Do you know that there are many other ways to get bitcoin than by digging or buying it? Despite the high cost and complexity of mining, buying bitcoin on the exchange has become the dominant way. But do you think about how to get bitcoin for free? There are 10 ways to help you get bitcoin for free.
1. Coinbase Earn是一项由美国比特币交易所Coinbase推出的项目,你可以通过观看相关区块链或比特币知识视频,并回答选择题,从而获得各类不同数字货币。这种方式虽如同“薅羊毛”,但通常可以让你赚取数百美元的虚拟货币。不过,首先你需要注册成为该交易所的用户。
Coinbase Earn is a project launched by Coinbase of the United States Bitcoin Exchange, where you can obtain different types of digital currency by viewing the relevant block chain or Bitcoin knowledge video, and answering choice questions. This way, though like a “sheep wool”, usually allows you to earn hundreds of dollars in virtual currency. First, however, you need to register as a user of the exchange.
2. 比特币借贷赚取利息
2. Bitcoin borrowing to earn interest
If you already have bitcoin in your hand, you can borrow it to earn interest. This is like opening a bank that lends bitcoin to others at a certain interest rate.
3. 做任务赚取比特币
3. Working to earn bitcoin
Such tasks include registering an APP account, downloading an APP, etc. It is the easiest way to get a bitcoin in this way, but it is also relatively time-consuming and less profitable.
4. 看广告赚取比特币
4. Bitcoin to watch ads.
Some websites encourage users to watch or click on advertisements, and pay Bitcoin for them. This is a mission-like site, where you are supposed to browse ads from other sites. The more well-known mission launch platform is Ads4BTC, which allows users to watch ads for five seconds, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds, and pays their viewers for bitcoins.
5. 利用比特币水龙头赚取比特币
5. Use of the Bitcoin tap to earn Bitcoin
The Bitcoin tap is a popular form of wool, derived from the 10,000 bitcoins purchased in 2010 by Gavin Anderson, a member of the Bitcoin core development team, which created a website called the Bitcoins tap, which allows users to receive five bitcoins free of charge. This initiative has facilitated the understanding and use of bitcoins. Many have since begun to replicate the creation of similar bitcoins tap sites, attracting large numbers of visitors by giving small bitcoins, while importing traffic for other major bitcoins and earning advertising fees.
6. 通过微工作赚取比特币
6. Bitcoin earned through microwork
Microwork is similar to the task, but it is simpler and takes less time. For example, testing the browser compatibility of the plugins, forwarding articles, etc. Although not well paid, it may still earn more bitcoins than the bitcoin tap. You can try CoinWorker, the popular microtask site.
7. 写比特币文章赚取稿费
7. Cost of writing bitcoin articles
There are many blogs and news sites that require professional authors to discuss the story of Bitcoin and other block chains. If you have an opinion in the bitcoin industry, you can try to join and contribute to the block chain website. If the text is accepted, you will receive bitcoin as a reward.
8. 参与BitcoinTalk签名活动
8. Participation in BitcoinTalk signature activities
The BitcoinTalk signing campaign pays the user to write a forum post, and the post includes a product campaign. The amount of payment depends on your level of membership in the BitcoinTalk forum, and is less than in Bitcoin for non-regular members (which requires at least 120 posts to become a full member). Most events also require a minimum word limit or a ban on direct advertising.
9. 提供比特币开发服务
9. Provision of Bitcoin development services
If you have computer programming experience, you can find a Bitcoin company that provides remote work services and thereby earns a bitcoin. These companies are usually start-ups, requiring a lot of software or Web developers.
10. 制作比特币导流网站赚取比特币
10. Profiting of Bitcoin Guides to earn Bitcoin
Also, if you have SEO knowledge, you can create a bitcoin flow site that can bring traffic to a well-known exchange, and you can also earn bitcoin.
These are 10 ways to earn bitcoins free of charge, although it may seem simple, but it is not easy to earn them successfully if there is a lack of professional background.
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