
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:30 评论:0
权游结局国内延期:因介质传输问题 rights game ending in the country: due to media transfer 腾讯美剧官方微博发...



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rights game ending in the country: due to media transfer


According to the official Weibo announcement: & ldquao; Game of Power, Episode 8, Episode 6, because media transmission problems are not on the line as scheduled, we will be informed about the timing of the broadcast. & rdquao;


Assange is detained in Sweden for investigating rape


The Swedish prosecution issued a statement on 20 June requesting the detention of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, on the basis of an investigation into the rape case. The Russian media claimed that if this request were granted, Sweden would issue an arrest warrant for Assange. According to “ Russia today ” (RT) 20, it was reported that the Deputy Director of the Swedish Public Prosecutor’s Office, Persson, had stated that she had requested the District Court to arrest him in Assange’s absence.

微信520元红包 仅限今天一次性发520元

It's only 520 for today's one-time release.


On May 20, because of its symphony & ldquo; I love you & rdquo; being followed by a friend and being a lover or a friend to express love on a web holiday, the e-mail is also used as a way to celebrate the festival. The amount of the popular micro-credit package includes $5.20, $52.0, etc., but because it limits the amount, it is only $200, and the user is unable to send a $520 red package.




China issued a statement saying: “ Andre, as a smartphone operating system, has always been open-sourced, and as an important participant, China has made a very important contribution to Andre’s development and growth. It has been able to continue to develop and use Andre's ecology.


and credit register capital increased to 1 billion yuan or prepared for P2P filing


Cat data show that the operators of United States stock listings and credit companies and Sin e-commerce Ltd. have recently completed changes in business information, increasing the registered capital from $105 million to $1 billion. Previously, according to the P2P registration pilot programme reported by the media, no less than $500 million has been paid in registered capital by national operators. Less than two months have elapsed since the programme's departure, including the auctioning of loans, the mini-winners, and the marketing platform where you and I have loaned three United States shares, a total of more than 10 Internet lending institutions have made a total of $500 million or more.


网易与漫威宣布达成战略合作,漫威游戏《漫威:超级争霸战》将由网易在中国市场发行。漫威执行副总裁Jay Ong称,与网易的独家游戏合作伙伴关系只是一个开始,今年晚些时候将宣布双方更多的影视等合作项目。

The Internet-wide partnership with Mandarin announced a strategic collaboration, with the Bounty Game: Super-Governance to be launched by the Internet in the Chinese market. Jay Ong, Executive Vice-President of Booneway, said that the partnership with Internet-based exclusive games was only the beginning, and that later this year more collaborative projects, such as video and video, would be announced on both sides.


Shenzhen subway pilot 5G land wireless communication, the world's first ever.


According to Shenzhen subway news, on May 20, “ the first global application of &rdquo for subway 5G land communications; and its launch at Shenzhen subway operators. China introduced the 5Gmm wave site transfer for this application, which allows automatic targeting, automatic connection, automatic identification and automatic upload without manual intervention. The transmission rate exceeded 1.5 Gbps. The 5G land communications technology piloted by Shenzhen subway was the first application of 5G technology in the global urban orbital transport industry.


bytes to beat social products&ldquao; fly talk&rdquao; officially online

5月19日晚间,一张带有“飞聊”字样的二维码图片开始在即刻、微信等社交媒体中传播,产品功能包括“语音/视频通话”、“发现小组”、“发布动态”等,目前可通过扫码跳转App Store的方式下载该应用。对于此次推出新款社交产品,字节跳动官方回复称:飞聊是我们在社交领域的一次探索和尝试。它是一款开放社交产品,是即时通讯软件和兴趣爱好社区的集合,致力于帮助用户发现同好。

On the evening of 19 May, a two-dimensional picture with the words “ chat & rdquo; and a two-dimensional picture with the words & ldquo; started to be distributed in social media such as instantaneous and micro-letters. The functions of the product included “ voice/video conversations & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; and so on, the application can now be downloaded by swipeing App Store. For the launch of the new social product, the byte-jump official response says that flying is an exploration and attempt in social areas. It is an open social product, a collection of instant communication software and hobby communities, dedicated to help users find the same.


has started to study 6G and will be deployed in 2030 .

全球IPv6论坛主席Latif Ladid表示,互联网协议由IPv4向IPv6过渡的速度正逐渐加快,IPv6全球普及率已达27%,亚洲将成为IPv6的主战场,印度和中国将成为IPv6最大的用户市场,中国IPv6互联网用户已超过2亿。他指出,推进5G的同时,全球已开始研究6G,“在芬兰进行了相关的研究,6G能够达到100G/秒,到2030年的时候,6G应当能得到部署。”

The Chair of the Global IPv6 Forum, Latif Ladid, said that the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 was accelerating, with global penetration of IPv6 having reached 27 per cent, Asia would be the main battleground for IPv6, India and China would be the largest user market for IPv6 and China had over 200 million Internet users. He noted that, while advancing 5G, global research had begun on 6G, & & ldquao; relevant research had been carried out in Finland, where 6G could reach 100 G/s and 6G should be deployed by 2030.



The company’s director, general manager, and financial director, Mr. Chen Yong-seong, is currently under investigation by the public security authorities for crimes related to the manipulation of the securities market. Mr. Chen is currently a director and general manager of the company and also a financial director.



According to sources, China’s high-end television program was launched to the market in September, and its future high-end televisions will have 8K, high-colour fields, artificial intelligence, and so on, like Samsung. In addition, an informed source claims that China’s middle-low-end market is seeking to develop liquid crystal television in collaboration with the LCD firmer, Kyodong, and Chinese PV. According to the plan, China launched 55-inch LCD in May and 65-inch LCD in August.


United States taxi & ldquao; Aggregation mode & rdquao; 15 additional city pilot to support the restaurant's page with a button called


Fifteen new pilot cities have been added today, all in “ convergence mode & & rdquo; and have been launched. These include Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Tianjin, Chongqing, Xian, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Changsha, Fatty, Kunming, Guangzhou.


"Strong" was arrested on suspicion of bribery, and the company's share price fell by $1 / strong"


On May 17, Nazdak's listed company, Blue ChinaCache, announced that its chairman and CEO Wang Song had been arrested for suspected corporate bribery. Wang Song has resigned as Chairman of the company and CEO, with Liu Bin acting as CEO. Liu Bin joined the Blue Shirt in 2012 and was formerly Vice-President in charge of new product development. 1"


Reuters: Google has suspended some of its business with China

据路透社引述消息人士报道称,谷歌已经暂停了与华为的部分业务往来。路透社称,谷歌将不再与华为开展需要转让硬件和软件产品的业务,但在开源授权范围内的除外。谷歌还将停止就安卓和谷歌服务为华为提供技术支持和协作。路透社称,华为在海外的下一版智能手机将无法访问流行的应用程序和服务,包括Google Play商店和Gmail应用程序。

According to sources quoted by Reuters, Google has suspended some of its business with China. Reuters claims that Google will no longer conduct business with China that requires the transfer of hardware and software products, except in the context of open source authorization. Google will also stop providing technical support and collaboration on Andre and Google services for China. Reuters reports that it will be unable to access popular applications and services, including Google Play and Gmail applications, for its next edition of smartphones overseas.


German medium: Wa's a device & ldquao; back door & rdquao; not found; Cisco, USA, found 10


A recent article published in the German Daily Mirror, Europeans should not blindly follow Trump, argues that United States government initiatives exclude Chinese telecom giants, such as China's Telecommunication Plants, from the US market, calling on German and European politicians to & ldquo; preferably not ” blindly from the US. The Director of the German Federal Network stressed that the same provision should apply to all, & ldquo; regardless of the company's name & & rdquo; and that in the next 5G construction, States must discuss security issues with (positioned) neutral cyber-security experts and refrain from abusing it as a conflict in international trade.


The Apple 5G modem will reduce the power and size of the equipment rather than the price


According to external sources, Apple's own 5G modem is expected to be launched in 2025. This 5G modem will help reduce the power and size of the device, not the price. In other words, iPhone prices will not suddenly fall in 2025 because the apple modem is built in.


NASA jointly developed a moon-riding system for 11 enterprises to have & ldquao; sustainable & rdquao; manned Moon detection capability in 2028


On May 17, local time, NASA announced that 11 United States enterprises would be supported in the development of “ Artemis & rdquo; mission-on-the-moon design programme and “ prototype & rdquo; studies aimed at bringing American astronauts back to the Moon in 2024 and having & ldquo; sustainable & rdquo; manned moon detection capabilities in 2028. Of the 11 companies, Boeing, Lockheed & Middot; Martin's project includes the entire moon system; Masten, SpaceX, Blue Origin will present & & & & & rdquo; design programmes; Laura Space Systems will study & ldquo; fuel plus & & RDquo;


Sweden will ban outdoor smoking in public areas and the ban will also apply to electronic smoking


As of 1 July, the new anti-smoking order will cover outdoor service areas in cafés and restaurants, public playgrounds, bus waiting booths, railway stations, stadiums, and entrances to public buildings.



Morgan Chase Acquisition Block Chain Payment, and Buffett will soon be in

5月19日,Morgan Creek Digital联合创始人Jason A. Williams发推称:JPMorgan Chase(摩根大通)宣布将收购医疗支付技术公司InstaMed,后者为事务提供了区块链解决方案。Williams还声称,巴菲特也会很快涉足区块链行业。

On 19 May, Jason A. Williams, a co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital, presumably announced that JPMorgan Chase (Morgan Chase) would buy the medical payment technology company InstaMed, which provided a block-chain solution to the matter. Williams also claimed that Buffett would soon be involved in the sector chain industry.


Google Trends Data: &ldquao; bitcoin&rdquao; search up to 14 months

谷歌趋势(Google Trends)数据显示,关键词“bitcoin(比特币)”的搜索量最近创下了自2018年2月以来14个月的新高,当时比特币价格在在8000美元至1.1万美元之间。目前比特币价格约为8000美元。另据百度指数,近7天比特币搜索指数整体日均值为72105,环比上升138%。

Google Trend data show that the keywords & ldquo; bitcoin (bitcoin) & rdquo; the number of searches has recently reached a 14-month high since February 2018, when the price of bitcoins was between $8,000 and $110,000. The price of bitcoins is now around $8,000. According to the 100-degree index, the overall daily average of the bitcoins is 72105, an increase of 138 per cent in the ring.


First Bitcoin Self-Help Buyer in Beijing


A self-help machine for the purchase of bitcoin appeared in Beijing Yungarh House. According to Liu Ho Ming, the founder of the project, unlike the ATM machine in the market, the machine was a decentralised design, followed by a c2c trading coupling mechanism. There are currently only two such machines in Beijing for the time being, but in the next three to six months there will be 1,000 in advance worldwide. The only one in the country is known to be at the front desk of the Shanghai office in Bit China, which was introduced in early 2014 but & ldquo; 9&midot; 4&rdquao; and cannot operate as a visual collection. To date, the number of Bitcoin ATM machines has now exceeded 3,500, with an average of six new units per day.


1. “ABC诊所管家”已完成数千万元天使轮融资,由真格领投,经纬中国跟投。

1. & ldquo; ABC Clinic Manager & & rdquo; completed tens of millions of won angel wheel financing, delivered by Geng, followed by China at latitude.

2. “百应科技”获1.2亿A轮融资,由光信资本领投。

2. & ldquo; & & & rdquao; 120 million A rounds of financing, financed by light capital.

3. 苏宁易购:苏宁小店将获4.5亿美元增资。

3. Soningale: The Suning store will receive $450 million in replenishment.

4. T Mobile与Sprint电信在咨询监管要求后计划公布包括资产出售在内的一些让步,以促成并购事宜。

Telecommunications T Mobile and Springt, after consulting on regulatory requirements, plan to make public a number of concessions, including the sale of assets, in order to facilitate mergers and acquisitions.

5. 我爱我家:终止重大资产重组事项

5. I love my family: termination of major asset reorganization matters

6. 社区安全服务平台“蓝光安科”已于2018年10月完成1000万天使轮融资,本轮投资方为个人。

6. Community Safety Service Platform & ldquo; Blue Light Anco & rdquo; 10 million Angel Round Financing completed in October 2018, with the current round of investors as individuals.


1. 比特币矿机生产商嘉楠耘智此前闯关港交所以失败告终,就市场关于嘉楠耘智是否将冲刺科创板的猜测,张楠赓表示,“我不评论IPO,是不允许评论的,我觉得都有可能性。”

In response to the market speculation about whether KANO would run the punctuation board, Zhang Nanctu said, “ I do not comment on IPOs, which is not allowed to comment, I think it is possible. & rdquo;

2. 截至5月19日18:00,上交所已经披露5家科创板申报企业的第二轮“问答”,包括微芯生物、华兴源创、睿创微纳、安集科技、瀚川智能。

As at 1800 hours on 19 May, the second round of & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & / 19 May & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & &

3. 积极筹备科创板投资成为近期基金公司的“常态”,在申报科创基金的同时,不少基金公司为抓紧时间,赶上科创板投资节奏,直接将“老基金”转型为科创概念基金。

Active preparation of venture capital to become & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & &.

4. 截至5月19日,上交所已受理110家企业科创板上市申请。统计发现,受理企业中,联瑞新材、凌志软件、杭可科技等18家企业有A股其它板块上市申请记录。此外,更有金达莱等多家新三板公司“转战”科创板。

4. As of 19 May, 110 applications for listing had been submitted. Statistics show that 18 of the companies in question, such as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and HangkoTechnology, had an A-share listing record. In addition, there are a number of new three companies, including Kim Dalai & ldquo; the war & rdquo; and the Science and Technology Project.

5. 据自媒体“IPO早知道”消息,中国东方教育控股有限公司将于本周开始进行预售,计划募资4亿美元。法国巴黎银行将担任独家保荐人。

According to the media & & ldquo; IPO knew & & rdquao long ago; it is reported that East China Education Holdings Ltd. will begin to pre-sell this week with a plan to raise $400 million.


1. 三大指数全天弱势盘整,农业板块暴跌,华为海思强者恒强;沪指收报2870.60点,跌0.41%,成交额1992亿;深成指收报8916.11点,跌0.93%,成交额2635亿;创业板收报1469.31点,跌0.64%,成交额781亿。

1. The three main indicators are all day-to-day vulnerable, with the agricultural plates falling sharply, with China as the Heith Power all-powerful; the bottom line is 2870.60 points, falling by 0.41 per cent, with a transaction of 2.92 billion; the bottom line is 8916.11 points, falling by 0.93 per cent, with a transaction of $263.5 billion; and the start-up board is 1469.31 points, falling by 0.64 per cent, with a transaction of 78.1 billion.

2. 香港恒生指数收盘跌0.6%至27,787.61点。

2. The Hong Kong Hengsheng Index fell by 0.6 per cent to 27,787.61 points.

3. 北向资金净流出超20亿元,沪股通净流出12.45亿元,当日余额532.45亿元,深股通净流出7.95亿元,余额527.95亿元。

3. The net outflow of funds from the North exceeded 2 billion yuan, with a net outflow of 1,245 million yuan, leaving a balance of 53,245 million yuan on the same day, and a net outflow of 795 million yuan gross, leaving a balance of 52,795 million yuan.

4. 日经225指数收盘上涨0.24%,报21301.73点;东证指数涨0.04%,报1554.92点;韩国首尔综指收盘下跌0.14%。

4. The closing of the 225-day index rose by 0.24 per cent to 21301.73 points; the Eastern Certificate index rose by 0.04 per cent to 1554.92 points; and Seoul, Korea, fell by 0.14 per cent.

5. 经合组织秘书长Gurria称,去年经合组织预计2019年全球经济增速为3.9%,目前预期下调至3.1%。

5. According to the Secretary-General of OECD, Grria, the OECD projected a global economic growth rate of 3.9 per cent in 2019 last year and is now expected to decline to 3.1 per cent.

6. LME期锌下跌1.5%,至2560美元/吨,创1月22日以来最低水平。

6. Zinc for LME fell by 1.5 per cent to $2560 per ton, the lowest level since 22 January.

7. 国内商品期货多数收跌,棉纱盘中一度跌停,棉纱收跌3.3%,郑棉、鸡蛋跌逾2%,沪锌、白糖、锰硅、硅铁、橡胶跌逾1%,热卷、沪铅、沪银、沪镍、PTA、沪金、沪铜、PVC、沪铝等收跌。苹果收涨3.5%,郑醇、铁矿、燃油涨逾2%,塑料、原油、玉米涨逾1%,焦炭、菜粕、焦煤、豆粕等收涨。

7. Most of the domestic commodity futures have fallen, while the cotton chassis has fallen once, the cotton chassis has fallen by 3.3 per cent, the cotton and eggs have fallen by more than 2 per cent, zinc, sugar, manganese silicon, silicon, rubber by more than 1 per cent, hot rolls, lead, silver, nickel, PTA, gold, copper, PVC, aluminum, etc. Apples have increased by 3.5 per cent, the iron ore, fuel by more than 2 per cent, plastics, crude oil, maize by more than 1 per cent, coke, cabbage, coal, beans, etc.

8. 稀土板块异动,金力永磁直线封板,封单超10万手,银河磁体小幅跟涨。

8. Rare earth plates, gold-power-long magnetic straight-line seals with a single sheet exceeding 100,000 hands and a small increase in the magnetosphere of the Milky Way.



/strong >

近日,波兰模特茱莉亚(Julia S?ońska)用锤子砸掉了一尊二战后天使雕像的鼻子,她的朋友在波兰华沙的瑞士谷公园记录下了这令人震惊的一幕。随后该视频被上传到Instagram上,并在视频中@了她,据说这段视频是为了吸引社交媒体粉丝关注而进行的一出恶作剧。然而,观众对于茱莉亚对历史纪念雕塑的漠视既震惊又愤怒,随后此视频被删除了,茱莉亚的社交账号也因此被注销。

Recently, the Polish model Julia S?oriska broke the nose of a post-World War II angel with a hammer, and her friend recorded this shocking scene in the Swiss Valley Park in Warsaw, Poland. The video was then uploaded to Instagram and in the video @her, which is said to be a prank to draw the attention of social media fans. However, the audience was shocked and angry at Julia’s indifference to historical monuments, and the video was deleted, and Julia’s social accounts were cancelled as a result.




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    加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?
    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?https://www.cnblogs.com/behindman/p/8873191.html

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...