一文读懂 web 3.0

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:33 评论:0
Web 3.0 是结合了去中心化和代币(Token)经济学等概念,基于区块链技术的全新的互联网迭代方向,意在解决Web2.0 带来的生态不平衡、发展不透明等问题。与AR/VR等前端...



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Web 3.0 是结合了去中心化和代币(Token)经济学等概念,基于区块链技术的全新的互联网迭代方向,意在解决Web2.0 带来的生态不平衡、发展不透明等问题。与AR/VR等前端创新相比,其源于对后端生产关系的创新。目前Web3.0 处于发展早期,但势能强,2021年全球区块链初创企业融资金额达 252 亿美元,同比增长超700%,Web3.0 将与AR/VR、AI等技术融合发展,开创新阶段。

Web 3.0 is a combination of decentralisation and tokens & #xff08; Token) concepts such as economics & #xff0c; brand-new Internet iterative orientation based on block chain technology & #xff0c; intended to address the ecological imbalance and non-transparent development of Web2.0. Compared to forward-end innovations such as AR/VR & xff0c; derived from innovation in back-end production relationships. Web3.0 is currently in the early stages of development & #xff0c; strong xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; over 700% #xff0c; Web3.0 will be integrated with technology development such as AR/VR, AI #xff0c; innovation phase.

?Web3.0 当下拥有多种定义和元素,其中包括区块链、元宇宙、VR/AR 等,根据维基百科定义,Web3.0是结合了去中心化和代币(Token)经济学等概念,基于区块链技术的全新的互联网迭代方向。Web3.0一词由以太坊(Ethereum)联合创始人 Gavin Wood 创造于2014年,而随着区块链、数字资产(NFT)等行业发展进展,Web3.0也自此受到了广泛关注。

?Web3.0 has a variety of definitions and elements & #xff0c; these include block chains, metacos, VR/AR, etc. & #xff0c; based on Wikipedia definitions & #xff0c; Web3.0 is a combination of decentralisation and tokens & #xff08; Token) concepts such as economics & & #xff0c; new directions of Internet rotation based on block chain technology. The word Web3.0 is also widely noted by the co-founder Gavin Wood, who was created in 2014 & #xff0c; and as sector chains, digital assets & #xff08; NFT& #xff09; etc.

Web3.0 是“后端”的生产关系方面革新,而元宇宙“去中心化”的技术属性,更偏向直接和消费者互动的“前端”:元宇宙是一个互联、体验式的 3D 虚拟世界,位于任何地方的人都可以在其中进行实时社交和娱乐,并形成一个跨越数字和物理世界的、恒久的、由用户自己拥有的互联网经济体系。而 Web3.0互联网则基于区块链技术,采用去中心化的理念,其未来或与元宇宙等技术融合发展。Web3.0发展必然融合其他技术发展。当然,生产关系的创新必然也会带来生产力的创新。

Web3.0 is an innovation in the “back end” production relationship & #xff0c; while the meta-cosm “decentralized” technical attributes & #xff0c; a “front end” & #xff1a that is more oriented towards direct and consumer interaction; the meta-cosm is an interconnected, empirical 3D virtual world & #xff0c; people anywhere can engage in real-time socialization and entertainment & #xff0c; and a long-standing, user-owned Internet economic system that transcends the digital and physical world. The Web3.0 Internet is based on block-chain technology & #xff0c; decentralization concepts #xff0c; its future or integration with technologies such as meta-cosm.

?Web3.0的发展,很可能面对是未来数十年互联网行业发展的跨度,其发展历程必然与众多新型技术发展产生耦合(例如 AI、元宇宙、生命科学、机器人等),从而形成超过人们预判的发展结果。Web3.0 基础设施目前已经相对完善,但其更大规模的破圈还需要应用生态的发展。基于“跨越鸿沟”理论来看,我们认为 Web3.0 整体生态目前正处于从“创新者”迈入“早期采用者”的跨越时期,创新者基于区块链、Token经济等先进技术青睐进入这个行业,而早期采用者则基于对产品本身能够带来巨变而进入行业,而这背后就需要“划时代”级别单个重量级应用出现。而再往下一层,行业将“跨越鸿沟”,其决定标准则是能否提供针对某些特定问题完善整体产品解决方案(完整生态)。

Web3.0 development & #xff0c; it is likely to be faced with the development of the Internet industry over the next few decades & #xff0c; its development course is bound to be coupled with many new technological developments & #xff08; e.g. AI, metaco, life sciences, robots, etc. & #xff09; & #xff0c; resulting in more than a development outcome. Web3.0 infrastructure is now relatively well developed & #xff0c; its larger circle also requires ecological development. Based on the theory of “crossing the divide” & #xff0c; Web3.0 overall ecology is now moving from an “innovator” to an “early adopter” & xf0c; innovation is based on advanced technologies such as block chains, the Token economy, ffc; early adopters are able to provide specific solutions to the industry #09; x x ff ff

总结来看,应用生态是 Web3.0 是否能够进军大众市场的关键要素。当下来看,在现有应用中,DeFi、NFT 是相对成熟的,主要原因是其衍生自 Web3.0 应用自带的经济体系,由此 DeFi 某种程度是 Web3.0 生态的基础应用(比如交易所是当下行业最重要“流量入口”)。其次,NFT 则凭借数字资产浪潮吸引大量关注度,但仍处于早期。仍然存在大量投机风险。GameFi 则凭借游戏受众广,盈利能力强等属性有望成为下一个应用爆发点,Axie Infinity 和 StepN 等应用展现一定潜力。最后 SocialFi 等其他方向还在探索期。如何平衡经济体系和行业娱乐属性,是 GameFi 和 SocialFi 等社交娱乐应用设计者需要重点突破问题之一。

In summary, xff0c; application ecology is a key element in whether or not the Web3.0 is going to the public market. In this context, xff0c; in existing applications xff0c; DeFi, NFT, is relatively mature xff0c; the main reason is that it is derived from Web3.0 application of its own economic system xff0c; thus, DeFi’s underlying application of the Web3.0 ecology xff08; for example, an exchange is the most important “flow portal” xff09; xinf0c; NFT is showing some potential with applications such as digital asset surges that attract much attention xffff0c; but there are still significant speculative risks.

Web3.0和元宇宙息息相关,其导火线源自于去年Facebook更名为meta。扎克伯格希望在未来十年内,Meta 构建的元宇宙能吸引10亿用户,而web3.0可以为元宇宙提供底层的技术支撑,本质属于元宇宙赛道的分支之一。

Web3.0 and meta cosmos are associated with #xff0c; their fuses originated last year when Facebook changed its name to Meta. Zuckerberg hopes that the metacosystem built by Meta will attract 1 billion users & #xff0c; and web3.0 can provide lower-level technological support for the metacosystem xff0c; the essence is one of the branches of the metacosmos track.

目前有关web3.0的政策面暖风不断,发展区块链技术和产业也已经被视为国家战略,2021年3月,区块链被写入第十四个五年规划和 2035 年远景目标纲要。近年来,中央和地方与区块链相关的扶持政策遍地开花,将以区块链为代表的 Web3.0 相关产业与实体经济相结合,探索实体经济在 Web3.0 下的数字化升级发展之路。在我国,Web3.0 的应用最绕不开的话题就是发行数字人民币,将区块链技术与传统经济相结合。

The current policy landscape of web3.0 is constantly warming xff0c; the development of block chain technology and industry has also been seen as a national strategy xff0c; xff0c March 2021; the block chain has been included in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Framework. In recent years xff0c; the central and local supportive policies associated with the block chain have been spread everywhere xff0c; the related industry and the real economy have been integrated xff0c; the path to digital upgrading of the real economy under Web3.0 is explored. In my country xff0c; Web3.0, the most inexorable topic to be applied is the issuance of digital people’s coins #xff0c; and the integration of sector chain technology with the traditional economy.


In addition, the Virtual Reality and Industrial Applications Integration Development Action Plan & #xff08; 2022-2026 & #xff09; & #xff0c; Proposing the year 2026 & #xff0c; our virtual reality industry as a whole in excess of $350 billion & #xff0c; virtual reality terminal sales in excess of 25 million. As VR equipment continues to be released xff0c; the metaco is expected to accelerate to become a future industrial application site and residential lifestyle xff0c; it is worth noting that xff0c; currently PICO4 and QuestPro have already rebunded xff0c; future period #xff0c; this is certainly good for the acceleration of Web3.0.


Web3.0 is a comprehensive system & #xff0c; it brings about changes in storage, protocols, networks, mechanisms, applications and production methods, organization, distribution patterns & #xff0c; thus #xff0c; it not only changes life & #xff08; it includes a wide range of aspects such as finance, certification, paper, government, copyright, traceability, medical care, public goods, commerce, organizational methods & #xff09; #xff0c; it also extends imagination #xff08; e.g. games, meta-cosmies, #xff09;


In recent years & #xff0c; major technology giants with a high profile web3.0, industry. There are institutions that expect the market size of the web3.0 block chain to reach $33.53 billion & #xff0c globally by 2030; and a compound annual growth rate of 44.9 per cent from 2022 to 2030.

?同时,国内各家大厂早就开始入场Web3 赛道。阿里巴巴蚂蚁集团打造了“蚁链 ”,并推出数字藏品NFT应用鲸探;腾讯的“至信链”是基于数字文化内容场景的司法应用生态服务平台,同时也推出了数字藏品 NFT 应用幻核;京东在 NFT 发行平台“灵稀”上线京东APP中的小程序。

♪ At the same time ♪ #xff0c; at the beginning of the Web3 track for major factories in the country. Alibaba Ants Group has built an “ant chain” & #xff0c; and has launched a digital collection of NFT applications & #xff1b; the “to-mail chain” of a judicial application ecological service platform based on digital cultural content scenes #xff0c; it has also launched a digital collection of NFT applications #xff1b; and a small program in the NFT distribution platform, “Girls” on the front line of Kyoto’s APP.

此外,多个机构共同参与管理的联盟链,也开始进入市场的视线。例如,国内首个自主可控区块链软硬件技术体系“长安链 ”,已经能在政务服务、食品溯源、金融服务、司法存证等多方面提供上链的解决方案,已经与50家企业发展成“长安链生态联盟 ”。

In addition, xff0c; the multi-agency co-management coalition chain xff0c; and the beginning of market entry horizons. For example, xff0c; the “long safety chain” xff0c of the country's first autonomous block chain hardware and software technology system; solutions that have been able to provide the upper chain in a variety of areas such as government services, food traceability, financial services, judicial documentation xff0c; and the “long-chain ecological alliance” with 50 enterprises.

首个国产联盟链底层平台 FISCOBCOS(金链盟),则是由腾讯、深证通、顺丰控股等二十余家金融机构和科技企业共同发起,服务超3000家机构,有200余个落地应用。

FISCOBCOS( Golden Chain & #xff09; & #xff0c; co-sponsored by more than 20 financial institutions and science and technology enterprises such as evangelical, in-depth, consummate holdings; over 3,000 services & #xff0c; and over 200 field applications.


A comprehensive system means comprehensive opportunities & #xff0c; every area affected by web3.0 unleashes huge wealth opportunities. For the current web3.0 plate, there are many types of segmented markets & #xff0c; these markets are developing xff0c at a rate of 1,000 miles; and new wealth myths are constantly being created.


Web3.0 is a comprehensive system & #xff0c; it brings about changes in storage, protocols, networks, mechanisms, applications and production methods, organization, distribution patterns & #xff0c; thus #xff0c; it not only changes life & #xff08; it includes a wide range of aspects such as finance, certification, paper, government, copyright, traceability, medical care, public goods, commerce, organizational methods & #xff09; #xff0c; it also extends imagination #xff08; e.g. games, meta-cosmies, #xff09;


14 November xff0c; Up to 5 per cent xff0c in the Web3.0 indexboard; up to xff0c; 4.88 per cent xff0c; at the forefront of the concept plate.


#xff0c; 13 shares in the plate show only a fall in the number of days #xff0c; the remaining 11 are all up. To date, the collection & #xff0c; Fossil holdings harvests 20 cm & #xff0c; quadrant booms of nearly 12% & #xff0c; showdowns of 2633; worth mentioning: #xff0c; “Monsters” online stops checking xff0c; prior stock prices have soared #xff0c; harvests of 8 surges on 11 trading days.

1.国新健康:公司在 web3.0 上的技术和应用有所沉淀,比如区块链在医学影像和参保人病案信息等医保医疗隐私数据共享方面。

The new health of the country xff1a; the company's technology and applications on web3.0 have settled xff0c; for example, the block chain is in the sharing of health insurance privacy data, such as medical images and information on cases involving insured persons.

2.中科金财:公司基于 WEB3.0 规则架构,研发了数字人内容制作引擎、元宇宙场景开发工具,并实现与中科金财元宇宙数字化营销平台 “觅际 ”融合。

China Finance & #xff1a; company based on WEB 3.0 rule architecture & #xff0c; developed digital content production engines, meta-cosmscape development tools & #xff0c; and integrated with the Chinese Financial and Cosmopolitan Digital Marketing Platform “Foundation”.

3.中文在线:在符合各地区政策前提下开展相关业务布局,目前公司已在新加坡设立 COL WEB 全资子公司。

Chinese-language online & #xff1a; relevant business layouts consistent with regional policies & #xff0c; the company has now established a COL WEB wholly-owned subsidiary in Singapore.

4.二六三:公司产品 "263 云通信 " 是基于 Web3.0 理念构建的核心视频技术,在 3D 虚拟视频、MR 视频合成、AI 音视频等视频类产品功能里使用。

4. Twenty-six & #xff1a; corporate products & #34; 263 cloud communications & #34; core video technology based on the Web3.0 concept & #xff0c; used in 3D virtual video, MR video synthesis, AI audio video, etc.

5.风语筑:Web3.0 还处在探索的初期阶段。

The windmill & #xff1a; Web3.0 is still in the early stages of exploration.

6.天下秀:Web3.0 创新业务已涵盖底层技术、应用场景、内容生态等,看好公司前瞻布局元宇宙赛道,进一步探索红人商业化变现,培育业绩增长点。

#xff1a; Web3.0 Innovation has covered bottom technologies, application scenes, content ecology, etc. & #xff0c; looking forward to the corporate landscape meta track & #xff0c; further exploring Red Man commercialized realization & #xff0c; and nurturing performance growth points.

7.福石控股:已推出的 “AUTO Marketing Web3.0” 营销体系,帮助车企实现 “功能可视化 ”“场景虚拟化”、“用户池社交化 ”。

Fossil holding & #xff1a; the introduced “AUTO Marketing Web3.0” marketing system & #xff0c; helping car enterprises achieve “functional visualization” of “Virtualization”, “Socialization of user pools”.


At present xff0c; Web3.0 is still in the early stages of development xff0c; there are many uncertainties in the future xff0c; thus, at present, fanaticism in secondary markets may be merely conceptual xff0c; the value of long-term investments remains to be further recognized.


? References <#xff1a;


The dollar universe xff0b; Web3.0xff01; the influx of a large number of players into the digital collection track xff0c; the industrial chain company Combination.Tennet xff1a;


The Web3.0 concept is hot & #xff01; market funds are hot & #xff01; 10 billion private fund-raising & #xff01; PADnet & #xff1a;
https://baijiao.baidu.com/s?id#61; 17472544945379013&wfr=spider&for#61; pc




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