
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:21 评论:0
21世纪经济报道记者胡天姣 综合报道 NFT(非同质化代币)方兴未艾,以太币价格受其拉升,比特币却继续破5万美元/枚上涨。Economic Reporter for the 21st Century gave a comprehensiv...



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21世纪经济报道记者胡天姣 综合报道 NFT(非同质化代币)方兴未艾,以太币价格受其拉升,比特币却继续破5万美元/枚上涨。

Economic Reporter for the 21st Century gave a comprehensive coverage of NFT (non-homogenous tokens) as it rose at a talisman price, while Bitcoin continued to break $50,000/m3 up.

当地时间9月6日,英国金融市场行为监管局(FCA)和审慎监管局(PRA)主席Charles Randell在剑桥国际经济犯罪研讨会中指出,投机性加密货币不受FCA监管,如果发生损失,消费者不受金融服务补偿计划(FSCS)的覆盖或保护。但他同时也强调,FCA应被赋予更多权力,采取更紧急的行动,阻止高风险或欺诈性加密货币投资。

On 6 September, local time, Charles Randell, President of the British Financial Market Practices Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA), pointed out at the Cambridge Seminar on International Economic Crime that speculative encrypted currencies were not regulated by the FCA and, in the event of losses, consumers were not covered or protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). He also stressed that the FCA should be empowered to take more urgent action to deter high-risk or fraudulent encrypted currency investments.


On September 7, local time, Bitcoin officially became El Salvador’s official currency.


Under the Financial Markets and Services Act 2000, the United Kingdom Financial Services Regulatory Agency (FSA) established a Financial Services Compensation Scheme in 2001. It provides that any British company that is authorized to operate in the United Kingdom as a FSA implementing financial regulatory activity will automatically become a member of the FSCS. With FSCS compensation, many investors are willing to choose a broker regulated by the FCA.


“The global wave of regulation is changing”, Randell said, “Online platforms should anticipate a future in which regulators will regulate the former in the same way as other firms in order to address the significant risks that they pose. That is, the same risks, the same regulations.”


He pointed out that, when considering the regulation of encrypted currencies, legislators needed to consider how to make digital tokens more difficult to use for financial crimes, how to support useful innovations, and the extent to which consumers were free to purchase unregulated, purely speculative tokens and to assume responsibility for their own purchasing decisions.


Randell once again warned that the price of speculative digital currencies without assets or real-world cash flows, even the most well-known bitcoin, cannot boast about its scarce value. “These currencies exist for only a few years, so we have not seen what will happen to them throughout the financial cycle. We have no idea when or how this story will end, but, like any new guess, it may not have a good ending.”


This is not the first time that the FCA warns against encrypted currency, which has already released the risks associated with speculative tokens on many occasions. In January 2021, the FCA issued an encrypted asset warning to consumers, pointing to five types of risk: consumer protection, large price volatility, product complexity, fees, and exaggerated or false propaganda.

FCA数据显示,目前约有230万英国人持有比特币等加密货币。“令人担忧的是,14%的人还使用信用卡购买,从而增加了损失风险。其中12%的人,也就是大约25万人,似乎认为如果他们出了问题,他们会受到FCA或金融服务补偿计划的保护。但是他们不会。” 兰德尔再次重申,加密货币不受FCA监管,也不受金融服务补偿计划的保障,购买它们的消费者应该做好赔钱的准备。

The FCA data show that approximately 2.3 million British currently hold encrypted currencies, such as bitcoins. “It is a matter of concern that 14% of the people are buying with credit cards, thereby increasing the risk of loss. Twelve percent of them, or about 250,000 people, seem to believe that if they are in trouble, they will be protected by the FCA or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. But they will not.” Randall reiterates once again that encrypted currencies are not regulated by the FCA or guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and that consumers who buy them should be prepared to pay.


At the same time, Randall claims that the FCA currently has a limited role in anti-money-laundering control in the UK-registered encrypted asset trading platforms. The FCA must contribute to the global response to financial crime by requiring businesses operating in the UK to meet the necessary standards. “Although some of the operations of one platform have sufficient risk control, other operations within it fall far short of the standards acceptable to the FCA, and many of the operations have withdrawn their applications after our review. Companies that ignore the registration requirements of the FCA or move abroad in order to avoid registration may be worse.”

当地时间8月25日, FCA表示,基于币安迄今为止的业务范围,因能力所限,FCA 无法对币安的英国子公司(币安英国)实施有效监管。

On 25 August local time, FCA stated that, based on the scope of operations to date, the FCA was unable to exercise effective control over the British subsidiaries of the currency (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) due to capacity constraints.

巧合的是,经一向对加密货币颇为包容的新加坡金融监管局(MAS)警告其可能违反该国得出支付服务法案后,币安(Binance)于当地时间9月5日表示,将停止在新加坡提供部分产品。 “从9月10日起,币安将停止新加坡元配对交易和支付选项,并从新加坡iOs和谷歌Play商店中删除该应用。 消费者保护对我们所有人都很重要,我们准备帮助世界各地的监管机构,共同找到建立公平竞争环境的最佳途径。”

Coincidence is that, after warning the Singapore Financial Supervisory Authority (MAS), which has always been inclusive of encrypted currencies, that it might violate the country’s payment services bill, Binance stated on 5 September local time that it would stop providing part of its products in Singapore. “From 10 September, it will stop the Singapore dollar pairing and payment options, and remove the application from Singapore’s iOs and Google Play stores.

在Randell看来,若数字代币被视为与传统股票、债券等投资同类,FCA 将以对后者对的监管态度对待数字代币。而这也是为什么,在监管尚未触及数字代币领域时,FCA于2019年禁止向个人投资者出售加密货币的交易。

In Randell’s view, if digital tokens are considered to be similar to investments in traditional stocks, bonds, etc., the FCA will treat digital tokens with a regulatory attitude toward the latter. And that is why, in 2019, the FCA banned the sale of encrypted currency to individual investors when regulation has not yet touched on the area of digital tokens.


“There are still many purely speculative activities in the UK that we do not regulate. In many major financial jurisdictions, there is a debate about whether regulators need more powers and tools, as well as transparency in the regulation of encrypted currencies.” Randell says that regulators around the world can hardly stand idly by and, based on false information and fear of missed opportunities, put their financial future at risk.

FCA重申对加密货币疑虑与担忧之际,恰也正值比特币成为萨尔瓦多法定货币的前夕。 在这之前,政府已经创建了1.5亿美元的基金以支持比特币的美元转换,200台比特币自动提款机机已准备就绪,加密货币钱包Chivo也将于9月7日在所有应用商店正式上线。

The FCA reiterated its doubts and concerns about the encoded currency, just before Bitcoin became the legal currency of El Salvador. Prior to that, the government had created a $150 million fund to support the dollar conversion of bitcoin, 200 bitcoin ATMs were ready, and the encrypted currency wallet Chivo would be officially launched on 7 September at all the applied shops.


(Edit: Lee Elin)




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