
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:29 评论:0



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On 4 September last year, the Central Bank and others jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, explicitly calling for an end to the illegal public financing campaign by the ICO (the first issue of the coin). A year later, a recent in-depth survey by journalists found that many virtual currencies had experienced a “carriage” in the past year: they had hit a new height and now fell to the bottom.

  明确叫停 主流虚拟货币普遍跌幅超过70%

explicitly calls for a stop to the mainstream virtual currency, which has generally dropped by more than 70%


Experts indicated that most of the ICO projects were problematic, and that many of the projects were not intended to change the industry's pains, but rather to make money when they were high.


Towards September 4, Bitcoin and many of the ICO’s tokens have fallen to the bottom of the year. By contrast to the highest prices, mainstream virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethercoin, Leitecoin, and Grains have generally fallen by more than 70%, that is, having experienced at least two “blank beheads” and the rate of depreciation of the “air currency” has been even more alarming, falling by 90%.


However, this is not all. On the night of August 21, a surprise dropped another bomb on the currency circle: the public number of several block chains, such as the Golden Book, the Gun Rating, the Bittwoot, and the Deep Chain Treasury, was put out. The caller said that some members of the public were suspected of publishing information about the ICO and virtual currency transactions, in violation of the Provisional Regulations on the Management of the Development of Public Information Services for Instant Communications Tools, and had been ordered to block everything and the account numbers were permanently blocked.


A circular issued by the authorities in the Yang district of Beijing on the prohibition of the hosting of virtual currency promotions indicates that, according to the National Office of the Leading Group for the Specialized Treatment of Financial Risks on the Internet, the circular on the further clean-up and rehabilitation of virtual currency trading sites, such as Bitcoin, requires that businesses, hotels, hotels, penthouses, etc. are not allowed to undertake any form of virtual currency promotions, etc.


The rapid development of the ICO is a legitimate concern at the regulatory level. The ICO has a public fund-raising function that leaves development at greater potential risk.


On the one hand, domestic virtual currency trading platforms, currency distribution platforms, have been largely shut down and blocked, and access to the Internet is no longer possible; on the other hand, the renminbi and virtual currency direct exchange have been halted, and important sources of financing for the ICO campaign have been cut off. Moreover, the rapid rise in the number of people involved in ICO investments has been brought under control.


According to Yang Tao, the assistant director of the Institute of Finance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, many ICO projects have problems, either “air coins” of no value, or the whole ecology has yet to be further improved. Many projects were designed not to change the industry’s pains, but to make money when they were high.


Following strong domestic measures against the ICO, countries have generally begun to strengthen their regulation as ICO risks become more visible. According to China’s Chief Inspector Wong Leung, a growing number of countries, including the United States, such as Japan, the United Kingdom and others, have begun to strengthen their regulation of virtual currency, ICO, and virtual currency exchanges, and have gradually begun to focus on consumer and investor protection issues arising from virtual currency.


Data from the ICO third-party tracking agency show that global ICO financing totalled approximately $195 million in August, a decline of almost 87% compared to the figures for January of this year, making it the worst-performing month of 2018. The decline in ICO funding from China is considered to be a major cause of the dramatic decline in data, and the strong side-faced evidence of policy.

  花样翻新 套上国外基金会马甲逃避监管

refurbishment with a foreign foundation's armor to escape supervision


Despite successive stoppages in domestic trading platforms, journalists found that buying ICO in renminbi was not really difficult.


Journalists have access to platforms such as OTCBT, CoinCola, where they see that the platform has a special off-site trading area, where, by paying for treasures, micro-letters or bank transfers, they can buy virtual currency such as bitcoin, tedarco, etc., more quickly and be guaranteed by the platform.


According to sources, the so-called out-of-the-field transaction is similar to the shopping of treasures, and the trading platform is simply a conduit for the seller and buyer to complete the deal between the renminbi and the virtual currency. The seller on the platform looks like a natural person, but does not exclude that a company or team operates. “It seems that the entire platform of the process is not responsible or contrary to the relevant policies, but the out-of-the-office transaction actually makes a speech about the ICO deal.” According to the source.

  据国际咨询公司Tabb Group的最新报告显示,比特币的场外交易市场比交易平台市场的规模大两到三倍。场外交易购买来的比特币、泰达币,有很大比例被用于购买ICO币。

According to the latest report of the international consulting firm Tabb Group, Bitcoin’s off-site trading market is two to three times larger than that of the trading platform. Bitcoin and tedar are purchased for off-site transactions, and a large proportion is used to purchase ICO currency.


In addition to the fact that hundreds of new ICO projects have emerged over the past year, that there is insufficient in-house stock for frequent harvests, and that the delay in making progress on the original projects is inextricably linked. As a direct result, the ICO is losing its profitability and investor enthusiasm.


In the first six months of this year, industrial research institutes measured projects on the trading platforms most commonly used by five domestic investors, such as MoneyAnn, OKEx. During this period, five trading platforms received 337 copies of the last currency, eliminating 264 coins. This is roughly the same as the domestic and foreign distribution of 264 ICOs that can be traded.


As at 21 August, the breakdown rate for the 264 upper-currency items was 98.8 per cent, with only three projects rising. Of this, the largest decline in the WBTC currency fell by 99.86 per cent. The decline in currency prices was largely concentrated between 70 per cent and 98 per cent, with the vast majority of the items classified as “air currency” in terms of operational status, or nothing.


According to publicly available information and promotional material, there are several top executives in the core team, such as the initiator, Zhang Yubo, Senior Vice-President of Shiraihara, and the technical member Li Kimbo, Technical Partner of Shiraihara, and Adviser Zou Seung-won, Chairman and CEO.


The ICO’s massive breakdown has left a large number of investors without a trace. The investor, Mr. Liu, complained that he had made less than $20,000 of the initial investment, starting with his initial investment in the dollar online, and moving the server abroad after 4 September last year, but mainly to a domestic trading platform.


In the first half of the year, journalists met with a head of the ICO project at an incubation base. He described the “new ecology” that had prevailed since September 4th. To avoid regulation, an ICO fund was first set up in Singapore, which announced that investors and individuals from China would not accept investment from abroad, but only from large clients abroad.

  令人质疑 上市公司疑似参与ICO项目

is questionable if listed companies are suspected to be involved in the ICO project .


In addition to the continued fire in the ICO market, journalists found that the presence of listed companies was suspected among the participants.


During the past year, listed companies that have created the block chain concept have emerged. Under the stock market industry web site, there are even special block chain blocks, covering 83 listed enterprises. The vast majority of these enterprises are active or passive block chain hot spots, but there are also enterprises that have been preparing for currency issuance by introducing related APP software that allows users to receive a specified amount of “a stone” “a diamond” and “a candy” on a block chain every day.


A listed company, Omar Electric, has also recently been exposed to the suspicion of having ICO coins, which, according to a number of people, appears to be nailed, mainly on account of the names of several Oma electrical executives in the core team published in the ICO coin project QOS White Paper. This is also confirmed by rumour bulletins about Omar Electric.


According to the Oma Electric Bulletin, according to the White Paper on the QOS Project, the core team of the project is Zhang Chul, Wang Yining, among others, who served as deputy general manager of the company, Wang Yi Ning, who worked in the company's fully-owned subsidiary, Golden Clothes (Beijing) and Technology Limited, and Zhang Chul and Wang Yi Ning, who resigned in July this year, are currently employed in the company's subsidiary's Digital Wallet (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd. The announcement also states that their involvement in the QOS project is personal, and that none of the companies hold or participate in the QOS project.


QOS projects claim to be a project initiated by the QOS Foundation, registered in Singapore. The first day of Fcoin’s trade stopped, but then two days in a row, when prices fell by 85% on the fourth day, and investors lost a huge amount of money.


Despite the fact that Oma appliances have repeatedly left out relationships, there have been new questions from investors. The QOS project’s core team comes from Oma appliances, and the project’s use of the wallets under Zhao’s flag, the wallets, the parking wallets, etc., as an important scene business seems to make the relationship between QOS and Omar’s appliance indisputable.

  防范“爆雷” 须形成国际监管合力

Protection from "blasts" must form an international regulatory synergy


Despite the remarkable results of the timely suspension of the ICO in the country over the past year, there is still a long way to go in terms of the real situation, which continues to strike the ICO severely, to guard against financial risks and to prevent blind investors from losing their lives.


With the collapse of the ICO currency, there is the possibility of a “blasting” of the project. In recent times, a number of ICO projects, such as art chains, hero chains, space chains, etc., have been exposed, with investors concentrated in the country.


The experts are of the view that measures should be taken as soon as possible and should not be condoned in cases where it has been established that there is a suspicion of fraud, illegal collection of funds, etc.


More recently, block chains have emerged from the media, and many play the role of a “cook harvester”. In addition to the advertising business of the project, many media outlets have taken on soft-language writing, project interviews, underline salons, etc., contributing to the ICO. Some have access to less than 200 soft-language openings for $100,000 or several bitcoins, and some have videos for 1,000 dollars per minute.


Li Yong-hwan, researcher at the International Monetary Institute of the People's University of China, said that some media outlets had false propaganda problems, misled investors to invest in virtual currency, and that some of the segmental chain media had even joined hands with the issuer, using stock market modus operandi to “sit” and “scribing” the virtual currency. The relevant officials of the Beijing Finance Bureau believed that the media involved in the ICO campaign should continue to take determined measures to cut the chain of interest altogether.


As a result of the tightening of domestic policies, some project players have gone to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and some trading platforms have moved their places of registration and servers to Malta, but still attract mainly domestic investors. It is also clear from this that international cooperation is essential if ICO regulation is to be more effective.





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