不知道大家有没有听说过骆驼趾这个词语呢?当然,这个骆驼趾肯定不是说骆驼的脚趾,如果你对这个词语也饶有兴趣的话,下面我们一起来看看骆驼趾是什么意思 骆驼趾是什么。
I don't know if anyone's ever heard of the word camel toe. Of course, this toe is not about camel toe. If you're interested in it, let's see what camel toe is.
骆驼趾是什么意思 骆驼趾是什么
What's a camel toe? What's a camel toe?
The camel toes are called abalone lines, camel toe, female underpants are too tight, and their private parts look like camel toes.
The origin of the camel toes.
“骆驼趾”一词最早出自尼古拉斯凯奇主演的《天气预报员》。 片中的小女儿在学校被人起了个骆驼趾的外号,因为她肥胖的下身。而在爸爸问她为什么会有这样的外号时她说:“因为骆驼趾很坚硬,他们要穿越滚烫的沙漠,我和骆驼趾一样坚强。”
& ldquo; camel toe & rdquao; the word was first taken from Nicholas Cage, the weather forecaster. The young girl in the film was named after her camel toe at school because she was fat under her body. When Dad asked her why she had such nicknames, she said: & ldquao; because the camel toe was hard, I was as strong as the camel toe.
The meaning of camel toes.
「骆驼趾」,尽现形於「华姐」选举上,那些「佳丽们」,穿上了紧如绷带,却薄似蝉翼之泳衣,掩扬於人前。记者的尖锐镜头,瞄准了女士们的下身,居然将那不见天日「至阴私之处」的整个「形状」,隔薄衣映照了出来,刊登於杂志之彩页。 那个透视於胯下的「形状」,就是洋人所讲的「骆驼趾」!
The toes of the camels, as they appeared in the Queens election, were dressed in tight bandages, but dressed in thin-wing bathing suits, hidden in front of the people. The sharp shot of the reporter aimed at the entire shape of the women's body, and the unseemly "to the dark side" of the day was shown and published in the magazine's colour page. The image of the toe under the toe is what foreigners call the camel toe.
「骆驼趾」一词,源自十二世纪欧洲,那时候,欧洲的男贵族,时兴穿紧身裤,款式十足似现今男性芭蕾舞蹈员的裤子。以当年的时装角度,更是愈紧身、愈时髦,这就不难想像,有甚一些「东西」,会在裤裆现形!最初时,那「透视形状」,基於北京「沙皮狗」刚在欧洲流行,遂被戏称为「沙皮」(Shar-Pei)。 将欧洲人从「胯下之辱」拯救出来者,是一位撒哈拉的商人。
The term "camel toes" originated in Europe in the twelfth century, when the male aristocrats of Europe wore tight pants, the style of which resembled the pants of today's male ballet dancers. In their fashion, they became tighter and more fashionable, and it was easy to imagine that there were "things" that would appear in their pants. At the beginning, the "visible shape" was based on Beijing's "skin dog" that had just become popular in Europe and was called "Shar-Pei." The person who saved the Europeans from "dumbing" was a Saharan businessman.
沙漠民族,惯穿长袍,每到欧陆经商,实无法看得惯欧洲男人的紧身裤。某日,他忍无可忍,终於将心底话说了出来:「大家瞧瞧自己的裤裆,再看看我那骆驼的脚趾,是否会找出相同之处?」此言一出,果然收效,那位幽默的撒哈拉商人,往后还多次被时装界邀请往演说,每回更不忘带上一只「骆驼趾」的标本! 於是乎,更贴切的「骆驼趾」,就取代了「沙皮」!
The desert people wear robes, and they can't see the tight pants of European men every time they go to Europe and Europe. One day, he couldn't bear it, and finally said to himself, "Look at his pants, and see if my camel's toes will find the same thing?" So it worked, and the humorous Saharan businessman, who was invited many times by the fashion world to speak, never forget the specimen of a camel toe!
后来的欧洲,女性亦开始穿裤子,「骆驼趾」的形容,就变得男女通用,甚至乎,用以描述女士,更加「活灵活现」! 近代对於女士们的「骆驼趾」,出现了不少「研究」——为甚 不同的女人,其「凸显」的情况会有所不同?滋事者,认为纵情房事的女子,有较明显的「骆驼趾」,因此应运而生的产品,是贴於内裤外面的「蝴蝶垫」,真可谓是无奇不有。
Later in Europe, women began to wear pants, and the description of "camel toes" became common to both men and women, even when it was used to describe women and to describe them more "lively." There have been a lot of "research" and "mdash; & mdash" in recent times with "camel toes" for women.
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