
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:21 评论:0



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On March 4, China Dollar Technology issued an announcement that the Hong Kong Stock Management (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, had been awarded a licence by the Hong Kong Censorship Board to issue the Virtual Monetary Fund (VMF) .


With bitcoin prices breaking by $50,000 and promising to hit higher positions, the outside world’s passion for bitcoin rises. However, many countries and regions have different regulatory approaches to virtual currency, such as bitcoin, with few regulatory channels for institutional investment.

1 香港首家获批推出虚拟货币基金的上市公司

1 First listed company in Hong Kong that was approved to launch the Virtual Monetary Fund


Hong Kong began to develop a legal framework for the development of virtual currency compliance as early as 2018. In 2018 and 2019, the CVM issued successive guidance documents such as a Statement on the Regulatory Framework for the Management of Virtual Asset Portfolio Companies, Fund Distributors and Trade Platform Operators, and the Standard Terms and Conditions of the Chartered Group for the Management of Investment Portfolios Investing in Virtual Assets, which can engage in virtual currency investment management in the context of number 9 (providing asset holding plates).

2020年4月,持有9号牌的意博资本的区块链部门Arrano Capital宣布推出香港首只获批的虚拟资产基金,目标第一年规模达到1亿美元。在香港上市公司中披露持有9号牌的有中国平安旗下的陆金所和火币科技,不过前者尚未对外披露从事虚拟货币的管理。火币科技旗下火币资管此次获准发行虚拟货币,使得火币科技成为香港首家获批推出虚拟货币基金的上市公司。受此消息影响,火币科技的股价今日开盘后一度涨近10%。

In April 2020, Arrano Capital, a 9- Card-based block chain department, announced the launch of


2 crossed the 10% limit and the Asian version of the Greyscale exclaimed


While the above two documents allow institutions to engage in virtual currency transactions, it is important to note that once the value of 10 per cent or more of the total assets of the managed portfolio is invested in virtual asset portfolio management companies, it is subject to CSROC monitoring.


On July 31, 2020, the China Dollar Manager was granted class 4 (advising on securities) and class 9 licence plates issued by the Hong Kong CSRC, and was authorized to carry out regulated activities, i.e., to provide services to investment clients of traditional and virtual assets. According to the news, the Firebill has been upgraded this time by number 4 and number 9 without a 10% restriction. This means that the Chinabill may issue a 100% virtual asset fund .


Currently, the world’s most well-known encrypt trust is the greyscale in the United States, managing encrypted assets of up to $39.2 billion in size, mainly in Bitcoin and Etheria. The trust’s funding comes mainly from institutional investors, including hedge funds, private wealth regulators, family offices, and pension accounts.


(picture source: QKL123)


In the Asia-Pacific region, there are no encryption trusts or fund management companies on such a large scale so far. As a result, a large number of people in the industry have high expectations that this technology will become the Asian version of the Greyscale.


According to the founder and CEO of Baebao Finance and its CEO, the award of a license plate shows that Hong Kong regulators have responded positively to the development of the cryptographic money industry, which is a major benefit for the future development of the cryptographic money industry in Hong Kong and will help Hong Kong to gain a future advantage in the area of encryption financial services.


According to Yanxi, the founder of RRI, the integration of mainstream finance with encrypted digital finance is a trend that requires a gradual and gradual process. The approval of currency asset management to invest in virtual assets means that this process is a step forward.


However, some experts continue to question whether they can become the Asian version of the Greyscale.

丝数资本合伙人叶开表示,首先是性质不同,比特币信托基金和ETF基金不是一回事。GrayScale的信托GBTC是主动,核心是吃份额/股票的溢价,目前不可赎回,在OTCQX交易,最近首次出现负溢价;BTCC的ETF基金是被动,跟踪比特币交易价格指数和净值,可赎回交割实物BTC,在多伦多交易所上市交易。其次是定位不同。灰度是Trust Fund,核心是信任。火币的优势在于交易所,基于流动性和技术优势,做custody是很好的,除非火币资管不用火币品牌,重新打造新的IP。再次,产品发了在哪儿交易?这些fund是针对传统合格投资人的,不是针对币圈的,不可能在火币交易所交易,所以还要看港交所能不能批准上市交易,这样才有流动性。

Fiction capital partners say, firstly, that the Bitcoin Trust Fund and the ETF Fund are different in nature. GrayScale's GBTC trust is proactive, with a share/stock premium at its core, which is now unforeclable, at the OTCQX transaction, which has recently seen a negative premium for the first time; BTCC's ETF / strong's passive, tracking the Bitcoin trading price index and net value, redeeming the physical BTC at the Toronto Exchange. Second, the location is different.


Another issue that investors are more concerned about is the possibility of involving investors in mainland China . Mr. Zhang, a partner in the law firm, and an expert from the Shanghai Block Chain Technology Association, said that institutional funds could be invested in Hong Kong, and that investors on the mainland still had limits on foreign exchange. Ye Kae also argued that ordinary investors in the Mainland could hardly buy Hong Kong’s fund products, limited by access to gold.


Investors should not use their views and conclusions as the only reference for making investment decisions, nor should they think that they can substitute for their own judgement. Before deciding on investment, investors must consult with professionals and be careful in their decision-making, if necessary.




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