
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:20 评论:0



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At the end of last year, Hunan Radio announced that it would be based on the National Radio and Television Agency’s 5G Focus Laboratory and explore the possibility of building a mango cosmos platform to participate fully in future dissemination competitions; on 9 January this year, Hua Tseng released an announcement calling for the restructuring and upgrading of existing organizational structures, one of which was the creation of a new business unit dedicated to the meta-cosm in order to seize new opportunities for the digital age; and on 11 February, at the investor’s interactive platform, the perfect world indicated that companies were moving gradually towards the descent of the meta-cosy-related work and that many of the products being developed had joined the design that was more in line with the meta-cosm pattern...

影视行业与元宇宙的接入方式正在打开想象力。从数字虚拟人到NFT(Non-Fungible Token,非同质化代币、数字藏品),“元宇宙”尽管从定义到前景都存在着诸多不确定性,但也为影视行业孕育了更多的机会和可能。

Video industry and meta-cosm are opening up imaginations. From digital virtuals to NFTs (Non-Fungible Token, non-homogenous tokens, digital collections), the meta-cosm offers more opportunities and possibilities for the visual industry, despite the uncertainties that exist from definition to perspective.


Video meta-cosmos


The term “megacos” is derived from the science fiction novel Avalanche, but the mass media prefer to use visual works as “models” for dissemination.


In The First Player, the real world was on the verge of collapse in 2045, where people were able to “go away” by wearing VR and move to a highly virtual world “Oasis.” The Oasis has a well-established virtual social shape that includes digital content, digital products, etc. from all walks of life in which virtual personalities can exchange values.


The CEO is white.


Whether it be the Oasis of the First Player or the City of Freedom of Uncontrollable Players, the virtual world they have built can be called the meta-cosmos. The CEO White version of the Episode culture suggests that the meta-cosmos is not inherently an emerging concept, and similar ideas have been interpreted several decades ago by visual and literary works. The Hacker Empire, for example, which was shown in 1999, combines thousands of years of philosophy with computers, the Internet, and machine intelligence, and presents images of human and machine struggles several centuries later. The logic inherent in the E-World Overlord War, which was shown in 1982, is similar to that of meta-cos. The male lead in the film was accidentally inhaled “procedural space” to prove that he was the creator of a game.


Videos about the meta-cosm require enough input and big enough brain holes, mainly in Hollywood films, and more and more national films are trying to inject similar elements. For example, in this year’s film by the Ling River culture, there is one that combines the real world with the fantasy world.


Investing in cultural science and technology,

《中国式投资》作者  曹海涛

Chinese Investment by & nbsp; & nbsp; Cao Haitao


In the view of Cao Haitao, an investor in cultural science and technology and author of Chinese-style investment, the main point of view of these visual works, which contain the idea of the meta-cosm, lies in the conflict between virtual and reality-to-realization, “the combination of virtual and reality-to create a trajectories between the two parallel universes that give more points of conflict and a sense of hierarchy to the story, enable it to break through the perception inherent in the audience and generate great interest”.


how the video industry connects the meta-cosmos


With the spread and spread of many visual works, the seemingly advanced and phantom concept of the “megaspace” has been understood and accepted by many viewers. The view has been expressed that the film industry will address the main issues of filling content in the next phase of its development, including the IP values currently highlighted by the film industry, and will further appreciate it in virtual space.


Founder of the Watze Film and Television Group,


Chairman Jo Yvonne.


Jo Yvonne, the founder and director of the Chinese Film and Television Group, argued that images could be connected to the meta-cosmos by creating virtual scenes, virtual figures, digital collections, and so on, including classic scenes, characters, worldviews, and so on. The combination of technology and art and the development of innovation would allow film and visual productions to become more emulatory and participatory.


Referring to the layout of Huatze vis-à-vis the Woncosm, Zhao Yifan described the three virtual images of " Assassination of novelists " ; the launch of the NFT blind box in Anti-Corruption Storm 5: Final Chapter, which allows viewers to participate online in free digital collections; the construction of the LED virtual digital studio at the Long Triangle International Film and Television Centre; and the future of Huats, which will focus on virtual images, digital collections, digital studios, and new content creation, will focus on the development of new business in the meta-cosm.

长三角国际影视中心的 LED 虚拟拍摄影棚

LED Virtual Film Studio, Long Triangle International Film Center


The Vice-President of Mango TV, Fang Fui, said that Mango super-media would be built in phases of a “Mango meta-cosm” using technological innovation as a key tool, complemented by a NFT digital art collection trading platform, from the very best VR content of video and video games.


Yang Gwang, head of Aki culture


In the case of the film industry, the user-oriented Yang Gwang believes that the meta-cosm should contain the basic elements of Avatar (virtual identity), activities, scenes, and so on. The activity refers to the whole process that contains tasks, operations, and actions. For the visual industry, the user first accepts the IP content, so that the design of the two elements is more acceptable to the user, which is one of the central advantages of the film industry. Yang Gwang stresses that not all of the visual content is suitable for the meta-cosm, and that it is not necessarily better to view the virtual world simply as a “watching” movement than to look on the couch in the real world. But the meta-cosm contains a lot of content that can be shared with the user.


"These works, which can be `megasmicized', need to be integrated into the script, props, film, and later stages from the very first day of their design. This may change the original video production process. Yang Gwang believes that the design of “activities” will be the focus of the video industry's access to the metacosystem, and that it is difficult. “For this job, the players in the game industry are relatively familiar.


"Assassination of the novelist."



How far are we from the meta-cosmos? What technological building blocks are needed to achieve the meta-cosmos?


Tsung Zhao, President of the New Media Institute of China Media University, described the technological foundations of the Yuan cosmos as VR (virtual reality), AR (enhanced reality), cloud computing, 3D visualization, block chains, digital twins, object networking, networks and computing, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, video games, etc.


“The bottom infrastructure is network communication and arithmetic.” Chiu Tsing, in order to achieve instant interconnectivity between virtual and reality, needs to weave a low-latitude, hypervelocity and wide-ranging communications network.” Thus, 5G and even 6G communication networks are the technological foundation for travelling through the meta-cosm. In the envisioned final meta-coastal universe, real-time, high-spoiled immersion images, real-time online interaction and complex interaction among many people in the same space also require the support of big numeracy and algorithms. Therefore, the cloud computing system for dynamic distribution of numeracy is also an infrastructure of the meta-cosm.” And “to achieve real-time interaction between the two worlds in the meta-cosmos, mutual mapping, and without the support of interconnection technology.


In addition, extended reality technologies such as VR and AR provide a immersion experience for metacosystems; digital twin technologies generate mirrors of the real world; block-chain technologies build economic systems that closely integrate the virtual world with the real world in economic, social and identity systems, and allow each user to produce content and edit the world.


The 100-degree Vice-President and head of the Greek border, Majore, argued that, under current cyber-technology conditions, the technical challenges of vision, hearing, and interaction are three great mountains that impede the development of the meta-cosm. Addressing these challenges will require a series of technological bottlenecks that will require strong underlying technologies, including secure, autonomous, intelligent cloud computing techniques, continuous innovation in the areas of artificial intelligence, ARM clouds, margin computing, smart video, VR, and AR, as well as the building of content ecology and a large market base.


In the view of Qin Fei, President of the Vivo Institute of Communications, AR/VR type terminals currently face several problems: they are too heavy to be worn for long periods of time, lightly quantifying the supply of electricity requires a core technological breakthrough; and supporting technologies such as arithmetic, data, platforms, etc., as well as credible mechanisms established in the block chain, need to be further strengthened.


The Deputy Director-General of Recreational Research and Development Effectiveness, Mr. Deng, argued that the universe would produce a great deal of three-dimensional content, and that building a three-dimensional world would require, first and foremost, a high-yield 3D production capacity, which would remain a major challenge for current technological capabilities. Second, the development of the artificial intelligence industry. He mentioned that, while everyone was talking about the meta-cosm, current technology could not make it possible for digitals to engage in intelligent dialogue, drive behavior and explore the world like the American play Western World.


On the road to the meta-cosm, the global film industry has done a great deal of technical preparation, such as virtual images, digital scenes, digital photography bases, etc., but is constrained by existing technical conditions, including hardware and software, access bandwidth, user frequency, etc., the current meta-cosm remains more conceptual than originally conceived by the Internet and mobile phone Internet.


With the rise of the meta-cosmos, many of the real problems facing financial services regulation, intellectual property rights, etc., have surfaced.


The white mind says that the concept of the “megascopic universe” is hot, but in the strict sense, no one is really doing it yet. Not only are the molten experiences of the meta-cosmos shaped by special effects details and technical renderings, but there is also a need for technological innovation to involve other senses than visuals, allowing users to become psychologically immersed and emotional input in a virtual environment. “The simplest thing is that I can swim in a virtual environment or have a glass of water that makes me feel the touch of swimming or the taste of water, but the technology is simply not available.”


Despite the fact that VR/AR is a step closer to enhancing the authenticity and interaction of the user’s experience, which is considered an important entry point into the meta-cosm, technological development is still immature. Among these, VR products and services, which are characterized by immersion, privacy, and personal experience, are limited in their use.


"Blue Sea" or "foam"?


Many believe that the meta-cosmos is one of the ultimate directions of the Internet, and that there are a number of professionals who are pouring cold water, predicting that the meta-cosmos is merely a concept and that the bubble will eventually collapse.


Jo Yvonne said that the Yuan cosmos is one of the six new business innovation development blocks of the Group and will continue to invest in the future. “The layout cosmos is the long-term strategic direction that the Group embraces and is in the process of exploring. We are a dry-side planning with the objective of improving the commercialization model of the diversity of Chinese content, upgrading the “Wantice content creation” and applying the new technology of the cosmos to optimize the digital content, including digital collections and a virtual world with built-in virtual images.”

中国艺术研究院副研究员孙佳山则是 “概念炒作,泡沫论”的支持者。他认为影视行业如果盲目跟进元宇宙,将随着泡沫的破灭受到冲击,“在整个文化产业格局中,影视其实处于产业链的中下游。上游资源和财富的外溢会促进下游行业的发展,这是正常的结构。而当影视行业人才持续被游戏公司、被元宇宙公司挖走,第一个垮塌的就是影视行业。”孙佳山认为,面对元宇宙热潮,影视行业要未雨绸缪,一方面不要跟着“瞎起哄”;另一方面应对泡沫破灭对行业造成的伤害,要提前做好预案。

Sun Jiasan, a deputy researcher at China’s Academy of Arts, is a supporter of “concepts fading, bubble theory.” He believes that the film industry, if blindly followed the meta-cosm, will be hit by the bursting of the bubble, “in the whole cultural landscape, it is actually in the middle and lower of the chain of industry.” The upstream spill of resources and wealth will facilitate the development of the downstream industry, which is the normal structure.


It is too early at this stage to talk about the practical application of the meta-cosm in the visual field, after all, that the entire meta-cosm is still at the conceptual stage of confusion, that “the basic technical problems are not solved, and even powerful video companies are difficult to lead”.


Yang Gwang also said, “The vision of the Won cosmos is beautiful, but one has to admit that there is still a long way to go before it can be realized and that there may even be several stages of development in the middle”.


Cao Haitao, who has invested in many technological and visual projects, is cautious, and there are no plans to bet on the meta-cosmos: “All sides are trying, on the surface, to be prosperous, to realize a lot of things, and in fact, to make money and drink.” As was the case a few years ago when VR, AR, any concept or product was rededicated, which must lead to the development of the respective fields, but it was also easy to create deformed economies, “the so-called tides, often forcing people to move forward, but the process was fraught with uncertainties.


In terms of long-term trends, however, Tsao believes that the meta-cosm is undoubtedly yet another advance in technology, and that it is difficult to avoid the impact and challenges of the meta-cosm on many industries without looking at researchers who can make short-term profits, “but it is important to focus on high-quality development, whether in the visual industry or in other areas. After all, only robustly grown hard nuclear content is capable of sustaining production and making the meta-cosm alive.”


"Strong" especially planned the Chess of the Won-Cosmos "/strang"


It's a big game in the Won-Cosmos.


The video industry robs the beach cosmos.

五问“元宇宙” ——专访华策集团创始人、董事长赵依芳

Five questions: "The Won-Cosmos" - a visit to Jo Yvonne, founder and chairman of the China-China Group.


The Age of the Won cosmos: opportunities and opportunities for the film industry


Metacosm: advanced stages of media integration and the future shape of society


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