With regard to the fall of Bitcoin on 6 May 2022 and the fall of 519 bitcoin, many of the small partners were unaware of the fact that they followed the scenery of the fall of Bitcoin on 6 May 2022 and looked down to the details of the fall of bitcoin on 6 May 2022.
- 1、比特币大跌10%,全网24小时7万人爆仓,后市行情如何发展?
- 2、虚拟货币大瀑布,比特币再现断崖式暴跌,投资虚拟货币的风险有哪些?
- 3、风暴眼 | 央行等十部委出手,比特币大跌8%,“币圈9·4”再现?
- 4、比特币失守20000美元/枚,预计后续走势如何?
After all, Bitcoin has already fallen sharply since last year, and bitcoin should have no chance of rising.
Virtual Currency Falls, Bitcoin rediscovers the cliff crash, and the risk of investing in virtual currency is:
One is that transactions are profitable. Traditional currency transactions are conducted on a specified account number. It is more regular than virtual money.
Virtual currency, because the scope of the transaction is on the web, is based on different laws, depending on where the law is in place. The degree of regulation of virtual currency is not uniform across countries. Some countries take restrictive and prohibited measures against the currency being traded, while others adopt clear regulatory frameworks. Different countries use different forms of regulation. This also creates uncertainty about regulatory responsibilities.
3. The difficulty of tracking controls. Since customers are account information that is created in an anonymous state. The registration of accounts on the Internet is complex and more hidden than traditional clarity.
Virtual currency transactions often involve multiple institutions and countries. It is difficult to play a positive role in one sector alone, and countries need to work together to build institutional collaboration and promote financial regulation. Technology development is enhanced to enhance virtual currency monitoring capabilities. Virtual currency trading platforms online and verify the true identity of customers.
Four years later, the currency circle has again come together in a number of major ministries.
On the afternoon of 24 September, ten ministries, including the Central Bank, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Web-based Information Office and the Foreign Exchange Bureau, issued a circular on the further prevention and management of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions.
The circular states that virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Temas do not have the same legal status as legal currencies and do not circulate on the market as such; virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities and should be strictly outlawed by law, etc.
与此同时,国家发改委也发布文件,矛头直指“挖矿”:禁止任何名义“挖矿” ,将数据中心类企业相关承诺纳入征信;将虚拟货币“挖矿”活动列为淘汰类产业,停止一切财税支持等。
At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission has issued a document that directs itself to “mining”: prohibits any nominal “mining” and incorporates the relevant commitments of data centre-type enterprises into letters; lists the virtual currency “mining” activities as a phase-out industry; and stops all fiscal support.
When the news came out, the mainstream encrypted currency fell. Bitcoin fell by $41,000 per piece, and 8.74 per cent per day.
It fell by $2,800, 11.23 per cent in the day. The other currencies, such as Leitco, canine, and so on, are not small.
This regulatory policy is not only reminiscent of the “9/4 ban” on the currency ring four years ago. On September 4, 2017, seven sectors, including the central bank, officially suspended ICO financing.
Also in September, in the same combination of several parts, will the currency ring be re-emerged with a “blown storm”?
Indeed, since May of this year, domestic regulatory policies on virtual currency have continued to tighten, attacks on virtual currency mining and trading have intensified, and the domestic cryptographic currency industry is experiencing an unprecedented regulatory storm.
According to industry, the starting point of the policy, in addition to maintaining a normal financial order and combating offences such as air currency, distribution, etc., is a closed blow to this unhelpful and energy-intensive virtual currency mining by the country's citizens in the broader context of the “double carbon” policy.”
Together with the 10 ministries, what is the difference in the regulatory policy this time?
On 24 September, the Central Bank and 10 ministries issued documents that differed from previous regulatory policies on virtual currency.
According to Wang Jun, an expert from the World Economic Cooperation Organization (OECD) Block Chain Policy Committee, the document has changed considerably in content compared to the previous document. It is classified from central to provincial to sub-prefectural, sub-district to sub-district, and there are different practical means of implementation of the stock increase, including verification of abnormal use of electricity in large data parks and high-technology parks. From fiscal concessions, financial policies, to local regulation, reporting, comprehensive and detailed correction and suppression, which is unprecedented.
Wang Xing said that it was particularly important to note that, after the previous phase-out of virtual currency mining by the CDRC from the Industrial Restructuring Catalogue, this time virtual mining re-entered the phase-out catalogue. This is a very clear signal that virtual currency trading and mining are in a gradual and total retreat in the country. It is also argued, inter alia, that data centres cannot be used for mining, so that attempts to exploit regulatory gaps in some of the more hot spots, such as the digital economy, strategic and emerging industries, and data centre construction, should be smaller and smaller.
财经 评论员王赤坤认为:“这次打击虚拟币炒作的部委中增加了公安部、最高法、最高检等,将相关虚拟币交易行为定性为非法金融活动,将境外交易所在境内的相关活动也定义为非法金融活动,从事虚拟币炒作不仅损失财产还会涉及犯罪入刑。相关个人相关公司和相关产业链应关注、知晓、理解和把握相关政策信号,提前预案,及时做好相关退出工作。”
“The Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme Law, the Supreme Court, etc. have been added to the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Republic of Finance, the Republic of Finance, the Republic of the Republic of Finance, the Republic of Finance, the Republic of the Republic of Finance, the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of China, the Republic of China, and the Republic, and the Republic of China, and the Republic of China, and the Ministry of Japan, and the Ministry of Japan, the United of the Republic of the United of the United of the Republic of the Republic of China, the Russian Federation of China, and the Russian Federation of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the United of the Republic of the United of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, the Republic, the Republic, the Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic, the Republic, the Republic, the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the United of the Republic, the United of the United of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the United of the United of the Republic, the Ministry, the Ministry, the United of
In response to the impact of this policy, counsel argues that the communication was presented by the “Supreme House” “Supreme Review”, which was distinguished from previous communications from banks, trade associations, etc., and that there was a clear tendency to value the subsequent policy and the jurisprudence of the courts everywhere.
“As a matter of law alone, the risk at the individual level has not changed as a result of this document. The core risk lies in the platform, followed by the OTC business, depending on the location of the policy.” The lawyer states.
Four months, 19 "stops" were issued, and the currency was the most heavily regulated storm.
If, in the first four months of 2021, bitcoin surged from more than $10,000 to $64,000, which ignited wealth in the hearts of many investors, the continuing regulatory storm in the country since May has extinguished the fire.
On the evening of 18 May, the People's Bank of China reprinted the joint communiqué issued by the China Payment Settlement Association, the China Bank Association and the Mutual Gold Association, making it clear that financial institutions and payment agencies are not allowed to carry out business related to virtual currency.
In the early morning of 19 May, the Inner Mongolia Development Commission (NAMARC) also issued a public announcement establishing a virtual money mining business reporting platform, which will fully receive reports of mail visits on virtual currency mining enterprises.
5月21日,国务院金融委召开第五十一次会议,特别强调“打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向 社会 领域传递”。
On 21 May, the fifty-first meeting of the Finance Committee of the State Council was held, with particular emphasis on “the fight against the mining and trading of Bitcoin and the determination to prevent the transfer of individual risks to the social sphere”.
Since then, the “mining” provinces of Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Qinghai have issued successive policies against virtual currency mining.
9月24日,央行等十部委和国家发改委也发布监管文件,禁止任何名义“挖矿” ,坚决依法取缔虚拟货币相关业务。
On 24 September, 10 ministries, including the Central Bank, and the National Development and Reform Commission issued regulatory documents prohibiting any nominal “mining” and firmly outlawing virtual currency-related operations in accordance with the law.
According to phoenix Storm Eyes, a total of 12 regulatory policies against virtual currency mining and trading have been issued since mid-May by 10 ministries, including the State Council Finance Committee, the National Development Commission and the Central Bank, as well as by the provinces of Inner Mongolia, Yunnan and Anhui and related institutions.
Although the country has maintained a consistent and stringent regulatory attitude towards virtual currency in recent years, the number, scope and intensity of regulatory policies introduced this year are unprecedented.
From May to September, why is there a domestic regulatory storm against virtual currency mining and trading?
Analysis suggests that there may be a number of reasons: first, to prevent “hot money” funds from entering or leaving the country using Bitcoin; secondly, to clean up the concept and scope of digital currency in the context of the gradual roll-out of DC/EP; and thirdly, in carbon neutralization and trends, to over-charge Bitcoin mining, etc.
Combating “mining” is a top regulatory priority
In fact, China's regulation of encrypted currencies such as bitcoin and its derivatives has been very strict.
As early as 2013, five ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk; on 4 September 2017, seven ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a communication characterizing the ICO as illegal fund-raising and banning more than 38 illegal virtual money platforms.
In referring to encrypted currencies such as bitcoin, which was just proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for appointment as Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, Li Bo, the Vice-President of the Central Bank, said that “encrypted assets such as bitcoin are instruments of investment, not money, and should be subject to appropriate regulation.”
Li Po argues that Bitcoin is not a currency in itself, but an alternative investment. So the key role that encryption assets should play in the future is either as an investment tool or as an alternative investment. He emphasizes that a stronger regulatory rule is needed if encrypted assets, such as a stable currency, can become a widely used payment solution, that is, more stringent than what Tetco now accepts.
As can be seen, regulation of encrypted currency, such as bitcoin, has been clear. But policy on “mining” has not been very clear.
The Phoenix Network Storm Eyes found that during this round of regulatory storms against virtual currency, the Government showed zero tolerance for “mining” and created a set of “combined fists” from central ministries to local governments.
With the tightening of domestic regulatory policies, the Chinese Bitcoin mine, which had accounted for 65 per cent of global computing power, also featured a “big flight” from the sea.
Since May, the provinces of Sichuan, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan have closed down a large number of Bitcoin mines.
据中国第一家矿机上市企业“嘉楠 科技 ”微信公众号消息,日前,嘉楠 科技 已正式开启在哈萨克斯坦的自营挖矿业务,首批阿瓦隆矿机上架开机运行。
According to information from the "Janan Technology" micro-public, the first company in China to be listed as a miner, KANO has now officially opened its own mining operation in Kazakhstan, and the first Avalon miner has been installed on board.
Avalon mining aircraft loaded and transported overseas
据媒体报道,中国另一大矿机企业比特大陆也在6月 22 日对矿工表示,暂时停售现货机器。此外,比特大陆已宣布全面向海外转移,部分中高层员工正向海外转移。
According to media reports, another major Chinese miner, Bitland, also reported to miners on June 22 that it had temporarily suspended the sale of off-the-shelf machines. In addition, Bitland has announced a full-scale transfer abroad, with some middle- and senior-level employees moving abroad.
Why would China hit Bitcoin hard to "develop"?
Prior to the storm-cleaning round against virtual currency mining, China was the world's largest concentration of bitcoin mining, and Sichuan Province was known as “mine capital”.
中国的“挖矿”产业究竟有多大?BTC 上的算力分布图显示,目前世界上最大算力的比特币矿池,如Antpool、F2Pool、BTCC等,都位于中国,中国的算力超过了比特币总算力的60%。
How big is China's “mining” industry? Arithmetic maps on BTC show that the world's largest monetary pits, such as Antpool, F2Pool, BTCC and others, are located in China, where they are more than 60 per cent of the total Bitcoins.
In social media abroad, it can even be seen that many foreign Bitcoin fans have called for breaking China’s “calculation monopoly” on bitcoin. In 2018, it was asked, “How far has bitcoin power been concentrated in China?”
另外,世界上最大的三家矿机企业,嘉楠 科技 、亿邦国际和比特大陆,都诞生于中国。其中嘉楠和亿邦还分别于2019年和2020年在美股上市。
In addition, three of the world’s largest mining companies, KAPAN Technology, Billion Bong International, and Bit Continent, were born in China. In 2019 and 2020, they were listed in the United States stock market.
It can be said that in China, bitcoin mining has established a complete industrial chain from upstream to downstream and has become a huge industry.
Why would the government take it out of this big industry? Because it's too energy-consuming.
Previously, the University of Cambridge Alternative Finance Centre published data that the total energy consumption of Bitcoin ranged from 40-445 MWh (TWh) to an average of about 130 MWh, and that the amount of electricity consumed by Bitcoin during the year of mining was about the same as that consumed throughout the Netherlands.
It's a bitcoin mine made up of thousands of machines.
Research also shows that about 65 per cent of encrypted money mining is in China, while coal accounts for about 60 per cent of China’s energy structure. Some 75 per cent of miners use some form of renewable energy, but it still accounts for less than 40 per cent of total energy consumption.
In the words of Phoenix Storm Eyes, “In the context of carbon neutrality and carbon peaks, it is clear that high-energy mining is contrary to the larger direction, and the closure is only a matter of time”.
In the view of the Chief Financial Researcher of the Federation and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Financial Studies of the University of Khatami, the mining of Bitcoin, often under the guise of a “big data project”, has led to the manipulation of local government support, costly electricity resources and inconsistent with the direction of achieving the “carbon-neutral” goal.
In his previous article, " Fixing Virtual Currency Mining and Transactions ", he said that financial administrations should intensify their efforts to combat illicit mining and trading of Virtual Currency. The Bitcoin Mining Project should be completely cleaned up and shut down in a timely manner.
In an interview with the media, the Director of the China Energy Economic Research Centre at Xiamen University, Lim Boqiang, also stated that virtual currency “mining” was not only a highly energy-intensive industry, but that virtual currency contributed little to industrial development and basically had no other beneficial effect, and that it was reasonable for the Government to intensify its efforts to combat it, especially in the broader context of “carbon neutrality”.
Lindbergh believes that “one-size-fits-all” is necessary in combating the “mining” of virtual currency, and if it is not, there will certainly be a hole in it, because the profits of virtual currency are too high.
There are countries with different attitudes around the world. Some countries use bitcoin as a currency.
Indeed, not only China, but also countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and the Republic of Korea are considering strengthening the regulation of encrypted currencies.
In August of this year, the Supreme Financial Supervisory Authority of Japan considered cryptographic money dealers as part of its anti-money-laundering programme; the Japan FSA is also considering the introduction of stricter cryptographic currency regulations.
Countries such as South Korea and Singapore, which are relatively tolerant of encrypted currencies, are also strengthening their control over encrypted currencies, such as bitcoin, and combating money-laundering. In June this year, Mexico’s finance ministers said that the Mexican financial system prohibited the use of encrypted currencies.
On 24 May this year, the Federal Reserve Governor, Bernard, stated that, while maintaining a secure central bank currency as a basis, there was room for competition and it was important to continuously improve the regulatory framework for encrypted currencies, which should evolve with the evolution of the exchange rate for encrypted currencies, with other regulators likely to play a greater role in the area of cryptographic currency than the Federal Reserve.
Relevant United States agencies, including the Federal Reserve, have been cautious and strictly regulated with regard to encrypted currency, including by sanctioning the encrypted currency exchange SUEX, among others, for suspected cyberattacks and money-laundering.
At the same time, however, some countries have opened their minds to encrypted currencies, such as bitcoin. In June this year, the Central American country Salva passed the Bitcoin Act, declaring Bitcoin to be the national currency.
El Salvador’s Bitcoin bill came into force on 7 September, making it the first country in the world to use bitcoin as a legal currency. Phoenix’s Storm Eyes has learned that McDonald’s, Starbucks, winners, and some local shops can now be paid for in bitcoin.
In recent days, according to Ukrainian media reports, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) has passed a virtual assets bill that formalizes virtual assets, such as encrypted currency, in the country. However, unlike in El Salvador, the Ukrainian bill provides that virtual assets may not be used as a means of payment in the country, but citizens may legally hold and trade in them.
Is Bitcoin a "digital gold" or a scam?
Starting in the second half of 2020, the continued boom in the currency circle attracted a large number of large-scale investors, as well as a variety of bouncing and air currency projects aimed at “new pickles.” It can be said that there is chaos under the cattle market.
Although the regulated sword of Damocles has fallen, there are those who fear to flee, and there are greedy people who adhere to faith. More people may still be in doubt: is Bitcoin a fraud? Will they still be able to invest?
北京大学汇丰商学院经济学教授,国家高端智库中国深圳综合开发研究院院长樊纲在接受凤凰网 财经 采访时表示,比特币就是一场赌博,“你输了,就会输得很惨”。
Professor of Economics, Hong Kong Business School, Beijing University, and President of the China Shenzhen Institute of Integrated Development Studies, National High-level Think Tank, Chen Shenzhen, in an interview with Phoenix Network, said that Bitcoin was a gamble, and that "you lose, you lose badly."
If the Dean of the Institute of Financial Studies thinks that, instead of treating Bitcoin as a one-night rich thing, you can try this kind of so-called asset volatility and appreciate the market, but now that you are in a position to resist risk, I do not suggest that you go to high-leverage investment, because you cannot control that risk. Perhaps you are lucky, but it is hard to earn money in terms of investment probability, because it is a highly leveraged, volatile asset, most of whom are bubbles.
今年5月,清华五道口金融学院副院长张晓燕接受凤凰网 财经 采访时表示,很支持目前对于比特币等虚拟货币的监管政策,监管政策是在保护散户投资者的血汗钱。
In May of this year, Xiaoyan Zhang, Vice-President of the Qinghua Five-Do Finance Institute, interviewed by Phoenix Network Finance, expressed strong support for the current regulatory policy on virtual currency such as Bitcoin, which protects the sweaty money of bulk investors.
Referring to “virtual currency” such as bitcoin, which is currently popular, she said, first of all, that, according to 2018, between 25 and 30% of Bitcoin transactions were illegal. Moreover, “virtual currency” transactions were not effectively regulated, and their prices were easily manipulated, leading to high price volatility.
“I am very supportive of current regulatory policies on virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, designed to protect small and medium-sized investors”, she said, China has a large number of splits, small and medium-sized investors have a low level of financial knowledge and knowledge of virtual currencies. Regulatory policies are designed to protect the sweaty money of bulk investors.
[责任编辑:刘玉芳 PF012]
[Responsible Editor: Liu Yufang PF012]
6 月 18 日交易时段,比特币自 2020 年 11 月以来首次跌破 20,000 美元关键支撑位后继续下跌。截至发稿,盘中最低跌至 18,811.4 美元,跌幅超过 10 美元。 当天的百分比。 这已经是比特币连续 12 天的跌势。 据 CoinGecko 称,自去年 11 月达到 69,000 美元的峰值以来,比特币已经下跌了 70% 以上。 比特币最近的下跌趋势被《纽约时报》称为“自由落体”。
For the first time since November 2020, Bitcoin continued to fall in key support positions of $20,000. By the time it was published, it had dropped at a minimum of $18,811.4, which was more than $10. That was a percentage of the day. That was 12 consecutive days of Bitcoin decline. According to CoinGecko, it had fallen by more than 70 per cent since the peak of $69,000 last November.
北京时间18日,比特币突然暴跌,10分钟内跌近1000美元。 之后,比特币相继跌破20000美元和19000美元的门槛,创下2020年12月以来的最低水平。币安数据显示,下午5点左右,比特币价格报18996美元,较前一交易日下跌近10%。 有分析师表示,造成币圈巨大震荡的原因,单纯是部分投资者无法从部分加密货币交易所撤出资金,加剧了他们对虚拟货币流动性的担忧。 作为知名的比特币持有者,特斯拉在这一波比特币行情中损失惨重。 相关数据显示,特斯拉目前持有 43200 个比特币,价值 9.68 亿美元,损失了约 5.3% 的比特币投资。 一亿美元。 当特斯拉在 7 月份报告其第二季度收益时,它应该报告与比特币投资相关的损失。
After that, Bitcoin broke the threshold of US$ 20,000 and US$ 19,000, the lowest level since December 2020. The currency security data show that, at around 5 p.m., Bitcoin prices were US$ 18,896, down nearly 10% from the previous day of the transaction.
2022年初,比特币价格仍在4.7万美元以上,一季度最低价在3.1万美元左右。? 4月以来,比特币震荡下行,告别5月的4万美元关口,一路跌破3万美元。 以太坊也经历了冲击,并在 5 月份跌破了 3,000 美元和 2,000 美元的门槛。 自 6 月 10 日以来,以太坊的价格也暴跌。 比特币和以太坊连续几天下跌,突破了 19,000 美元和 1,000 美元的门槛,较 2021 年 11 月创下的 68,700 美元和 4,890 美元的历史高点分别下跌了 72% 和 79% 以上。
In the early part of 2022, the price of Bitcoin was still over $47,000, with its lowest price at around $31,000 a quarter. Since April, Bitcoin has gone down by a shock of $40,000 in May, and has fallen by $30,000 all the way.
In the context of the continuing slump in the crypto-currency market, both business investors and individual investors, as well as members of the encryption industry ecology, are experiencing a “battle-off”.
These are the details of "The Bitcoin Falls on May 6, 2022" and "The Truth of the 519 Bitcoin Drops." I hope I can help you with more information about the Flying Encyclopedia Network.
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