
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:20 评论:0



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“It's too much damage, it's still depressed.” Since the first ICO regulation stopped, Mr. Zhao, a Beijing citizen, began to worry about his alternative investment, “I've only been trying fresh investment areas like bitcoin, ICO, and block chains for almost two years. To be honest, I didn't even know what ICO was doing, and I didn't think the market was so volatile.”


In recent years, as virtual currency developments such as Bitcoin have become more intense, alternative investments such as “mining”, platform trading, and ICO have begun to enter the horizon of ordinary investors. Every day, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been “drawed”, half-month prices have increased by 50 per cent, and the first day of the “marketing” has increased 33 times. Behind these “breaths” are the desire for wealth growth and high-risk neglect.


The number of pits in our country's bitcoin is the world's leading



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Relatives and friends know that Mr. Wu has invested $3 million in a “mine” in Yunnan, but no one can say what the mine actually produces, but only what it digs up for sale. But it becomes clear to everyone in the circle that Mr. Wu invested in a “mine” in bitcoin.


Bitcoin needs to be obtained through computer calculations, commonly known as “mining”. Initially, computers became “tweepers” of people, which evolved into global “mining tides.” As bitcoin became less digged, labour became less and the market saw the emergence of “mine machines” specifically designed to dig bitcoin.


According to Yang Yijin, a professor at Beijing Post and Telecommunications University, the first bitcoin was born in early 2009, followed by rapid development of bitcoin in China, which formed a more complete industrial chain of mining, trading and project financing, with China's “miners” and “pools” engaged in bitcoin mining being among the first in the world.


The operation of a “mine” is an input of at least millions of dollars, and the purchase of a miner, the building of a plant and the payment of electricity are all significant expenses, not to mention the need for dedicated maintenance staff and related measures to ensure the continued operation of the “mine” on a 24-hour basis.


“I put 3 million dollars in June to buy 300 computer machines. Because of the bursting of the Bitcoin market, the machines became tight and needed to buy futures machines, only 200 were bought in July.” Mr. Wu told the Economic Reference Reporter that “200 machines dug up 30 bitcoins in more than a month, and at the current bitcoin price they could dig back in eight months.”


“Behind high returns are high risks, and some areas of investment are not yet well regulated due to limited market capacity, and any rashing will affect price volatility and industrial prospects.” Dong Xing said.


According to industry sources, the profits from mining are affected first by bitcoin prices, and secondly by difficulties and costs. According to the Bitcoin algorithm, the total number of bitcoins is limited, about 21 million, and about 16 million have already been dug, or will be dug out in around 2140. At the outset, 50 bitcoins per ten minutes of the algorithm are generated, reducing efficiency by half every four years.


Mr. Wu told reporters that operating “mines” is now much more difficult than before, and that investors who re-enter at a later stage will face higher capital inputs and longer return cycles. And the influx of large numbers of “miners” also makes it less efficient and more difficult to make money.


In addition, “mining” has a high computer power and requires large amounts of electricity, and massive expenditure on electricity has forced “minepers” to move to relatively low-cost, power-rich Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, etc.


Regulation is not limited or explicitly encouraged for “mines.” According to most local officials interviewed, “mines” do not engage in financial operations, do not engage in money-laundering, and do not “steal” electricity.


Today, the Public Security Bureau of Yanan City, Shaanxi Province, knocked out seven of the stolen houses of the Bitcoin mine and seized 847 pieces of “bitcoin mining” equipment. These “mines” have stolen power poles, transformers, etc. from the main power transmission line near the oil fields. These bitcoin “mining” equipment consumes approximately 2.2 million degrees of electricity per month, which, according to preliminary estimates of the cost of industrial electricity, has resulted in a loss of tens of millions of dollars to the country.


Mr. Wu said that only places with surplus power sources were willing to accept “minefields”, fearing that local governments would not welcome “mining” projects on a day-to-day or night-to-day basis, except to step up digging in the old forest or the Gobi desert...


Partial trading platform contributes to manipulation


“If you do not know the area of investment or market development, you know nothing but speculation, you end up paying the market fees.” A Bitcoin investor told journalists.


“Sometimes, speculation in the market is like gambling, hurting not only money but also people.” At the time of that statement, the early investor in Bitcoin, Pan Yong-jung, just sold the last bitcoin on the books, declaring that he was completely “depositing” in the ring.


Pan Yong-jung started contacting Bitcoin in 2012, when the price for each bitcoin was less than $1,000. “I caught up with Bitcoin in 2013, and the investment doubled ten times. At that time, I was a little crazy, and the whole group gave me a big red bag, and people gave it to Bitcoin.” Pan Yong-jung told the reporter of the Economic Reference newspaper, “I can only sleep for a few hours a day, my emotions were on the market and I had no time to work, even the first business project was ruined.”


But the good news is not long, with Bitcoin falling in a wave in 2014, from 7,000 to 2,000 each, and the Bear City continuing into the first half of 2016. Some investors, like Pan Jianxian, returned all the money they had earned to the market and ended up empty-handed.


Since the beginning of the year, Bitcoin’s movement has increased, rising from 6,000 to 30,000 yuan a year, with a large number of investors. Currently, domestic trading platforms have a fund balance of billions of yuan, with millions of investors with more than zero assets, and Mr. Shenzhen’s investor is one of them.


Mr. Xu began contacting virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethers in March this year, and invested nearly 300,000 dollars in foreign and domestic platforms. “I increased my investment when I saw how well bitcoins were moving this year. I never thought that the price of such investments would fluctuate so much, especially in recent days, when all the money earned was vomiting.” He said.


Some platforms encourage investors to engage in highly leveraged futures transactions, operate under false pretences, and make it difficult to safeguard investors’ asset interests.


At present, most of our Bitcoin transactions are centred on trading platforms, which are concentrated in Guangdong, Beijing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, etc. Of which the Beijing region has an average daily turnover of more than 85% of the Bitcoins platform. “The high exchange rate of bitcoins in China highlights the speculation of some investors, while behind it is the trading platform.” Zhao Xing said.


In response, central bankers have informed journalists that since this year, the central bank has joined forces with the relevant departments to form a joint unit to conduct on-site inspections of several major bitcoin trading platforms, and that financial security risks are one of the key checks and administrative penalties imposed on some of the trading platforms. At present, the central bank has strengthened its monitoring and analysis of the Bitcot trading platform to keep abreast of changes in the scale of transactions, the number of users, the funds, and the Bitcoin stock.


“As the country becomes more regulated, the trading market for virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, has shifted. Before, 80% of the world’s transactions were in China, Japan now accounted for 45%.” The President of the Central Financial and Economic University Institute of Financial Law, Huang Xing, explained that “Bitco formed an industry at home and abroad, and the transactions in question are difficult to disappear.


In response to this year's surge in bitcoin, Pan Yong-man was not moved, “Now I just want to start a new business, and although the company's collection is not fast, it at least feels solid”.



Seven former central banks and others called a halt to the issuance of financing in various currencies, including ICO, reiterating that the virtual currency used in financing was not monetary in nature and sounded a wake-up call for alternative investment.


What is the ICO that has been shut down by regulation? Like corporate IPO financing, many of the firms associated with the block chain need to be financed if they want to develop, but the “money” they amortize is a virtual currency, such as bitcoin, and a virtual currency, which investors trade in is not the shares of the enterprise, but the tokens issued by the enterprise, and the returns are derived from the rise and fall of the tokens.


With the explosion of “virtual currency” transactions, such as Bitcoin, ICO financing has also increased in an explosive fashion, with hundreds and thousands of “successful projects” rising. The first day of the quantum chain, “marketed”, with a maximum price of $66.66, a 33-fold increase, a more than 90-fold increase in public treasures, and a 1,500-fold increase in the most exaggerated projects a year.


Professor Deng Jianjun, Faculty of Law, University of the Central Nation, explained that until 2016, ICO was confined to a small circle, with investors mainly professionals who understood block chain technology. But since the beginning of 2017, many fraudsters have been mixed up because of ICO financing.


Some individuals and organizations use the ICO concept to defraud, fabricate false projects, and always prepare money for “runs.” The China Internet Finance Association (CIFA) has warned of the risk that most ICO projects are characterized by lack of clarity of assets, lack of appropriateness of investors, serious lack of disclosure and high risk to investment activities.


“up to 90 per cent of the current ICO project is suspected of fraud, and the ICO has been used as an efficient tool for the financing of enterprises in the chain of support blocks as a means of illegally collecting funds by a large number of fraudsters.” Deng Jianping said.


Some ICO project sponsors have the illusion that they raise virtual currency such as bitcoin rather than legal currency for the public, that they do not belong to social funds and therefore do not fall within the scope of illicit financing or fund-raising and seek impunity.


In response, central bankers have stated that, at present, all ICO projects raise funds from specific targets through public fund-raising platforms without the approval of the competent institutions, and that it is difficult to change the nature of ICO’s public issuance of securities and public fund-raising, even if it is collected in virtual currency. Virtual currency can be easily and costlessly converted into French currency, and penetrating regulation can be considered to be suspected of illicit financing and illegal fund-raising.


Following the fall of the regulatory boots, the ICO market reacted strongly, and most of the ongoing ICO projects came to an end, with some platforms already opening access to the virtual currency that had melted prior to the beginning of de-escalation. On September 5, the small ant block chain NEO issued an announcement stating that, in the context of the progressive clarity of ICO regulatory requirements around the world, it was decided to continue allowing ICO participants to return the bitcoin they had invested.


At the same time, the price of the ICO’s currency should be frustrated. “This is essentially the result of the high risk of pre-currency accumulation in some of the non-substantiated projects.” Deng said that regulators, such as central banks, were in a timely position to squeeze bubbles, disrupt the spread and spread of risk, and contribute to the robust development of genuine block-chain innovation projects.


The price of Bitcoin, the price of which then fluctuated, fell by more than 23,000 dollars on September 5, and by more than 10% in the day. The Executive President of the Asia-Pacific Institute for Future Financial Studies said that virtual currency price volatility was a rational return to the previous period’s unsustainable price boom, and could not be attributed entirely to the decisive efforts of regulation.


According to industry sources, as a result of the brutal development of Internet finance, a number of regulatory arbitrage has begun to shift to alternative investment areas, such as virtual assets. But, as Internet financial specialization deepens, the dividends of financial innovation will shift from regulatory arbitrage to compliance dividends, and investors’ interests will be better protected.


“A number of alternative investments are currently on the margins of the law, and regulatory authorities need to be proactive and to provide investors with adequate regulatory alerts and risk alerts that cannot be ignored.” The earthquake argued that risk monitoring and risk alert systems should be established for the entire alternative investment area.


Experts noted that for alternative investments, investors need to be sufficiently rational in the face of windfalls and be fully aware of the subject matter and risks of the investment; have sufficient knowledge to have a clear judgement about the industry's prospects; and invest to the extent that they are affordable, depending on their own risk tolerance.


“ICO's stoppage has affected Bitcoin's behavior, suggesting that the speculative climate in this market is too high for cold water.” Mr. Investors suggested that “it is a good thing to stop the ICO and that the future virtual money market may move in the direction of health, so I am not clear and still watching.”





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