比特币合约如何操作(比特币 合约 教程)

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:24 评论:0
1、来到火币网首页,登录完成之后。点击“资产” - 充币提币1. Go to the front page of the network, after login is completed. Click " Assets "...



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1、来到火币网首页,登录完成之后。点击“资产” - 充币提币

1. Go to the front page of the network, after login is completed. Click " Assets " - coin charged


2 then click on the BTC (i.e. bitcoin) and click on the charged currency. Click on the two-dimensional code and use the bitcoin wallet to do the bitcoin charge.


If you want to exchange the renminbi for bitcoin, you can only buy or sell digital currency through French currency (i.e. buy or sell digital currency from someone else). We find “French currency transactions” and click on it.


Four, click on me to buy, or I'll sell, click on BTC to do the buy-and-sale operation.


5. Once the purchase of bitcoin has been completed, we will be able to engage in exchange of coins or a round-the-clock transaction with lead mills/contracts.


From 12 March last year to the present, Bitcoin climbed from over 3,000 to $52,600, a tenfold increase.


It may continue to grow later, but it is unlikely that the short-term range will be too large, with an eight-month increase of 10 times? 50,000 to 500,000? The probability cannot be said to be no, but it is relatively limited.


So the B-coop friends will be able to make a bigger profit through a contract deal?


On the platform, what is the contract deal? How do you make money through a closed-fire contract? What's his advantage?


There are a lot of gruesome comments on the Internet: newcomers must not touch contracts, they must earn a minute a year to pay off; they have to wait for the next one, and so on. It cannot be denied that some views are very correct.


Let us now take the example of the most representative digital currency, Bitcoin (BTC), and look at how to use the contractual game and how to avoid losses.


Contracts – a leverage-plate strategy. Simply large, with higher risks and returns relative to the spot. A share of the venture capital can be allocated to the investment asset.


For example, if we buy $10,000 into bitcoin and double the price of bitcoin, we own $20,000, and the net gain is $10,000.


And the contract deal, 10 times the leverage, double the bitcoin price, and we're in a warehouse of 1 *2 = $200,000, with a net gain of $1.90 million.


So long as traders are right about price trends, contracts are the best way to make small money profitable.


In the digital currency market, or in bitcoin, for example, price fluctuations of 5% are frequent, even several times in a few minutes. Thus, higher than 20 times as much leverage as the price trend is correctly judged can easily burst.


For example: Bitcoin is now worth $10,000, with various technical fundamentals analysed and trends judged upwards, with a single 20-fold leverage of multiple contracts. But Bitcoin fell to $9,400 first, and then to $20,000. Although I saw it right, I lost the principal.


The phrase "pigs fly in the wind" is actually appropriate for any industry. Most people are not masters of the board, they don't need to pull the trigger, why do they have to work against big trends?


In the case of digital currency alone, access to new trading platforms or entourage software allows for a four-hour review of the K-line chart to judge the large upward and downward trend of the species and then to take the lead.


In the upward trend, they wait for a return, when they enter low and do much better, and in the reverse, when they do, when they enter high, when they do nothing.


And whether it's going up or down, it's going to have to look back and pick the right point of entry, or it's going to blow up easily.


Profit is limited, and losses are unlimited. A miscalculation can lead to a loss of all profit + principal. In a trading market, it is inevitable that when there is a miscalculation, do not pay the bill. The money is kept in order for the next bill to be made.

交易过程中误判亏损是迟早的事, 会盈利或许看运气,态做会止损才是得到了交易的精髓

It's only a matter of time before you miscalculate a loss in the course of a transaction.


Control the warehouse, i.e. control the single ratio.


Many people spend a large proportion, or even all, of their principals to open their houses when they do well, and when the losses or profits are larger. This is quite irrational. Such behaviour is not so much a “gaming” as a transaction. There is no guarantee that your location is perfect at any one time, and if you lose your principal, you lose the opportunity to do it in a better position.


It's recommended that the B-friends of the contract pay at 25% to 33% of the principal.

比特币合约如何操作(比特币 合约 教程)-第1张图片-科灵网


will be able to complete a contract directly on the Bitcoin trading platform, plus a staircase. But the trading platform must be chosen, like a coin, a coin and a coin station, which is more suitable for laughter, mainly because the platform's main push is a bitcoin contract, so that many times the platform's activities are about the users of the contract, and then if you go up there, you can enjoy the corresponding benefits.


It's possible to go back to pre-liberation overnight.


The contract is a gambler's mind. You have to be careful.


It's all just a moment for a profit.


The contract trading method allows a portion of the bill of sale to be opened when the spot is purchased at a high price in Bitcoin, which results in two scenarios: if the spot falls and, although the gold is lost, the contract leverage widens the profit, and the two are not at all; if the spot rises and the contract explodes, the gold is profitable.

1.合约交易是指买卖双方对约定未来某个时间按指定价格接收一定数量的某种资产的协议进行交易。合约交易的买卖对象是由交易所统一制定的标准化合约,交易所规定了其商品种类,交易时间,数量等标准化信息。合约代表了买卖双方所拥有的权利和义务。简单点说就是 :现在约好未来某个时间地点交易一定数量的某种商品。合约交易是一种金融衍生品,它是相对于现货市场的交易,用户可以在期货合约交易中通过判断涨跌,选择买入做多或者卖出做空合约,来获得价格上涨或者下跌带来的收益。按照交割方式的不同可以将合约分为永续合约和定期合约。两者间的主要区别就是定期合约有固定交割日,而永续合约没有。其中定期合约按照交割时间的不同分为三类:当周合约、次周合约和季度合约。手岩戚

1. A contractual transaction is an agreement between the seller and the buyer to accept a certain amount of assets at a specified price at a given time in the future. A contractual transaction is a standardized contract drawn up by a single exchange, which specifies the types of goods to be traded, the time of the transaction, and the amount of standardized information. The contract represents the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer. Simply put, it is now an agreement to trade a certain amount of goods at a certain point in time. A contractual transaction is a financial derivative, as compared to a transaction in the spot market, in which a user can obtain the benefits of an increase or decline in prices by deciding whether to buy more or sell more, depending on the mode of delivery.


An example of date blindness is the assumption that Zhang San is a bitcoin miner who can dig up 10 bitcoins a month. Recently, Bitcoin prices have risen rapidly, and Zhang San, while happy, is worried that prices will fall back in the coming month, because it is still half of the 2020 Bitcoin incentive, and the cow market will not arrive so soon.

3.张三的朋友李四则是乐观派,认为牛市已经启动了,未来一个月的价格会更高。于是,张三和李四约定,以现在 ¥54000 的价格,在6月30日将6月份挖出来的10枚比特币全部卖给李四。张三和李四之间的交易,就属于期货交易。在这个例子中,交易发生在未来(6月30日),成交价格(¥54000)是事先约定的,交易的是实物(比特币)。所以,一笔期货交易,至少包括:发生毕陵在未来的交易时间(称为“交割时间”),价格(称为“交割价格”),以及交易物(称为“标的”)。

In this case, the transaction between Zhang San and Li is a future transaction. In this case, the transaction took place in the future (30 June), the transaction price was pre-arranged and the transaction was in kind (bitcoin).


In this example, the bitcoin of the transaction, although “virtual” in form, was “physically delivered” because Li would eventually get the true bitcoin. In futures dealings for physical delivery, the seller would need to have real physical possession (the three would need bitcoin).

以上文章内容就是科灵网为大家介绍的比特币合约如何操作和比特币 合约 教程的详细回答,希望能够帮助到大家;如果你还想了解更多财经资讯知识,可以收藏我们的网站!

The above article is a detailed answer to the how the bitcoin contracts operate and the Bitcoin contracts curriculum, hopefully to help you; if you want to learn more about financial information, you can collect our website!

标签: 比特币合约如何操作




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