
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:36 评论:0



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Despite the efforts of practitioners in recent years, they ended up failing. Now, as the price of encrypted money soared this summer, the encrypt currency debit card rekindled.


What's an encrypted currency debit card?


In addition to being used to deposit and convert encrypted money, an encrypted currency debit card is no different from the bank card that you carry every day in your wallet. To a large extent, many businesses are not prepared to accept the use of encrypted currency to pay for daily goods and services, and many of the encrypted currency still faces excessive transaction times, which represent the transition period in which the encrypt currency is currently going through.


The introduction of encrypted currency debit cards provides a happy middle ground for investors and traders. The use of such encrypted currency debit cards to make payments does not require traders to have any technology to accept encrypted currency payments because they use the Visa infrastructure that is now widely used by businesses around the world.


New Leit currency Foundation co-sponsored the launch of the new card


The Leitco Foundation, a non-profit organization working to promote and promote block chain technology, announced that it had launched its own encrypted currency debit card in cooperation with the Bibox Exchange and Ternio, a block chain company.


The new card, called Block Card, will be issued by two companies in a joint venture and is currently available only to United States customers. According to an article published by the Lettco Foundation, blockcards allow customers to use encrypted currency on-line on a global scale.

Bibox 交易所将成为用户资金保管人,并利用价值超过2亿美元的加密货币交易量,Ternio的目标是提供一个专用的区块链平台。

The Bibox Exchange will be the custodian of user funds and take advantage of encrypted currency transactions valued at over $200 million, and Ternio aims to provide a dedicated block chain platform.


Charlie Lee, founder of Lettcoin and Managing Director of the Lettcoin Foundation, said that the credit card had been introduced to allow more people to use it. He said:


"This collaboration is an exciting process for us, as it furthers the mission of the Lettco Foundation to create more examples of the use of Lettco in everyday life. With Ternio's block card platform and Bibox's engine of exchange, Lettco's holders can use it in businesses around the world."


In an e-mail, Daniel Goldman, founder and CEO of Ternio, told Cointelegraph:


"Most and more people recognize that encrypted money has great advantages over traditional old systems. When you see Morgan Chase, Facebook, Mitsubishi Bank, Samsung and other multinational companies using some kind of encrypted currency, you should understand. Many people have seen the value of that currency gradually. Encrypted money will completely change the traditional way of paying."


Since Bitcoin recovered in the summer of 2019, many of the top encoded currencies have been on the cattle market. Thus, the introduction of several new encrypt currency debit cards is not sudden.


At the same time, he indicated that a large number of credit card issuances indicated that the situation in that area was improving.


"There are a lot of great credit card companies emerging, and I'm excited about the whole industry. We don't and should not live in a world with only one choice. More choice means consumer choice and innovation.


Coinbase card launched in six European countries


On June 11, Coinbase launched the Visa debit card in six European countries. Clients in Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, and the Netherlands will be able to synchronize credit cards to their Coinbase accounts and consume their encrypted currency in any business that receives Visa cards.

在Coinbase Card于今年4月宣布推出欧洲版之前,该服务曾仅限于英国客户使用。

Prior to Coinbase Card's announcement of the European version in April this year, the service had been restricted to British clients.


Through the customer's Coinbase account balance, Coinbase cards can be traded globally in a variety of encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, Taipan and Leiteco. According to press releases, encrypted currencies stored in user accounts can be converted into legal currency immediately upon purchase. This card will also support an application that allows users to choose their encrypted currency wallets at their own discretion during consumption, and it can also provide receipts and transaction summaries.


impeding the development of encrypted currency debit cards


Primarily dominated by price volatility and institutional investment, the price volatility of encrypted currencies in recent years has led to considerable scepticism among many, which has greatly hampered the spread of encrypted currencies. The vast majority of encrypted money owners buy them only as an investment, with very few using them as income (with the exception of miners), and these factors have led to a lack of momentum in the spending of encrypted money.


For the time being, there appears to be a common sense of optimism and community spirit about the promotion and widespread use of encrypted money debit cards. Despite the growing number of companies competing, the suppliers of encrypted money debit cards still have many options to attract customers, such as competitive fees, increasingly diversified monetary portfolios and user experiences, which are readily available to potential clients.


However, as the so-called cattle market entered a new round of sharp fluctuations in 2019, and as Facebook's Libra project faced increasingly difficult regulatory challenges, it remains to be seen how agencies, customers and providers of encrypted currency debit cards in the encryption industry will react. returned to search for more





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