
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:21 评论:0
单选题 1、按分行《中国银行股份有限公司新疆分行信息系统安全生产总体管理规定》第十九条 计算机终端用户职责 第六、不得在网点的UPS电源回路上使用其它电气设备。以下哪种做法不合规(D...



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  • 单选题

1、按分行《中国银行股份有限公司新疆分行信息系统安全生产总体管理规定》第十九条 计算机终端用户职责 第六、不得在网点的UPS电源回路上使用其它电气设备。以下哪种做法不合规(D)

Article 19 of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang Bank Limited Regulation on the General Management of the Security Production of Information Systems. Computer end-user duties. Sixth, no other electrical equipment may be used on the UPS circuits of the network. Which of the following practices is not compliant (D)

A、 网点卷帘门不应接入ups电源上。

A. Curtain doors should not be connected to the ups power source.

B、 网点卷帘门是由分行总务部负责设计、安装、维护,建议由总务部安排对网点卷帘门手动装置进行检修

B. Curtain doors are designed, installed and maintained by the branch's General Services Department and it is proposed that manual repairs be made to the Curtaingate doors by the branch's Ministry of General Services.

C、 按网点消防要求,网点消防达到合格,必须设立应急后门,若有应急后门,不存在卷帘门交接库问题。

C. In accordance with the network fire-fighting requirements, the network fire-fighting facility is qualified and must have an emergency back door and, in the case of an emergency back door, there is no problem with the curtain door switch.

D、 网点卷帘窗及卷帘门可接入ups电源统一管理。

D. An access to the ups power source is managed in a uniform manner through the web-point curtains and doors.



2. In the 2013 edition of the Accountability and Incentives for Internal Control Compliance in Xinjiang Branch, direct and associated accountability is divided into (B) deductions for direct parties

A、1/3? B、1/2? C、1/4? D1/1


3、中国银行建立了内部控制三道防线:( A )是内部控制的第一道防线,通过自我评估、自我检查、自我整改、自我培训,实现自我控制。法律合规部门与业务条线部门负责统筹内部控制制度建设,指导、检查、监督和评估第一道防线的工作,是内部控制第二道防线。稽核部门负责通过系统化和规范化的方式,检查评价全行经营活动、风险管理、内部控制和公司治理的适当性和有效性,是内部控制的第三道防线。

3. The Bank of China has established three lines of internal control: (A) is the first line of internal control. Self-control is achieved through self-assessment, self-censorship, self-reform and self-training. The legal compliance department and the operational line department are responsible for coordinating the development of the internal control system, directing, inspecting, monitoring and evaluating the work of the first line of internal control.


A. Corporate, operational management and individual staff members with operational development responsibilities also assume internal control responsibilities


B. Inner control lead department C, base point D, line-wide grass-roots site staff


4、间接连带问责指在内外审检查、总行和( A )、监督等他查中发现的问题,必须连带至更高层级的管理者,最终至分(支)行行长及分管副行长。连带层级不同,连带问责扣分为直接问责人员的1/4至1/10。间接连带问责扣分比例按不同管辖层级设定。

4. Indirect joint and several accountability refers to issues identified in his investigations, including internal and external audits, head offices and (A), oversight, which must be accompanied by a higher-level manager, with the end-to-sub-director and sub-director. Different levels of joint and several accountability are divided into 1/4 to 1/10 directly accountable persons. Indirect joint and several accountability deductions are set at different levels of jurisdiction.

A、 区分行条线业务检查B、监察部分检查C、各二级行条线检查D、基层机构

A. Distinguishing Line Line Operations Inspection B, Inspection Part C, Level 2 Line Check D, Grassroots Establishments



5. The interest rate on loans from our commercial banks is determined by (C).


A. Freedom of the People's Bank of China, B. Commercial Bank


C. Upper and lower limits for commercial banks based on loan interest rates set by the People's Bank of China


D. Consultations between commercial banks and clients



6. Incentives for staff who detect and report in a timely manner or deter violations by others may be awarded upon written request by the parties, confirmation by the business authorities, and determination by the internal control lead management (A)

A、2分 B、1分 C、0.5分 D、3分

A, 2 points B, 1 point C, 0.5 points D, 3 points



7. A complaint by an accountable person shall be filed and reported to the Department of Law and Compliance through the Evaluation and Evaluation System, which shall be verified and processed by the Inspection Oversight Department and reviewed and finalised by (C).

A、监察部? B、人力资源部? C、法律与合规部 D、办公室

A, Inspection Department, B, Human Resources Department, C, Legal and Compliance Department, D, Office



To convert internal control compliance management from qualitative management to quantitative management in accordance with the Internal Control Compliance Management Standards, and to assign low, low, medium, high and high deduction values to operations and management depending on the level of risk. Specifically: (B)

A、0.1≤很低<0.5分、0.5分≤低<3分、3分≤中<5分、5分≤高<7分、 7分≤很高

A, 0.1 low & lt; 0.5, 0.5 low lt; 3 = medium & lt; 5 = high lt; 7; 7 ~ very high

B、0.1≤很低<1分、1分≤低<3分、3分≤中<5分、5分≤高<7分、 7分≤很高

B, 0.1 per cent & lt; 1 per cent, 1 per cent < 3 per cent < 5 per cent, 5 per cent & lt; 7; 7 per cent & very high

C、0.1≤很低<1分、1分≤低<2分、2分≤中<5分、5分≤高<7分、 7分≤很高

C, 0.1 per cent & lt; 1 per cent, 1 per cent < 2 per cent, 2 per cent < 5 per cent, 5 per cent & lt; 7; 7 per cent & very high


D, 0.1 per cent < 0.5, 0.5 per cent & lt; 1 per cent, 1 per cent & lt; 3 per cent, 3 per cent & lt; 5; 5 per cent & 5 per cent



Of the losses caused by the following external events, the operational risk loss should not be calculated: (D)




B. Financial losses due to failure of transactions due to hacking of trading systems


C. Losses due to theft of institutional cash


D. The earthquake caused losses to clients and prevented them from repaying their loans.



10: Weekly self-check, monthly self-check, dynamic self-checking carried out by (B)


A. Operational manager B, head of grass-roots institutions C, deputy director of grass-roots institutions D and above



11. Which of the following do not fall within the provisions of China's Ten Banes on Employees of Banking Establishments (2013 edition) (D)


A. Infringement of the use of business seals is strictly prohibited;


B. The transition from a personal account to the collection of client funds is strictly prohibited;


C. It is strictly forbidden to carry out one's own business;


D. Guarantees for enterprise and personal financing are strictly prohibited;


12、巴林银行交易员NICK LEESON 未经授权在新加坡国际货币交易所从事东京证券交易所日经225股票指数期货合约交易失败,致使巴林银行亏损6亿英镑,至此巴林银行宣布倒闭。此案例反映的是哪种类型的银行风险。(D)

The Bank of Bahrain declared the bank to be closed. What type of bank risk is reflected in this case?


A. Market risk B, credit risk C, liquidity risk D, operating risk



13- The following is incorrect: (D)


A. Operational risks in various areas of day-to-day work


B. Losses due to gaps in the system, inappropriate product design, loss of core team, counterfeiting of materials by clients, etc. are all operational risks


C. Non-compliance with staff operations


D. Losses due to natural disasters or accidents are not operational risks



14, should follow the principle of (B) that operational risk management should be adapted to the internal and external environment facing the Bank and be adjusted and refined in a timely manner in accordance with changes in the business strategy, philosophy, external economy, politics and regulatory environment, and should be adapted to the specific scale, complexity and characteristics of the business and seek a reasonable balance between risk management costs and benefits.

A、风险最小化 B、及时调整、成本与收益相匹配

A. Risk minimization B, timely adjustment, cost-to-benefit matching

C、满足监管需要 D、满足战略发展

C. Meeting regulatory needs D. Addressing strategic development



15. At the risk and control assessment (RACA) discussion group meetings, at least (B) experts familiar with business processes and controls should be selected for each business process to participate in the discussion group meetings.

A、1 B、2 ?C、3? D、4



16 Inherent risk is the inherent operational risk in the course of operations and operations without taking into account existing controls and their role, and the residual risk is the risk of taking full account of the controls already in place in the process and their role. Based on the above description, the following is correctly stated (A)

A、剩余风险=固有风险-控制措施 B、固有风险中不包含剩余风险

A. Residual risk = inherent risk - Control measures B, inherent risk does not include residual risk

C、固有风险=控制措施-剩余风险 D、全面操作风险=固有风险+剩余风险

C. Inherent risk = control measures — residual risk D, full operating risk = inherent risk + residual risk



17. Which of the following (D) is not included in the operational risk management responsibilities of the line department

A、推动本条线的操作风险管理实施? B、指导和协助分行进行实施

A. Facilitating the implementation of operational risk management along this line?

C、管理控制本条线所面临的风险? D、制定操作风险管理制度

C. Managing risks to the line of control? D. Developing an operational risk management system



Is this an operational risk? (A)


A. Yes.


B. No



The key risk indicator (KRI) is a set of statistics reflecting the likelihood, impact or effectiveness of a key operational risk to achieve quantitative tracking of the risk. (B)


A. Operational risk event content


B. Operational risk incident statistics


C. Valuation


D. Process indicators



The threshold for the collection of data on losses refers to the threshold amount for the collection of data on gross losses due to operational risks, which is (A)


A, 10,000 B, 50,000 C, 100,000 D, 200,000.



21. What are the operational risk measures?(D)


A. Basic Indicator Method B, Standard Method C, Advanced Measurement (AMA)D, all above



22. In accordance with the laws in force in our country, the missing and damaged renminbi may be exchanged in accordance with the regulations of the People's Bank of China and by (A).


A. The People's Bank of China is responsible for recovery and destruction


B. Supervision by the People's Bank of China of the recovery and destruction of commercial banks


C. The People's Bank of China empowers commercial banks to recover and destroy


D. National designation of specialized agencies responsible for recovery, destruction



23. The types of events in which risk loss data are collected are diverse, and the following options do not require collection: (C)


A. Operational errors (frequent such as short payments, cashier errors), cases involving internal personnel, etc.


B. Losses caused by external conduct or damage, such as theft, robbery, external fraud, malicious destruction.


C. Unfavourable changes in market prices and losses resulting from miscalculations by traders.


D. Unforeseen damages, such as workplace injuries, work vehicle traffic accidents, compensation or fines resulting from accidental loss of customer information.



The severity of the operational risk is determined on the basis of risk (B).


A. Non-financial impact and amount of loss B, probability and effect C, cause and effect D, probability and amount of loss



What is the correctness of the following description of the main role of RACA?(D)


A. A quantitative calculation of operational risks can be achieved.

B、有助于业务管理部门从“被动参与”转为“自发开展” ,提高操作风险管理有效性。

B. Helping business management move from “passive participation” to “sponsored-out” and improving operational risk management effectiveness.


C. To facilitate the identification of risks and to promote their prevention, enabling risk prevention and containment of high-profile cases to move ahead.


D, B and C are correct.



Property that is prohibited by law from imposing a mortgage is (A).


A. Land ownership


B. State land tenure, housing and other land fixtures which the mortgager is legally entitled to dispose of;


C. State-owned machinery to which the mortgager is legally entitled


D. Means of transport that the mortgager is legally entitled to dispose of



In order to protect the interests of depositors, access to deposit accounts is authorized by law, and the following units do not have full powers to search, freeze or depose deposits: (D)

A、人民法院? B、税务机关? C、海关? D、审计机关

A, People's Court, B, Tax Authority, C, Customs, D, Audit Authority



28. Commercial banks and their subsidiaries that have not opened their business for more than (B) months since the date on which they have obtained their licences, are revoked and announced by the Banking Supervision Authority of the State Council.

A、3? B、6 C、12 D、18



In accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Banks Act, commercial banks may be present in the territory (B).

  1. 从事信托投资和股票业务B. 代办保险


C. Investment of D. in stock operations to non-bank financial institutions and enterprises



The Banking Supervision Authority of the State Council may take the following measures against banking financial institutions that violate prudential rules and are overdue under the Banking Supervision Act, excluding (D)


A. Limitation on the transfer of assets B. Limitation on the distribution of dividends C. Ordering the suspension of some operations D. Contribution to institutional restructuring



What is the correct description of the operational risk in relation to credit risk and market risk in the following description: (C)


A. Operational and credit risks, market risks are independent and not related to each other


B. Loss of credit risk may result from operating risk, but market risk loss cannot result from operating risk


C. Loss of credit risk, loss of market risk may be caused by operating risk


D. Loss of market risk may result from operating risk, but loss of credit risk cannot result from operating risk



The following scenarios require trigger assessment by the functional units of the main line: (B)


A. Cases involving more than 1 million yuan (including 1 million yuan)


B. Major peer cases or systemic risks within the function


C. Significant changes in business processes developed by branch functions


D. Initiation at the request of local regulatory bodies or management



33. Inherent risk identification processes need to be guided by: (C)


A. Just need to identify the top five risks


B. All risks need to be identified


C. Identification of key risks that have a significant impact on the achievement of departmental operational and management objectives


D. The above description is incorrect



If the parties have not agreed on the means of undertaking, they are liable under (A).

  1. 连带责任保证B. 一般保证C.抵押D. 质押



With regard to the internal controls of commercial banks, the following formulation is incorrect: (D).


A. Control measures include a “high-level inspection”, whereby the Board of Trustees and senior management should request the lower levels to report on management and special circumstances in a timely manner in order to check the status of implementation of internal controls and progress towards the achievement of internal control objectives.


Control measures include “approval and delegation of authority”, i.e. approval and authorization of operations and management activities under a number of restrictions, with clear managerial responsibilities at all levels


C. Control measures include “appropriate segregation of incompatible positions”


D. Main measures relating to “physical control” include physical restrictions, individual custody and periodic inventories



The evaluation of internal controls of commercial banks includes process and outcome evaluations. The evaluation of results is the evaluation of (B).

A、内部控制环境、风险识别与评估 B、内部控制主要目标实现程度

A. Internal control environment, risk identification and assessment B, degree of achievement of the main internal control objectives

C、信息交流与反馈? D、内部控制措施、监督评价与纠正

C. Information exchange and feedback? D, internal control measures, oversight evaluation and correction



The capital adequacy rate of our commercial banks must not be lower (A).

A、8% ?B、10%? C、15%? D、20%



The following are offences (C).


A. Abuse of authority B, ultra vires transaction C, taking bribe D, making major decisions in violation of decision-making procedures



39 “Limitation of powers”, “Demonstration and oversight”, and “interlocking” are three important principles of (B).


A. Compliance B, Internal Control C, Compliance D, Compliance D, Compliance


40. Upon completion of each phase of the self-examination, upload to branch (A)


A. Dynamic self-checking sample list


B. Dynamic self-censorship


C. Dynamic self-checking of business training cards, flowcharts


D. All above



An important prerequisite for a bank (C) is an honest presentation of the situation by its employees to its superiors.

A、以诚待客 B、提高效率C、保持诚信D、规范服务

A. Hospitality B, efficiency C, integrity D, normative services



42. Agency self-censorship on a daily basis should be completed (C)


A.A., B., C. before closing, D. after closing.


43、根据《中国银监会关于促进银行业金融机构进一步加强案件防控工作的通知》,大型机构是指集团并表总资产为( B )元人民币及以上的银行业金融机构。

According to the Circular of the China Banking Supervisory Board on the promotion of banking financial institutions to further strengthen case prevention and control, large institutions are banking financial institutions whose total assets are (B) yuan and above.

A、1万亿人民币及以上? B、2万亿人民币及以上

A, RMB 1 trillion and above? B, RMB 2 trillion and above.

C、3万亿人民币及以上? D、5千亿人民币及以上

C, RMB 3 trillion and more? D, RMB 500 billion and more.



44. Thanks to the banking services and the employees themselves, the valuables offered by the clients must be rejected by the employees and cannot be accepted (A).

A、原物或折价交公? B、留下自用? C、转送他人 D、暂存办公室

A, original or discounted transport?


45、必须满足下列所有条件,员工方可担任社会兼职:对社会有益、不是盈利性机构、不领取薪金、不影响工作业绩、(B) 。

All the following conditions must be met in order for an employee to be able to work part-time in society: socially beneficial, not a profit-making institution, not paid, without prejudice to work performance. (B)

A、参与经营性活动B、不引发利益冲突 C、作为第二职业D、代理业务属于银行经营范围

A. Participation in business activity B, no conflict of interest C, as a second occupation D, agent business falling within the scope of banking operations


46、根据《中国银监会关于促进银行业金融机构进一步加强案件防控工作的通知》,对大型机构和中型机构,按照上一年度案件风险金额占核心资本比例(百分比)的( A )提高最低资本充足率要求。

In accordance with the Circular of the China Banking Supervisory Board on the promotion of banking financial institutions to further strengthen case prevention and control, the minimum capital adequacy rate (A) for large and medium-sized institutions has been increased according to the proportion of core capital (per cent) of the risk value of cases in the previous year.

A、两倍? B、三倍 C、五倍

A, twice? B, three times. C, five times.



Once an employee has received an incentive, the incentive is withdrawn in one of the following cases: (A).

A、有违规、违纪现象发生? B、工作失误,但未造成损失

A. Infractions, infractions, B. Mistakes, but no loss

C、年度绩效考核不佳? D、有违反公共道德现象发生

C. Poor annual performance appraisals? D. Infringements of public morality



48. Performances that do not fall within the scope of employee incentives are (D).


A. Protecting national and middle-level interests and saving losses makes an outstanding contribution


B. Making a significant contribution to promoting business development and improving business management


C. Preservation of bank secrecy, maintenance of Chinese reputation with a prominent D, performance and performance objectives



When an employee is disposed of, the decision to dispose of shall be notified to him/her (A).

A、书面 B、电话? C、口头 D、他人转达

A. Written B. Telephone? C. Oral D.



Significant economic loss is the economic loss of more than (C) yuan as a result of the violation.

A、100万 B、200万 C、500万 D、1000万

A, 1 million B, 2 million C, 5 million D, 10 million


51、根据《中国银行新疆分行分(支)行内控合规管理问责办法》,下列哪一项属于本办法的使用范围( D )

51. According to the Xinjiang branch of the Bank of China, which of the following falls within the scope of use of the scheme (D)


A. Directors of grass-roots institutional networks, operations managers, integrated clerks


B. Team leaders limited to branches


C. Heads of teams within the level 1 branch, direct branch


D. Subdirectorate II, Urumqi, branch and branch office personnel at all levels, including labour contract workers and labour dispatch workers


52、根据《中国银行新疆分行分(支)行内控合规管理问责办法》,问责实行以下哪项原则 ( D )

52. Under the Xinjiang branch of the Bank of China, which of the following principles apply to accountability, in accordance with the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang Bank


A. Principle B of accountability for realism and the rule of law for accountability


C. Principle D on accountability for infractions, principle D on accountability for direct accountability, associated accountability and accountability for performance


53、根据《中国银行新疆分行内控合规管理问责奖励办法》,每季末由内控合规部门将考核结果发送绩效考核部门。属诫勉谈话、引咎辞职的分别由监察、人力资源部门实施。属经济处罚的由( A )据以扣减绩效。

53. Under the Xinjiang branch of the Bank of China's Internal Control Accountability Incentives for Compliance Management, the internal control compliance department sends the results of the evaluation to the performance appraisal department at the end of the season.

A、人力资源部? B、法律与合规部? C、稽核部? D、监察部

A. Department of Human Resources, B. Department of Law and Compliance, C. Department of Audit, D. Department of Inspection



The operational line departments of the operating agencies conduct quarterly self-assessments in accordance with the content and criteria set out in the “Standards for the evaluation and evaluation of indicators for the internal control process at the secondary level” by the lead internal control department, which is reviewed, aggregated, adopted by the Risk Management and Internal Control Committee the following month and approved by the Director-General at the beginning of the month (D) working days (fourth quarter evaluation and appraisal forms are to be submitted to the branch legal and compliance department prior to the last working day at the end of the year).

A、3? B、5 C、10 D、15


55、对被内控考核评价为( B )(含)以下的机构列为内控重点监控行,实施重点辅导和监控。

55. Focused internal controls on institutions evaluated as (B) and below are implemented through focused coaching and monitoring.

A、B+? B、B? C、C+ D、C



The basic principles of the Guidelines on Second Line Inspections include, inter alia: organization of inspections in blocks; implementation of differentiated inspections for different levels of institutions; and focus during inspections (A)

A、政策制度的传导和业务指导 B、制度执行力 C、业务培训 D、问责规范

A. Transfer of policy systems and operational guidance B, system implementation C, business training D, norms of accountability



57. The second line inspection project team, at the time determined by the inspection notification, is placed in the inspected unit, in an appropriate form being provided by the project leader to brief the inspected unit on the purpose of the inspection, (C), the scope of the inspection, the division of labour and the requirements of the work.

A、检查制度? B、检查培训? C、检查内容? D、检查时间安排

A, inspection system? B, inspection training? C, inspection content? D, inspection schedule.



Final score for internal control evaluation of secondary operating institutions = (A)


A. {Audit evaluation scores for the first, second and third quarters of an operating institution* 60% (20% each) + Evaluation scores for the fourth quarter of an operating agency*40%)}10 - Evaluation test limits deductions (converted according to the total 20 points percentage system).


B. {EPR *50% in the first, second and third quarters of an operating agency + EPR *50% in the fourth quarter of an operating agency)}10 - EOE limit deductions (converted on the basis of a total 20-cent rate).


C. {Ambassador's evaluation scores in quarter 1, 2, 3 and 4 each account for 25% weighted average 10 - Evaluation of the evaluation limit deductions (converted on the basis of a total 20-centile percentage).


D. {O.A. Quarterlys 1, 2 and 3 60% (20% each) + O.A. Q. + 40% + O.E. Q. + 4 * 40%)}10 - Evaluation Examinations Restricted Deductions (converted according to a total score of 10 points per cent).

  • 多选题


1. According to the Guidance on Internal Control in Commercial Banks issued by the Bank's Supervisory Board, the evaluation of internal control in commercial banks refers to systematic activities such as independent investigation, testing, analysis and evaluation of the results of the construction, implementation and operation of the commercial bank's internal control system. The internal control evaluation component of the bank is ABC.

A、过程评价? B、效果评价 C、限制评价三个部分? D、信息交流

A. Process evaluation? B, impact evaluation C, limitation of the three components of evaluation D, information exchange



The Department of Law and Compliance determines that the award of a performance of 90 cents or more is positive plus on the basis of: (ABCDE)


(a) A, 95; test results ~ 100; plus 1;


B, 90; test results & lt; 95; plus 0.5;


C, 80 = test results & lt; 90 = no credit;


D. Test achievement & lt; 80 points, minus 0.5 points.


E. Test achievement plus does not apply to persons engaged in full-time marketing, client orientation, etc. who are not directly involved in operations and management.



3. Staff receiving compliance awards for various types of operations, including: (ABC)

A、 获得总行级别的员工一次加分3分;

A. A three-point bonus for staff at the head office level;

B、 获得分行级别的此类奖项的一等奖可加分2分,二等奖1.5分,三等奖1分,鼓励奖0.5分;

B. A first-level award of this kind at the branch level may be awarded an additional two points, a second-level prize of 1.5 points, a third-level prize of 1 point and an incentive of 0.5 points;

C、 获得各二级机构本层级此类奖项的各机构自行设置加分分值,由各二级机构自行制定问责奖励办法予以执行。

C. Institutions receiving such awards at the level of the various tiers set their own value additions, and each tier establishes its own accountability incentives to implement them.

D、 获得分行级别的此类奖项的一等奖可加分2分,二等奖1分,三等奖0.5分。

D. The award of the first category of such awards at the branch level may be increased by 2 points, the second category by 1 point and the third category by 0.5 points.



4. Accountability and rewards for management accountability for compliance within the Xinjiang branch are defined as incentives for staff who receive () and () deductions for accountability, and are awarded or held accountable on a quarterly basis. The appraisals are aggregated on a quarterly basis for a crediting period, with each crediting period starting from zero. (ABC)

A、相应奖励加分? B、违反分行《内控合规管理标准》中操作标准化要求

B, violation of standard operating requirements in the branch Internal Control Compliance Management Standards

C、违反业务管理规定? D、自查违规

C. Violations of operational management rules?



The three main tools for operational risk management are ABC.


A. Risk and Control Assessment (RACA) B, Key Risk Indicators (KRI)

C、损失数据收集(LDC) D、计提资本金

C. Data collection on losses (LDC) D, capital drawings



6. ABC Levels of Accountability

A、 直接责任人: 对违反标准要求的经办人员的问责

A. Persons directly responsible: accountability of operators for violations of standards

B、 直接连带责任人: 直接连带问责是对直接责任人所在机构层级的管理者实施的连带问责。

B. Direct joint and severally responsible persons: Direct and severally accountable is the joint and severally enforced accountability of managers at the institutional level where those directly responsible are located.

C、 间接连带责任人: 间接连带问责是对直接责任人所在机构以上层级的各级监督管理人员实施的连带问责。

C. Indirectly joint and severally responsible persons: Indirect joint and several accountability is exercised by oversight managers at all levels above the level of the agency where the person is directly responsible.



7. The following special cases for checking accountability for deductions are correctly described (ABCDE)

A、 同一季度内不同检查的同一问题按一次扣分;

A. The same issue for different inspections within the same quarter is subject to one deduction;

B、 同一次检查发现的多次违规及业务差错的,如属同一违规或业务差错的按一次扣分;

B. One deduction for multiple violations and operational errors found during the same inspection, in the case of the same violations or operational errors;

C、 若干员工在同一时间内发生的相同违规或业务差错的应分别扣分;

C. The same violations or operational errors committed by several employees at the same time shall be subject to separate deductions;

D、 员工自查发现的问题,主动汇报的应予以免除扣分。

D. Discounts shall be waived when the staff member examines the problems that he or she has identified on his or her own initiative.

E、 各机构自查发现的问题在整改期内再次被他查发现,问责对象可进行申诉撤销他查扣分问责。

E. The problems identified by the agencies themselves were once again identified by him during the whole conversion period, and the person responsible could file a complaint to remove his accountability for deductions.



The Accountability Incentives provides that deductions may be increased by two to four times the deduction criteria, depending on the circumstances, if: (ABCD)


A. Acts committed with intent to commit an offence;


B. Repeated and recurring problems;


(c) To instruct, direct and compel employees to perform irregular operations;


D. Unjustified failure to adjust as required.



9. The evaluation of internal control processes for institutions at all levels is mainly an evaluation of the five main elements of ABCD, information and communication.


A. Internal control environment B, risk assessment and management C, internal control activity D, oversight and correction



10. The significance of conducting internal control evaluations at all levels lies in (ABC)


A. The implementation of internal control evaluation activities helps to urge commercial banks to further develop sound internal control systems and internal control mechanisms and to lay the foundation for a comprehensive risk management system;


B. To contribute to an objective and comprehensive understanding by external oversight services and internal senior management of the internal control status of a branch office, thereby achieving further the objectives of the systems that contribute to its internal control process.


C. Commercial banks, through internal controls, can help evaluate institutions improve the internal control management mechanism of /span>, further develop long-acting internal control mechanisms, foster a good internal control culture, establish efficient and effective risk assessment mechanisms, implement sound and effective control activities, and build scientific and sound internal control systems.



11. The Basel Committee has developed a number of protocols, supervisory standards and guidelines to improve and complement individual country regulatory regimes for commercial banks. The Basel New Capital Accord comprises three pillars, namely: (ABC)


A. Minimum capital requirement of 8 per cent


B. Oversight and inspection by regulatory authorities


C. Market discipline


D. Effective monetary policy



Operational risk is the risk of loss caused by imperfect or problematic (ABCD).


A. Internal Program B, Personnel Operations, Information Technology System C, External Event D, Legal Risks



Losses due to operating risks can have adverse effects on commercial banks (ABCDs) and others.


A. Financial position B, clients/services, employees, C, reputational impact D, law/regulation



Operational risk “management” refers to the process of performing (ABCD) operational risk.


A. Proactive identification B, assessment, monitoring C, control or relief D, monitoring and reporting



15. Which of the following components should be included in a complete risk description (ABCD).

A、风险发生的环节信息 B、相关人员和风险情况

A. Risk chain information B, persons involved and risk profile

C、风险造成的影响及后果 D、引发风险的原因

C. Impact and consequences of the risk D. Causes of the risk



The results of the risk and control assessment (RACA) exercise can be applied in the following areas, etc.


A. Business process optimization and control B, internal control inspection and evaluation C, grass-roots self-checking D, risk alerts



The key risk indicator (KRI) has the role of ABCD.


A. It is an important means of monitoring operational risks


B. It is one of the key tools for establishing a system of risk monitoring


C. It can help validate the results of other operational risk management tools and processes


Further ensuring the effectiveness of the operational risk management system



The key risk indicator (KRI) threshold is set by ABCD.


A. Observation of values of key risk indicators and historical trends in the data used, B. Professional judgement


C. Industry standards, competitor information D, policies in place; risk impact assessment of operations



Operational risk loss data collection (LDC) is one of the three main tools for operational risk management, the main work being on operational risk loss data (ABC).

A、识别 B、收集汇总 C、分析报告D、测量风险

A. Identification B, collection aggregation C, analysis D, measurement of risks



The primary role of the operation of risk loss data collection (LDC) is that of ABCD.


A. Meeting regulatory compliance requirements


B. Operational risk management targeted at segments where the amount of loss is significant or has occurred with high frequency


C. Learning from data to optimize risk control measures


Building up high-quality data on operating high-risk measures for the implementation of new capital agreements



What are the following protection measures in your day-to-day work that, in your view, avoid operational risks (ABCDs)?


A. Strict observance of the two-ten ban


B. Significant matters such as non-reporting, late or underreporting of violations, liability incidents, etc.


C. Failure to report on work and conduct every operation according to the correct operating procedures


D. Strengthening business learning



22. What are the major objectives of a new capital agreement in China’s banking sector? (ABCD)


A. Building on advanced risk management concepts and methodologies


B. Promoting improved risk measurement by commercial banks


C. A sound organizational system for risk management


D. Improving risk management capacity across the board



23. Personnel factors are present in most operational risk events, so the human causes of operational risk include (ABCD)


A. Unjustified human resources B, lack of skills C, mismanagement D, moral integrity



24. Losses attributable to operational risk were incurred by: (ABC)




B. Financial losses due to failure of transactions due to hacking of trading systems


C. Losses due to theft of institutional cash


D. Loss of customers due to the earthquake, resulting in non-payment of loans



25. The following is correct with regard to the self-examination of grass-roots operating institutions: (ABD)


A. Operation sites should perform daily, weekly, monthly, dynamic self-checking as required


B. Monthly checks must be carried out by the head of the network and, in exceptional cases, delegated to the deputy director or operations manager, along with handover records


C. In order to avoid leaks, daily self-censorship can be completed ahead of schedule


D. Personnel responsible for self-checking should be held accountable for the authenticity of the information contained in the self-checking system



26- The following statement on dynamic self-examination is correct (ABCD)


A. The dynamic self-checking sample list should be completed in good faith and relevant elements should be consistent with the principles of genuine comprehensiveness and representativeness


B. Dynamic self-censorship should be a fully participatory process


C. Issues or anomalies identified by dynamic self-examination should be modified within 2 weeks


D. Operating grass-roots institutions should review their business process compliance according to a dynamic self-check flow chart and conduct training in conjunction with relevant regulations.



27. The 2013 internal control evaluation of the secondary operating agencies was adjusted on the basis of the 2012 performance indicators, as follows:

A、 增加操作风险三大工具运用考核指标、测试题库建立、G-MAP平台应用度、操作风险报告质量、规章制度管理、新法规落实、诉讼管理等指标。

A. The three tools for increasing operational risk apply test indicators, test , G-MAP platform application, quality of operational risk reporting, regulatory management, implementation of new regulations, litigation management, etc.


B. Classification and disaggregation of performance indicators such as modifications, guidelines for the operation of deck operations, standardized management of internal control compliance, etc.


C. “Obligation risks” includes “low, low” questions from inspections, general line lines, supervision, etc.; the associated ratio of the second line above was adjusted from 1/10 in 2012 to 1/5.


D. Critical non-compliance incidents not included in case management (sub-case) are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.



28/ Among the following risks are operational risk events: (ACD)


A. A person who provides the bank with a cheque issued by a client whose account balance exceeds the client's account balance is called by the bank for questioning and the telephone cannot be connected


B. Untimely repayment of certain loans, resulting in banks recovering less than expected funds over a period of time


C. Computer network malfunctions in unfavourable market conditions, and banks have only intermittent access to price information, which results in traders not being able to accurately grasp the timing of transactions and significant losses


D. Credit managers input inaccurate customer financial information into bank credit risk models



29. What are the characteristics of the operational risk compared to credit risk, market risk? (ABCD)


A. A large proportion of risk factors in operating risks stem from the operations of banks and are inherent risks within their control


B. Operational risk management covers almost all aspects of banking management. This includes both minor leakages in routine business process processing that occur with high frequency but relatively low losses, and low frequency, but which, if occurring, can cause significant losses, even natural disasters that endanger bank life and large-scale fraud.

C、业务规模大、交易量大、结构变化迅速的业务领域,受操作风险冲击的可能性最大 。

C. Business areas with large operations, large trading volumes and rapidly changing structures are most likely to be affected by operational risks.


D. For credit risk and market risk, there is a mapping relationship between risk and remuneration, but this relationship does not necessarily apply to operational risk.



30. Reorganization process including (ABD) for unusual information during self-checking


A. Development of restructuring plan B, implementation of rehabilitation of those responsible and implementation of rehabilitation


C. Fix the problem first, then identify the responsible person D, and maintain the status of the problem



31. Operational risk management should follow (ABC) concepts


A. Overall management, i.e. the operational risk management system, permeates business processes and processes, covers all sectors, branches and posts and is implemented by all personnel.


B. Timely adaptation, i.e., operational risk management, to the internal and external environment facing the Bank, and timely adaptation and refinement in line with changes in the business strategy, philosophy, external economy, political and regulatory environment.


C. Cost-benefit matching, i.e., operational risk management measures are commensurate with the size, complexity and characteristics of the particular operation and seek a reasonable balance between risk management costs and benefits.


D. Focus, i.e., focus on operations with high turnover, high frequency (transaction/time), relatively high structurality and/or more complex support systems.



Departments involved in overseeing grass-roots dynamics of self-censorship (ABC)


A. Ministry of Law and Compliance


B. Development of dynamic self-censorship sub-line departments


C. Level-II line-related line departments, urban sector operations management department


D. Subdirectorate Audit Department



33 What should be included in the monthly inventory of heads of agencies (ABD)


A. Cash, precious metals, documents for value, large library of vouchers




C. List of bank reconciliations


D. Business seals, business seals



Which of the following losses or costs should not be included in the amount lost as a result of an operating risk event? (ABC)

  1. 直接参与调查和解决操作风险事件的内部人员的成本,没有给我行带来额外的支出。
  2. 为了降低未来同类事件发生的概率或影响程度而进行的系统升级。
  3. 系统出错导致两个小时无法开展业务的潜在损失。
  4. 由于未达到当地监管机构的要求产生的罚款。



According to the “Six Focus Areas”, “Ten Links” and “Thirteen Opinions” to protect against operational risks in the management of Silver Censorship cases, the legal responsibility for repeated and high-profile cases for which the problem has not been effectively addressed for a long period of time is subject to strict accountability.

A、经办人员 B、复核人员? C、高管人员 D、管理人员

A. Operators B, reviewers? C, executives D, managers



According to the “Six Focus Areas”, “Ten Links” and “Thirteen Opinions” to protect against operational risks, the six focus points are the delegation of authority cards (cookers' cards), the imprinting of a warrant, the ABC, the shift leave, etc.

A、空白凭证 B、金库尾箱 C、查询对账 D、授权监督

A, blank voucher B, vault tail C, query reconciliation D, authorized oversight



Based on the “Fix Focus”, “Ten Links” and “Thirteen Opinions” to protect against operational risks in the management of the Board's cases, strengthening of the control of the missing and mishandling links is required, and (BD) must be strictly separated, with a strong commitment to the non-return to the original position of the outstanding and miscalculation verification process.

A、经办人员 B、记账岗位 C、复核人员? D、对账岗位

A. Operator B, billing position C, reviewer? D, reconciliation post


38、为建立良好的内控合规文化,有效防范操作风险,保障我行基础管理( ABCD )的标准化管理目标的实现,达到管理可操作、可控制、可衡量、可复制的目的,确保基层机构经营管理实现“自我检查、自我评估、自我整改、自我培训”的有效风险控制。

To establish a good culture of internal control compliance, effective protection against operational risks and guarantee the achievement of a standardized management goal for basic management (ABCD) that is operational, controlled, measurable and replicable, and to ensure effective risk control “self-censorship, self-assessment, self-reform, self-training” in the management of grass-roots institutions.


A. Refinement B, standardization C, process D, standardization



To convert internal control compliance management from qualitative to quantitative management in accordance with the Internal Control Compliance Management Standards, and to assign low, low, medium, high and high de minimis values to operations and management depending on the level of risk; specifically (ACD)


A, 0.1 per cent low & lt; 1 point, 1 per cent low & lt; 3 points


B, 0, 0, low & lt; 1, 1 & low & lt; 3


C, 3 in minutes & lt; 5 in minutes

D、5分≤高<7分、 7分≤很高

D, 5 and high & lt; 7 and 7 and high



40. Under the terms of the Xinjiang Subdirectorate of the Bank of China, Inc. Incentives for Managing Accountability for Compliance, the following is correct (ABCD)


A. One deduction for the same issue for different inspections during the same quarter


B. Multiple irregularities and operational errors identified during the same inspection, if the same violation or operational error resulted in a one-time deduction


C. Separate deductions for the same violations or operational errors committed by several employees at the same time


D. Problems identified by employees themselves, which should be exempt from deductions when reported on their own initiative



41. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accountability Incentives (ABCD) the following circumstances may be aggravated by two to four times the demerit criteria:




B. Repeated and repeated violations


C. Commanding, instructing, forcing employees to perform irregular operations


D. Unjustified failure to implement the required modifications



In accordance with (ABC) principles, inspection is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Control Compliance Management Standards and other internal control inspections, and the violation is subject to the deduction criteria.


A, who checked B, who identified C, who entered D, who fined him.



The first element of the risk management evaluation for the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang branch of the Bank of China, Inc., which includes (ABCD) is the “internal control environment” for the evaluation.


A. Functioning and reporting of the operational ERM and internal control committees


B. Establishment of incentive mechanisms for internal control work, internal control training, job rotation for key posts and enforcement of the system of compulsory leave


C. Implementation of standardized management of internal control compliance


D. Training in, and appraisal of, guidelines for the operation of deck operations



The Xinjiang branch of the Bank of China's Xinjiang Subdirectorate's Xinjiang Xinjiang Subdirectorate's Xinjiang Subdirectorate's List of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation of Controlled Standards is a component of the evaluation for grass-roots sites, including ABCDs.


A. Internal control environment


B. Risk assessment and management


C. Internal control activities


D. Oversight and rectification, information and communication



45. The following are risk control activities (ABCD)


A. Effective management of job segregation


B. Strict implementation of the provisions governing the management of the financial position and the registration of large payments


C. Opening of intermediate business varieties and opening of intermediate business accounts shall be approved by the parent authority for approval, release of materials and documentation, strict enforcement of intermediate operating rates, and revenue is accounted for as required


Strict enforcement of the relevant regulations in the areas of cards, issuance and custody; strict enforcement of the “three-by-four” system for issuance of cards; strict compliance with the letter-of-assist policy for issuance and issuance of letters of credit; strict enforcement of bill management requirements; compliance and effective implementation of business access clearances, contracting, risk management, transaction monitoring and management of equipment, etc.



What are the following characteristics of operational risk compared to credit risk, market risk (ABCD)


A. A large proportion of the risk factors in operating risks stem from the operations of banks, which are inherent risks within their control.


B. Operational risk management covers almost all aspects of banking management. This includes both minor leakages in routine business process processing that occur with high frequency but relatively low losses, and low frequency, but which, if occurring, can cause significant losses, even natural disasters that endanger bank life and large-scale fraud.

C、业务规模大、交易量大、结构变化迅速的业务领域,受操作风险冲击的可能性最大 。

C. Business areas with large operations, large trading volumes and rapidly changing structures are most likely to be affected by operational risks.


D. For credit risk and market risk, there is a mapping relationship between risk and remuneration, but this relationship does not necessarily apply to operational risk.



47. The correct classification of the criteria for the evaluation of secondary establishments is as follows: (ABCD)


A, AAA Level 95 or more;


B, AA level 95-90 (inclusive);


C, Level A: 90-85 (inclusive);


D, B level 85-70; C level below 70.



  • 判断题(×√)


1. Operational risks are present in all areas of day-to-day work, so the operational risk management system needs to permeate business processes and components, cover all sectors, branches and posts, and be implemented by all personnel, so that operational risk management and individual staff members are relevant.()


2. Risk and Control Assessment (RACA) refers to the process by which functional units and branches act as operating risk owners, regularly assess the operational risks and control status of key business processes managed, and use templates to record and report on the results on an ongoing basis. ()


Risk and Control Assessment (RACA) is an operational risk management tool designed to identify and assess operational risks faced and existing controls through self-observation, analysis, experience and judgement of risk owners, with a view to taking appropriate measures and, in turn, to improving the level of risk and operational management of banks.()


4. Risk and Control Assessment (RACA) discussion group meetings need to identify facilitators who should be selected to participate in the discussions. (x)


5. There is no need to cover the sector's risk identification for other sector-specific reasons. (x)


6. The objective of operational risk management by commercial banks is to eliminate risk and achieve zero risk. (x)


7. Operating risks do not cover reputational risks, so the impact on the reputation of banks need not be taken into account in the assessment. (x)


The results of the risk and control assessment (RACA) exercise should objectively reflect the main risk information in the process.


9. Key risk indicators are set for all risks. (x)


10. The introduction of loss data collection is not intended to meet regulatory compliance requirements, but to improve operational risk management and risk control. (x)


If the loss resulting from an operational risk (which has met the collection threshold) has been fully recovered, there is no need to collect data on the associated loss. (x)


Where an operational risk event is the main cause of a direct “credit loss” or “market transaction loss”, it is not necessary to collect it as an operational risk loss, but simply to label the collected loss event as “relates to credit/market risk”. (x)


Loss of credit risk, loss of market risk may be caused by operating risk. ()


When monitoring reveals that a key risk indicator has exceeded a set threshold, the relevant department must pay close attention to its key risk indicator and take appropriate measures to bring the key risk indicator value back to normal. ()


15. Ethical hazard can trigger operational risk events and losses.()


The risk profile information should ensure a detailed description of the main risks faced, e.g. “the failure of the lead bank to sign a confidentiality agreement with the participating bank” is a failure of control, and conservative agreements are signed to ensure that the information is not leaked by the controller, so that the inherent risk should be disclosure of the information.)


In advanced measures, an operating risk loss should be considered an operating risk loss when calculating the minimum regulatory capital if it is associated with a market risk. ()


18. The trigger assessment is complementary to the periodic evaluation. ()


19. There is no need to cover the sector's risk identification for other sector risks. (x)


The operational risk management cycle includes “identification-assessment-monitoring and reporting” and does not include the “measurement” component.


21. I operate a three-way risk line system based on the overall risk management three-way line in my risk governance structure, the first of which consists of all levels of business operations, operations management and individual staff. ()


22. Non-operational time setting at the grass-roots level is set by the operations manager on the day of the non-operational day. (x)


23. In the case of problems identified by self-examination, where no loss has been incurred in a timely manner, there can be no joint accountability at this level and above. ()


24. Indirect joint and several accountability is associated with oversight managers at levels above the level of the agency where the person directly responsible is located. ()


25. The supervisory sanction consists of recriminations and resignations. The resignations are divided into voluntary resignations of individuals and the organization of the resignations. The resignations are mainly attributed to persons in managerial positions.


26. Direct joint and severally held deductions are divided into one quarter of the value of the deduction for the direct party; two levels of direct joint and several accountability are both formal and deputy in charge, and are pursued only at this level. The criteria for joint and several deductions for operational managers in operational branches at the grass-roots level are considered to be the same as deputy to the body. (x)


27. Any deductions (including self-censorship and examination by him) accumulated to more than 9 points, subject to regulatory authority, shall be subject to restraining authority. ()


In the Xinjiang branch of the Xinjiang Bank Company Limited, internal control and operational risk management evaluation methods are required to be combined with the evaluation of the operational agencies. 70 per cent of the examinations are conducted by the branch offices and 30 per cent are evaluated by the operational agencies. ()


Sub-branch internal controls in the line of operations include a rating of internal control management and a deduction of two parts for the institution in which the case and the responsible incident occurred and the violation of the law occurred. ()


The statistics, analyses, reports submitted by agencies on a quarterly basis are complete, specific and timely, and the relevant information is submitted in a timely manner in accordance with external regulatory requirements. ()


31. Departure calculations and value-rating adjustments are carried out by the branch law and compliance department on the basis of self-assessment by the operational agencies, evaluation of the branch lines of operations and evaluation of the results. ()


32. Agencies'self-assessment quality deviations = (single process evaluation indicator self-scores in each row - syllabi in individual process evaluation indicators)/Standard score for individual process evaluation indicators *100.


33. The branch operations line department forwards the results of the last quarter evaluation of the operating agencies to the branch's legal and compliance department within 15 working days of the beginning of the season. (x)

34、对员工的问责或奖励取决于员工季度最终得分。员工季度最终得分由各类奖励加分(正向分)与各类问责扣分(负向分,注:此类扣分应为他查扣分)的分值差计算而成(即:员工季度最终得分=季度各类奖励加分 – 季度各类他查问责扣分),对最终得分为负向分的员工给予一定的问责处罚,对最终得分为正向分的员工给予一定的奖励,对最终得分为0分的员工不做任何处理。(√)

34. Accountability or reward for employees depends on the employee’s final quarterly score. The employee’s final quarterly score is calculated by the difference between the various types of reward plus points (positive or positive) and the various types of accountability deductions (negative points, note: such deductions should be his) (i.e., the employee’s final quarterly score = quarterly awards plus points – quarterly accountability deductions of all types), with some accountability penalty for the employee who ultimately scored the negative score, and a certain incentive for the employee who ultimately scored the positive score, and no treatment for the employee who ultimately scored the zero point. ( (...))


35. Quarterly employee final internal control scores or deductions are added to the next credit accumulation period for accumulation. (x)


36. Any problems identified by the agencies themselves, which have been modified in a timely manner and have not resulted in loss, may not be held jointly and severally accountable at this level and above. ( )


37. The G-MAP Group Control and Analysis Platform is based on a grass-roots control model based on "Process Control + On-Site Control + System Control", through the consolidation of existing independent and decentralized monitoring systems, surveillance resources, the establishment of a parameterized early warning model, screening, verification and verification of unusual transactions, and the monitoring of transactions, behaviour, and objects.()

四、 论述题

> < >.


1 ; over-indicating and over-pressureing the performance of some institutions; under the pressure of competition from their counterparts, there is a certain disconnect between internal control and business development; and, based on these phenomena, how can it be understood that “internal control improves quality, compliance creates value?”



Question points: The point is the role and significance of internal control compliance management in banking operations:


(1) Internal control compliance management is the cornerstone of a bank’s business continuity. Through internal control compliance management, internal control awareness can be permeated into leaders’ business concepts, decision-making ideas, business behaviour and management activities at all levels, into the whole-of-the-life staff, and in the course of each operation, thus creating a favourable environment for the implementation of internal controls, creating a strong internal control climate and laying the foundation for their effective functioning. Banks are essentially risk-taking and managing risks.


(2) Internal control compliance management is a guarantee of sound development of banks. Internal control compliance management protects business development, is not sustainable without internal control compliance management, and the bank’s business model can only remain one-sided in the pursuit of profits and does not allow for a reasonable match between risks and benefits. By proactively managing internal controls, banks reduce business risks and increase the benefits of taking on them, making internal control management no longer an accessory to operations or a tool for controlling losses after the fact, but rather represents an independent, professional, proactive, forward-looking and profitable approach to risk management through internal control compliance management that is truly a tool for value creation.


Good internal control compliance management helps banks to manage dynamically, adjust capital structures in a timely manner, and allocate capital more effectively. Good internal control compliance management is the driving force behind the continuous innovation of banking and contributes significantly to the expansion of new types of business and the development of financial products. Good internal control compliance management helps to identify and measure risk costs and risk levels for financial products and services, establish competitive risk premiums, reduce operating, legal compliance, regulatory costs, and so on, increase competitiveness.


In summary, internal control management is in place to help establish a good corporate governance structure with clear responsibilities, a clear organizational structure for reporting, and an effective incentive mechanism to protect business development, so “internal control upgrades quality”; the evaluation indicators RAROC and EVA under the new protocol are effective carriers of risk management values, demonstrating the value of internal control compliance management, which enhances returns and creates value for banks, thus creating value for compliance.



What are the definitions and components of an internal control evaluation in banks? What is the meaning of conducting an internal control evaluation?


According to the Guidance on Internal Control in Commercial Banks issued by the Bank's Supervisory Board, the evaluation of internal controls in commercial banks refers to systematic activities such as independent investigations, testing, analysis and evaluation of the results of construction, implementation and operation of the internal control system of commercial banks. The evaluation of internal controls consists of three components: process evaluation, impact evaluation and limitation evaluation. The evaluation of the process is an evaluation of the five main elements of the internal control environment, risk assessment and management, internal control activities, oversight and correction, information and communication. The evaluation of the effectiveness is an evaluation of the extent to which the main objectives of internal controls have been achieved, the determination of impact evaluation indicators in accordance with the principle of materiality, including, inter alia, efficiency indicators, asset quality indicators and case loss indicators.


The value of conducting an internal control evaluation is that:


(1) The implementation of an internal control evaluation exercise helps to urge commercial banks to further develop sound internal control systems and internal control mechanisms and to lay the foundation for the establishment of a comprehensive risk management system;


(2) To contribute to an objective and comprehensive understanding of the internal control status of a branch office by external supervisory departments and internal senior management in order to achieve further the objectives of the systems that contribute to the internal control process.


(3) Commercial banks, by means of internal control evaluation, are more likely to help the evaluated institutions improve their internal control management mechanisms by identifying risks, gaps and loopholes, further develop long-term internal control management mechanisms, foster a good internal control culture, establish sound and efficient risk assessment mechanisms, implement sound and effective control activities, and build scientific and sound internal control systems.



3 , to discuss the role of internal control accountability incentives in internal control evaluation systems?


Key points of the answer: The internal control incentive mechanism is an important part of the internal control evaluation system, which, on the one hand, serves to evaluate results and, on the other hand, provides a strong impetus for internal control evaluation and provides an important boost to internal control management.


(1) Internal control and accountability incentive mechanisms are applied to internal controls to evaluate the results of the evaluation. The internal control evaluation results reflect the basis for good internal control management, giving a certain incentive to institutions or individuals that perform well in the internal control examination, on the one hand, and a typical example for the institution as a whole, on the other.


(2) Internal control and accountability incentive mechanisms can facilitate internal control evaluation and evaluation. In the case of problems identified in internal control appraisals, the institutions and individuals can be urged to make changes through various means of accountability, such as notification, warning and punishment, and the institutions that perform better in internal control appraisals can be publicized and good internal control management experience introduced to other institutions and employees, thus contributing to a virtuous cycle of internal control evaluation and evaluation.




4 , the importance of sound and well-developed internal control incentives?


(1) A sound and well-developed mechanism of internal control incentives helps commercial banks to operate rationally and to develop science.


In recent years, State-owned commercial banks have undertaken a number of reforms, but they have failed to provide meaningful incentives to bank operators in terms of accountability, authority, and clarity. Thus, corporate governance is the root cause of the poor performance of the State-owned commercial banks’ incentive mechanisms, and improving corporate governance is at the heart of the reform of the State-owned commercial banks.


(3) Sound and well-developed internal control incentives are needed for commercial banks to realize the full value of human capital. People are the most dynamic factor in productivity, and competition for modern firms is ultimately competition for talent. To attract and retain talent, and to exercise greater dynamism, sophisticated international commercial banks have generally established internal incentive constraints, including strategic, value- and market-oriented job management systems, performance management systems, and pay management systems.


(4) Incentives are the aim of objective accountability and performance appraisal, and the implementation of incentive mechanisms that enhance the productivity of the employees of an enterprise is accompanied by the regulation of the behaviour of the employees, the reward of merit, the award of merit, the promotion of excellence, and the promotion of the economic and social benefits of the enterprise.




5 >, how can the banking sector and other financial institutions improve their case prevention efforts in recent years through a proliferation of banking cases?


The first is the need for banking institutions to pay greater attention to case prevention, to give greater prominence to case prevention, to make it clear that the “one hand” of the units is the overall responsibility, and to include case prevention and control as a priority throughout the year.


Second, banking financial institutions should further strengthen internal controls, operating processes, internal controls, etc., and continuously improve their internal control management systems.


Third, banking institutions should be more rigorous in their handling of daily violations, more rigorous in their investigation of violations and cases, and more explicit internal control incentives and disincentives to make internal control management more visible and accountable.



6 >, addressing the important role of the internal control compliance culture in the internal control management of commercial banks? How can a good internal control compliance culture be constructed?


A culture of internal control compliance plays an important role in the internal management of business banks. First, a culture of internal control compliance is a prerequisite for commercial banking governance structures to function adequately. The central issue in the structure of commercial banks’ governance is to determine how the bank’s internal control is structured. This set of problems can only be achieved by relying on the agreement of the bank’s employees with the same idea.


It is important for commercial banks to have a well-established culture of internal control compliance, which can contribute to building a culture of internal control. First, it is important for commercial banks to have a clear division of labour and responsibility at all levels of internal control management, to develop and deploy their own lines of control, to strengthen checks and balances, checks and information-sharing between sectors, to uphold the principles of equity, openness, impartiality, and to create an environment of “equality before internal control”, to make internal control culture a driving force for business development, to create a culture based on shared values and common modes of behaviour. Second, it is important for commercial banks to have a clear division of labour and responsibility between internal control functions, to build internal control, to build internal control, to build internal control, to create internal control, to create internal control, and to create internal control, and to coordinate internal control, and to create internal control and control, and to develop internal control and control and control of the internal control of enterprises.



7 >, how do you properly understand the benefits of risk gains (RAROC, EVA) for the implementation of a new capital agreement?



Risk management aims to reduce the risk of a new capital agreement, and there are a number of ways to reduce it. For example, by raising interest rate pricing, banks'book returns can be increased. This is the most immediate and understandable and visible gain, reflected in the net profits and cash inflows of banks. On the other hand, by selecting high-quality customers, increasing effective buffers or low-risk operations, shifting to light capital operations, and also increasing the bank’s returns, which can generate value, are reflected in the increase in the new agreement’s performance indicators, RAROC and EVA, which are not reflected in cash inflows to banks, but are conducive to the transformation, structural adjustment and sustained healthy development of banks’ lending operations.


ii. contributes to a proper understanding of what is meant by the new protocol for the evaluation of indicators. The new protocol for the evaluation of indicators is addressed at all levels and in all lines, and the proper understanding of the content of the new protocol for the evaluation of indicators such as RAROC and EVA is conducive to understanding the content of the new protocol for the purpose of incorporating new protocol indicators such as RAROC and EVA into the system for the appraisal of performance indicators, thus facilitating the correct understanding and implementation of the new agreement.


Through the implementation of the new capital agreement, risk management will be not only a purely managerial act, but also an effective means of generating value, controlling costs and increasing returns. By reducing business risks and increasing the benefits of risk-taking, banks will make risk management no longer an adjunct to business, or a tool for managing losses ex post, but will truly be a tool for value creation through the independence, professionalism and ownership of risk management, reflecting the initiative, forward-lookingness and profitability of risk management efforts. By doing so, it will help risk management practitioners to understand the value of risk management in itself, to appreciate the value of risk management, to raise the level of recognition of risk management work, and to contribute to the formation and accumulation of a culture of risk management values.


IV. Sustained and healthy development of my business


The current marketization of interest rates, financial intermediation, and the growing impact on the business structure and customer structure of banks require business transformation and restructuring, a situation that is consistent with the approach and rule orientation of the new capital agreements. The main thrust of the new capital agreements is also to adjust the business structure, the customer structure, the guarantee structure, etc., to raise the bank’s risk-earning level, reduce business risk and capital occupancy levels, and promote the bank’s path towards sustainable and healthy development.



V, short answer:


1 , what is the content and constituent elements of internal control of commercial banks?
/strang> (1) The internal control of commercial banks is a dynamic process and mechanism for effective identification, evaluation, control, monitoring and improvement of business risks by commercial banks through the development and implementation of systematic systems and procedures to achieve safety, efficiency and liquidity management objectives.


(2) The commercial bank control system consists mainly of the internal control environment, risk identification and assessment, internal control measures, information and communication, oversight evaluation and correction of five interdependent, interrelated and mutually constraining elements. The internal control environment includes elements such as senior management responsibilities, organizational structures, internal control policies and mechanisms, and human resources internal control culture; risk identification and assessment includes credit, market, operational aspects, etc.; internal control measures include delegation of authority risk control, job separation and control of rights card risk, management of credit assets, asset liability risk control, finance 发展战略和经营目标的实现,有力地保障了商业银行实现其发展战略和经营目标。

(4) Internal control evaluation systems can contribute to higher levels of risk management for commercial bank branches by ensuring that their 法律,银监会的监管要求和商业银行审慎经营原则。

(5) The establishment of an internal control evaluation system will facilitate strict compliance by commercial bank branches with the national , the regulatory requirements of the Superintendence of Banks and the principles of prudential operation of commercial banks.



3 , 3 July 2007


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