
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:25 评论:0
近期,ARK Invest及其创始人——凯瑟琳·伍德(Catherine Wood)成为市场关注焦点。Recently, ARK Invest and its founder, Catherine & Middot; Cath...



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近期,ARK Invest及其创始人——凯瑟琳·伍德(Catherine Wood)成为市场关注焦点。

Recently, ARK Invest and its founder, Catherine & Middot; Catherine Wood, became the focus of market attention.

Catherine Wood于六年前创办ARK,公司旗下管理了五项主动型ETF和两项被动型ETF。凭借ARK基金出色的投资业绩,以及Wood对科技公司的独到见解,她在业内被称为科技女股神。

Catherine Wood founded ARK six years ago, with five active ETFs and two passive ETFs managed under the company’s banner. With the excellent investment performance of the ARK Fund, and Wood’s unique insight into technology companies, she is known in the industry as the Science and Technology goddess.

2020年以来,ARK五项主动型ETF收益均超100%,同期标普500指数仅为14.65%。其中,基因组革命ETF(ARKG) 收益达207.58%,创新电子信托基金(ARKK) 及下一代互联网ETF(ARKW)收益逾160%。而ARK基金重仓股特斯拉年初至今收益达690.97%。

Since 2020, the ARK's five active ETFs have generated more than 100% of the proceeds, compared to 14.65% of the 500 index for the same period. Of these, the genome revolution ETF (ARKG) yields 207.58%, the innovation e-trust fund (ARKKK) and the next generation of Internet ETF (ARKW) returns more than 160%.

Wood于今年年初曾接受《投资者商业日报》(Investor's Business Daily)的采访,就有关ARK的投资理念和研究方法,各个基金的情况,以及持有哪些股票使其表现强劲的原因展开交流。她表示,尽管在2008年金融危机之后,私募股权行业的指数化和估值大幅上升,但对于创新型上市公司的研究、投资和价值仍未得到充分重视。

Wood was interviewed early this year by the Investor's Business Daily to share ideas and research methodologies on ARK, the status of funds, and the reasons for which shares were held to make their performance strong. She said that despite the significant increase in indexation and valuation of the private equity sector in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, research, investment and value of innovative listed companies had not received sufficient attention.


ARK, through &quat; Open Research Ecosystems & &quat; and Identification and Assessment of Innovative Enterprises in a Long Term, allows ordinary investors to obtain the best possible benefits from innovation by holding these ETFs. When it comes to seeing an innovation platform that is “badly treated” because people don't know what is happening, ARK tends to increase its weight in the portfolio. ARK’s strategy is better in “high-risk preferences” markets.


ARK focuses on subversive innovation


ARK invests in the subversive development of automatic transport, robotics and artificial intelligence, 3D printing, space exploration, genomics, block chains, cloud computing, e-commerce, and financial technology. ARK pushes its research into social media and has been recognized in block chains, artificial intelligence, genomics and energy storage.


IBD: What are your prerequisites for starting a company and launching an existing ETF?


Wood: I created ARK to focus on subversive innovation in open equity markets and to add new dimensions to research. Innovation usually offers long-term growth opportunities.


IBD: How are your companies and funds different from other funds that invest in subversive operations?


Wood: ARK focuses on long-term subversive innovation, exclusive open research on ecosystems and proactive management, which makes us unique among other products.


ARK’s open research ecosystem seeks to take full advantage of rapid change through the convergence of open methods and ideas. The combination of top-down and bottom-up research allows us to assess investment opportunities for disruptive innovation and then to identify and evaluate companies that are best able to benefit from it. Open research ecosystems include leaders in their respective fields, social media interactions, and people’s insights from online responses to ARK’s public research.


IBD: ARK's active ETF is trying to take full advantage of the innovation curve: how effective is this job and when do you buy and sell stocks?


Wood: ARK recognizes that real disruptive innovation is achieved through technology, which causes costs to fall rapidly, demand to grow rapidly, cross industry and geography and generate further innovation, thus stimulating growth over a longer period of time.


ARK argues that the best way to predict a decline in the cost of technology is not to use cost as a function of time, but to consider production.


ARK will reduce or increase its position in the following cases: (1) taking advantage of opportunities created by short-term negative market actions or market sentiment; (2) providing liquidity to companies with relatively more confidence in ARK; or (3) investing in companies whose shares are considered undervalued by the market.


IBD: After a difficult 2018, most ARK funds performed well in 2019: What has changed and do you think this strong performance will last until 2020?


Wood: In the “high-risk preference” market, the ARK strategy should show better. Volatility rises in our favor, investors begin to recognize that many of the company’s fundamentals are misunderstood and want to find the lead sheep in a passive index, rather than the company with the largest market value.


ARK’s strategy is often poor in “low-risk preferences” markets. This is due in part to the fact that other investors and consultants tend to return to benchmark companies at this time, and ARK does not usually do so.


IBD: ARK Genome Revolution ETF (ARKG) is one of ten major industries with a return of 44% in 2019: What contributed to it?


Wood: In a year in which health care lags far behind the market, we are very proud of the way the Genome Revolution Fund is performing.


I think the reason behind this is that investors are beginning to realize that some companies in our portfolio are actually curing the disease.


Invitae (NVTA) (a 46 per cent increase in 2019) is a molecular diagnostic test company that is actively reducing test prices in order to increase access.


Genome Revolution ETF with CRRISPR Medical

CRISPR Therapeutics(CRSP)是顶级医疗公司之一(去年增长113%)。他们刚刚首次发表了在人体试验中的研究结果,因CRISPR编辑了已经突变并引起问题的基因,有两个人的血液疾病已经得到治愈。

CRISPR Therapeutics (CRSP) is one of the top medical companies (an increase of 113 per cent last year). They have just published for the first time the results of their research in human experiments, and two human blood diseases have been cured because CRISPR has edited the genes that have mutated and caused problems.


IBD: The ARK Innovative Electronic Trust Fund (ARKKK) and the next generation Internet ETF (ARKW) also performed well, surpassing the standard 500 index in 2019. What was the driving force behind it?


Wood: They all hold Tesla (an increase of 26 per cent in 2019, of which Q4 grew by 74 per cent).


In ARKW (a 36% increase last year), there are two semiconductor manufacturers: NVDA (a 77% increase) and AMD (a 148% increase), which are becoming increasingly important in the area of artificial intelligence. There is also a genetic testing company, Veracyte (VCYT) (a 122% increase). We put it in ARKW because it is a leader in diagnostic tests of artificial intelligence.


IBD: Several funds invested by ARK, such as ARKKKK, ARKW and ARKQ, all hold similar targets. What are your suggestions for which funds investors choose?


Wood: A major benefit of the Innovation Electronic Trust Fund (ARKK) (a 35% increase in 2019) is that when one of our innovative platforms is seen to be `badly treated' because people don't know what happened, we tend to increase its weight in the portfolio. ARKK is a combination of all innovative platforms: DNA sequencing, storage, robotics, artificial intelligence, and block chain technology. It favours platforms that we believe are not treated properly in the market.


The next generation of the Internet ETF (ARKW) has little to do with the genome revolution ETF (ARKG). ARKW is more about software, the service company (SaaS) and cloud computing — all of which will be better through AI, which is an important part of the innovative mix. Tesla is here because the only way to get into autopilot is through AI. We think this may be one of the most important AIs in today’s world. You will also see more e-commerce activity in the next generation of the Internet, especially in China.


Autonomous technology and robot ETF (ARKQ) are more focused on mobile services (Mobility-as-a-Service), which hold Tesla and autopilot ecosystems, drones, collaborative robots Teradyne (TER) (an increase of 119 per cent) and Amazon, as well as a large number of 3D printing and space exploration companies.


IBD: In early 2018, you discussed the Bitcoin (GBTC) and its significant contribution to the performance of the ARK Investment Fund in 2017. Since then, Bitcoin has been struggling. I see Bitcoin is no longer in the ARKKK, but there are 1.5% of the positions in the ARKW. How can this difference in investment configuration be explained?


Wood: During the period between $250 and $20,000, we held the GBTC. When it exceeded 10 per cent of our portfolio, we had to sell it, when we assumed too much risk of non-compliance. So, we decided to withdraw in due course. We did so for commercial reasons, not for investment reasons. As trustees, we had to protect our investors from the tax consequences of non-compliance.


As always, we look after Bitcoin, for which we keep it in the ARKW and our discretionary accounts.


What kind of company did it invest in?


Wood: AARKF invests mainly in domestic and foreign corporate equity securities related to the subject of investment in financial science and technology.


This includes companies that focus on, and are expected to benefit from, the transfer of the foundations of the financial sector and economic transactions to technology infrastructure platforms and technology intermediaries. They may also include the development, use or reliance on innovative payment platforms and methods, sales point suppliers, trade innovation, business analysis, reduction of fraud, friction-free financing platforms, P2P lending, brokering exchanges, asset allocation techniques, encrypted currency, mobile payments, risk pricing and conglomerates companies.


IBD: How often do you reconfigure your portfolio? At set intervals or changing?


Wood: ARK uses its own rating system to continuously evaluate companies and monitor underlying investment targets. ARK’s investment team adjusts the stock position in the portfolio according to the change in scores. ARK believes that its consistent investment process and proactive management of high-trust portfolios take full advantage of the benefits of rapid change and avoid industries and companies that may be replaced by innovation.


IBD: How do you control the risks in the portfolio?


Wood: There are certain risks to the thematic portfolio built around subversive innovation. For example, the main risk of the ARK investment strategy is that the subversive technology or subversive companies that we believe will become future leaders will themselves be subverted or unable to deliver on their promises.


In order to mitigate this risk, the ARK continuously monitors companies in its portfolio using a portfolio tracker. The portfolio tracker combines the qualitative and quantitative scores of all equities in the portfolio from the bottom up. Each portfolio team discusses changes in analyst ratings during the daily morning and Monday stock meetings, and any score drops below six points triggers discussion.


IBD: What is the position of ARK in this industry with regard to costs? How do you set the cost?


Wood: Our cost ratio is 75 basis points. Our competitors are not other ETFs, but active public funds. These companies usually have 75 basis rates, but they have hidden costs of 50 to 75 basis points. We have no hidden costs.


Moreover, in the open stock market, we are the closest to venture capital funds, but we are more liquid, efficient and transparent in tax collection. We believe that innovation in the public sector is greatly underestimated compared to private markets.




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