比特币的辉煌岁月已经过去 赵长鹏称明天醒来买更多比特币

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:21 评论:0
声音 | 说唱歌手Soulja Boy:比特币的辉煌岁月已经过去Soulja Boy: The glory of Bitcoin is over.据Cryptoglobe消息,说唱歌手Soulja...



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声音 | 说唱歌手Soulja Boy:比特币的辉煌岁月已经过去

Soulja Boy: The glory of Bitcoin is over.

据Cryptoglobe消息,说唱歌手Soulja Boy近期断言,比特币的辉煌岁月已经过去了。他表示,投资比特币现在更像是一场赌博:“你现在已经没法获得像早期比特币投资者那样的高回报了,因为它已成为主流,现在每个人都知道比特币。”据此前消息,Soulja Boy曾发布音乐专辑Young Drako,该专辑包含一首名为《比特币》的作品。

According to Cryptoglobe, the singer Soulja Boy recently asserted that the glorious years of Bitcoin had passed. He said that the investment in bitcoin was now more like a gamble: “You can't get as high a return as an early bitcoin investor, because it has become mainstream and now everyone knows bitco.” According to the previous news, Soulja Boy had released a music album, Young Drako, which contained a work called Bitco.

动态 | Roger Ver多次发表支持BCH言论惹比特币社区不满

Roger Ver has repeatedly spoken in favour of the BCH to annoy the Bitcoin community.

据ambcrypto报道,Bitcoin.com的首席执行官、比特币耶稣Roger Ver在比特币社区发表了大量言论,称2019年的BCH是2009年最初发布的[BTC。这种言论引起了比特币社区的不满,Roger Ver被指控对没有经验的投资者进行边缘欺诈。一些不满的投资者指责Roger Ver试图借用BTC的名气来宣传BCH。

According to Ambcrypto, the Chief Executive Officer of Bitcoin.com, Roger Ver, in Bitcoin, made a number of statements in the Bitcoin community, claiming that the 2019 BCH was the first to be issued in 2009 [BTC]. Such statements caused resentment in the Bitcoin community, and Roger Ver was accused of marginal fraud against inexperienced investors. Some disaffected investors accused Roger Ver of trying to use the reputation of BTC to promote BCH.

动态 | 比特币24小时访问量达到18920

Bitcoin has access to 18920 on a 24-hour basis.

金色财经数据播报,根据Token Club数据显示,比特币24小时内热度排名第一,24小时访问量达到18920;ETH24小时内热度排名第二,24小时访问量达到12567;AE24小时热度排名第三,访问量为11584。

Gold financial data are available and, according to Token Club data, Bitcoin is ranked first in the 24-hour heat with 18920 visits per 24-hour heat; ETH is ranked second in the 24-hour heat with 12567 visits per 24-hour heat; AE is ranked third in the 24-hour heat with 11584 visits.

声音 | Jimmy Song:比特币的产品和服务是在没有任何中央协作的情况下生产的

Jimmy Song: Bitcoin's products and services are produced without any central collaboration.

比特币核心开发者Jimmy Song发Twitter表示,比特币有一个去中心化的生态系统,产品和服务是在没有任何中央协作的情况下生产的。而山寨币有中心化的生态系统,几乎每个项目都得到中央基金会某种形式的补贴。那么,哪种形式更脆弱呢?

The Bitcoin core developer, Jimmy Song, tweets that Bitcoin has a decentralised ecosystem, and products and services are produced without any central collaboration. And the mountain coins have a central ecosystem, with almost every project receiving some form of subsidy from a central foundation.

动态 | USDT占比特币交易比重超60%

U.S.D.T.'s over 60% of Bitcoin transactions.


According to the Cryptocompare data, the currency transactions are currently ranked according to the currency of the transaction, with USDT ranked first, or 64.31 per cent; the dollar ranked second, or 15.93 per cent; the yen ranked third, or 8.33 per cent; the euro ranked fourth, or 3.19 per cent; the QC ranked fifth, or 2.46 per cent; and the Korean Won ranked sixth, or 1.97 per cent.

动态 | 研究:暗网比特币交易和比特币市场表现成相反关系

Research: Dark Net Bitcoin transaction and Bitcoin market show the opposite relationship


According to the report, the research institute Chainalysis reported that clandestine network activity was relatively unaffected by bitcoin prices and did not necessarily decline when prices fell. According to the report, the relationship between the trading in bitcoin in the dark market in 2018 and the performance of bitcoin was reversed.

动态 | 赵长鹏回答推特用户:明天醒来买更多比特币

Jo Chang Peng replied to Twitter users: "Wake up tomorrow and buy more bitcoins."


In response to a Twitter user, “What would you do if you woke up tomorrow” the founder, Zhao Chang Peng, said that he would buy more bitcoins.

分析 | Weiss评级:比特币基本面正在改善 新的牛市正在形成

Analysis Weiss rating: Bitcoin fundamentals are improving.

据Coingape消息,韦斯评级公司的Martin D. Weiss表示,比特币已经触底并且处在其新的牛市周期中,比特币的基本面强劲并不落后。他还表示比特币就像黄金一样,比特币和其他加密货币可能成为逃离法定货币贬值的投资者的避风港。事实上比特币甚至可能比黄金更好:它不能被任何政府没收。 他还表示,很多投资者可能会因为股市亏损,所以卖掉加密资产筹集资金,会对加密价格产生下行压力。他建议不要让股市熊市分散对加密货币投资的注意力。

According to Coingape, Martin D. Weiss of Weiss Ratings said that Bitcoin had hit the bottom and was in its new cattle cycle, and that Bitcoin’s fundamentals were not lagging behind. He also said that Bitcoin, like gold, could be a safe haven for investors fleeing the depreciation of legal currencies.

动态 | 东欧P2P市场的比特币交易量在过去12个月增长明显

The volume of Bitcoin transactions in the P2P market in Eastern Europe has increased significantly over the past 12 months.


According to bitcoin.com, the volume of Bitcoin in the P2P market in Eastern Europe has increased significantly over the past 12 months, with Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Kazakhstan accounting for the highest volume of Bitcoin in the region.

声音 | CBOE CEO:由于缺乏某种金融工具 比特币在CBOE的交易数量未出现大幅增长

CBOE CEO: No significant increase in the number of Bitcoin transactions in CBOE due to lack of some kind of financial instrument

据ethereumworldnews报道,芝加哥期货交易所首席执行Edward Tilly在最近一次媒体午餐会上称,由于缺乏某种金融工具,比特币在芝加哥期货交易所的交易数量并未出现大幅增长。据文章分析认为,Edward Tilly所指的这种金融工具是一种交易所交易票据(ETN),它通常是由债务担保的,可允许散户投资者接触难以获取的资产。芝加哥期货交易所的负责人同时也表示,比特币ETN及ETF仍存在监管问题,因为加密货币市场的操纵仍然普遍存在。

According to eteiumworldnews, Edward Tilly, Chief Executive of the Chicago Futures Exchange, stated at a recent media luncheon that Bitcoin’s transactions at the Chicago Futures Exchange had not increased significantly because of a lack of some kind of financial instrument. According to an analysis, Edward Tilly refers to this type of financial instrument as an exchange transactional instrument (ETN), which is usually secured by debt and allows bulk investors to access difficult-to-access assets.

声音 | 欧盟监管机构:若比特币ETF获批,可减少对加密货币的监管压力

EU Regulators: If ETF Bitcoin is approved, regulatory pressure on encrypted currency can be reduced


According to Ambcrypto, EU regulators have indicated that they can reduce regulatory pressure on encrypted currencies if the Bitcoin ETF is approved. Citing previous reports by the European Financial Advisory Body, the article does not recommend that local governments legalize encryption markets because of lack of integrity, high volatility, etc., but believes that it should be regulated in a uniform way.

声音 | 数字货币评论员:投资一定要多元化 不能全部投入比特币

Sound, digital currency commentator: Investments must be diversified, not all into bitcoin.


Digital currency commentator WhalePanda tweets on January 18 that investment must be diversified, and it is crazy to invest all the money in bitcoin. There is much else that can be diversified: real estate, stocks, private equity, farmland, precious stones, precious metals, works of art, wine, watches, etc.

声音 | 江卓尔:囤币者影响长期价格 炒币者影响短期价格

JANGZHER: Money hoarders influence long-term prices. Money hoarders influence short-term prices.


The value of Jiangchael Weibo deciphers the bitcoin value system, considering that it determines the long-term price. The money user determines the value of the system, the money hoarder influences the long-term price, and the casher influences the short-term price. This is demonstrated by the fact that the use leads to continued buying, leading to an increase in the price of the currency, leading to an influx of money hoarders, and the acceleration of the increase in the price of the currency, leading to an influx of money hoarders.

动态 | Cryptobuyer将在未来几周内安装委内瑞拉首台比特币ATM

Cryptobuyer will install Venezuela's first Bitcoin ATM in the next few weeks.

据Coinspice消息,加密货币交易所Cryptobuyer首席执行官兼创始人Jorge Farias在接受采访时宣布,将在未来几周内安装委内瑞拉的第一台比特币ATM。他还表示,该公司将积极开展活动,向委内瑞拉人展示加密货币作为价值储备的用途。

According to Coinspice, Jorge Farias, Chief Executive Officer and founder of Cryptobuyer of the Encrypted Currency Exchange, announced in an interview that Venezuela’s first Bitcoin ATM would be installed in the coming weeks. He also indicated that the company would be active in demonstrating to the Venezuelans the use of encrypted currency as a value reserve.

动态 | 比特币核心开发人员提醒用户不要使用隔离见证

Bitcoin core developer warns users not to use isolation witnesses

比特币核心开发人员Luke Dash Jr.近日发推提醒用户不要将隔离见证(Segwit)用于非闪电钱包。Luke认为隔离见证增加了BTC不断增长的集中化,因为它支持更大的块。Luke解释说隔离见证所以危险是因为同步时间,而不是因为可能会被盗。

Luke Dash Jr., a Bitcoin core developer, recently warned users not to use Segwit for non-blitz wallets. Luke argues that isolation witnesses add to the growing concentration of BTC because they support larger blocks. Luke explains that isolation witnesses are dangerous because of synchronous times, not because they are likely to be stolen.




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