5月26日,為貫徹落實黨的二十大精神,推進發展數字經濟,由北京市科學技術委員會、中關村科技園區管委會,北京市貿促會,北京市科學技術協會指導,北京數字創意産業協會主辦的2023第一屆“數創未來 虛實互融”主題會議在中關村論壇上成功舉辦,協會與協辦單位臨空元宇宙研究所共同發佈“LINKING元宇宙創新聯合體暨數創智庫”。
On May 26th, in an effort to bring the party's 20th spirit to the fore, the development of the digital economy was successfully organized by the Beijing Science and Technology Board, the China-Kuan Science and Technology Parks Board, the Beijing City Trade Promotion Council, and the Beijing City Science and Technology Association, under the auspices of the Beijing Association of Digital Creative Industries, the first edition of the conference on the theme "Creation of the Digital Future" was held at the Central and Central Village Forum, which was co-sponsored by the Institute of Aerial Space Studies, which launched the "LinKING dollar Space Creation Consortium and Digital Foundation".
The meeting was attended by a group member and deputy director of the Beijing Trade Promotion Party, Tang Hae-yung, a second-level inspector of the Beijing City Association of Science and Technology, Zhang Yushan, and Deputy Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah #183; a speech was delivered by Saleh, a member of the Beijing City Council of Science, Technology and Technology, and the First-level Director of the Cultural Science and Technology Division of the China-Kian Village Council, Lee Kuo-gwang, who attended the event, and more than 20,000 people from all over the middle and foreign sectors who were on the air and on-line viewing line.
01 creates the future and sets the path to development >/strang
Continues to be creative, creative and symbiosis
According to the digital China Development Report (2022) released by the National CyberInfo Office, China’s digital economy stands second in the world at 502 trillion yuan. In the face of a booming digital economy, what is the way to respond?
It's a long way to go, and it's a long way to go.
In his address, the Beijing Trade Promotion Conference, Tang Hae-jung, stated that the meeting was intended to promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, with a view to creating new ones and promoting the opening up of the open, and to provide a platform for the development of ideas and cooperation for the sustainable development of the digital economy, the expansion of the digital economy and the convergence of user groups and applications and the digital integration of different industries, artificial intelligence and the real economy.
On the horizon of the future, we have embarked on a new path of development.
To celebrate the success of the conference, the Beijing City Association for Science and Technology, Zhang Yushan, and the Beijing City Association for Science and Technology will continue to support members of such groups as the Beijing Association for Digital Innovation and Industry in order to open up in-depth exchanges around high-water technology self-reliance and technological innovation, in an effort to explore key new paths to digital economic innovation.
In the future, we're looking at creation and we're on the path of symbiotic development.
The Deputy Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah #183; Saleh, introducing his country’s efforts in artificial intelligence, would like to exchange views on digital education, digital infrastructure development, digital talent development, etc., and would like to join his Chinese colleagues in promoting multi-layered cooperation in the world’s digital economy to provide better support and security for the development of the digital economy.
Stand by the future and follow the path of integration and development.
The interaction and integration of culture, technology, creativity, services, etc., have led to the creation of new industries in digital industries, and to new developments in digital industries. “Culture+Technology” has become a bright spot and feature of digital innovation in the future, with industries on the path of continuous, innovative, symbiotic and integrated development.
Share results, release development energy
The meta-cosm, which is an important new vehicle for the development of the digital economy, is at the heart of a new round of Internet-based big changes. The meta-cosm re-creates a virtual world corresponding to the real world, is an important force for the transformation of society in the future, and the technological upgrading of the sub-divisions of the meta-cosmos will continue to accelerate the rapid development of digital innovation.
The World Academy of Biosciences and the Russian National Engineering Institute's foreign academic staff, Oh Dong, shared the development and professionalization of the distribution of network surveillance techniques, which he said would lead to a further improvement in the safety and digital intelligence of the City of Wisdom. In addition, he described the use of the distribution of network surveillance techniques in several ways.
03 creative think tank for triangulation
The Beijing Association for Digital Innovation and the Institute for Space Research, which combines local scientists, researchers and national cosmopolitan research and development firms, has established the LINKING dollar cosmopolitan cosmopolitan consortium and digital creative think tank that will bring together the three sides of government, business and think tanks to promote the physical economic development of the metacosymic gift.
The conference was attended by the LINKING dollar cosmopolitan association and digital think tank, which issued a certificate for representatives of the creative think tank.
In the future, the LINKING dollar cosmopolitan consortium and digital cosmopolitan think tank will have the unique advantage of supporting governments, service enterprises, conglomerates, with the mission of “service number creativity for high quality development” to assist government departments in developing and implementing development plans, industrial policies, administrative laws and regulations; to set up external communication, trade facilitation platforms for businesses, providing tactical, information support, technical support, and exploring new ways to market technology.
04 technology application, construction brand
Share wisdom, decipher path password
During the conference, close to the digital economic development path, guests shared and exchanged information on topics such as “MR and industry upgrades”, “OpenAI technology development and application analysis”, “Smart marketing and brand story” and “AI and mental health”, and shared technology, graphics, brands, etc.
China’s Prime Minister for Electronic-Cyber-Cyber Cooperation, Ong Fei, gave a keynote speech on “The digital upgrading of the MR support industry,” which is an advanced technology that enables many people to work together, interact freely, and integrate in a virtual and physical way to create a 3D-based online world by creating a virtual and reality-based environment. Onfir calls for the construction of a chain of industries that can empower the universe.
Swordbeth, Director General of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Program, Microsoft (China) Ltd., began with the origin of Chatgpt, introducing OpenAI’s development history and the relationship with Microsoft, providing an in-depth analysis of the development and capacity of the GPT large language model and analysing the profound changes that the upgrading of AI’s capabilities will bring about in the future.
京東科技集團的數智行銷産品部高級總監袁黎江帶來“優化行銷 加速增長——數智行銷講好品牌故事”的主旨演講,從品牌行銷的角度解讀數智,用數智行銷講好品牌故事,實現行銷的優化,實現企業的發展與增長。
The high-ranking director of the digital marketing division of the Tokyo Science and Technology Corporation, Yuan Liqiang, gave a keynote speech on “Advancing marketing, accelerating growth – a good brand story for digital marketing”, reading intelligence from the point of view of brand sales, selling good brand stories for digital marketing, improving sales, and realizing the growth and growth of business.
德國LAIFE公司的聯合創始人Billy Mello帶來的“AI音樂:從機器創作到人機合作”的主旨演講,介紹了心理健康難以治療的原因,併為治療心理健康帶來了科學的“音樂”治療方案,從産品角度,進一步解讀了實際應用場景的問題。
The keynote address by Billy Mello, the co-founder of the German company Laife, described the reasons why mental health is difficult to treat, combined with a scientific “music” treatment programme for mental health, and further examined the practical applications from the perspective of the fake.
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