
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:25 评论:0
区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文 4  ,阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构...



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区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文 4  ,阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构架理念,这标志着比特币的诞生。两个月后理论步入实践,2009年1月3日第一个序号为0的创世区块诞生。几天后2009年1月9日出现序号为1的区块,并与序号为0的创世区块相连接形成了链,标志着区块链的诞生 5  。

The block chain originated in Bitcoin, and on 1 November 2008, a person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto published the text of Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point; 4 , which describes the concept of an electronic cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, time-stamp technology, block chain technology, etc., which marks the birth of Bitcoin. Two months later, the theoretical entry into practice, with the first serial number 0 born on 3 January 2009. The serial number of block number 1 appeared a few days later and was linked to the original block number zero, marking the birth of the block chain by 5 

近年来,世界对比特币的态度起起落落,但作为比特币底层技术之一的区块链技术日益受到重视。在比特币形成过程中,区块是一个一个的存储单元,记录了一定时间内各个区块节点全部的交流信息。各个区块之间通过随机散列(也称哈希算法)实现链接,后一个区块包含前一个区块的哈希值,随着信息交流的扩大,一个区块与一个区块相继接续,形成的结果就叫区块链 6  。

In recent years, the attitude of the world’s bitcoin has risen and fallen, but the technology of block chains, one of the bottom bitcoin techniques, has received increasing attention. During Bitcoin’s formation, blocks are a storage unit that records the full exchange of information by block nodes over a period of time. Links are made between blocks by random scatters (also known as Hashi algorithms), which contain the Hashi values of the previous block, and as information exchanges expand, one block follows one block, the result of which is called a block chain 6 .

什么是区块链?从科技层面来看,区块链涉及数学、密码学、互联网和计算机编程等很多科学技术问题。从应用视角来看,简单来说,区块链是一个分布式的共享账本和数据库,具有去中心化、不可篡改、全程留痕、可以追溯、集体维护、公开透明等特点。这些特点保证了区块链的“诚实”与“透明”,为区块链创造信任奠定基础。而区块链丰富的应用场景,基本上都基于区块链能够解决信息不对称问题,实现多个主体之间的协作信任与一致行动 7  。

At the technical level, the block chain involves many scientific and technical questions, such as mathematics, cryptology, Internet and computer programming. From an application point of view, the block chain is a distributed and shared account and database, with features such as decentralised, non-manufactured, full-range marks, traceability, collective maintenance, transparency, etc. These features guarantee the & ldquao of the block chain; honesty & & rdquo; and & & & ldquao; transparency & & rdquao; and the creation of a foundation for trust in the block chain.

区块链是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式。区块链(Blockchain),是比特币的一个重要概念,它本质上是一个去中心化的数据库,同时作为比特币的底层技术,是一串使用密码学方法相关联产生的数据块,每一个数据块中包含了一批次比特币网络交易的信息,用于验证其信息的有效性(防伪)和生成下一个区块 8  。

Block chains are new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms. Block chains are an important concept of Bitcoin, which is essentially a decentralised database, and, as a bottom-of-bitcoin technology, a series of data blocks that are linked by cryptography, each containing a batch of subbitcoin network transactions to verify the validity of its information (probability-proof) and generate the next block 8 .

比特币白皮书英文原版 4  其实并未出现 blockchain 一词,而是使用的 chain of blocks。最早的比特币白皮书中文翻译版 9  中,将 chain of blocks 翻译成了区块链。这是“区块链”这一中文词最早的出现时间。

The original English version of the Bitcoin White Paper 4  In fact, the word blackchain does not appear, but rather the Chinese version 9  of the original Bitcoin White Paper, which translates the Chinese version of blocks into the block chain. This is “ block chain & rdqua; the earliest time the word appeared in Chinese.

国家互联网信息办公室2019年1月10日发布《区块链信息服务管理规定》,自2019年2月15日起施行 1  。

On 10 January 2019, the National Internet Information Office issued Regulation on Block Chain Information Services, with effect from 15 February 2019, 1 

作为核心技术自主创新的重要突破口,区块链的安全风险问题被视为当前制约行业健康发展的一大短板,频频发生的安全事件为业界敲响警钟。拥抱区块链,需要加快探索建立适应区块链技术机制的安全保障体系。 10

As an important entry point for core technological autonomy innovation, the issue of safety risks in block chains is seen as a major current constraint on industry’s health development, with frequent safety incidents sounding alarm bells for industry. Embracing block chains requires accelerated exploration of safety and security systems for technology mechanisms that adapt to block chains.10

2008年由中本聪第一次提出了区块链的概念 4  ,在随后的几年中,区块链成为了电子货币比特币的核心组成部分:作为所有交易的公共账簿。通过利用点对点网络和分布式时间戳服务器,区块链数据库能够进行自主管理。为比特币而发明的区块链使它成为第一个解决重复消费问题的数字货币。比特币的设计已经成为其他应用程序的灵感来源。

The concept of block chains 4  was first introduced in 2008 by Nakamoto; In the following years, block chains became a core component of the electronic currency bitcoin: as a public ledger for all transactions. By using the point-to-point network and distributed time stamp servers, the block chain database can be managed autonomously. The block chain invented for Bitcoin makes it the first digital currency to solve the problem of double consumption. Bitcoin design has become a source of inspiration for other applications.

2014年,"区块链2.0”成为一个关于去中心化区块链数据库的术语。对这个第二代可编程区块链,经济学家们认为它是一种编程语言,可以允许用户写出更精密和智能的协议 11  。因此,当利润达到一定程度的时候,就能够从完成的货运订单或者共享证书的分红中获得收益。区块链2.0技术跳过了交易和“价值交换中担任金钱和信息仲裁的中介机构”。它们被用来使人们远离全球化经济,使隐私得到保护,使人们“将掌握的信息兑换成货币”,并且有能力保证知识产权的所有者得到收益。第二代区块链技术使存储个人的“永久数字ID和形象”成为可能,并且对“潜在的社会财富分配”不平等提供解决方案 12  。

In 2014, the "block chain" 2.0” a term for decentralised block chain databases. For this second-generation programmable block chain, economists consider it to be a programming language that allows users to write more sophisticated and intelligent protocols 11  so, when profits reach a certain level, they are able to reap the benefits from completed shipping orders or the dividends of shared certificates. The block chain 2.0 technology skips the transaction and & & ldquo; the broker for monetary and information arbitration in value swaps & & rdquo; they are used to keep people away from the globalized economy, protect privacy and provide solutions for potential social wealth; & & rdquo; & 12 & nbsp;

2016年1月20日,中国人民银行数字货币研讨会宣布对数字货币研究取得阶段性成果。会议肯定了数字货币在降低传统货币发行等方面的价值,并表示央行在探索发行数字货币。中国人民银行数字货币研讨会的表达大大增强了数字货币行业信心。这是继2013年12月5日央行五部委发布关于防范比特币风险的通知之后,第一次对数字货币表示明确的态度。 13 

On 20 January 2016, the People’s Bank of China seminar on digital currency announced a phased outcome to the digital currency study. The meeting affirmed the value of digital currency in reducing the distribution of traditional currency and stated that the central bank was exploring the issuance of digital currency.

2016年12月20日,数字货币联盟——中国FinTech数字货币联盟及FinTech研究院正式筹建 14  。

On 20 December 2016, Digital Monetary Union & mdash; & mdash; FinTech Digital Monetary Union of China and FinTech Research Institute officially prepared 14 

如今,比特币仍是数字货币的绝对主流,数字货币呈现了百花齐放的状态,常见的有bitcoin、litecoin、dogecoin、dashcoin,除了货币的应用之外,还有各种衍生应用,如以太坊Ethereum、Asch等底层应用开发平台以及NXT,SIA,比特股,MaidSafe,Ripple等行业应用 15  。

Today, Bitcoins remain the absolute mainstream of digital currencies, which are in a state of flowering, with the usual benefactors of bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, dashcoin, which, in addition to currency applications, also have derivative applications such as the bottom-of-the-ground development platforms such as Etherium, Asch and the NXT, SIA, Bitco, Maid Safe, Ripple, etc. applications 15 


Public Block Chain

公有区块链(Public Block Chains)是指:世界上任何个体或者团体都可以发送交易,且交易能够获得该区块链的有效确认,任何人都可以参与其共识过程。公有区块链是最早的区块链,也是应用最广泛的区块链,各大bitcoins系列的虚拟数字货币均基于公有区块链,世界上有且仅有一条该币种对应的区块链 16  。

The public block chain (Public Block Chains) means that any individual or group in the world can send a transaction and the transaction can be validly confirmed in the block chain, and anyone can participate in the consensus process. The public block chain is the earliest and the most widely applied block chain. Virtual digital currencies of each of the major bitcoins series are based on a public block chain with a worldwide chain of 16  with only one corresponding block in that currency.


United (industry) block chain





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