowery),还有从事比特币业务的人员和相关学者。

At the above-mentioned American Senate hearing entitled “Virtual Currency Potential Threats, Risks and Prospects”, the participants included not only Acting Assistant Secretary for Criminal Affairs of the United States Department of Justice, Mythili Raman, the Director of Financial Crimes Enforcement of the United States Department of the Treasury, Jennifer Shasky Calvery, and agents of the United States Secret Service, Edward Lowery, as well as personnel working in Bitcoin and related scholars.


A large number of Bitcoin operators have found it difficult to persuade traditional banks to deal with them in the United States, but Bitcoin fans are convinced that a more balanced discussion in Congress of Bitcoin's “risks” and “prospects” would help to ease the climate.

值得注意的是,美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)没有出席听证会,但他在致参议院的信中,援引美联储前副主席艾伦·布林德(Alan Blinder)在1995年时的表态称,美联储一直认为在虚拟货币带来洗钱和其他风险之时,也可能带来长期益处,特别是如果这种创新催生出一个更快、更安全、更高效的支付系统。

It is noteworthy that the President of the United States Federal Reserve Commission, Ben Bernanke, did not attend the hearing, but in a letter to the Senate, quoted Alan Blinder, former Vice-President of the Federal Reserve, who had stated in 1995 that the Fed had always believed that there could also be long-term benefits when virtual currency posed money-laundering and other risks, especially if such innovation gave rise to a faster, safer and more efficient payment system.


According to the British Financial Times, Bernanke’s words have drawn the attention of bitcoin fanatics to the value of bitcoin as a cheap alternative to the current global system of financial transfers.


However, Bernanke also stated in his letter that the Fed does not have much authority to regulate virtual currencies and that “although the Fed is usually monitoring the development of virtual currencies and other innovations in payment methods, this does not mean that we have the power to directly monitor or regulate these new innovations”.



Both Bernanke and other United States officials have almost tied bitcoin to innovation, arguing that innovation should not be stifled.


Calveri stated that attention would continue to be paid to the virtual currency in order to prevent it from being used to commit crimes, “but it is important that we also step back and recognize the importance of innovation for the United States economy.” Calveri noted that the decision to include such a virtual currency in the regulatory framework should be seen as a positive development in this area for those who respect and comply with the basic legal system.


Raman also pointed out that virtual currency provides legitimate financial services and has the potential to promote more effective global business activities. Raman also said that there are clear legal ways to use virtual currency, but that vigilance must be maintained, “as past experience has taught us, it makes very good sense to maintain such vigilance.”


According to Raman, since every bitcoin transaction was recorded on a public ledger, investigators were able to track the movement of funds between accounts.


According to the British Financial Times, earlier this year, all United States Government agencies received indications from the United States Department of the Treasury that Bitcoin would be accepted as long as the Bitcoin transaction was regulated.


Calveri also indicated that the United States IRS was “actively developing” tax rules for Bitcoin.

在一方面认定虚拟货币存在可取之处以外,听证会的参与人员还表示,目前虚拟货币依然存在问题没有答案,参议院国土安全及政府事务委员会主席托马斯·卡珀(Thomas Carper)举例称,虚拟货币到底是什么,应该如何对待以及其未来到底能够做什么,这些基础问题仍需要解决,并表示国会和联邦机构必须持续关注并参与其中,研究出适合、有效和明智的决策,“我相信今天的听证会仅仅是一个开始,来讨论政府如何处理虚拟货币。” 比特币价格高涨,加之这种货币在网络和实体零售商的使用量大增,都引起了华盛顿的关注。美国监管部门警告说,比特币转账业务必须遵循与现有金融机构同样的规定,包括遵守反洗钱法等。有关部门开始与其他政府机构会谈,追踪最新进展,其中一个由美国联邦调查局牵头的小组在调查与此技术有关的新兴威胁。

In addition to recognizing the merits of a virtual currency on the one hand, the participants in the hearing also indicated that there are still no answers to the question of the virtual currency, as exemplified by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Thomas Carper, who said that the underlying issues of what a virtual currency is, how it should be treated and what it will be able to do in the future still need to be addressed, and that Congress and federal agencies must maintain their attention and involvement in the development of appropriate, effective and informed decision-making, “I believe that today's hearing is only the beginning of a discussion on how the Government should deal with the virtual currency.” The high prices of Bitcoin, coupled with the significant increase in the use of such money in networks and in entity retailers, have raised concerns in Washington.


为比特币增加公信力的,不仅仅是美国官员的正面回应,还有美国消费者金融保护局(CFPB)前负责人戴特(Raj Date)加入Circle Internet Financial董事会,为比特币助阵。

It is not only the positive response of United States officials that adds credibility to Bitcoin, but also the former head of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPB) of the United States, Raj Date, who joined the Board of Directors of the Circle Internet Financial to help with Bitcoin.


As more attention is paid to Bitcoin and more businesses accept bitcoin, how to make better use of digital currency becomes an unexplored territory.

Circle是科技创业家阿莱尔(Jeremy Allaire)于上个月创立的,目的是要开发出让企业和消费者更便利地使用数字货币的服务,该公司此前刚拿到了900万美元的风投,阿莱尔也出席了18日的美参院听证会。

Circle was created last month by a tech entrepreneur, Jeremy Allaire, to develop services that allow businesses and consumers to use digital currency more easily. The company had just received $9 million in investment, and Ariel attended the 18-day US Senate hearing.


As a senior American banker who used to promote greater regulation of the financial system, Dett’s participation is more like a guarantee for the regulation of virtual currency transactions, such as bitcoin. Dette is now 42 years old, joined the CFPB as number two in 2010, left early this year to set up a consumer financial information and mortgage lending agency.


Dété stated that the traditional money transfer business had been studied in depth at the CFPB, and then became interested in the bitcoin phenomenon. Dét said that the basic infrastructure of the payment industry, which has been going on for hundreds of years, now has an excellent opportunity to change the situation and provide consumers with better products.


Arlene argued that Dette had brought to the company a wealth of experience, as well as a profound understanding of key regulatory issues and how consumer financial products interacted with Governments.


However, Dett’s accession to the Circle was also criticized because he had been barred from dealing with the CFPB or the Fed on behalf of a private enterprise for two years after leaving the CFPB. Dett explained that he had advised the Circle on compliance and had no plans to address any regulatory body on behalf of the company, although the Republicans of the House of Representatives criticized Dett for using their expertise in the CFPB.


3D printing of firearms is controlled


The U.S. regulatory authorities are not only interested in new web-based things such as Bitcoin, but also in the printing of 3D firearms.

包括查尔斯·埃利斯·舒默(Charles Ellis Schumer)在内的3名美国民主党资深参议员正在美国国会推动一项议案,延长对3D打印枪支的现行禁令,该禁令即将于12月9日失效——《不可探测武器法》,这项生效于1988年的法案规定,禁止生产任何不含有足量金属致使探测器无法侦测的枪支,在当时,生产全塑料枪支还只是一个假设。

Three senior Senators of the United States Democratic Party, including Charles Ellis Schumer, are pushing for a bill in the United States Congress to extend the current 3D printing ban on firearms, which will expire on 9 December — the Non-Detectable Weapons Act, which entered into force in 1988 — to prohibit the production of any firearm that does not contain sufficient metal to make detectable detectors. At that time, the production of fully plastic firearms was merely an assumption.


According to Schummer, at the current level, anyone can spend a small amount of money downloading from the Internet the stereo files of the guns, and then easily print out the parts of the guns and eventually assemble them into a gun that can fire a bullet, and these non-metal-printed guns are more easily hidden because they are not detected by metal detectors.


Last year, a man in Texas, United States, uploaded a 3D printout of a gun on the Internet. Shumer said that a 3D printout of a gun on the Internet had been downloaded more than 100,000 times.


However, the quality of 3D-printed guns varies, and although a cheap 3D printer costs $1,000, it costs at least $100,000 to print them. According to the ATF, there have been no individual shootings with plastic guns in the United States to date, nor have there been any criminal investigations into the possession of such weapons.

ATF枪械技术部主任厄尔·格里菲思(Earl Griffith)预计,随着陶制击针等技术的发展,这类武器将变得更加难以探测,进而更具隐患。

The Director of ATF Firearms Technology, Earl Griffith, anticipates that these weapons will become more difficult to detect and thus more dangerous as technologies such as pottery needles develop.




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